@TITLE PG TTL = Menaion

@TITLE PG CTR = Service Books of the

@TITLE PG CTR = Byzantine Churches

@TITLE PG CTR = Sophia Press

@TITLE PG CTR = Newton Centre, Massachusetts

@TITLE PG JUST = Copyright <179> 1994 by the Diocese of Newton, Sophia Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, re<->cording, taping, and any retrieval system, without the written permission of Sophia Press, PO Box 265, Newton Centre, MA 02159. Printed in the United States of America.

@TITLE PG JUST = In preparing this translation, we gratefully acknowledge the French works of Fr. Deacon Denis Guillaume, which were extensively consulted, and Byzantine Daily Worship, from which several Troparia and Stichera are taken, with permission. All texts from Byzantine Daily Worship are used with permission of the publisher.

@TITLE PG CTR = Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

@TITLE PG JUST = Menaion.

@TITLE PG JUST = (Service Books of the Byzantine Churches; 1-)

@TITLE PG JUST = Contents: v. 1 September v. 2 October v. 3 November v. 4 December v. 5 January v. 7 March 10. June v. 11. July 12. August.

@TITLE PG JUST = 1. Divine office - Texts. 2. Catholic Church - Byzantine Rite, Melkite - Liturgy - Texts. I. Melkite-Greek Catholic Eparchy of Newton (Mass.) II. Title. III. Series: Service Books of the Byzantine Churches; 3, etc.

@TITLE PG JUST = BX4711.365.M56 1984 264'.015 83-26559


July 1
Commemoration of the holy wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian
(4th Class)


If the feast is to be celebrated with greater solemnity, the first Kathisma is sung.

At O Lord, to You I call...

For Cosmas and Damian

Tone 6

6. Having placed all their hope in heaven, these holy ones have gathered for themselves an unfailing treasure; freely have they received, and freely do they give healing to those who are suffering. In keeping with the Gospel, they possessed neither silver nor gold, but they bestowed their benefits upon men and beasts. Since they submitted themselves to Christ in all things, they intercede with boldness before Him on behalf of our souls.

5. Having placed all their hope... (Repeat)

4. Disdaining corrupt matters, living like the angels in the flesh here below, these two holy companions became citizens of heaven; sharing the same sentiments, they had but one soul and shared one community of life. Thus they grant healing to all who suffer, bestowing their benefits freely on all in need. On their annual feast, let us sing to them in a worthy manner, for they intercede before Christ on behalf of our souls.

3. Disdaining corrupt matters... (Repeat)

2. Having become the dwelling of the Holy Trinity, these brothers worthy of our praise, the wise Cosmas and Damian, pour forth a stream of healings as a life-giving fountain with two outlets; and their relics heal the wounds of those who touch them. Their names alone are enough to drive illness from men; helpful to all who seek their aid, they intercede with boldness before Christ on behalf of our souls.

1. Having become the dwelling... (Repeat)

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Endless is the grace these holy ones receive from Christ; thus their relics still work miracles through the divine power; when they are invoked, their names are enough to heal incurable diseases. Through them, O Lover of Mankind, deliver us also from bodily and spiritual illnesses.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two persons; He is understood to have two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed Woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls!

If the feast is celebrated with greater solemnity, there is an entrance. After the Prokimenon of the day, the following readings may be used:

1) Isaiah 43: 9-12; 2) Wisdom 3: 1-9; 3) Wisdom 5: 15-6:3.


Tone 2
The healing fountain cured only one man each year. Now the Temple of the moneyless wonderworkers heals a multitude of sufferers, for the treasury of the holy ones is abundant and never exhausted. By their intercession, O Christ, have pity on us.

Having lived in the love of God and the desire for future goods, and practicing good deeds, you ran along the ways of salvation. Faultlessly keeping your souls in complete purity, you kept away from accumulating material possessions. Made brilliant as gold by the Holy Spirit, you granted healing to the sick without seeking gold, O holy unmercenary wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian, resplendent companions, divine and enlightened brothers, our protectors in suffering and affliction, who freely heal our souls of all disease.

O wondrous saints, providers of great gifts, you lived your lives on earth in great humility; in every place through which you passed, freely healing the sufferings of the sick, you seemed to be companions of the angels. O brothers full of delights, Cosmas and Damian, by your prayers also heal all of us of our pains.

The assembly of holy ones rejoice in heaven forever, for they have inherited the Kingdom. The earth, having received their bodies, is filled with sweet fragrance. The servants of Christ have their dwelling in eternal life.

Physicians of the sick, treasuries of cures, saviors of the faithful, glorious unmercenaries: heal those who call upon you in anguish in pain, entreating the good God to deliver us from the nets of the enemy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6
Today the memorial of the unmercenaries dawns upon us, shining with all light. The radiance of their miracles illumines us brightly. Come, O feast-lovers: let us hasten to receive their ever-prompt help in abundance; for, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they freely obtain the grace of healing for all.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore, we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the unmercenaries and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.


Tone 1
1. Let us all come together to commemorate the unmercenaries. With pure hearts and cleansed consciences, let us sing to them: "Hail to you both, O Physicians of the sick, who have received from God the power to heal!"

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

2. In order to perfectly fulfill the teachings of the Lord, you wisely cut off the evil of greed; thus you freely healed. As is right, we venerate your holy dormition: O wonderworkers, intercede for our salvation!

v. Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity!

3. Since you received from God alone the power to heal and save from all dangers, deliver those who sing to you with faith: free their souls and bodies from all trials and pains, O holy God-bearing unmercenaries!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6
@AFTR APOSTICA = Since Christ has not ceased to work in you, O holy unmercenaries, you continue to work miracles here below, healing all weakness and disease. Your care is like an inexhaustible fountain: the more one drinks, the more it flows; emptied, it overflows in streams; drained daily, it gushes forth even more abundantly, always providing and never depleted; those who drink are refreshed with healing, but it remains full forever. What then shall we call you? You are physicians of our souls and bodies, treating incurable pains, healing the whole world freely by the charisms received from Christ the Savior, who grants us great mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

You do not repent, O my impatient soul! Why do you delay? Behold, death approaches you, and the end will overtake you like a thief. Make haste to prostrate before the Mother of God!


Tone 8
O holy moneyless ones and wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian, heal us of our diseases. You have received free gifts: freely give to us!

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 8
O Good One you were born of the Virgin, and suffered crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by your death, and as God you made manifest the resurrection; turn not away from those you have made by your hands, O Merciful One, show your love to men, and accept as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to you, O our Savior, save a desperate people.


Use the Festal Format, for feasts of the Fourth Class

Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 8
Having wondrously received from Christ the heavenly gift of working miracles, you ceaselessly heal all types of illness; for the grace of the Spirit has been made manifest in you, granting you the power to work holy healings. Thus, without greed, by your faith you stored up for yourselves an abundant wealth of the goods which do not decay. O God-bearing wonder-workers, intercede before Christ our God that He grant remission of sins to those who wholeheartedly celebrate your holy memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

All human generations call you blessed, as the Virgin and only woman who without seed gave birth to God in the flesh; for in you, the Fire of the Divinity took up its dwelling, and you nourished at your breast your Lord and Creator. Thus, together with the angels, all mankind fittingly glorifies your all-holy maternity; and we join our voices to cry aloud: "All-pure one, intercede before your Son and God that He grant remission of their sins to the faithful who take refuge under your divine protection.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
O faithful, let us celebrate the radiant solemnity of the unmercenaries, entreating them to drive far from us all illness of body and soul.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O unconquerable protectress of the afflicted, fervent guardian of those who place their hope in you: save me from danger, for you are the help of all!

Psalm 50. Canons of the Parakletike (or of the Mother of God), then that of the Saints in Tone 6, the work of Joseph.


Tone 6

@ODE TEXT = Crossing the deep like dry land, Israel saw the pursuing Pharaoh drowned in the waves. They exclaimed, "Let us sing a hymn of victory to God!"

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

O radiant unmercenary wonderworkers, who are illumined by the glory of God, come and shine within our hearts; drive off the darkness of the passions, that we may glorify you in faith.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

You were purified of the death-dealing passions by the offering you made of yourselves in your sufferings, O holy martyrs. Purify us also of all deadly illness, and relieve our souls of all evil.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You received the power to work miracles from the King of All. O holy unmercenary wonderworkers, we entreat you to freely heal our countless sufferings and the incurable passions of our flesh.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O spotless Virgin, beyond the laws of nature, you gave birth to the very Author of the Law, Jesus our Redeemer. Entreat Him to save us from our iniquities, O Theotokos!


@AFTR KATAVAS = I shall open my mouth, and it shall be filled with the Spirit; and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; with great joy I shall celebrate and sing her praise.

@ODE TEXT = No one is as holy as You, O Lord my God. You lift up the lot of Your faithful, O gracious Lord. You establish us firmly on the rock of faith.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

The whole world sings daily of your countless blessings and your many miracles, O wonderworking physicians, who have truly become equal to the angels.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

You are two radiant stars mystically shining in the firmament of the Church, O holy Cosmas and Damian. We entreat you to pour forth your light into our hearts.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Behold, people come to your holy temple from all directions, in order to sing of your sublime gifts, O holy martyrs. In return, hear the prayers of all!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

By a word, you gave a body to the most holy Word. Deliver me from my passions, which do not conform to the Word of reason, for I sing divine canticles to you, O holy Virgin and spotless Queen.


@AFTR KATAVAS = O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen those who sing your praise and who gather now to honor you; and on this occasion of your divine commemoration, deem them worthy of the glorious crown of heaven.

Little Litany.

Sessional Hymns

Tone 8
@AFTR SESSIONL = The grace of the Spirit reveals you to be wonderworking physicians, lamps shining with miracles in the sight of all. You pour forth the cool dew of your faith upon passions, thus refreshing the hearts of all believers. Thus, we take refuge in your holy temple as a place in which our souls find healing. O God-bearing unmercenaries, intercede with Christ our God that He grant remission of sins to those who wholeheartedly celebrate your holy memorial.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Entangled in the trials and temptations from my seen and unseen enemies, I am tossed about in the storm of my immense transgressions. But, knowing the fervor of your help and protection, I seek refuge in the calm harbor of your goodness. All-holy one, entreat Him who was incarnate of you without seed, on behalf of all your servants who ceaselessly sing to you. Intercede constantly before Him, that He grant remission of sins to those who prostrate before your virginal maternity.

@ODE TEXT = The Church sings: "Christ is my power, my Lord and my God!" With a beautiful hymn, she celebrates God in the integrity of her faith.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Let us joyfully acclaim the holy unmercenaries as divine branches of that Vine which is Christ; for with their countless fruits, they provide for us the wine of faith.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Like a two-edged sword, you have struck the invisible enemies; likewise, O holy unmercenaries, deliver us from their arrows and protect our lives.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O holy unmercenaries, who does not possess you as wondrous intercessors before Christ our God? Entreat Him to deliver us from the eternal fires.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Taking up Him dwelling in your womb, O all-pure one, the Lord became the fountain of countless healings and the bath which purifies us of our passions, O ever-Virgin Mother of our God.


@AFTR KATAVAS = He who sits in glory upon the throne of God, surrounded with an ethereal cloud, Jesus, the supremely divine, came down and with His mighty hand redeemed those who cried aloud to Him: "Glory to Your power, O Christ!"

@ODE TEXT = Illumine with love the souls of those who offer this morning prayer to You by Your divine Light. Give them knowledge of Yourself, O true God, O Word of God! You call us out of the darkness of sin.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

These far-famed Saints, who wholeheartedly cherished the very Source of all Light, have found enlightenment before God; and they illumine us daily with their resplendent miracles.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

As a splendid team, O holy martyrs, you plow the fields of souls each day with your divine miracles, furrowing out the weeds of passions and producing the beautiful wheat of faith a hundredfold.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by the power of Christ, you overcame the forces of him who is strong in evil; as our vigilant protectors, O unmercenaries, deliver us from his deadly tyranny.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = O Lady, deliver me from the seductions of the enemy, from slavery to the passions, and from the punishment of hell; do not permit that I, who sing to you, be lost.


@AFTR KATAVAS = The whole universe is amazed at the sight of your divine glory: for you are a virgin and have not known man; and yet in your womb you have borne God, the Master of All. You have given birth to a Son who is not bound by time, a Son who grants salvation to those who sing your praise.

@ODE TEXT = I see the sea of life raging in a storm of temptations. I rush to Your quiet harbor. I call out to You: "Save my life from ruin, since You are so merciful!"

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

O unmercenaries who joyfully lodge in heaven, hasten to descend to your holy temple to dislodge from all illness from our bodies, and all passions from our hearts.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

O holy ones, you have been doubly clothed with the mantle of the splendor of God; clothe us with the virtues which we lack, and strip us of the shame of the passions.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Your strings of miracles adorn you like necklaces, as you are saviors to those who are in the world; O holy martyrs, deliver us from being surrounded by the depravity of the world, from burning passions, and from eternal punishment.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Without burning your womb, Jesus, the divine Fire, has come forth from your flesh: O pure Virgin, entreat Him to save all those who sing to you from all punishment in fire.


@AFTR KATAVAS = Come, all you people whose mind is on God; come, let us clap our hands and celebrate this divine and glorious feast of the Mother of God! Let us send up glory to God who was born of her!

Little Litany.

Kontakion of Cosmas and Damian

Tone 2
O glorious Physicians and Wonderworkers who have received the power of healing, extend it upon those in need. In your kindness to us, hold down our enemies' pride and heal the world through your miracles.


@AFTR IKOS = The diagnosis of these skilled surpasses all wisdom; they restore strength to all without even seeing them, for they have received this power from the Most High. I owe them the grace of singing to them as the divine benefactors who grant a multitude of healings, for they deliver us from all pain and heal the world through their miracles.

On July 1, we commemorate the holy unmercenary wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian, who were martyred in Rome.

@SYNAX INDENT = The murderous rocks which were hurled at them, were not able to separate the unmercenary brothers who were united to the true Rock. On July first, these two firm pillars were stoned to death.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Ode 7
@ODE TEXT = The angel truly made the furnace a place of dew for the holy young men. When God's command inflamed the Chaldaeans, it made the torturer sing: "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Because of the blessings which you shared with all, you rose on spiritual wings toward heaven; and now, divinized in God, you soar over the whole world like eagles, as vigilant wonderworkers.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Shining with divine grace, like purest gold, O unmercenaries, you have received the power to heal in abundance; take pity on us who tremble beneath the impact of so many trials.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Holy unmercenaries, you commended your pure spirits to the Lord; and from Him, you have received the grace to drive away impure spirits at all times; deliver us from their deadly misdeeds.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

You rest in the sleep of the just, but you are still watchful intercessors for the faithful; put to sleep the passions of our souls and bodies.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Never cease to entreat our God, the Lover of Mankind, that we be pardoned of all our sins, and that we find the good things prepared in heaven for those who love you, O all-spotless Virgin.


@AFTR KATAVAS = The three young men, divinely inspired, refused to offer worship to creatures instead of to the Creator: they had the courage to overcome the threatening fire, and sang out joyfully: "You are worthy of all praise, O Lord, God our Fathers: blessed are You!"

Ode 8
@ODE TEXT = You showered the holy young men with dew in the fire. You burned the water-soaked sacrifice of Elijah. You do whatever You will, O Christ, for You can do all things. We praise You forever!

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

With the divine Spirit as your ally, you have declared war on all sufferings: heal all the illness of our souls and soothe the pain of our bodies.
v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

O God-bearers, you truly behold the splendor of your Master forever: visit this splendid temple which is consecrated to you, and make it a fountain of countless miracles.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Like two rivers flowing from a fountain in Paradise, you water the whole face of the earth with the streams of your healings, as you dry up a flood of sicknesses.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

You have found blessedness in keeping with your spirit; now all generations rightly call you blessed, O unmercenaries, for you have done the will of our God.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Healers of irremediable maladies, heal our incurable passions; calm the storm of temptations, and scatter the clouds of distress.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = With the angels in heaven, let us sing to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: one unique Divinity in Three Persons, one unique Power and Kingdom!


@AFTR KATAVAS = The maternity of the Theotokos, prefigured by the three young men in the furnace, preserved them against the power of the fire; but now that this maternity has come to be accomplished, it brings the whole universe together and makes it sing: "Praise the Lord, all you His works, and exalt Him forever!"

Canticle of Mary

Ode 9
@ODE TEXT = Men cannot see God. Angel armies dare not gaze upon Him. God was shown to man by incarnation through you, most pure Lady. We glorify Him and with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Behold, your temple shines brilliantly with your miracles, like resplendent stars. Joyfully, in one choir, we continually call you blessed; and today we reverently celebrate your sacred memory, O holy unmercenaries.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

Holy unmercenaries, you are robed with light, like two great suns, a mystic firmament; and you shine upon the hearts of believers with the rays of your miracles. Thus we entreat you: drive away the darkness of our passions.

v. Holy unmercenary wonderworkers, intercede for us!

From the dwellings which you inhabit in heaven, come invisibly among us who, in the midst of your temple, sing hymns to the All-powerful God, O illustrious martyrs: for we ceaselessly call you blessed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Earth joins the joy of heaven, celebrating your holy and light-bearing solemnity. As we rejoice in you, O holy unmercenaries, deliver us from the scourge of maladies, from all anguish here below, and from eternal pain in the age to come.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = You have given birth in a wondrous manner, all-pure one! Deliver me from terrible condemnation on the day of awesome judgment; grant that I may find a place in the choir of the faithful who are saved, for I sing to you with faith, O Virgin who are filled with the grace of God!


@AFTR KATAVAS = Let every human being take up a torch, and let him dance with joy in his spirit! Let the whole immaterial creation celebrate this commemoration of the Theotokos and cry out, "Hail, glorious Theotokos, ever-pure and ever-virgin!"

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3
@AFTR EXAPOST = Having received from God the power of healing, O blessed unmercenaries, you take care of the sick and heal all the faithful who draw near to your sacred temple. Thus we rightly call your memory blessed as we sing together with one voice.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Spotless Virgin, you gave birth to the One begotten by God: the divine Word who brought salvation to the world and most wisely worked out our redemption. Thus we all sing to you as the woman who intercedes before Him to deliver us from all peril and disease.


Tone 4
4. Like waves stirred by the current of the Spirit and overflowing their banks, you watered the whole creation with divine miracles and the wonder of your healings. You stifle deadly passions, heal sickness and banish evil spirits, O God-bearing unmercenaries, who intercede for our souls.

3. Like waves... (Repeat)

2. Submitting bestial passions to spiritual powers, you grant your benefits to both animals and men, O holy unmercenaries, who received the grace of healing from Christ. Thus, celebrating your radiant and sacred feast today, we entreat you to enlighten our souls.

1. Your holy temple has become a heaven on earth, radiantly possessing as its stars your saving miracles, and the divine power of your healing as its sun, O wondrous servants of the Lord, blessed Cosmas and Damian, who intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR PRAISES = You are a fountain of healing, O holy unmercenaries: heal all those who entreat you, for the Savior - that never failing Fountain - has made you overflow with sublime gifts. Indeed, the Lord has said to you, as imitators of the Apostles in their divine zeal, "Behold, I give you power to drive out demons and to heal all sickness and frailty!" Thus, in keeping with His will, as you have freely received, so now freely give, healing the sufferings of our souls and bodies.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = Save your servants from all danger, O Theotokos and blessed Virgin, that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls!

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Saints. Litanies and dismissal.

July 2

Feast of the Deposition of the honorable Mantle of the Mother of God at Blachernae

(4th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

Tone 4

6. In Your compassion, O Lover of Mankind, You have given Your own Mother as a helper to Your servants. Through her, You have brought about the ineffable work of our salvation and have restored mankind to its divine dignity. Thus, celebrating her revered festival, we sing of Your majesty, O Christ Jesus, our all-powerful Lord!

5. In Your compassion... (Repeat)

4. O Lady, by your honorable mantle, protect the city which fittingly glorifies and venerates you. Spare it from civil war and foreign invasions, famine and earthquakes, O all-holy Bride of God, that it may celebrate you as the help of mankind, O pure unwedded Virgin!

3. O Lady, by your ... (Repeat)

2. O Lady, filled with the grace of God, you have given your honorable mantle to your city as its glory and protection, an indestructible rampart and an inviolable treasury of healing, an inexhaustible fountain pouring forth miracles, and a haven for those shipwrecked in this life. Thus, we sing your praises, O Lady all-worthy of our praise!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Tone 2

Let us purify our hearts and minds, that we may joyfully celebrate this feast with the angels, intoning the psalm which David sang for the young Bride of the King of All, Christ our God: he said, "Go up to Your resting-place, O Lord, You and the ark of Your holiness!" O Lord, You have adorned her as a palace of delights and have given her as an inheritance to Your city, to surround and protect it, delivering it from all enemies by Your power and thanks to the prayers which she raises to You!

Aposticha of the Octoechos, or the following:


Tone 1
1. You alone have been the living palace of our God. Your honorable mantle is kept as a treasure in your holy temple; you have given it to sanctify believers and serve as their impregnable rampart. Thus, O divine Mother, the city which sings to you will be saved by your sovereign power.

v. Go up, Lord, into Your resting place, You and the Ark of Your majesty.

2. O holy Theotokos, you have given us your honorable mantle, which covered your all-pure body, as a glorious treasure and a fountain pouring forth grace in ever-living streams. Today we celebrate its deposition at Blachernae, honoring you as the one who restored honor to all mankind.

v. The rich among the people shall seek your favor.

3. Possessing your sacred mantle as a holy treasure, O Lady, your church sanctifies all the faithful who have recourse to you, calling you blessed, as is right; in you they find their strength, their support, the hope of their soul and their most sure protection.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O all-pure Mother of God, the Church of Christ has received your honorable mantle as a resplendent diadem. Today it is radiant with joy, O Lady, as it exults in the mystery and cries out: "Hail, O precious diadem, crown of the glory of the Lord, only glory of the assembly and my eternal joy! Hail, protectress of those who have recourse to you, their haven of peace, our anchor of salvation!"

Troparion of the Deposition

Tone 8
@AFTR TROP/KON = Ever-Virgin Mother of God, refuge and protection of the human race, you gave your mantle and cincture to your city as a powerful defense. These garments remained incorrupt because of your virginal child-bearing. Time and nature are renewed in you, wherefore we pray that you may grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Resurrectional Theotokion

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Good One you were born of the Virgin, and suffered crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by your death, and as God you made manifest the resurrection; turn not away from those you have made by your hands, O Merciful One, show your love to men, and accept as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to you, O our Savior, save a desperate people.


Use the Festal Format (for 4th Class Feasts)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = Mother, all worthy of our hymns: today your people celebrate the deposition of your mantle, and they ceaselessly cry aloud to you: "Hail, O Virgin, pride of Christians!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother, all-worthy of our hymns... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4
@AFTR SESSIONL = Divine Mother, today the whole world celebrates the deposition of your mantle as a feast; and it cries aloud to you with love: "Hail, O Virgin, helper of believers!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Divine Mother... (Repeat)


Tone 4
@AFTR TROP/KON = O pure one, whom God Himself has blessed, you have given as a blanket of purity to all the faithful the holy mantle that had covered your pure body. We celebrate with love the deposition of this mantle and sing out gleefully: "Hail, O Virgin most honorable, glory of all Christians!"


@AFTR IKOS = The true temple, the pure tabernacle of God the Word, the Vessel of Manna, the living Cloud, the Theotokos, the Virgin Mary: in faith, let us all call her blessed, all we who have been saved through her virginal childbearing. Let us venerate the holy mantle in which the Lord was held and borne as a Child, when He bore our flesh, by which human nature was lifted up to the life of the Kingdom of heaven. Thus, in joy, we sing aloud, "Hail, O Virgin most honorable, glory of all Christians!"


On July 2, we commemorate the deposition in a holy reliquary of the honorable mantle of the all-holy Theotokos at Blachernae. This took place during the reign of Leo the Great and his wife, Verina.

@SYNAX INDENT = Once, at the Cross, the guards and executioners divided among themselves the vestments of her Son. O city under His protection (what a blessing in itself!), on the second, you received the mantle of His Mother as your inheritance.
By the prayers of Your divine Mother, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@AFTR EXAPOST = You alone, O all-pure Theotokos, have renewed time and nature: for you gave birth in virginity; and your mantle remained incorrupt. Likewise, keep your people incorrupt in their faith and in their holiness.


Tone 4
4. The reliquary containing your mantle, o Mother of God, is an ark of holiness for the faithful, a sacred rampart around them, their pride and their glory. Each day it overflows as a fountain of healing. Thus, gathered together by God, we celebrate today the sea of your miracles and your countless wondrous deeds!

3. The reliquary containing your mantle... (Repeat)

2. Behold the renowned place: behold the ceaselessly radiant dwelling-place in which grace is kept as a treasure: the honorable mantle of the Handmaid of the Lord! O mortals, come and draw pardon and enlightenment. In thanksgiving, cry out with your whole heart: "By your birth-giving, you have saved us, O all-pure Virgin, and we bless you!"

1. We celebrate today the holy deposition of your mantle, O Mother of God, as a festival of joy. On this day, you have deigned to bestow it upon your city as a sacred rampart, an inviolate talisman, a precious bond, an impregnable treasury of healing, a river overflowing with the gifts of the Spirit.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)
@AFTR PRAISES = Let us purify our hearts and minds, that we may joyfully celebrate this feast with the angels, intoning the psalm which David sang for the young Bride of the King of All, Christ our God: he said, "Go up to Your resting-place, O Lord; You and the ark of Your holiness!" O Lord, You have adorned her as a palace of delights and have given her as an inheritance to Your city, to surround and protect it, delivering it from all enemies in Your power and thanks to the prayers which she raises to You!

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Feast. Litanies and Dismissal.

July 3
Commemoration of the holy martyr Hyacinth, and of our holy father Anatolios, Patriarch of Constantinople

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Hyacinth

Tone 8
3. Illumined by the Holy Spirit, you were a sparkling jewel of the Kingdom of Christ, O athlete who courageously fought the good fight for the Faith. You cast down the pride of the godless and carried off the victory over them as a martyr. Thus we glorify you as an invincible soldier. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

2. Guided by the unfailing hand of Christ, O martyr Hyacinth, you steered past the waves of error and reached the spiritual harbor where you were filled with infinite peace and a never-fading glory. As you enjoy the delights of heaven forever, intercede for the salvation of our souls.

1. You glorified the immortal God in your body, for you were put to death for His sake. But, He granted you a share in immortal gifts, glorifying you through wondrous miracles. Your reliquary lies open for all as a fountain which sanctifies believers. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = To whom can I compare you, O my poor soul? You refuse to repent, yet do not fear the fire as you persist in evil. Arise and call upon our only help; say to her, "O Virgin Mother, entreat your Son, our God, to save me from the snares of the evil one!"

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing her Lamb willingly nailed to the Tree of the Cross, the Ewe lamb cried aloud as a mother, weeping and mourning: "What do I behold, O my Son? You are the Giver of life to all; how can You die? O long-suffering Lord, You raised up all mankind. I glorify Your infinite condescension, O my God!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Hyacinth

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Anatolios

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Father and Hierarch Anatolius, the holiness of your life has set you before your flock as a rule of faith, an example of meekness and a teacher of self-restraint. Wherefore you acquired greatness through humility and spiritual wealth through poverty. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.


After the reading of the Psalter and Sessional Hymns of the Tone of the week, the Canons of the Octoechos, then the Canon of the Saint, the work of Theophane, in Tone 8


Tone 8


@ODE TEXT = Passing through the water on foot as though on dry land, Israel escaped the villainous Egyptians and cried out: "Let us sing to our Redeemer and God!"

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

In the radiance of martyrdom, you have become a precious stone to build up the temple of God; I now call upon you to help me to sing your praises.

Renouncing glory here below, you have inherited glory in heaven where you wear a crown in constant union with the King of all, O wondrous martyr!

For the sake of Christ, you showed the fervor of youth and nobility of heart as you courageously combatted error, O victorious martyr!

@ODE TEXT = For the salvation of mankind, the Creator of all being took flesh and dwelt in your womb when He assumed our created being, O Theotokos!


@ODE TEXT = You are the strength of those who run to You, O Lord; You are the Light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings Your praise!

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

Although you were a young man, O witness of Christ, you manifested the intelligence and wisdom of an elder.

As an athlete who ran the most difficult of races, you deserve the worthy proclamation of your deeds as a martyr.

By your prayers, O full of grace, guide to the gates of heaven those who acknowledge your divine maternity.

Little Litany

Sessional Hymns
Tone 3

@AFTR SESSIONL = For the Church, you are a precious stone kept in the treasury of heaven, O Hyacinth! And you confounded those who worshipped gods of stone. You drank the chalice of martyrdom. O illustrious witness, entreat Christ our God to grant great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = You became the tabernacle of God the Word, O all-pure Virgin Mother who surpass the angels in holiness. More than all others, I am covered with filth, soiled by carnal passions. Cleanse me in the divine waters, O you who through your prayers obtain salvation for all!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw hanging on the Cross the Fruit which she had born without travail, the spotless Ewe lamb, the virginal Mother of the Word, cried aloud with maternal tears: "Alas, O my Child, You suffer the Passion in Your desire to save mankind from its deadly passions!"


@ODE TEXT = O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation; I have perceived Your works, and I glorify Your divinity!

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

As a loyal athlete, you were stripped in order to fight for the faith, O blessed martyr, without fearing the arrogance of the tyrants.

O wise in God, you have received a hyacinth garland of heavenly colors; and as a heavenly martyr, you deserved to rejoice with the angels above.

You joyfully proclaimed the Word of Truth and confounded the tyrant by the fearless courage which possessed you.

@ODE TEXT = Called blessed by God Himself, you alone received the All-powerful One; save those who sing to your name from all danger and distress.


@ODE TEXT = Rising early in the morning, we call out to You, O Lord: "Save us, for You are our God, and we know no other!"

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

You confounded the cruel tyrant, O victorious martyr whom Christ robed with invincible power!

You have acquired deathless fame, O crowned martyr, for you accepted voluntary death for love of Christ!

By your prayers, O pure Virgin, may we be saved from the snares of the enemy, we who sing of your wondrous birthgiving.


@ODE TEXT = From my transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

The martyr rejoiced to suffer the torments from the impious. His spirit strengthened by the Passion of the impassible God, he triumphed over the foolish as he went without flinching to the Judge of all combats!

As a brilliant hyacinth, you were drawn into the heavenly blue of the dwelling of God above; crimsoned by the blood of your suffering, you became an acceptable sacrifice, O blessed one, in the assembly of the First-born.

@ODE TEXT = Through you, O spotless Mother of God, may we be saved from danger and distress and obtain the divine enlightenment of the Son of God who ineffably took flesh in your womb.

Little Litany

Kontakion of Hyacinth

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O faithful, let us weave an imperishable crown of flowers for Hyacinth today, as we raise our voices to sing, "Hail, Hyacinth, great glory of the martyrs!"


@SYNAX INDENT = On July 3, we commemorate the holy martyr Hyacinth the Chamberlain.

As a stone is polished sparkling by the flow of water, so did Hyacinth shine with virtue under the streams of his own blood. His body completely scourged, he died of starvation on the third, earning holy glory.

@SYNAX INDENT = By his prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = The children who came from Judaea to Babylon long ago, by faith in the Trinity, trampled the flames of the furnace beneath their feet, singing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

Since in you piety triumphed over the appetites of the passions, O blessed one who were nourished by the Word of God, you refused the food offered to the impious gods as you sang out, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!

You offered yourself to the Lord as a holy and sacred victim; in the purity of your heart and sincerity of your soul, you cried aloud, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

@ODE TEXT = You halted the corrupting force of death which devoured mankind, O pure and blessed Virgin, when you conceived the Giver of Life, the God of our Fathers!


@ODE TEXT = In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better Power saving them, he cried out, "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

After the narrow prison, you found the delights of the vast Paradise, where you behold the radiant splendor of the saints, contemplate the choirs of angels who stand before God, and ceaselessly sing "Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

With your whole strength you loved your God, pouring out your blood for Him as you opposed sin, O blessed martyr; having driven off the enemy and being crowned as a conqueror, you eagerly cry aloud, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

Radiant as a hyacinth, as a magnificent offering you adorn the temple of heaven with the most beautiful of colors, beautifying the Holy of Holies with your splendor as a martyr, while you ceaselessly sing, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!

@ODE TEXT = In a manner beyond reason, you gave birth to the eternal Word of our God for the well-being of our nature endowed with reason; by Him, we have been delivered from corrupting death and have received the life-giving Spirit. Thus, O Virgin, we glorify your divine maternity throughout all the ages!

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = O Mother of God and unwedded Virgin, you have ineffably conceived the true God by your word; by our ceaseless hymns, we magnify you as higher in honor than the spotless powers!

v. Holy martyr Hyacinth, intercede for us!

By your prayers, make the Lord propitious to all the faithful who sing of your invincible passion; by it, you brought an end to the error of idolatry and caused the triumph of the word of truth.

You were a delightful sight for the armies of angels, O Hyacinth of heavenly color, crimsoned by your own blood as you confessed your faith in Christ, adorned by the crown of martyrdom.

You were a tabernacle for God in your entirety: your body and soul were by the unyielding resistance you manifested to the mad folly of the tyrant; thus we call you blessed.
@ODE TEXT = Put to death the sin that lives in me; grant life to my soul which is close to death, by the power of the true Life who was in His ineffable love was born from your womb, O Lady, for the sake of the faithful who magnify you.

Exapostilaria and aposticha of the Octoechos

July 4

Commemoration of our holy father Andrew the Jerosolymitan, Archbishop of Crete

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Andrew

Tone 8

3. What shall we call you, O holy Andrew? An ascetic who reined in the rebellious passions, a bishop who preached the Gospel of Christ, a harmonious zither played by the Spirit, a harp giving joy to the whole universe, an inspired singer, a new David exulting before the Ark of grace of the New Covenant?
2. What shall we call you, O holy Andrew? An imitator of the elect who struggled valiantly, an unfailing hymnographer of the martyrs and saints, a guide for the faithful in renewal through virtue, an exposer of the vanities of this life, a perfect teacher, a true spiritual father? Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

1. What shall we call you, O holy Andrew? A delightful flower of holy Jerusalem, a firm support for the orthodoxy of the Faith, a most holy bishop of Crete, an illuminator of the world by your radiance, rising in the East to give light to the West? Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = To whom can I compare you, O my poor soul? You refuse to repent, yet do not fear the fire as you persist in evil. Arise and call upon our only help; say to her, "O Virgin Mother, entreat your Son, our God, to save me from the snares of the evil one!"

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Seeing her Lamb willingly nailed to the Cross, the Ewe lamb cried aloud as a mother, weeping and mourning: "What do I behold, O my Son? You are the Giver of life to all; how can You die? O long-suffering Lord, You raise up all mankind. I glorify Your infinite condescension, O my God!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Andrew

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = Guide of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety and holiness, Star of the universe, glory of Hierarchs, 1. wise Andrew inspired by God. By your teachings you enlightened us all, O Harp of the Spirit. Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


Kontakion of Andrew

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = The divine truths became glorious melodies in your mouth, O holy Andrew; wherefore you became as a guiding star illumined by the light of the Trinity. We the faithful cry out to you: "Never cease to intercede for our salvation!"


On July 4, we commemorate our father among the saints, Andrew the Jerosolymitan, Archbishop of Crete.

@SYNAX INDENT = The shepherd of Crete, the author of the Great Canon, has also merited a crown through his sufferings. His soul only surrendered when it was handed over to the Lord. On the fourth, his life came to an end-but not his fame.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilarion of the Octoechos

@AFTR EXAPOST = Holy right-believing martyred Tsar Nicholas II, the holy, right-believing martyred Tsaritsa Alexandra, the holy martyred Tsarevich Alexis, the holy martyred Tsarevnas Olga, Tatiana, Mai and Anastasia, the holy venerable-martyr Elizabeth, the holy martyrs of the Imperial House, the martyred nun Barbara and the Faithful Imperial Servants slain with them.


First Stasis of the First Kathisma

@AT "O LORD = "At O Lord..."

Tone 6 - special Melody: "having set aside..."

8. When Rus', which from of old was holy, began to apostatize from its Creator of God, the long-suffering Lord sent many righteous men and prophets, of whom the last was the righteous John, the holy pastor of Kronstadt, who called sinners to repentance and proclaimed that the wrath of God would fall upon the unrepentant; but the people would not heed them. Then God committed the Russian land, which before had been pious, to great persecutions of the Faith, that He might bring sinners to their senses and exalt and glorify the faithful through the endurance, suffering and death for Christ, revealing a multitude of holy new martyrs, among whom were the great passion-bearer, the martyred Tsar Nicholas, with his Tsaritsa, children and servants, who now pray on behalf of our souls.

7. When Rus', which from of old... (Repeat)

Tone 2 - special Melody: "when the tree..."

6. When you, O martyred Tsar, were imprisoned by those who contend against God, you had great joy with your Tsritsa and children when the ministers of God visited you to perform the divine services. Such a pious Tsar and anointed one of God was rejected by many of the people, for they were not mindful of the word of God which calls upon all to honor their ruler; and the wrath of God has come upon us all. Wherefore, in repentance we cry out: "O Lord, through the intercession of the great passion-bearer, the martyred Nicholas, with his Tsarita, children and servants, who now pray on behalf of our souls.

5. We raise a hymn to you, O martyred Tsar, much suffering passion-bearer: for you found a place for all in your heart, as did the Apostle Paul: feeding the hungry, comforting the sorrowful, sympathizing with the suffering, grieving over the lost, showing clemency to condemned malefactors, meekly enduring slander and injustice, zealous for the Faith and for piety, holing the glory and wealth of this world to be but nought and, what is more, feeling them to be a burden, having concern for the peace of the whole world, aflame with love for all. Take us also into your heart, O much-suffering and great passion-bearer; and entreat the merciful God, that He take pity on us, and grant us the strength to be imitators of you.

Tone 6 - special Melody: "having set aside..."

4. O divinely-crowned martyr, holy Tsarita Alexandra, who can recount your truly evangelical life? You came to the Orthodox Faith from another belief, and you embraced it wholeheartedly, coming to love prayer, the Church and the Holy Mysteries, and the teachings of the Holy Fathers, raising your children in piety, and preparing them for martyrdom for Christ, meekly enduring the slander of those who had forgotten God and who did not understand your true piety. Wherefore, we beseech you: entreat Christ God, whom you love, that He may save our souls.

3. Great was your faith, O holy martyred Tsaritsa Alexandra, when you were imprisoned unjustly by those who contend against God; for knowing of the martyr's death which awaited you, you said, "Let us prepare ourselves to meet the heavenly Bridegroom! God fills and illumines my soul with indescribable joy and tranquility. My soul dances for joy, knowing that the Bridegroom draws near. My soul trembles, for God is close. Let us ask of the Lord forgiveness of sins for ourselves and the whole world. Let us pray for those who forget to pray and for all the people!" O holy martyr, be a channel for the forgiveness of our sins and great mercy!"

2. The holy martyred Tsarevich Alexis loved the power of the Cross. And this faith in the Cross helped him to bear without murmuring the cross of the suffering of an incurable affliction throughout all of his brief life, and to accept with hope and patience a martyr's death for Christ. And now in the heavens, pray for us who with faith and love keep your memory, that the Lord may also grant us faith, patience and love.

1. O holy martyrs for Christ, Tsaravnas Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastiasia: Christ has revealed you as angels in the land of Russia, for you became a model of purity, love and sympathy, which you were taught by your pious parents, possessed of great love for all, and especially for the suffering, to whom you ministered in accord with the commandment of Christ: "I was sick, and you visited Me." And when the persecution, imprisonment and mockery began, you manifested the great virtues of faith, meekness and patience and the forgiveness of all, chanting your holy prayers and placing your trust in God, crying out to the Lord before the many icons which you set before yourselves, praying meekly for the enemies that were to unjustly vex and slay you. Your meekness and patience melted the hearts of the malefactors. Great were your virtues on earth; great also is your glory in the heavens, O holy brides of Christ. Pray on behalf of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = O divinely elect and venerable martyred princess Elizabeth, when the tempest of godlessness fell upon the land of Russia, you uttered these words: "As a natural storm these things take place: certain ones escape, others are struck down, and the spiritual eyes of others are opened that they might behold the mighty works of God; so also do they happen amid the wind of life." For amid the misfortunes, your soul beheld the right hand of God. The cruel murder of your husband led you to the service of God and neighbor. You ministered to the poor, the bereft and the crippled, with humility and love. Moreover, you embraced the monastic life, and refused to flee from those who contend with God, fearlessly receiving a martyr's death for Christ. Honoring your fragrant relics, we earnestly entreat: pray for us who honor your struggles and sufferings!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Out of His love for mankind, the King of Heaven appeared on earth and dealt with men, for He assumed a human body from the pure Virgin and was seen in the flesh He received from her. He is the One and only Son having two natures but not two persons. Wherefore we profess and declare the truth: that Christ our God is perfect God and perfect Man. O Mother who knew not carnal union, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.

Entrance. Prokimenon of the Day.

Readings: 1) Wisdom 3:1-9; 2) I Kings 8:22-23, 27-30; 3) Isaiah 61:1-11; 62:1-5.


We sing the stichera of the temple, then

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 3)

@BODY TXT IND = True glory is suffering, for thus spoke the Lord: "Now is the Son of Man glorified", calling the Passion on the Cross His glory. And of this glory of the Cross, the royal martyrs were worthy, for they imitated the sufferings of the Savior. Wherefore, Christ has come to love them and has exalted them in the heavens, that they might pray on behalf of our souls. ] v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@BODY TXT IND = The thoughts of God are not those of men, nor are the ways of men like the ways of God, says the Lord; for He humbles one and exalts another; the Lord brings death and gives life; He takes away and gives; He raises up the poor man from the earth, giving him a throne of glory. Thus the Lord prepared a throne of glory for His beloved servant, the glorious martyred Tsar Nicholas, rewarding him for his piety; and because of the path of the Cross which he trod, He caused him to live in the heavens, that he might pray for his people, that we may take care for the Kingdom of Heaven and for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = O Virgin who knew not carnal union, O you who ineffably carried God in the flesh, O Mother of almighty God, O Woman without stain: accept the prayers of your servants. O you who obtain for all of us the cleansing of our sins: accept now our supplications and intercede for the salvation of us all.


Tone 8 - special Melody: "O most glorious wonder..."

1. Your concern was not for the glory of an earthly kingdom, O glorious martyred Tsar Nicholas, when you received coronation to the realm and the anointing with oil. But you pondered the glory of God and the heavenly Kingdom, saying in prayer before the people, "O my Master and Lord, direct and instruct me in this great ministry, that Your divine wisdom may be with me; send it down from the heavens of Your Saints, that I may come to know what is pleasing in Your eyes and what is right according to Your commandments. May my heart be directed by You to accomplish all things for Your glory and for the spiritual benefit of the people You have entrusted to me." And this prayer was acceptable in God's sight. And now, as a martyr, do not cease to pray to God for the spiritual benefit of your people, that He be merciful to them, granting us remission of sins, peace and great mercy.

v. I have raised up on chosen from among My people.

2. Like an innocent lamb was the martyred Tsar Nicholas led to the slaughter with the Tsaritsa, their children and their faithful servants. Possessed of a pure soul, entrusting himself and his household to God, never murmuring, he meekly accepted death for Christ. And now, standing with the angels and with great company of new martyrs in the heavens, he prays for the salvation of the land of Russia from the cruel, godless ones, that all who have fallen away from God may return to Him, that the fear of God may be established in their hearts, and that the faith of Christ may once again shine forth.

v. With My holy oil, I have anointed him.

3. These things did the holy royal martyrs profess before they were undeservedly put to death for Christ's sake, repeating the testament of the holy Fathers: the ancient martyrs who believed in Jesus Christ, went to death as to a feast, furnishing their mind and heart with wings of faith. And while condemned to death, they possessed a spirit of peace which never departed from them, for peacefully they went to death, trusting that they would enter into another, spiritual life which is revealed beyond the grave. And having put these words to the test indeed, the holy royal martyrs now rejoice with Christ in the heavens, praying with boldness on behalf of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Who can recount your labors and sufferings? O great passion-bearer martyred Tsar Nicholas, you assumed the grievous burden of authority, not for the sake of glory, but as a Christian Tsar and servant of Christ, as one concerned for the good of his people, enduring a multitude of tribulations. All of these things were permitted by the Lord because of the sins of the people, and that He might reveal your piety, showing the world your long-suffering, which was like that of the long-suffering Job, that you might receive a glorious martyr's crown in the heavens, like that of Abel. And now joining the chorus there with the angels, you intercede for us before God, praying for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Christ the Lord, my Maker and Savior, came out of your pure womb in the likeness of me, O Woman without stain, and He delivered Adam from the original curse. Therefore, O Woman all pure, since you are the Mother of God and a true Virgin, we never tire of calling to you with the salutation of the angel: "Hail, O Lady, O our intercessor, our shield and the redemptress of our souls!"


Tone 5

@AFTR TROP/KON = Meekly you endured the cross of your earthly kingdom, the bonds and diverse sufferings inflicted upon you by those opposed to God; and you bore witness for Christ even unto death, O great passion-bearer, divinely-crowned Tsar Nicholas. Wherefore, Christ God has crowned you in the heavens with a martyr's crown, together with your queen, your children and your servants. Entreat Him to have mercy upon the Russian land and save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 5

@AFTR TROP/KON = Hail O impassable gate of the Lord, O wall and protection of those who hasten to you, Hail O calm harbor, O Virgin who bore in the flesh your Creator and God, continue to intercede for those who praise and worship your maternity.


Festal Format

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 7

@AFTR SESSIONL = Thrice did Peter deny the Lord, yet he brought forth tears of repentance and was quickly pardoned and elevated to the rank of the foremost apostle. And the Tsar and great passion-bearer Nicholas, even though he renounced the throne, beholding about him treason, fear and deceit, and perceiving that all of the military commanders and the people near him had rejected him, yet never renounced Christ nor his love for his people, nor did he wish to flee from those who were opposed to God, but meekly endured all things and, though guiltless, accepted a martyr's death for Christ, like his kinsmen, the right believing princes Boris and Gleb. Wherefore we entreat you, O passion-bearer and Tsar: beseech Christ God that He grant remission of transgressions to those who with love celebrate your holy memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Accept this supplication from us who flee to your protection, O all-pure Virgin: never cease to pray to the Lover of Mankind, that your servants may be saved.
Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 7

@AFTR SESSIONL = With great love for thankless men, you offered yourself, O great passion-bearer and Tsar, as a sacrifice for your people, as you said, "If a sacrifice is required for the people, let me be that sacrifice." Greater love than this can no one have, than to lay down his life for his friends. And now, standing before Christ whom you served, entreated Him on behalf of us who with love honor your holy memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Awesome is the wonder of the conceiving and ineffable the manner of the birthgiving which have been revealed in you, O pure ever-Virgin. My mind is struck with awe and marvels. Your glory, O Theotokos, is a joy for all, for the salvation of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Polyeleos and Magnifications

We magnify you, O holy royal martyrs and passion-bearers, and we honor your honored sufferings which you endured for Christ.
God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in the afflictions which befall us.

We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.

We went through fire and water, and You brought us out to refreshment.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

Tone 7

@AFTR SESSIONL = O martyred Tsar Nicholas, when you acceded to the royal throne, you did not ask of God rich estates, nor glory, nor the lives of those who opposed you, nor length of days; but with all your heart you asked, like the most wise Solomon, "O Lord God, grant me wisdom and understanding." Wherefore, the Lord heard you and granted that which you had asked, manifesting you as a zealot for piety, a wise and humble Tsar. And He crowned you for your piety with a glorious heavenly crown, that you might pray for all Orthodox people, standing with the holy angels in the heavens at the throne of God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O all-pure Virgin, have mercy on us who with faith flee to you who are full of loving-kindness and ask your fervent aid. As a mother of God most High, entreat your Son, Christ our God, that your servants may be saved.
@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

Tone 4

@PROKIM LEFT = For Your sake.

@PROKIM INDEN = v. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.
Gospel: Matthew 10:16-22

@BOLD TITLE = Idiomela

Through the intercessions of the royal martyrs...

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Great faith and wondrous patience and love for your enemies did you acquire, O holy martyred Tsar Nicholas, trusting in God in the midst of your sufferings, forgiving the enemies who slew you, and asking that they not be punished for your sake. For you said that evil cannot conquer evil, but love alone. And you meekly accepted a martyr's death for Christ. Wherefore, Christ has exalted you in the heavens. Entreat Him on behalf of those who with faith and love honor you.

Canons: we sing the Canon of the Paraclisis, then this Canon in Tone 2.


Tone 2


@ODE TEXT = Come, all you people! Let us sing to Christ our God who divided the sea for the people whom He had rescued from slavery to the Egyptians, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. O holy royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

Beholding the mockery and despoiling of your land by the godless foe, the pious Tsar wept from the depths of his heart, like the prophet Jeremiah and the three youths, praying for the sinful people and groaning bitterly, "O merciful Lord, forsake us not!"

O how has the Russian land, which before was prosperous and glorious in the world, now been made captive by those who contend against God? All who were her friends have forsaken her and become her foes. The Lord has rejected tsar and prince and priest. Behold, O Lord, look down and have mercy!

Great is the abyss of the Lord's compassion. The Lord does not reject us forever, but takes pity on the humbled and penitent, in accordance with the multitude of His mercies, and He delivers His people, as of old He delivered Israel from slavery to the Egyptians.

@ODE TEXT = O mistress, hearken to the cry of prayer from those who have recourse to you with faith and love and sing to you with reverence.


I shall open my mouth...


@ODE TEXT = You have established me on the rock of Faith; You made me triumph over my enemies, and my spirit exults with joy as I sing, "No one is as holy as You, O our God; no one is as just as You, O Lord!"

v. O holy royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

At God's behest, the guardian angel was taken away from the land of Russia, her enemies stood at her head, and they who despise her prosper, because of the multitude of the impieties of what was once a pious land; and her princes languish among alien peoples. Do not utterly reject Your suffering people, O Lord, but turn back and establish them on the rock of Your commandments.

How long, O Lord, will the way of the wicked prosper? How long will the land weep because of the evil of those who dwell in it? Hierarchs, priests, princes and faithful people have been cast down and slain. How long, O Lord, O true and holy Master, will You refrain from condemning Your enemies for their blood? Have mercy and deliver us all from Your enemies, and save our souls.

Bereft of deliverance, and land which before was called Christian has been filled with tribulation and groaning, saying amid its sufferings, "We have sinned and transgressed, falling away from You, O Lord, and have not obeyed Your commandments, nor kept them. Turn us to repentance, O God, and establish us upon the firm rock of Your commandments.

@ODE TEXT = You are our hope and our trust, O all-holy Lady. Save our suffering homeland and your people, who entreat you and call upon your name.
Little Litany

Kontakion to the holy martyr princess Elizabeth

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Taking up the Cross of Christ, you passed from royal
glory to the glory of heaven, praying for your enemies, O holy martyr princess Elizabeth; and with the martyr Barbara, you find everlasting joy. Therefore, pray on behalf of our souls.

Sessional Hymns
Tone 7

@AFTR SESSIONL = O holy passion-bearer, princess Elizabeth, when they cast you alive into the mine-shaft at Alapaevsk together with the holy martyrs of royal blood, who were the princess Sergius, John, Constantine, Igor and Vladmir, as well as the martyr Barbara and the holy martyr Theodore, though all were long enfeebled because of their wounds, you, though barely alive, alleviated the suffering of the dying, chanting sacred hymns which were heard by those who passed. Wherefore, we beseech you: entreat Christ our God that He grant remission of transgressions to those who celebrate your holy memory with love.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = When I stand before my Creator on the day of His righteous Judgment, then, O Lady, stand before me and deliver me from everlasting torment, that I go not down into Hades, but be saved by your assistance, O all-holy Theotokos!


@ODE TEXT = It was not an angel nor an ambassador who came forth from the Virgin, but You Yourself, O Christ, made flesh and bringing me salvation. For this I cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. O holy royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

The great iniquities of Your people were before Your eyes, O Lord; wherefore the godless foe defiled and razed Your sanctuaries, as the prophet Isaiah said: "Your feasts are hateful to me; I will no longer pardon your sins; when you stretch forth your hands to Me, I will turn away My eyes from you. These people draw near to Me with their mouths, but their heart is far from Me." Aware of this, we now repent and turn back to You, that Your wrath may cease, and that we may prevail over those who assail us and say, "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

O how the time of the iniquities of Your people has increased, O Lord, for You have taken away our strength, You have given us over into the hands of transgressors and have made us all slaves. You alone, O Lord, if You wish, can free us, when we acknowledge our sins and turn to You, our Creator, and glorify You.

Only in God is there blessed life which is everlasting, but narrow is the way that leads to that life. Your people, O Lord, have forgotten these things, and have not obeyed Your words, O Christ our King, but have taken the wide path of sin. And perdition and violence have come upon us - exile and death - that we may come to acknowledge Your one true path, O our Savior, and repent and glorify You.

@ODE TEXT = You are our refuge and our consolation, O all-pure Theotokos. Entreat your Son and our God to grant us salvation and the remission of our sins.


@ODE TEXT = You are the Source of Light and Creator of the Ages, O Lord: direct us in the light of Your commandments, for we know no other God but You!

When the Lord rejected tsar, prince and priest, He did not spare His temples and holy things; they were all laid waste. My heart is troubled within me; I sigh, but there is no one to console me. O Lord, look down and take pity; enlighten us with Your commandments, that we may turn to You and serve You.

Your people, O Lord, wished to escape the violence of the foe, but were unable, and others wandered among alien peoples. This has taken place, for false leaders have spoken vain thoughts and foolish things, and have not spoken of sin, to avert the wrath of God, captivity and exile. And now all the lips of our enemies are opened against us, their teeth have gnashed and said, "Let us swallow them up!" Arise and cry out at night, pouring forth prayer unto the Lord, stretching forth your hands to Him and saying, "Behold our destruction, O Lord! Enlighten, look upon us and have mercy!"

Young men and virgins, elders and children have been slain; the enemy has persecuted my soul; he has cast my life to the ground; he has set me in dark places, like those long dead, and my soul is cast down within me. Within me, my heart is troubled; but strength has perished, yet my hope is in the Lord. O Lord, be mindful of my poverty and bitterness. These things I spoke within my heart; wherefore, I endure suffering from God, that the Lord may look upon my humility.

@ODE TEXT = O all-pure Mary, entreat God whom you have borne, that He grant your servants remission of sins.


@ODE TEXT = O God my Savior, I am sinking in the abyss of sin; I am plunged into the sea of this life; but as Jonah came out from the whale, so draw me out of the pit of the passions and save me, O Lord!

The Lord has granted consolation, for the mercy of the Lord has not forsaken us and His compassion has not ended, for they are renewed each day. Wherefore, let us trust in God; the Lord is our portion, let us hope in Him who is able to deliver us from all misfortunes, as He did Jonah from the belly of the whale.

It is a good thing to seek God, for the Lord is good to those who trust in Him; and it is good for the soul which awaits in patience the salvation of God. It is good for the one who gives his face to the smiter and accepts abuse, that the Lord not utterly reject him, but deliver the souls of the humble who trust in Him from destruction.

The Lord has sent woe upon sinful people, but He has mercy in His great goodness and love in His care, for He has smitten and rendered bitter the lot of the children of men by the wish of His heart when they trampled upon His commandments, for from the Lord come punishment and prosperity. Let no one complain because of his punishment, but let him cast himself down because of his sins, and let him lament until he sinks in death and beholds the Lord from heaven.

@ODE TEXT = Now I flee to you, O all-pure one. Save me by your supplications and preserve me, for you can do whatever you wish, since you are the Mother of the Almighty.

Little Litany


Tone 6

@AFTR TROP/KON = You strengthened the hope of the martyred Tsar, his Tsaritsa and children, and it took flight to Your love, proclaiming beforehand their future rest. Through their prayers, O Lord, have mercy on us.


@AFTR IKOS = Beholding the Faith of Christ made mighty throughout the land of Russia by the pious Tsar, and unable to endure it, the enemies of God pondered who they might destroy the Christ-loving Tsar-martyr Nicholas, and they gave him over to an undeserved death with his pious Tsaritsa, children and servants, and with all the royal family. Yet they were deceived, for the ways of the wicked shall perish, but the righteous shall live forever. Instead of destruction and harm, they made them glorious martyrs and intercessors before God; and by their blood and that of all the new martyrs, the land of Russia, oppressed by those who contend against God, shall be saved, for this blood is the seed of new life in Christ. By their supplications, O Lord, have mercy on us!


@ODE TEXT = Renouncing the wicked worship of the golden statue erected on the plain of Dura, the young men were covered with refreshing dew in the midst of the flames, as they sang, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. O holy royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we shall repent. Make our days new through ministering to You as before, for You are blessed, and Your name is praised and glorified forever. For You are just in all that You have done to us, and all Your works are truth, and Your paths are straight, and all of Your judgments are true. Wherefore, with contrite heart and humble spirit, let us say, "Blessed are You, O God, who are praised and exalted above all forever!"

Blessed are You, O Lord God, for with true judgment You have brought all these sufferings upon us because of our sins. For we have sinned transgressed, and have neither preserved nor kept Your commandments, that all may be well with us and that we may glorify the holy name of Your glory, which is praised and exalted above all forever.

O Lord, Remitter of all debts of sin, grant the grace of forgiveness to the sinful land of Russia which You have punished with bitter wounds. Yet not in Your wrath, but according to the multitude of Your mercies and Your ineffable compassion, cleanse the Orthodox land of godless foe. Raise up, O Compassionate One, Your anointed Tsar, and hear us. Grant peace to the Church and salvation to Your people, the Tsar and all the countless assembly of new martyrs entreats You, the one blessed God of our Fathers.

@ODE TEXT = O Virgin Theotokos, who gave birth to the Word, your Creator, in ways past understanding: entreat Him, together with the great martyred Tsar, the Tsaritsa, their children, servants and the other royal martyrs and all the new martyrs and all the new martyrs of Russia, that He have mercy upon our souls.


@ODE TEXT = God descended into the furnace to come to the aid of the youths of the Hebrew people, and He changed the flame into a refreshing dew: all you, His works, sing to Him as Lord, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. O holy royal martyrs, pray to God for us!

Deliver us from standing at Your left hand, O Lord who orders all things for our benefit and have sent fiery purification upon our land, that we may cry out unceasingly, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

A great treasure have we in the holy Faith which Christ has given us, unworthy though we are; and we cherish it amid prosperity and amid sufferings, as the great assembly of the new passion-bearers preserved the Faith even unto death. And let us cry out with them, "All you, His works, sing to Him as Lord, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

The all-good God, desiring to reveal the strength of the Faith and the power of the patience of the royal martyrs, gave them a cup of bitter sufferings to drink and a martyr's death to undergo. They did not murmur, but like innocent lambs, opened not their mouths; and with patience and joy, they endured all things, crying out, "All you His works, sing to Him as Lord, and exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

@ODE TEXT = O Theotokos, who gave birth to the Savior and Master of all, you have been revealed as the mediatrix of our salvation; wherefore, we beseech you: intercede that the grievously suffering land of Russia be delivered from the godless; and grant salvation to all who faithfully sing to you throughout all the ages.

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = The Word, true God from true God, who in His ineffable wisdom came to restore Adam after the fall of man brought about by sin, took flesh from us from a Virgin; with one heart, we the faithful magnify Him.

Wise is the path that leads to perdition, and many are they who have taken it, said the Lord. The people of Russia did not heed this saying of the Gospel, and the wrath of God has fallen upon them. Deliver us from it, O Christ, through the prayers of the holy and great martyred Tsar Nicholas and those slain with him; and since You are the Lover of Mankind, save our souls.

O Jesus Christ our God, in accordance with the multitude of Your mercies, turn us back and we shall be saved. Look down from heaven with mercy and love and behold, for You have given us over to the hands of the wicked, and we are humbled throughout all the earth because of our sins. Now we shall follow You and fear You, and seek Your face. Put us not to shame, but save our souls through the supplications of the holy royal passion-bearers.

The passion-bearing Tsar beseeches You to show forth Your power. Rescue us from our godless enemy by Your wonders; and deal with us according to Your gentleness and the multitude of Your mercies. Let all who act evilly against Your servants be put to shame, and let their might be cast down, that they may understand that You are the one true God of all the world, who are glorious and the Savior of our souls.

@ODE TEXT = You are our strength, you are our boast and our joy, our preserver, aid, refuge, invincible intercessor and protection of the Russian land. O all-pure Theotokos, with the martyred Tsar and the great multitude of the new martyrs, pray that your servants be saved.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@AFTR EXAPOST = The royal martyrs who suffered for Your sake, O Christ, underwent many torments and have received crowns of glory in the heavens, that they may pray on behalf of our souls.

@AFTR EXAPOST = After God, we place all our hope in you, O all-pure Theotokos, and we pray to you: entreat Him who was borne of you that He grant peace and great mercy to all the world.


Tone 3

4. O royal passion-bearers and martyrs, you were led as pure lambs before the Master. Entreat Him to save our souls.

3. O royal... (Repeat)

2. O glorious royal martyrs, your wounds and stripes heal the wounds of sin for all the faithful, teaching great patience, O holy sufferers for the Lord.

1. Tormented with grievous wounds and sufferings, O holy royal passion-bearers, you did not reject the true life of the Lord, nor were you afraid of those who contend against God. Wherefore, by your supplications, make us all steadfast.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = By the prayers of Your holy martyrs who were slain for their faith in You, O Christ: the Grand Duke Michael, Paul, Demetrios and George, and the faithful royal servants: Elias, Basil and Eugene, Anastasia, Catherine and Anna, Alexis, John, Clement, John and Nicholas, have mercy and save our souls, for You are good and the Lover of Mankind.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the holy royal passion-bearers and all the new martyrs that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

July 5

Commemoration of our holy father Athanasios of Athos, of the holy Wonderworker Lampados, and of the holy woman Martha, mother of Simeon the Hermit

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Athanasios

Tone 2

6. What praises are worthy of you, O Athanasios? Your virtues are your true adornment, and you were filled with grace by the light flowing from God. You are a sword cutting down the rebellious passions, a radiant pillar of divine contemplation, a flame of abstinence enkindling on the lampstand of your soul the divine precepts of the One who gives life to all mankind!

5. What praises can worthily crown you, O Athanasios? You are an eagle soaring on the wind, carried like a heavenly being on the wings of divine contemplation. You are a stronghold of humility, an unshakeable rampart of discernment, truly majestic in your nobility of soul, an intercessor before Christ our God that He protect your spiritual children in His compassion.

4. By the radiance of your gifts, you are like a morning star, guiding those who are blinded by the passions toward the never-setting Light, O father Athanasios, wise in God. Since you increased the talent entrusted to you, Christ made you a physician of souls: able to lance festering wounds with the scalpel of your words, you restore health to the faithful who have recourse to you.

For Lampados

Tone 8

3. O Lampados, holy and blessed father, by temperance and prayer you submitted the rebellious flesh to your spirit. Filled with grace by the Holy Spirit, you used its strength to subdue and crush the countless evil spirits who assailed you.
2. O Lampados, divinely-inspired father, you were given to us as a treasure hidden in the caves in which you dwelt; by your wondrous miracles, you anoint the souls of the faithful who have recourse to you, O blessed father. Thus we sing to you: intercede that those who praise you may be saved from all adversity.

1. O Lampados, holy and blessed father, united to God by asceticism and piously enlightened by His living radiance, you became a lamp, pointing out the ways of salvation to all mankind. Thus, we the faithful joyfully celebrate today your light-bearing memorial.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Your life was filled with the grace of God, O father Athanasios, and your passing was truly holy. Today, the whole community of the Holy Mountain assembles. Seeing you lifeless upon your bed, it cries aloud in tears, "Grant one last word to your servants. Tell us: how can you leave your sons, whom you have loved as a compassionate father? Although the tomb will cover you on earth, we who wholeheartedly venerate you, will have you in heaven as a protector and intercessor before Christ our God!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two persons; he is understood to have two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls!

Entrance O Joyful Light. Prokimenon of the day.

Readings, when used: 1) Wisdom 3:1-9 2) Wisdom 5:15 - 6:3 3) Wisdom 4:7-15

Lete (when used)

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@AFTR TONE IND = Venerable Athanasios is a never-setting star giving light to the whole world; let us sing to him. He has shone more brilliantly than the sun in the firmament of the faith in order to lead the faithful to virtue by his light and to move them to zeal, not only by his explanation of the words of salvation and the divinely-inspired teachings which flow from his lips as from an abundant fountain, but also by his angelic life and wondrous virtue he manifested. As an excellent his teacher, both his words and his life shed light. O Christ our God, by his prayers, save this flock and strengthen it in the true Faith in Your love for mankind.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = Forming a choir together, O fathers, let us sing of the friend of Christ, named for immortality, the true disciple of the Savior, the pride and glory of monks, their guide, who was consecrated to the Lord from his very childhood. His soul filled with love of God, he renounced the world and its allurements and took up the yoke of Christ. Courageously he withstood the hordes of demons, and by his life, he shows us the way for those who love God. Having followed it himself, he was eager to attain the vision of the Holy Trinity. O wondrous marvel, O divine wonder! Earthly by nature, he became angelic. Receiving great glory and honor from God, he intercedes for us, that we may find eternal goods on the judgment day of judgment.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TONE IND = The admirable deeds you accomplished of the life you lived in asceticism astonished the angels and amazed mankind. Indeed, you were an angel in a human body as you struggled with the bodiless enemy. Thus believers sing of you from age to age, and your venerable flock celebrates your efforts in a special way: for you established a wondrous city in the wilderness in founding a majestic dwelling for so many monks; and it is robed as with wondrous vestments, in the light of your miracles and generous deeds. It depends on your protection, O Athanasios, by your prayers of intercession before Christ our God, that He grant it great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = Let our hymns resound, for the grace of the Spirit, clearer than any trumpet blast, calls us all together to sing of this God-bearing father. Let kings and princes honor this venerable servant of the Great King, who cast down the prince of this world, his powers and principalities, as he put on the armor of the Holy Spirit. Bishops and teachers, celebrate the rule and model for true good shepherds, the purity of his teachings, the nobility of his faith, his stature which reaches the very clouds in his contemplation and the practice of the virtues, the torrent of delights of his teachings. He is a guide for the wandering, a support for the faithful when they are shaken, and a treasury of compassion for all who suffer. Praising the great glory of Athos, let us all say: "O Athanasios, crown of the fathers, by your prayers never cease to protect your servants and to save your flock!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Let our hymns resound, for the Virgin Mother, the Queen of all, places crowns of blessings from heaven upon those who sing to her name. Kings and princes, hasten to acclaim with canticles the Mother of the King who lovingly willed to save the captives from death. Bishops and teachers, celebrate together the all-pure Mother who brought into the world the Good Shepherd. She is the golden lampstand, the cloud bearing light, who has become more spacious than the heavens, the living ark, the fiery throne of the lord, the golden vessel containing the manna, the sealed Gate through which only the Word may pass. Let us then sing the praises of the Mother of God, calling upon her as the refuge of Christians: "Palace of the Word, grant the kingdom of heaven to your servants, for nothing is impossible to your divine intercession!"


Tone 5

1. Hail, O venerable father Athanasios, who exult with the angels in their choirs, for you lived their life on earth as you practiced the virtues, showing the purity of an unblemished mirror which receives the radiant lights of the Holy Spirit; thus you had the gift of prophecy, foreseeing all in the divine light of Christ; entreat Him to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful.

2. Hail, O leader of ascetics, their invincible protector! Cutting down the passions at their roots and valiantly withstanding the attacks of the demons, O Athanasios, you triumphed over their deadly conduct. You clearly showed the might and invincible power of the Cross of the Savior. With this as your armor, you conquered all the adversaries opposing the divine manifestation of Christ in the flesh; entreat Him to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Happy the man who fears the Lord, who takes delight in all His commands.
3. Pillar of fire supported by the virtues, cloud overshadowing those in the desert, you lead the monks of Athos from earth to heaven. You split the sea of the passions with the staff of the Cross. You put the devil to flight, like another Amalek, O blessed father. Without hindrance, you found the heavenly mount and a never-failing inheritance, where you rejoice with the angels before the throne of Christ; entreat Him to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = He is the jewel of the holy fathers, the glory of Christian ascetics, the fountain of divine miracles, our fervent intercessor before God. Come, O feast-lovers, let us sing him our praises and say, "Hail, emblem and rule of monastic life, and its most precise model! Hail, O flaming torch, illumining the earth with your virtues! Hail, consolation of the afflicted and fervent protector of the wretched! You never cease to intercede before Christ our God, O Athanasios, on behalf of your fold and for all the faithful who venerate your sacred dormition.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Martha

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = In you O Mother Martyha was restored the likeness of God, for you carried your cross and followed Christ, you taught by your deeds how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to value the soul for it is immortal. Wherefore, you soul is forever in happiness with the angels.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Athanasios

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Athanasios, the angels were amazed at your deeds as you faced spiritual struggles and overcame the devils. You are worthy of all praise, and Christ rewarded you with a manifold grace. O Father, intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 3 when needed

@AFTR TROP/KON = We praise you O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our salvation for your Son our God who suffered on the cross, in the flesh which was taken from you redeemed us from corruption, for He is the Lover of mankind.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = Taking up the Cross of Christ, O venerable Athanasios, you followed in His footsteps by your ascetic labors. O wondrous father, you became a perfect model for all monks who walk the way of holiness. Your accomplishments won you a place in the Kingdom on high: never cease to intercede for the salvation of our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Like the prophet, I cry aloud: "Enter not into judgment with me, O Lord: for I am well aware of my faults, and they condemn me. I say to You: O Lover of Mankind, by the prayers of the one who bore You, take pity on me, your humble and unworthy servant, as You did for the thief, the adulteress, the prodigal and the publican: for You have come to save not the just, but sinners!"

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = Having repented before the Lord by your holy works and the purity of your life, O venerable Athanasios, you have won the lot of the bodiless angels.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Invincible protectress of the wretched, diligent advocate of those who place their hope in you: deliver me from all danger and despise not my appeal, O you who come to the aid of all.

@BOLD TITLE = Alternate Kontakion of Athanasios (TONE 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Athanasios, you have put on the yoke of Christ and carried your cross with generosity; wherefore you have become a perfect imitator of Christ in His sufferings, and a participant in His glory, enjoying forever His divine Paradise.
Kontakion of Athanasios

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = We acclaim you as a most excellent contemplator of immaterial being and an authentic spiritual father in the practice of the virtues. As your flock, we cry aloud: do not cease to intercede before the Lord that He save from danger and distress the faithful who sing to you, "Hail, holy Athanasios of Athos!"


@AFTR IKOS = Having received from heaven the wonder of your name, you have inherited eternal life; on earth, you lived in your body the life of the bodiless angels: thus you have become free from the passions. Therefore we sing to you: Hail, glory of monks and their splendor! Hail, radiant pillar of chastity! Hail, sign of manifest courage! Hail, witness of wise thought! Hail, perfect balance of equanimity! Hail, O you who have submitted your acts to your spirit! Hail, O spirit enjoying ineffable vision! Hail, attentive observer of all creation! Hail, O you who brought shame upon the demons! Hail, O you who mortified all passions! Hail, O calm harbor safe from the storms of life! Hail, savior of those who sing to you with faith. "Hail, holy Athanasios of Athos!"


On July 5, we commemorate our venerable and God-bearing father, Athanasios of Athos.

@SYNAX INDENT = Anthony the Great was the first of the fathers, but holy Athanasios was their crown. Although chronology puts him at the end of the line, asceticism assigns him one of the first places. When their temple collapsed, six disciples died with him, leaving the temple of their bodies. On the fifth, Athanasios is carried by the angels into the city of God: to him go our praises.

On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father Lampados.

@SYNAX INDENT = His lamp was filled with the oil of the virtues: the Bridegroom came, and Lampados went in with Him to the festal choirs.

By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 2

@AFTR EXAPOST = From the East, you arose like a distant brilliant luminary, O Athanasios, and you have given light to the hands of the West by the radiant glow of your virtues; never cease to pray to the Lord for the whole world.

@AFTR EXAPOST = All-pure Queen of all, by the prayers of the venerable Athanasios, shelter from all adversity the flock which sings to you as the protectress of the world at all times.


Tone 8

4. Precious in your eyes, Lord, is the death of Your holy monk. Behold, Your servant has brought forth a flowing fountain of healings. After his death, he has driven out all types of illness and has put to flight the deadly spirits whom he had resisted totally throughout his life.

3. Precious in Your eyes... (Repeat)

2. The Lord has made your relics a source of miracles and a wave of gifts for mankind; they give sight to the blind and cleanse lepers. For those in bondage to demons, they provide deliverance and a restoration to health in spirit.
1. Hail, jewel of ascetics, guiding star for monks, pride of pastors, O father Athanasios, companion of all the just in heaven! Hail, fountain of innocence and love! Hail, dwelling of the Holy Trinity! Hail, light of discernment, with brilliant radiance! Hail, living pillar, pure model of the virtues!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = Let us all acclaim the one named for immorality, the noble and valiant ascetic of Athos: he gathered together the first flock and with love built a temple to the Lore, consecrating it to the Mother of God. Before her, he intercedes for us who celebrate his sacred memory with faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore, we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Saint. Litanies and Dismissal.

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = From youth, you received Christ into your soul, and you desired above all else to renounce worldly seduction. You bravely established your dwelling in the wilderness and there brought up children of obedience as the fruit of humility. Having been an abode of the Trinity, with your miracles you enlightened all those who came to you in faith. As you bestow abundant healings upon all, O our father Sergius, entreat Christ our God that He may save our souls.


Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today, like the brightest sun, your venerable relics arose from the earth and were found to be as incorruptible as a fragrant flower. Radiant with a multitude of miracles and shedding various
healings upon all the faithful, you brought joy to your chosen flock, which you gathered and shepherded in wisdom. Standing now before the Trinity, intercede for them, and that victory may be granted to our country over its enemies, that we may cry out to you, "Hail, O Sergius, wise in God!"

July 6
Commemoration of our venerable father Sisoes the Great

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Sisoes

Tone 4

3. Your festive memorial has dawned, radiant as the sun, O blessed and venerable father. Shining with the rays of your virtuous deeds and miracles, it enlightens the souls of believers with their brightness. On this feast, we joyfully glorify you as the pride of monks, and we call you blessed.

2. Living like an angel on earth, O blessed father, you consumed your body through vigils and fasts. Always keeping death in mind, you were ceaselessly rapt in the contemplation of God, lifting yourself up to Him in order to attain the Object of your desires; and you have reached the heights of perfection.

1. At your death, there occurred a wonder surpassing all understanding: the assembly of saints drew near in great numbers; your face grew as radiant as the rising sun, showing the splendor of your soul and its purity, confirming in the sight of all the blessed end which you had attained.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All-pure dwelling of the Great King, Virgin all-worthy of our hymns: I entreat you to purify my spirit, stained by countless sins. Make it an acceptable dwelling for the Trinity, that I, your unworthy servant, may be saved, magnifying your great power and mercy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure Virgin, your heart was pierced by the sword of sorrow, as Simeon had foretold: your heart and mind were rent when you saw your Son hanging on the Cross. You cried out to Him, "Do not forget me, O my Son! Make haste to arise, according to Your word, O long-suffering Lord!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Sisoes

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = You appeared as a citizen of the wilderness, an angel in the flesh and a wonderworker, our God inspired Father Sisoes. By fasting, vigils and prayer, you received heavenly gifts; You cure the sick and the souls of those who run to you in faith. Glory to Him who gave you this power; Glory to Him who crowned you; Glory to Him who through you performs healings for all.


Kontakion of Sisoes

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You retired to the wilderness and became as an angel in the flesh, O holy Sisoes. Because of your spiritual teachings, you are a shinning guide to the faithful. We glorify you fervently.


On July 6, we commemorate our venerable father Sisoes the Great.

@SYNAX INDENT = At his death, Sisoes' name was inscribed in the book of God - during his life, he had been a book inscribed by the Holy Spirit. Having led an exemplary life, on the sixth, he left his earth for heaven.
By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

The rest is taken from the Parakletike

July 7
Commemoration of our venerable fathers Thomas of Maleum, Acadios, mentioned in the "Ladder", and of the holy and great woman martyr Cyriaca

(5th Class)

At O Lord, to You I call...

For Thomas

Tone 1

6. O Thomas, we acknowledge you to be a radiant star, enlightening the whole world with its mystical light, scattering the murky turbulence of the dark demons; thus, in faith, we celebrate your light-bearing memory.

5. You had once led an opulent life, enjoying wealth and power; but you reverently took the monastic habit in order to imitate the poverty of the One who was incarnate for our sake; and He enriched you with countless charisms.

4. In a pillar of fire, God visibly led you to salvation, to the calm harbor, to the safe shore of dispassion. Water flowed at your prayer, the blind were given sight, and the lame began to walk.

For Cyriaca

Tone 2

3. O victorious martyr of Christ, before the tribunal you bravely witnessed to the One who had willingly suffered Crucifixion. Enduring chains and varied torments, you joyously mounted to heaven in order to join the assembly of the martyrs who had confessed Christ from all ages; and now you rejoice in glory throughout the ages.

2. You are the chosen bride of the Word who appeared on earth, O Cyriaca; and you are resplendent in the beauty of your deeds and the radiant light of the passion you suffered for the sake of God. O virgin and martyr who ceaselessly exult in the heavenly tabernacles, remember all who keep your feast.
1. You are the wondrous offshoot of a noble branch, bearing as saving fruits the sufferings of your passion. In grace, you withered the weeds of the impious. Thus we lovingly venerate your holy memory, honoring your relics in spirit, in order to receive the grace of healing.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

(Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = At the right hand of the Savior stands the virgin martyr, victorious in her combat, clothed in embroidered garments of her virtues, adorned with virginal purity, bedecked with the blood of her struggles. Having filled her lamp with the oil of gladness, she cries out to Him: "I am drawn to You in the fragrance of Your ointment, O Christ my God; Your love has wounded me; be not far from me, O heavenly Bridegroom!" By her prayers, grant us Your great mercy, O all-powerful Savior!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Virgin all-worthy of our hymns, cast down the murderous might of our foes; change the sorrow of your people into joy, and restore us in your love; that, being saved, we may sing to you.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing our Life hanging upon the Cross, the all-pure Theotokos cried aloud with motherly grief: "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Parakletike, with
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = In the city of our God, on His holy mountain, stands this holy woman, holding her lamp enkindled. Let us hear how a virgin is praised: Virginity is the temple of God, the glory of martyrs, and the companion of the angels in heaven.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos: keep me under the wings of your protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Pure Virgin, when you saw your Son and your God hanging on the Cross, you experienced great pain. Mourning and weeping, you cried aloud in anguish: "Alas, my beloved Child! How unjustly You suffer, in Your will to save the earthly sons of Adam!" Thus, O holy Virgin, we entreat you with faith: grant us the favor of your Son!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Cyriaca

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bridegroom, I long for You and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.


Kontakion of Cyriaca

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = The martyr of Christ, Cyriaca, has called us now to celebrate her struggles and to sing a hymn of praise to her divine courage. She has mastered her imagination and conquered energetically her body's desires.

@AFTR IKOS = When the error of idolatry ran rampant and overflowed the whole world, during the reign of the impious Diocletian, the most cruel of men, then the decadence of the godless and their wicked seductions were honored. The masses obeyed his voice, for he threatened death for those who would not accept his impiety. But is was then that the martyr of Christ, Cyriaca, defied their wicked orders and threats of the executioners, preaching Christ our God in the midst of the arena. She trampled the enemy underfoot, for she mastered her imagination and conquered energetically her body's desires.


On July 7, we commemorate our venerable father Thomas of Maleum.

@SYNAX INDENT = Like one of the cherubim, unfurling its wings, O father, you left the earth to enter the Holy of Holies. On July 7, Thomas began his flight to heaven, to rejoice in the rewards awaiting him there.

On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Cyriaca, also known as Dominica.
@SYNAX INDENT = Cyriaca willingly goes forth to martyrdom. Bowing her head to the sword, she expires.

By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

The rest is taken from the Parkletike

July 8

Commemoration of the holy great-martyr Procopios

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Procopios

Tone 1

6. Marked out by the wisdom of God from your mother's womb, you also received a new name from heaven, like another Paul. Having learned of the voluntary Passion of Christ, you became His herald and true imitator, O Procopios, holy martyr.

5. Having wisely marked yourself with the Cross, the armor of victory, the sign of Christ, as with a mystic standard, O divinely-minded Procopios, you brought about the total collapse of the bold daring of the enemy. Casting down the idols, you fought even to the shedding of your blood.

4. O holy martyr, you once led to the Lord, the heavenly King, twelve believing women, as well as your soldier companions. Now, by your prayers, lead to Christ all those who celebrate your memory, O jewel of the martyrs.

@BOLD TITLE = Also for Procopios

Tone 4

3. You rose in the East like a blazing star, O Procopios, enlightening the ends of the earth by your miracles, your perseverance in the midst of torments, and the sublime radiance of your deeds. Thus, today, we celebrate your light-bearing feast, O Procopios, victorious martyr.

2. Your body was torn and burned by fire, O illustrious Procopios. Imprisoned, subject to all types of torments, O blessed one, you were finally beheaded by the sword and thus gained the Kingdom of heaven, where you now exult, filled with joy, O companion of the angels, O long-suffering martyr.

1. O holy Procopios, you led a whole army to the Creator; and in faith, they fought the good fight. You entered the choirs of martyrs in their company, having courageously cast down our enemy. Thus we call you blessed, O wondrous and unconquerable soldier, noble jewel and champion of the Faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Your wondrous feast shines upon us today, O long-suffering Procopios, inviting us feast-lovers to celebrate the glory of Christ our God. Thus we hasten to your sacred reliquary to receive the gift of healing; and we sing throughout the ages, ceaselessly glorifying Christ the Savior, who crowned you.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Lady, to you I lift up the gaze of my heart: do not despise my poor petitions; but, at the hour in which your Son shall judge the world, be for me a refuge, help and shelter.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing our Life hanging upon the Cross, the all-pure Theotokos cried aloud with motherly grief: "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"


Tone 4

1. Your name was given to you from heaven, just as it was to the preacher to the Gentiles, O illustrious Procopios. Illumined in spirit, you renounced the darkness of idolatry and became a light for believers, enlightening the world with the divine radiance of your sacred struggles, O glory and pride of martyrs.

v. God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

2. Having first put a bridle upon the appetites of the flesh, you then marched bravely into combat with the power of the Spirit, O blessed Procopios, having no concern for your body. The, since you endured
all types of torments, you were taken up into the heavenly choirs as a crowned martyr.

v. God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land; all His good pleasure is upon them.

3. Arming yourself with the Cross, as an invincible captain of the armies, you drowned all the enemy forces in the rivers of your own blood, and rained down an abundance of healing. Drawing from the fountain of the Savior, you refresh all those who are parched by the fire of passions.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Illumined by the mystic radiance of the Trinity, the Supreme Light, you have become light in your communion of life with God, O Procopios, divinely-minded martyr. By your prayers, save the faithful who celebrate your light-bearing memorial from all trial and temptation.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, fiery chariot, mystical radiance, who brought into the world the shining Light that never fades nor sets. Hail, O murex shell, whose blood dyed the purple robe destined for the King of All! Hail, all-pure protection of believers who call upon your name with confidence!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "Lord, what sight is this? You hold the whole creation in Your hands, yet are nailed to the Cross! You are the Author of life, yet are put to death!" Thus spoke the all-holy Theotokos, when she saw upon the Cross the God-Man whom she had wondrously born.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Procopios

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with Your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of Procopios

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Procopios, you were burning with divine zeal for Christ: you assumed the power of the Cross as your shield and thus broke down the enemy's pride and his power, upholding the glory of the Church while growing in faith and giving us all an example to follow.


@AFTR IKOS = Grant wisdom to my mouth, O Word, existing before all ages: I propose to sing of your soldier Procopios, and of the treasury of Your great compassion, O Christ, in the depth of Your judgments. May my soul be swept free of all darkness and my spirit by cleansed of all stain. May my good deeds make me a temple of holiness, that I may worthily sing of Your martyr, who grew in faith and gave us all an example to follow.


On July 8, we commemorate the holy great-martyr Procopios.

@SYNAX INDENT = Bending his head, Procopios told them: "Strike, for I will never sacrifice to the idols!" On the eighth, they were busy with his head on earth; but Christ glorified it with a crown in heaven.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Your name came to you from heaven, as it did for holy Paul. Growing in keeping with that name, you led a whole army of martyrs to the Lord. Intercede in company with them, O Procopios, on behalf of all who sing your praises.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Strengthen Your Church in its struggles, O Word, and grant Your people victory over the enemy, through the prayers of the Theotokos, whom You have given Christians as their protectress.


Tone 2

4. Procopios, great glory of martyrs, your name signifies growth in God: by the boldness which you possess as you stand ceaselessly before His throne, pray for the growth in Him of those who are acceptable in His sight by their deeds, walking in His ways, as they call you blessed with their whole heart.

Tone 3

3. Like holy Paul, you were overwhelmed by grace from heaven in your youth. With the armor of the Cross, you overthrew the boldness of the terrible warrior. Procopios, illustrious glory of the martyrs, call upon the Lord on our behalf: intercede for the salvation of our souls.

Tone 4

2. O long-suffering martyr Procopios, earthly lips sing praise to our God in your sacred memory: for you were an outstanding soldier of the Word, in whom we believe, when you made the idols collapse in the arena. Now that you are sharing the light of the Trinity, send His radiance upon us through your prayers.

Tone 5

1. Adorned with your exploits, O holy martyr, today the Church exults in spirit, worthily celebrating your memory as it sings: "Hail, imitator of Saint Paul, who have carried the Cross of Christ and broken the nets of the enemy! Hail, O best of martyrs, refuge of those struck by illness, bulwark of the faith and firm support for believers! By your boldness before Him, intercede constantly for us with the Lord!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR PRAISES = You received your name from God Himself, O martyr Procopios, like another Paul, and you progressed, growing in God. In your confidence in the Cross, you valiantly disdained the impiety of your executioners and the cruelty of the torments. Thus, you resisted sin, even to the shedding of your blood, as you fought with the invisible foe. Ceaselessly you intercede before the divine Redeemer, that He grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = O Lady, receive the prayer of your servants: deliver us from all danger and affliction.

July 9

Commemoration of the holy hieromartyr Pancratios, Bishop of Tauromina in Sicily

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Pancratios

Tone 2

3. When Peter the Rock, the standard-bearer of the divine Apostles, travelled throughout the world, he made it firm on a solid foundation. In you, he found a stone of great price, and he destined you to be the cornerstone of a church, O blessed one. You overthrew the temples and sacred stones of the idols by the divine power of the Word who willed, in His good pleasure, to take flesh and make His dwelling among us.

2. Driving off the dark spirits of evil by your word, O Pancratios, you made your people spiritual through the grace of the Holy Spirit. You plowed the furrows of their hearts and made them grow as good wheat, which you presented to the Master of the harvest. You intercede for the faithful who acclaim you, O holy martyr.

1. You have changed the West into an East, filled with dawning light, for you brought it, as its sun, the knowledge of God who ineffably dawned for us all from the Virgin. Then, setting in martyrdom, O holy father, you dawned again in the never-setting Light. Now that mirrors have passed away, you gaze directly upon the desired beauty of the Judge of all combats.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = In your goodness, O Virgin, you protect by the power of your hand all the faithful who take refuge in you. We sinners have no other defense before God but you, afflicted as we are in the midst of dangers. Thus, O Mother of God, You desire to honor Your creation. How can You suffer dishonor in Your flesh? O Lover of Mankind, I glorify Your condescension and Your infinite mercy!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Pancratios

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Sharer in the Apostle's way of life and successor on their thrones, inspired by God, you found ascetical effort as the means to contemplation. And so, dispensing rightly the word of truth, you fought for the faith unto the shedding of your blood, O Hieromartyr Pancratius. Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


Kontakion of Pancratios

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You shone like a radiant star upon the people of Tauromina, O holy hieromartyr Pancratios, who bore witness to Christ: intercede before Him on behalf of those who sing to you, O blessed one.


On July 9, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr Pancratios, Bishop of Tauromina.

@SYNAX INDENT = He himself was placed as the cornerstone. With the stones of his martyrdom, Pancratios builds his dwelling. On the ninth, living his last hour, he is worthily able to see the house of the Mighty One.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Holy Peter, the Rock of Faith, set you solidly as the cornerstone of a church, O martyr Pancratios. Together with him, O holy father, protect your flock from all damage caused by the enemy of mankind.

@AFTR EXAPOST = It is you alone whom we have chosen as our mediator before your Son and your God, all we the faithful who have been crucified with Him. O Theotokos, never cease to intercede for us who sing to you with faith.

July 10

Commemoration of our holy father Anthony of the Caves (Russian)


Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Fleeing all earthly temptation, you followed Christ in His Gospel by renouncing the world. Having lived the life of an angel, you reached the calm harbor of the holy Mount Athos. With the blessing of the fathers you came from there to the mountains of Kiev. where you ended the labors of your life, shedding light on all your fatherland. Showing the path that leads to the heavenly Kingdom to a multitude of monks, you brought Him to save our souls.


Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = Entrusting yourself to God whom you had loved from your childhood, O venerable father, you followed Him above all else in love with your whole soul. Renouncing this passing world as nothing, you took up your dwelling in a cave. There you valiantly fought against the wiles of the invisible enemy, and as a resplendent sun, you shone upon all the ends of the earth. Joyfully passing over to the heavenly palaces and now standing with the angels before the throne of the Lord, be mindful of us who honor your memory, that we may all call out to you, "Hail, O our father Anthony!"

July 10

Our Venerable Father Anthony of the Caves in Kiev, Leader of All Russian Monks


First Kathisma: "Blessed is the man..."

At "Lord, I have called...," the following Stichera, on 6.

(Tone 4)

Special Melody: "Called from above..."

1. When divine love came down on you, O Venerable One, then you reckoned earthly passions as being something evil. Therefore, you became a stranger to your native land, traveling to the Holy Mountain. Among the other Fathers there you shone like a star in virtues, O Anthony. Pray to Christ Whom you have served from your youth to save and enlighten our souls.

2. When you were enflamed with love of Christ, O Venerable One, you felt hatred toward the wisdom and glory of this world as being passing things. Therefore, you made for yourself a cave and in it you struggled like one without a body. For this you have been granted the honors of the Bodiless Ones on High. Standing with them before Christ pray that He save and enlighten our souls.

3. When you received divine love in your heart. O Father, you entered into a dark cave as into a truly-bright chamber. There being enriched by ineffable understanding, you were able to see the future as the present and to speak of this to all with clarity. Beseech Christ to Whom you subjected yourself from youth, O Venerable One, to save and enlighten our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Other Stichera to the Venerable One

Tone 5

Special Melody: "O Venerable Father..."

4. O Venerable Father Anthony, having illumined your mind with the grace of the Most-holy Spirit, with clearsighted prophecy you foretold the wrath of God, which was about to befall the Orthodox. You assured Simon of salvation from the warriors, and you foretold the building of a church by him in which he was later to be lain. Therefore, we all hymn you, for always you are mediating every good thing. We pray that through you we may receive from Christ great mercy.

5. O Venerable Father Anthony, fulfilling the commands of Christ the True Shepherd and Teacher, after your repose, out of loving concern showing to Erasmus who had lived carelessly, the riches of repentance, by your prayers and appearance to him you transformed his deadly sickness. Granting him time for repentance you guided others to chastity. Therefore, beseech Christ that our souls may be saved.
6. O Venerable Father Anthony, chastely and with God's help you guided the ship of your mind, obediently sailing across the gulf of passions of the sea of this world. Directed by the sails of the Most-holy Spirit, you reached the calm harbor of the heavenly homeland, where is the abode of the Saints and the repose of the Righteous. With them pray that we may receive entrance there, we beseech you.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Your severe life and labors for God became known to the Father of the Holy Mountain. Then, by divine economy, they sent you back again to your homeland, saying: "Go, child, so that by you those not knowing God may come to know Him." You went back there, O Venerable One, and you illumined your homeland, becoming a superior of monks. Thus a multitude of these were brought to Christ. Pray for us who are feasting your truly resplendent falling-asleep, that our souls be saved and guarded from the enemy legions.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Who will not call you blest, O Most-holy Virgin? Who will not sing of your most-holy birthgiving? For the Only-begotten Son Who shone timelessly from the Father, came forth from you, O Pure One, and was ineffably incarnate. God by nature, yet for our sakes He became by nature a man, not in two persons being divided, but known as united in two natures. Beseech Him, O Pure and All-blessed One, to be merciful to our souls.

Entrance, Prokimenon of the Day, and three readings: 1. Wisdom 3: 1-9 2; Wisdom 5: 15-6:3; 3. Wisdom 4: 7-15.

Litya: The Stichera of the church or monastery, and the following to St. Anthony

Tone 1: "Of the Tone"

1. By means of divine Providence you were named for the namesake of your life, O Anthony, receiving your appellation from your deeds. For by your teachings gathering a multitude of disciples who followed after you, you led them to God, as a partner with the Venerable and Righteous Ones. Standing with them before the Trinity, pray for us who are glorifying with hymns your most-glorious falling-asleep.

2. Avoiding the passionate darkness of this world, O Venerable Anthony, you abode in a cave and descended there to the depths of divine understanding, O Truly-wondrous One. Therefore, as one with clearness of sight, you were granted to know beforehand things which were far away and to speak clearly of them as if they were near. You were an intercessor for those sinful people sick with human sins, and you foretold prophetically the invasion of barbarians. We beseech you, O Father, and we pray that we be delivered of such threats and that our souls may be saved.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

3. Whose human understanding or tongue is able to speak out or praise your life, as is meet? For on account of your life in the body equal to the angels, those on earth were amazed and praised Christ Who granted you such victories over the passions, O Venerable One. Beseech Him, O Truly-praised One, that we who are glorifying you may be saved, O Truly-wondrous Anthony.

4. Blessed is the cave, O Venerable One, which has in itself your precious relics from which flow healings to the faithful. Blessed are your disciples who have acquired you as such a teacher and who have been called "children" by such a father, O Truly-wondrous Anthony the Intercessor for our souls.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

5. Now your all-precious and hallowed body lies in a cave, O Venerable Anthony, in which many have labored together in this life. And abundantly it spills out healing to those coming to it in faith. Therefore, we all beseech you: By your prayers always grant spiritual health to those calling you blessed.
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = You acquired great faith and boldness towards God, O Venerable Anthony. For resembling the Prophet Gideon, who by means of a fleece spilled out victory, you, O Father, desired by means of dew to know the place prepared by the Sovereign Lady and Queen. Therefore, you spoke, since grace had come upon you: "There will be dew across the whole land, and on the spot where She has desired a church to be, let it be dry. And again, let there be dew on the place (while the rest is dry)." You obtained the fulfillment of both, O Father. Therefore, you raised up a truly-precious temple to the Mother of God. With her pray to Christ, we beseech you, that our souls may be saved.

Tone 1

@TONE # = Special Melody: "O All-praised Martyrs..."

1. You followed in the footsteps of the great Anthony, O Venerable One, for as he lived in the desert for the sake of silence and was granted to be a companion to the angels, you were enclosed in an underground place-in a cave-being granted to see the Ineffable Light. Therefore, having imitated his life, you received his title on account of your deeds. Standing with him before the Holy Trinity, pray that our souls may be saved.
v. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.

2. Like a brightly-lit lamp you shone in a dark place, and, as the Prophet said, you flourished like a palm tree in the house of God, bringing the fruit of your most-holy body as a living bloodless sacrifice to the Master Himself, O Father. Therefore, having assembled together with love, we all bless you forever as our inheritance.
v. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.

3. The cave in which lay your sacred body, O Venerable Anthony, by the power of the Most-holy Spirit heals the various infirmities of those coming to it in faith. It drives away demons from men and those enfeebled leave it, having received soundness of body. Thus we glorify the Lord, saying: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Resembling the Prophet Elijah, O Venerable Anthony, because of your truly-great faith you obtained the fulfillment of an astonishing petition. As he had brought down fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice, in like manner, by your prayer you brought fire down from heaven to, as it were, consume and purify the place where was to be erected a most-glorious temple of the Sovereign Lady and Theotokos. Therefore, as a partner with the Venerable Ones and zealous Prophets, calling you blessed we beseech you: Entreat Christ that our souls may be saved.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR THEOTOK = My Maker and Deliverer, Christ the Lord, came from your loins, O Most-pure One, having clothed Himself in my nature He freed Adam from the ancient curse. Therefore, unceasingly we cry out to you, O All-pure One, as you are in truth Mother of God and Virgin: Rejoice, O Celestial One! Rejoice, O Sovereign Lady! The Mediators, Protection and Salvation of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = At the Blessing of the Loaves


Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Having departed from worldly tumults, in leaving the world you followed Christ according to the Gospel. You reached the quiet refuge of the Holy Mountain of Athos, living there a life equal-to-the-angels. Therefore, with the blessing of the Fathers, you came to the hills of Kiev. There having fulfilled a life loving of labors, you illumined your homeland. And having shown a multitude of monastics the pathway leading to the Heavenly Kingdom, you led them to Christ. Beseech Him, O Venerable Anthony, that He save our souls.

The Troparion is sung twice and "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos..." (once).


Tone 8

@TONE # = Special Melody: "O Victorious Leader..."

@AFTR TROP/KON = Having bestowed yourself from youth to God Whom you loved above all, O Venerable One, in love you followed after Him with your whole soul.

@AFTR TROP/KON = Scorning the passing corruption of the world, you made a cave in the earth, and in it you struggled nobly in the face of the snares of the invisible enemy, illumining all the ends of the earth like a bright, shining sun. Therefore, with rejoicing you passed over to the Heavenly Chambers. Standing now before the throne of the Master together with the Angels, remember us who are honoring your holy memory, that we may cry out to you: Rejoice, Anthony our Father!

July 10

Commemoration of the Forty-five Holy Martyrs of Nicopolis in Armenia

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For the Martyrs

Tone 1

3. O wondrous martyrs, although broken and crushed by the stones, you did not deny Christ, the Cornerstone which never falters. By grace, you became trophy-bearers and now exult in the choir of angels. Together with them, ask the Lord to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

2. O victorious martyrs, you were imprisoned together because you kept the saving precepts of God. Consumed by thirst, you were refreshed in spirit by a dew sent from heaven. Standing now in heaven, ask the Lord to grant our souls peace and great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I am constantly the prey of many evils. Wretched as I am, where can I take refuge, unless in you, O Lady, my only help and the hope of the hopeless? Bride of God, do not despise your servant, unworthy as I am, O prompt helper of the afflicted.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ hanging on the Cross, the Virgin said, "A sword has pierced my heart, as the elder Simeon foretold. But arise, O immortal Lord, and glorify Your Mother and handmaid together with You, I entreat You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished their persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of the Martyrs

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = For love of Christ, you submitted to many torments, O holy martyrs, and you cast down the multitude of idols. Destroying all error, you have triumphed through the power of Christ; and we have learned to sing with faith, "Alleluia, glory to You, O God!"


On July 10, we commemorate the forty-five martyrs who bore witness at Nicopolis in Armenia.

@SYNAX INDENT = A new company is presented before God. They stand at attention before Him even in the midst of fire. On the tenth, the flames enkindle the martyrs of Nicopolis, but they already burn more intensely by their zeal, as courageous soldiers.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = With courage and wisdom, the forty-five holy martyrs struggled until they had broken the enemy into pieces. By their prayers, O Savior, save us!

@AFTR EXAPOST = All we sinners have you as our protectress, O Virgin full of the grace of God; by the boldness you possess before Him as His Mother, implore the favor of your Son for us all.

July 11

Commemoration of the holy and illustrious woman, the Great-Martyr Euphemia

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Euphemia

@TONE # = (Tone ??)

3. O wondrous marvel! The lamb of the Lord imitated Him in the pains of her martyrdom by voluntarily submitting to death. Now, although she lies in the tomb, by the power of the Spirit, she makes blood flow from her body. We who have recourse to this fountain for the healing of our souls, sing each day the praises of God.

2. Truly glorious martyr, you endured the attacks of wild beasts, as did Daniel of old. By grace, you confronted the fire and laughed at its threat. Suffering all your torments, you receive the crown of victory that will never pass away. You joyfully went forth to the One you loved; thus we glorify you and call you blessed.
1. O wondrous Euphemia, the assembly of the holy fathers placed at the head of your coffin the Symbol of the Faith; you took the document into you hand, having faultlessly kept the faith, thus overthrowing all false doctrine and confounding the defenders of heresy. Thus, we glorify you and call you blessed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = At the right hand of the Savior stand the virgin martyr, victorious in her struggles, clothed in the invincible mantle of her virtues, adorned with virginal purity, crowned with the blood of her combat. She filled her lamp with the oil of gladness and cries out to Him: "I have run to the fragrance of Your perfume, O Christ my God; Your love has pierced me. Stay not far from me, O heavenly Bridegroom!" By her prayers, send Your great mercy down upon us, O all-powerful Lord!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin all-worthy of our praise: cast down the murderous power of the enemy; change the sadness of your people into joy; accept us in your love, that, being saved, we may sing to you!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@BODY TXT IND = Seeing our Life hanging upon the Cross, the all-pure Theotokos cried aloud with a mother's grief: "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = You who blossomed in virtues and were radiant in your thoughts, now bring a sweet fragrance to the hearts of believers. You rose in the East like a resplendent star and brought together the holy fathers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. O illustrious Euphemia, ceaselessly intercede with the Lord that He may save our souls!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, glory of the Apostles, joy of the angels in heaven! Hail, pride of all and crown of the faithful, O spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Christ, when she saw You crucified, the woman who brought You into the world cried aloud: "Most sweet Child, my Son and my God, how can You suffer this shameful Passion?"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Euphemia

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bridegroom, I long for you and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You in Your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Another Troparion of Euphemia

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = You filled the Orthodox with joy and put to shame the supporters of error, O Euphemia, the beautiful Virgin of Christ! You gave a seal of approval to the salutary doctrine of the Fourth Ecumenical Council. O glorious Martyr, intercede therefore with Christ God that He may grant us an abundance of mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion or Stavrotheotokion


Kontakion of Euphemia

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = You took part in the struggle with great valor, defending faith in Christ, your beloved Savior. Through the powerful intercession of the Mother of God, intercede with Christ that He may wipe out false teachings and humiliate the enemy's pride under the feet of the Church, O Euphemia worthy of all praise, who have received the rock of faith from the six hundred and thirty fathers of the Council, and preserved it faithfully.


@AFTR IKOS = Of what shall we first sing? Your struggles, your virginity, your pure life? The Father has made you the bride of His Son; the Holy Spirit has adorned you with splendor. What praises could tell of this, and who could sing of the never-setting glory that surrounds you? Rising from the tomb like the sun in the East, you give light to all places. On islands, lands and sea, you sanctify all as you give forth your perfume; for you have received the rock of faith from the six hundred and thirty fathers of the Council, and preserved it faithfully.


On July 11, we commemorate the holy and illustrious woman, the Great-Martyr Euphemia.

@SYNAX INDENT = While lying in your coffin, O martyr Euphemia, you dictated the Law for the Church by your hand, upholding the Faith for which you had struggled. On the eleventh, she confirms the true teaching.

By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Although dead, you still pour forth your blood like a life-giving myrrh, for you are alive in the living God, and you keep in your hands the tablets on which the teachings of Christ were written; thus we acclaim you, O holy martyr Euphemia.

@AFTR EXAPOST = In you, pure Virgin, God has given us a refuge, fortress and help in trials and afflictions; thus, deign to deliver us from all our miseries.


For Euphemia

Tone 1

4. Seeing the feast of the holy martyr Euphemia solemnly celebrated, O faithful, let us sing a thanksgiving hymn to our God, who is wonderful in His plans. For, through a woman, He has cast down the invisible might of the powerful enemy; and in the weakness of the martyr Euphemia, His divine strength is made perfect. By her prayers, may He grant us great mercy.

3. Seeing the feast... (Repeat)

2. Having filled the cup of truth with her own blood in her struggles, the wondrous martyr of Christ presents it continually to the Church. With her voice, Wisdom cries aloud to the children of the Faith and says to them: "Come, drink of the cup of the witness to the divine Resurrection, who drives away the enemies of the Faith, purifies us from passions, and protects the souls of believers!" Cry out, then, to the Savior: You pour out for us the streams of delight of the Spirit: grant us great mercy!

1. Our souls were sealed by the blood of the Savior for the day of redemption; with joyful hearts, as the Prophet says, let us receive the blood which pours forth for us from the fountain of the holy martyr, who imitated the life-giving sufferings of Christ and enjoys His endless glory. Let us cry out, then, to Him: "Lord, who are glorified in Your Saints, by the prayers of Your illustrious martyr Euphemia, grant us great mercy!'

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = Every tongue moves in praise of the glorious Euphemia. People of every age, maidens and children, crown the virgin martyr of Christ with hymns. Having bravely fought the good fight according to the rules, although a woman, she overthrew the hostile tyrant in her struggles. A divine and heavenly crown rests upon her as she prays to Christ, her Bridegroom, to grant us great mercy.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O Lady, receive the prayers of your servants: deliver us from all peril and affliction.

The Great Doxology may be sung, followed by the Troparion, litanies and dismissal. Or, if not, at the Aposticha of the Parakletike, the following is added:

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today, O Euphemia, the choir of Fathers assembled by Christ entrusted to you the scroll containing the clear definition of the Orthodox Faith. Receiving it in your hands, you kept it until the end. Thus, we, the assembly of mankind, glorify together your martyrdom and say, "Hail, holy Euphemia, who have faultlessly kept the Orthodox Faith, that heritage handed down to us by the Fathers! Hail, O you who intercede for our souls!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Joy of the angels in heaven, protectress of mankind on earth, pure Virgin: save us who take refuge in you; for, after God, all our hope rests in you, O Theotokos.

July 11



At "Lord, I have called..." the following Stichera, on 6. To Euphemia, TONE 8: Special Melody: "O Most-glorious Wonder..."

1. O Most-glorious Wonder! The Lord's Ewe-lamb, through the infirmities of suffering, imitates His voluntary death. And while lying in the grave, by the power of the Spirit, an effusion of blood spills out. Drawing of this for the purification of souls, let us always bring praise to the God of All.

2. O Most-glorious Wonder! Consider how she who by nature was dead, the All-praised Passionbearer, lay holding the divine scroll, not giving it to the adversaries, but entrusting it to the Fathers, O Glorious Martyr and Praise of all, by your prayers save now and keep steadfast the Church of Christ.

3. The assembly of divine Fathers placed the Definition of Faith on your breast. Receiving it, O Most-glorious One, you preserved the Faith unshaken, and vanquishing all heresy, you shamed the defenders of falsehood. Therefore, we honor you and call you blessed.

Other Stichera to Olga, TONE 4: Special Melody: "As one noble among martyrs..."

4. Your most-glorious memorial shines to us like the sun. O Divinely-wise Olga, Mother of the Russian Princes, Little Finger of Christ. Educated by the apostolic teachings, you were strengthened against idols and more so against the Devil. Illumined by the power of the Holy Spirit, you led the whole land from the darkness of folly and the people to God. Beseech Him for us who are celebrating your memory.

5. With spiritual understanding you shamed the Enemy who had tempted Eve, demolishing his weapons, and you effected the planting of a churchly paradise. In it you set up the Tree of Life of the Cross, having there the Bread of the Divine Refectory and an inexhaustible Fountain of the Blood of Christ. Having drunk of It you remain incorrupt, always praying for us all.

6. The ends of Russia now make glad spiritually, honoring the memory of the divinely-wise Olga. For always she prays to Christ, together with the Wonderworkers and Martyrs, having as a Helper the Holy Theotokos, that those who are venerating the shrine of her incorrupt body and singing her praises in faith be delivered from misfortunes and sorrows.

Glory...TONE 6

At the right hand of the Savior stood the virgin-the Passionbearer and Martyr Euphemia-arrrayed with virtues and victories, and adorned with the oil of purity and the blood of suffering. Joyfully she holds her lamp, crying out to Him: "I hastened to Your fragrance, O Christ God, for I was wounded by Your love. Do not separate from me, O Heavenly Bridegroom." By her prayers, O All-mighty Savior, send to us Your mercy.

Now and ever...Theotokion*, or the following Cross-Theotokion, SAME TONE: Special Melody: "Having placed all hope..."

As Simeon said, a sword pierced your heart, O Most-pure Sovereign Lady, when you saw Him Who shone from you at an ineffable word, as one condemned raised up on the Cross by transgressors, given vinegar and gall to drink, His side pierced and His hands and feet nailed. And, lamenting in a motherly way, you exclaimed, crying out: "What is this new mystery, O Sweetest Child?"

Aposticha: From the Octoechos. Then the following verse

vs. God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel!

And we sing the Stikheron, TONE 8

Let us honor in hymns the Martyr of Christ, for truly words of praise are due her, as a crown is placed on her brow. For in truth steadfast and firm, she cast down the filth of many torturers. Therefore the Suffering One cried out, joyfully: "Be to me, O Lord, a Helper, and depart not from me!"

Glory...TONE 6

Adorned with virtues and illumined in understanding, you pour out myrrh into the hearts of the faithful, having shone like a bright star from the East. You ratified the assembly of divine Fathers by the coming of the Holy Spirit. Do not cease praying for us to Christ, O All-praised Euphemia, that our souls may be saved.

Now and ever...Theotokion*, or Cross-Theotokion, SAME TONE: Special Melody: "On the Third Day..."

When the Virgin and Your pure Mother saw You on the Tree righteously pierced by the transgressing people, O Savior, as Simeon foretold, she was wounded in her heart.

After the "Our Father", the following Troparia are sung

To Euphemia, General to the Martyr, or the following TROPARION, TONE 4

Having loved Christ your Bridegroom, and having prepared your bright lamp, you shone with virtues, O All-praised Euphemia. Therefore you went in with Him to the wedding, having received from Him a crown of sufferings. Deliver us who in faith are honoring your memory from misfortunes.
Glory...TONE 1 (to Olga)

Having fixed your mind with the wings of divine understanding, you flew to Him Who surpasses the visible creation. Having sought the God and Creator of All, and having found Him, you received birth again by Baptism. Satisfying yourself to the Tree of Life, you abide forever incorrupt, O Ever-glorious Olga.

Now and Ever...Theotokion*, SAME TONE.

Kontakion, TONE 6 (to Euphemia)

You underwent struggles both in martyrdom and in faith for Christ your Bridegroom. Now beseech the Master to subjugate underfoot the shaking of the enemies of the Orthodox, as He did for the six-hundred-and-thirty God-bearing Fathers, accepting the Definition [of Faith] and preserving it, O All-praised One.

Another KONTAKION, Tone 4 (to Olga): Special Melody: "You have revealed yourself today..."

Today let us sing the praises of God the Benefactor of all, Who has been glorified in Russia by Divinely-wise Olga, that by her prayers He grant to our souls the remission of sins.

*The appropriate Theotokia are found at the back of the Menaion, and have been printed in the Rubrics and Liturgical Calendar for 1985.

July 12

Commemoration of the holy martyrs Proclos and Hilarion

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For the Martyrs

Tone 1

3. Since you endured countless torments, you have both received shining crowns, O Proclos and Hilarion. Thus we celebrate your festive memorial with faith, entreating you to intercede ceaselessly on our behalf.

2. Procolos, you were able to endure the laceration of your flesh, for you had your gaze fixed on the eternal joys of Paradise and the never-setting Light, O blessed one. As you now rejoice in it, intercede that those who honor you may one day also be enlightened therein.

1. Hilarion and Proclos, victorious athletes of the Lord, like two stars you give light to the whole creation by the radiance of your miracles, scattering the darkness of the passions. Thus we sing to you, as we keep your memory with joy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Virgin Theotokos, you were called blessed by your Son. As the benevolent protectress of believers, present our prayers to the Creator and obtain forgiveness for your servants, O Bride of God, who gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Standing by the Cross of your Son and your God, and seeing His infinite patience, pure Mother, you cried aloud in tears: "Alas, most sweet Child! How You suffer unjustly in order to save the human race, O Word of God!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished their persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of the martyrs

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = Being members of the same family and sharing the same sentiments, you were of one mind in all things, O wondrous martyr Proclos and divinely-minded Hilarion. Imitating the sufferings of Christ, you shared also in His glory; and your prayers obtain forgiveness for all.


On July 12, we commemorate the holy martyrs Proclos and Hilarion.

@SYNAX INDENT = Proclos suffered a hail of darts piercing his whole body; and Hilarion experienced the blow of a sword. On the twelfth, both arrived safe and sound in heaven.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

July 13

Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel; commemoration of our venerable father Stephen the Sabaite

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Gabriel

Tone 1

6. Gabriel, the greatest and most godlike of the spiritual power, shining with light, the herald of salvation, gazes upon the light of the Threefold Sun; with the hosts on high, he sings of the divine mystery full of awe. He intercedes before God that we be given peace and great mercy.

5. To you alone, O Gabriel, was entrusted the great mystery, till then unknown to the angels and hidden from all eternity; coming to Nazareth, you did not dare share it with anyone but the Virgin. Pray with her that our souls may be given peace and great mercy.

4. You are always filled with light, and you do the will and fulfill the decrees of the Almighty, O Leader of the angels. O Gabriel, the all-perfect, preserve those who honor you with love, and ask at all times that our souls be granted peace and great mercy.

For Stephen

Tone 8

3. Stephen, God-bearing and blessed father: you wisely strengthened your spirit by your knowledge of God. You directed your sentiments to courage, your desire to chastity, and the zeal of your soul to justice. Thus you prepared an acceptable chariot of the virtues, in which you joyfully ascended to heaven.

2. Stephen, God-bearing and blessed father: you made your spirit radiant with the light of divine teachings, brandishing your heart like a lance against the blasphemy of the heretics in your desire to taste the delights on high. Make us also worthy to share in them, O you who now stand before the throne of the all-powerful King.

1. Stephen, God-bearing and blessed father: filling your spirit through fasting, you directed it constantly toward the Cause of all things. Calming the turbulence of your passions and fleeing the turmoil of the world, you attained to the object of your desires by the purity of your spirit, O venerable and Godly-minded father.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Rejoice with us today, all you leaders of the angelic hosts! The great Archangel Gabriel, your captain and our guardian, is present in the Church today and watches over us, sanctifying this place. Let us therefore sing his praises and cry out to him: "Keep us safe under the shelter of your wings, O great Archangel Gabriel!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = No one who has recourse to you is ever put to shame, O pure Virgin Theotokos; for whoever implores your grace, receives whatever is necessary.


Tone 4

1. The Spirit, the ever-existing One, has made you a reflection of His light, O Gabriel. You radiate that light which you share to all the ends of the earth. It was you who announced to us the great mystery which was hidden from eternity: that the bodiless God would take flesh from a Virgin's womb and come as Man to save all mankind.

v. You make spirits Your messengers, and flaming fires Your attendants.

2. As you stand by the throne of God, the three-fold Light, O Gabriel, you radiate the divine illumination which ceaselessly flows forth from the Godhead. Deliver us on earth from the darkness of the passions as we joyfully praise you; enlighten us, O leader of the angelic hosts, and intercede for our salvation.

v. Bless the Lord, O my soul! You are very great, O Lord my God!

3. O Gabriel, prince of the heavenly powers, stop the divisions of heresy within the Church; heal the attacks of heretics; still the storm of our many temptations; deliver from all danger those who honor you with love and seek your protection, O intercessor for our souls!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = As captain of the hosts, champion and leader of angels, O Gabriel, deliver from all oppression, sorrow, sickness and sin, those who sing your praises and entreat you. Since you are bodiless, you behold god, who transcends all essence; and you are radiant with the unapproachable Light of the Master's glory. In his love for mankind, He took flesh for our sake form the Virgin, when He willed to save the human race.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Gabriel

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O captain and leader of the armies of heaven, unworthy as we are, we beseech you without cease to surround us with your intercessions and cover us beneath the shelter of the glory of your ethereal wings. We bend our knee and cry out with perseverance: "Deliver us from danger, O Prince of the powers on high!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Stephen

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = Guide of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety and holiness, Star of the universe, glory of monks, wise Stephen inspired by God. By your teachings you enlightened us all, O Harp of the Spirit. Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


Kontakion of Gabriel

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You look upon God's face in heaven and pour out countless graces on earth, O Gabriel, wise prince of angels, servant of God's glory, defender of the world: save and preserve those who cry out to you: "Be our defense, so that none may defeat us!"


On July 13, we celebrate the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel.

@SYNAX INDENT = I do not tire of celebrating your many feasts, O archangel Gabriel, any more than of counting the many benefits received through you. Who could ever complain? On the thirteenth, Gabriel calls us together in his name.

On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father Stephen the Sabaite.

@SYNAX INDENT = Fleeing the scandals, traps and snares of life, the ravished soul of Stephen takes flight toward Eden.

By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Radiantly reflecting the illuminations of the great brightness of the Trinity, O Archangel Gabriel, you pass like lightning across the whole creation, fulfilling the divine commands, and guarding, preserving and protecting those who joyfully sing your praises.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Wretched as I am, by my intemperance when I was put to the test, I strayed far from the wondrous image in which I was created by Your divine hands. But in Your great compassion and by Your communion with me, O Christ, You assumed my poor image in the womb of the spotless Virgin and renewed my whole being, O Savior.


Tone 1

4. Archangel Gabriel, you are the servant of God, a divine commander, a light reflected from communion with Him. By the splendor of that radiance, O Gabriel, bathed in light, you illumined the whole world.

3. Archangel Gabriel, you are... (Repeat)

2. Gabriel, prince of angels, your glory is proclaimed in all places. Wondrous is your power, divine is your grace, glorious your form and fiery your appearance. Sublime is your rank, bodiless is your light, and quick is your aid to the weak, according to the will of God.

1. Great captain Gabriel, herald of joy, you prepared the divine betrothal of the Mother of God. Together with her, entreat the Creator to deliver from affliction and shame all those who celebrate your memory and receive your glad tidings with faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR PRAISES = Wherever your grace casts its shadow, O Gabriel, captain of the angels, the power of Satan is driven out; for Lucifer, the fallen morning star, cannot bear to dwell in your light. Therefore, we ask you to extinguish the fiery darts he casts against us and to deliver us from his stumbling blocks.
v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O blessed Virgin, we entreat you as the Mother of God: intercede before Him that our souls may be saved.

The Great Doxology may be sung. If not, use the Aposticha of the Octoechos

July 13-19

Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils

(3rd Class)


First Kathisma: Blessed the man...

At O Lord, to You I call..." ten stichera are sung: six of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, then

For the Fathers

Tone 6

4. O Word of God and Lover of Mankind, infinite and beyond description in Your becoming Man for our sake: the noble assembly of Fathers proclaimed that You are both perfect Man and perfect God, one Person in two perfect natures, with two perfect wills. Wherefore, we profess that You are one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit; and singing a hymn of praise to the Fathers, we adore You.

3. O glorious Fathers of the Councils, you demonstrated that Pyrrhus, Sergius, Onuphrios and Dioscorus were in error as well as Nestorius concerning their doctrines on Christ. You save the flock by teaching the true principle that Christ is one divine Person in two natures. This Christ we adore as perfect Man and perfect God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. O holy Fathers, we honor you and sing to you a hymn of praise.

2. The Fathers of the Councils, inspired by God, declare and express that in Christ there is a divine Act and a divine Will, uncreated and infinite: the Act and Will of the Son of God; and a human Act and human Will: those of the Son of Man. Thus did they proclaim that Christ is one divine Person having two natures, those of God and of Man. Wherefore, we the faithful honor these Fathers every year, and glorify Christ who glorified them.

1. The Fathers of the Council proclaim to us today that the eternal Trinity is one God and one Lord, explaining to us that it is of one nature, consubstantial, of one will and one act, not divided nor shared but existing in the simplicity of God's being; and defining that this will and act of God have no beginning and will never have an end. Wherefore, we the faithful glorify these Fathers as the Equals of the Apostles, for they taught all mankind the true doctrine of God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR TONE IND = Today let us celebrate the God-bearing Fathers, the mystical spokesmen of the Spirit, who sang a hymn of unity in the midst of the Church. They proclaimed the one essence of the divine Trinity. They defended Orthodoxy before Arius, and they ceaselessly intercede before God that He take pity on our souls. v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion/Dogmatikon from the Tone of the week

Entrance. Prokimenon of Saturday evening.

Readings: 1) Genesis 14: 14-20; 2) Deuteronomy 1: 8-11, 15-17; 3) Deuteronomy 10: 14-21.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O holy Fathers of the Councils, you are the faithful keepers of the Apostles' tradition. By proclaiming that the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity are one and consubstantial, you refuted the blasphemy of Arius; by teaching that the Holy Spirit is a distinct Person, one with the Father and the Son, you put Macedonius, Severus and other heretics to shame. Wherefore, we beseech you to intercede for us, preserving us from heresy and error and keeping our lives blameless in God's sight.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O woman all-pure, incline your ear to the supplications of your servants. Protect us from raging assaults and deliver us from all sorrows, for you are our only safe and secure haven and we obtained you as our intercessor. O, that we may never be put to shame who call upon you! Hasten to answer the pleadings of all those who cry to you with confidence: "Hail, O Lady, succor of all! O our joy, our protection and the salvation of our souls!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Fathers

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Christ our God, You are infinitely glorified, for You established our Fathers as radiant stars on earth. Through them, You led us to the true Faith. O most Merciful One, glory to You!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Good One you were born of the Virgin, and suffered crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by your death, and as God you made manifest the resurrection; turn not away from those you have made by your hands, O Merciful One, show your love to men, and accept as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to you, O our Savior, save a desperate people.


Resurrectional Service in the Tone of the Week. Canons of the Resurrection and the Mother of God, then the two for the Fathers: the first in Tone 3, the second in Tone 8.


Ode 1

@ODE TEXT = Let us sing to the Lord our God who worked wonders in former times: in the Red Sea, He saved the people of Israel, swallowing up their enemies; to Him alone let us offer our hymns, for He is gloriously triumphant!

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Planted in the house of God by faith, the Holy Fathers have made the Orthodox teachings flourish as they reverently preached the uncreated Trinity, an undivided Triad, a unique Divinity!

The God who, for our sake, was made man through the Virgin Mary without undergoing change, was preached by the Holy Fathers as having two natures in one Person without division. They proclaimed His perfection without change or confusion.

O glorious Euphemia, the hierarchs of Christ entrusted to you, like the divinely written tablets of the Law, the correct definition of the Faith. You held it unfailingly in your hand, and protected it by your prayers from all heresy.

We sing to you, Virgin Theotokos, as the new cherubic throne for the Lord; you alone are the fountain of immortality, for you made Life flow forth upon the world, a stream in which we find healing.

Long ago, the rod of Moses struck the sea and marked it with a Cross, drowning Pharaoh and his army, while the children of Israel crossed over on foot, singing a song to their saving God.

The holy assembly of the Fathers, which once restrained the heresy of Eutyches, defined two indivisible natures in the Person of the Savior, thus clearly following in an irrevocable manner the teachings of our holy father Cyril.

Men of great faith, three hundred and sixty in number, rejected the error of Eutyches and the heresy of Severus, as they declared: "We preach Christ in two natures, thus following the words of blessed Cyril!"

Let him who refuses to preach Christ, the Word of the Father, in two natures and two energies, be anathema! Thus was the teaching of the Fourth Council; and we call the Fathers of that Synod blessed.

@ODE TEXT = Glorious things have been said from generation to generation in your regard, O Mary, Mother of God, who remained a virgin while receiving into your womb the Word of God; after God, you are our only support, and thus we sing to you with one heart.


@AFTR KATAVAS = I shall open my mouth, and it will be filled with the Spirit; and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her wonders.

Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = My heart is made strong in the Lord; I lift up my head in my God, for there is no other Holy One but You, O Lord!

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Let all the earth rejoice and exult with the angels in heaven at the memory of the holy hierarchs of Christ!

Let us linger in the garden of the holy definition of the Orthodox Faith, gathering the beautiful flowers which the holy Fathers have planted for our sake.

Laying siege to the citadel of error with the weapons of Faith, O hierarchs, you have crumbled the bastions of heresy.

Employing the Scriptures, O Euphemia, we say to you: "More delightful than all spices is the fragrance of your garments, for it is the fragrance of the Faith!"

Divine Mother, after receiving Him in your womb, you gave birth to our God in the flesh: entreat Him for our salvation.

When time began, O Christ, Your wisdom established the heavens, firmly setting the earth upon the waters. So now confirm us on the rock which is Your goodness and love for mankind, for no one is holier than You!

O you who impudently poison mankind with the teachings of Serverus, be confounded! For you have been driven off from the Church as ravenous wolves and dogs!

We who hold the Orthodox Faith worship the Creator and Savior in two natures, two wills and two energies which cannot be divided; and we reject the heresy of Severus forever!

Come, O faithful, let us clearly reprove the error of Severus, Eutyches, Jacob, Theodorus and Dioscoros with them. With divine hymns, let us celebrate the holy Fathers of the Fourth Council!

@ODE TEXT = You are higher in honor than the Cherubim and Seraphim, O Theotokos, for you alone, O pure Virgin, received in your womb the God whom no space can contain. In our ceaseless hymns, we the faithful call you blessed!


@AFTR KATAVAS = O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen those who applaud you in this spiritual gathering; and in your holy feast, make them worthy of crowns of glory.


Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection in the Tone of the Week

Sessional Hymns

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = O blessed Fathers, you have become torches shinning truth upon the world, consuming the blasphemies of heretical babblings, and extinguishing the brush-fires of impious doctrines. O hierarchs of Christ, intercede for our salvation!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Virgin, make haste to receive the prayers we address to you; present them to your Son and God, all-holy Lady. Calm the distress of those who flee to you; confound the schemes of the evil one and cast down the ardor of the enemy who fights against your servants.

Ode 4

@ODE TEXT = At the sound of Your voice, I was filled with fear; recognizing Your works, I glorify You!

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

More precious than gold or silver jewels is the definition of the Faith with which the holy Fathers adorned the Church.

Following the Fathers in their confession of Faith, we sing in an orthodox manner to the Savior of all.

Let us sing of the hierarchs divinely assembled as guardians of the Faith, and let us celebrate the Savior!

Conforming yourself to the sufferings of the Lord, O Euphemia, you resembled Him by shedding streams of blood.

The mystery of your ineffable maternity, O spotless Virgin, gives light to heaven and earth!

Without leaving Your Father, You came to visit our poverty, O Lord, my power and my strength, my God and my exceeding joy! With Habbakuk the Prophet I therefore cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O You who love mankind!"

Tell us, O Severus: is it true that the eternal Word, the image of the Father and His own Son, is of a single nature? But if you say this, do you recognize another nature in the flesh of the Word? O wretched one! There are two natures-not one!

In saying, "one single nature of the incarnate Word", the hierarch and teacher of Alexandria refers to the nature of the humanity without confusion or change. Thus he teaches those who wish to think according to the Orthodoxy Faith that there are two natures and wills.

Let us the faithful proclaim the two natures of Christ without confusion, so that all heresy of Dioscoros and Eutyches may wither away! Thus we follow the definition of the holy Fathers and the words of Cyril.

@ODE TEXT = O spotless Mother of God, you are the chariot of the cherubim, the vessel and dwelling of the Word of the Father, our God, who assumed flesh in your pure womb; we ceaselessly glorify Him, bowing down before Him who was incarnate in two natures in you.


@AFTR KATAVAS = Perceiving the ineffable, divine design of the Most High, the Incarnation from the Virgin, the prophet Habbakuk cried out: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = O Son of God, grant us the gift of Your peace; we know no other God but You, whose glory is sung, with that of the Father and the Spirit, in the heights of heaven.

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Like luminous light-houses, you enlighten the Church of Christ which struggles against the darkness, O holy Fathers. In baptism, you have initiated her children into the knowledge of God.

Shining with the light of God, O holy Fathers, with the radiance of doctrine and the fire of your thoughts you shattered the blindness of heresies.

Conceiving fear of God in your heart through faith, O Euphemia, your tongue gave birth to the spirit of saving confession of His truth.

Pure Virgin, in a wondrous manner you gave birth to God made flesh without confusion or change; in that union, He preserved the perfection of both natures.

If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome me in my wretchedness, O Light that never fades. Bring me back to the path of Your commandments, O Lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant light!

Severus, do not unjustly confuse the natures of Christ, for the blessed hierarchs and teachers have unanimously explained and taught throughout the world that Christ is one Person in two natures!

Although eternal, the Word of the Father, the Lover of Mankind, has truly taken human nature; for He willed to take pity on us after our fall. Thus I confess His two natures and two wills.

The Fourth Council reproved Dioscoros and Severus who blasphemed against Christ, and it confirmed the Tome of Leo, Bishop of Rome, which beautifully and adequately defined the two natures of the Savior.

@ODE TEXT = Since you have a mother's access to your Son, O all-holy Virgin, we entreat you to extend your protection to the Christian people: for you are our unique intercessor before Christ, our Master and Lord.


@AFTR KATAVAS = The universe was amazed at your divine glory; for you, O Virgin who knew not wedlock, have borne in your womb the God of all and have given birth to an eternal Son, who grants salvation to those who praise you.

Ode 6

@ODE TEXT = Those who approach the thresh-hold of eternity and are in danger of being carried off by the storm of temptations, O Lover of Mankind, do not despise them when they cry out: "O Savior, save us as You once saved the prophet Jonah from the whale!"

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

In sacred hymns, let us celebrate the hierarchs whom God called together, for we have all been enlightened in spirit by the doctrine defined by them. Together, let us say to the Savior, "Save us as You once saved the prophet Jonah from the whale!"

Let us offer praises to the holy Fathers, blessing them and singing to them, "The words of your teachings have gone forth over the whole world; through them, we can sing to the Trinity!"

Plunging into the depths of thoughts, the Fathers have wisely brought up the precious pearl of the Faith, in order to enlighten the hearts of believers by fidelity to Christ.

By the stream of blood flowing miraculously from your body after death, O Euphemia, you drown the error of the impious. You guide to the harbor of the Faith the believers who sing, "O Savior, save us as You once saved the prophet Jonah from the whale!"

Hail, sealed Gate of the Lord, bush burning without being consumed! Hail, golden vessel and unquarried mountain! Hail, Mother of God, our constant hope, fortress for those who trust in you!"

From my many transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

The two letters which Cyril once sent to Succensus, Bishop of the East, denounced the error of Severus, as he preached Christ in an orthodox manner.

Cyril preached Christ in two natures and two energies, thus overthrowing the heresy of Severus. Wherefore, we all cling to the doctrines of the teacher of Alexandria.

@ODE TEXT = O Mary, we the faithful rightly proclaim you as both Virgin and pure Mother of God, thus closing the mouth of Nestorius and rejecting the heresy of Dioscoros.


@AFTR KATAVAS = Come, divinely inspired; let us clap our hands and celebrate this holy and most honorable feast of the Mother of God, and glorify God who was born of her.


Kontakion of the Fathers

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Apostles' preaching and the Fathers' teaching have established a single faith in the Church. Since this Church is now robed with the mantle of truth woven by inspired theology, it properly explains and glorifies the great mystery of the Faith.


@AFTR IKOS = Let us listen to the Church of God crying out to us in a sublime proclamation: "Let him who has thirst come to me and drink; I have mixed my wine in the cup of wisdom. I have prepared it with the word of truth; and the water which I pour out is not that of discord, but of unity in the Faith." The new Israel drinks from it and sees God, who says, "Behold and see: I am the same; I never change; I am God for all time, and there is no other god beside Me!" Those who partake will be satisfied and will praise the great mystery of the Faith.


After reading the Synaxarion of the day, omitting the last line, we add:
On this same day, we commemorate the six hundred and thirty holy and God-bearing Fathers assembled at Chalcedon for the Fourth Ecumenical Council, as well as the three hundred and eighteen Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, that of Nicea; the one hundred and fifty Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council, the first of Constantinople; the two hundred Fathers of the Third Ecumenical Council, that of Ephesus; the one hundred and sixty-five Fathers of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, the second of Constantinople; and the one hundred and seventy Fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, the third of Constantinople.

@SYNAX INDENT = O Fathers, stars shining in the mystical heaven, make your lights shine also in my spirit.

Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Ode 7

@ODE TEXT = In the furnace, because of their faith, the three young men extinguished the burning flame and were covered with dew from heaven.

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

The memorial of the Fathers shines out upon the world, enlightening the whole human race by faith.

With the fire of their miracles, the venerable Fathers nobly consumed the brambles of heresy.

O faithful, let us ceaselessly venerate the God-bearing Fathers as we glorify Christ, the King of Glory!

Enkindled by the flame of love for God, O Euphemia, by faith you consumed the invisible Chaldaeans.

Let us ceaselessly celebrate the Virgin as the Mother of the Lord, for she remained a virgin before and after childbirth.

Long ago, God shamed the scorching heat of Babylon. Wherefore, the young men in the furnace danced joyfully, as though in a flowering meadow, and they sang: "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

By confessing Christ in two energies and two natures, without confusion or change, we reject the error of Severus; thus let us sing to Him who suffered the Passion after assuming our flesh! "O God, blessed are You!"

He whom we see in the flesh upon the Cross and in the tomb, we know also to be in the bosom of the Father as the Most High God. Let us sing to Him with one voice, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

Rejecting the opinion and divisiveness of Arius, who debased the Divinity-and detesting the heresy of Sabellius, we sing to the uncreated Trinity in defiance of His enemies, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

@ODE TEXT = In speaking of You, O God, in keeping with the Faith, we sing of the Lord of all: the Father of the only Son, Jesus Christ, the Father from whom proceeds the only Spirit, consubstantial and co-eternal with You!


@AFTR KATAVAS = The three young men, divinely inspired, refused to worship creatures instead of the Creator. But with courage they trampled upon the threatening fire and sang joyfully: "Blessed are You, O all-praised Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = O priests, bless the Lord who was manifested in the fiery furnace, coming down in the midst of the Hebrew youths: exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Come, O faithful, let us wholeheartedly celebrate the annual memorial of the holy Fathers with joy, glorifying our God who crowned them in heaven!

You are the unshakeable towers of the Faith, harbors of the heavenly homeland: intercede ceaselessly for those who celebrate your sacred memory throughout the world.

The brilliance of your divine teachings has eclipsed the blind doctrine of Arius, and has revealed to the faithful the light of the true Faith in place of his strange darkness.

Enlightened by the light of Christ, O God-bearing Fathers, you lead all the faithful who celebrate you to the knowledge of the Truth.

Like a lamp of divine radiance, the martyr Euphemia sheds the light of the true Faith at all times upon those who acclaim her and glorify her throughout all the ages.

O holy Virgin, what woman has ever kept her virginity after childbirth as you have? Who has ever borne and nourished as a Child the One who is glorified by every being both on earth and in heaven?

In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

Whoever will not proclaim the only Son in two natures, without division, change or confusion, should be ashamed and keep silence: for all we, the faithful, believe that Christ is not of two persons, but of two natures, two wills and two energies.

All you who gather in the name of Jacob, scatter far from us! Were you baptized in his name when you were once lowered into the fount? If you separate yourselves from the grace of Christ, you will be confused and confounded!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Fourth Council, that of Chalcedon, rejected Dioscoros, Severus and Eutyches, forever banishing far from the Church of Christ the brambles of their heresies which confound the natures of the Savior. With that Church, we proclaim the Orthodox Faith.

@ODE TEXT = As a triple flame, the Divinity shines with but one Light of the one nature shared by three Persons: the Father, who is from all eternity; the consubstantial Word, and the Spirit who reigns with Him. Bless the Lord, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!


@AFTR KATAVAS = The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured, but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing: O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = O holy Virgin, unconsumed bush, Mother of God and the divine Light, our hope: we magnify you!

v. Holy Fathers, intercede for us!

Today the memorial of the holy Fathers invites the Church of Christ to celebrate their feast with joy.

The sacred hierarchs adorned the Church of Christ with their divine words as with flowers, which they wove from the many graces gathered in the garden of the Spirit.

O faithful, let us bless those divine chalices which mingled for the Church of Christ the wine of the knowledge of God, the definition of the Faith.

In you, martyr Euphemia, we magnify a woman who, for having acquired the mind of Christ, received the grace of remaining incorrupt in her body.

By the prayers of the holy Fathers, O eternal Trinity, grant a share in the Kingdom to all those who celebrate their sacred memory.

By a word, you ineffably gave birth to the Word, thus delivering rational beings from the folly of passionate irrationality. Pure Mother of God, we magnify you!

The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was awed: that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb became more spacious than the heavens. And so, all ranks of angels and men praise you, O Mother of God!

Severus abandoned the Church of Christ; by the decision of the holy Fathers, he received the merited reward for his blasphemy and erroneous doctrine, for he was banished from the assembly of teachers.

Severus, why do you mix the natures of Christ, introducing change and confusion, attributing suffering of the Cross and the burial to the impassible Divinity of the only Son and Word of God? We reject this as an error!

O Creator, born of the Virgin: cast down the pride and arrogance of the enemy as well as the treachery of evil-thinkers. Preserve unshaken the assembly of believers. Lift up their lot and strengthen the Faith, that we may all magnify You!


@AFTR KATAVAS = Let every human being taken up a torch and let him dance in spirit, and let the immaterial spirits celebrate this holy feast of the Mother of God and cry out: Rejoice, O all blessed and pure and ever-Virgin Theotokos!


@AFTR EXAPOST = The occurring Exapostilarion of the Resurrection, without its Theotokion, then: In celebrating today the memory of our holy Fathers, O all-compassionate Lord, we implore You through their intercessions to deliver Your people from all heresies and error. Lord, make us worthy to glorify the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O all-blameless one, you gave birth in an ineffable manner to God in two natures, two wills and one Person; He humbled Himself by His own will, accepting crucifixion, granting us the riches of His divinity by His Resurrection from the dead.


We sing five stichera of the Resurrection in the Tone of the week from the Octoechos, then the following for the holy Fathers in Tone 6.

3. Pondering carefully in the Holy Spirit, the holy Fathers divinely wrote the blessed Symbol of Faith, in which they proclaim clearly that the Word is coeternal with the Father who begot Him, and is of the same essence; in this, they follow the teaching of the divine Apostles.

v. Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our Fathers: praised and glorified is Your Name forever.

2. When the holy Fathers received the light of the Holy Spirit, they proclaimed, under the inspiration of God, the mystery of the Faith, in few words, but words rich in meaning. As heralds of Christ, they were inspired by the teachings of the Gospel and holy Tradition. They received radiant revelation from on high; and resplendent with radiance, they defined the divine dogmas.

v. Assemble His holy ones before Him, all those who have made a covenant with Him by sacrifice.

1. Uniting all their pastoral knowledge and moved by righteous indignation, the holy Shepherds used the staff of the Spirit to drive away the devouring, destructive wolves who had slipped into the fulness of the Church with an incurable disease leading to death. Thus the holy Fathers acted as noble servants of Christ and initiates of the divine message.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BODY TXT IND = When the ranks of the holy Fathers gathered together from the corners of the earth, they proclaimed the one essence and one nature of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and transmitted clearly to the Church the mystery of the divine teachings. Celebrating them in faith, we call them blessed and sing, "Divine army of the Lord, shining stars of the spiritual firmament, unshakeable watch-towers of the mystical Sion, fragrant flowers of Paradise, golden mouths for the Word, glory of the world: intercede for our souls before the Lord!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = You are truly most blessed, O Virgin Mother of God: through the One who was incarnate of you, Hades was chained, Adam revived, the curse wiped out, Eve set free, death put to death, and we ourselves were brought back to life. That is why we cry out in praise: "Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who find in this Your good pleasure: glory to You!"

Great Doxology. Troparion of the Resurrection. Litanies and Dismissal.

July 14

Commemoration of the holy apostle Aquila

(5th Class)

At O Lord, to You I call...

For Aquila

Tone 1

3. Like a great sun, holy Paul sent you forth as a bright ray, O blessed one, to shed the light of your holy preaching upon the whole creation, which had formerly been placed in danger by the dark night of ignorance.

2. Aquila, your pure heart was abundantly illumined by the radiant light poured out upon it by the Holy Spirit. You were made resplendent; and by divine grace, you scattered the dark shadows of idolatry.

1. The faithful who have recourse to your divine temple, entreating your aid, O blessed one, are delivered from all types of sickness, danger and affliction through your prayers and intercessions before God, O Aquila.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Virgin Theotokos, you were called blessed by your Son. As the benevolent protectress of believers, present our prayers to the Creator and obtain forgiveness for your servants, O Bride of God, who gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Standing by the Cross of your Son and your God, and seeing His infinite patience, pure Mother, you cried aloud in tears: "Alas, most sweet Child! How You suffer unjustly in order to save the human race, O Word of God!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Aquila

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostle Aquila, intercede with the Merciful God that He may grant our souls the forgiveness of sins.


Kontakion of Aquila
Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Aquila, you accompanied the Apostles and resembled them; wherefore you enlightened the world with your teachings and miracles and obtained the crown of glory.


On July 14, we commemorate the holy apostle Aquila.

@SYNAX INDENT = Casting his words into the depths like nets, Paul drew out Aquila, a wondrous catch! Alas, the grave covered your body on earth, O Apostle; but you took flight to heaven on the fourteenth.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

At O Lord, to You I call...

For the martyrs

Tone 4

3. Although only three years old, with the body of a child, you possessed great maturity of spirit, O martyr Cyricus. You valiantly confounded the tyrant who treated you as an infant. He cruelly threw you down the steps of the tribunal, thus winning eternal life for you through your death. You rose up to that life, adorned with the crimson of your own blood.

2. Like a vine bearing fruit from the gentle showers of the Spirit, you brought forth Cyricus, the fruit of your womb, o glorious Julitta. He was sacrificed, crushed in the winepress of martyrdom. In union with him, you poured forth the wine of compunction which brings joy to the hearts of believers who celebrate your sacred memory.

1. O wondrous Julitta, you bravely endured all types of punishments and countless torments. Seeing your son die before your very eyes, you underwent a double martyrdom; thus, you were granted a double crown through the power of the Judge of all combats, who grants victory to His martyrs.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 6

Come, let us all behold this new and strange wonder: a tyrant is overcome by a three-year old infant! Wondrously he says to the mother who nourished him, "Fear not the torments which the prince of this world can inflict in his rage; for Christ is the strength of those who hope in Him!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing our Life hanging on the Cross, the all-pure Mother of God cried aloud with a mother's grief, "O my Son and my God, save the faithful who sing to You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = When the three year old infant confessed the Trinity, he strengthened the mother who had nursed him, "Do not weep, O my mother, for the Creator watches over us from on high, and He will save our souls!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Lady, receive the prayers of your servants: deliver us from all danger and affliction.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing her Lamb nailed to the wood by the impious, the virginal Ewe cried aloud in tears and said, "Alas, O my beloved Son! Is this what You receive from a thankless people in return for all Your blessings? Will they deprive me of You, O my beloved Child?" Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You. O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished their persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of Julitta and Cyricus

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Carrying Cyricus in her arms, Julitta, the martyr for Christ, bravely cried aloud with joy in the midst of the arena, "It is You, O Lord, who give strength to Your martyrs!"


@AFTR IKOS = Lord, illumine my heart with the light of Your precepts, that I may sing of Your martyrs and describe their struggles. What tongue is able to proclaim their victorious combats and their exploits? O Lover of Mankind, I prostrate before You: grant pardon to my poor soul, granting me time for repentance. Then I shall sing of Your martyrs and recount the deeds of Your victorious athletes. You wish that all be saved; it is You, O Lord, who give strength to Your martyrs!


On July 15, we commemorate the holy martyrs Cyricus and Julitta.

@SYNAX INDENT = Julitta was a companion in combat to Cyricus. She was beheaded; his head was crushed. On the fifteenth, the judge made her littler by removing her head, while her little one's head was crushed.
By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = You have wondrously united tenderness of age with maturity of spirit! O Cyricus, victorious witness, and you, Julitta, who nourished him with your milk: you have obtained the crown of martyrdom in company with all the saints. By their prayers, may we find grace before Christ.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Hail, throne and palace of the Lord! Hail, wondrous budding scepter, golden censer and light cloud, all-pure Mother and city of the great King, virgin T heotokos, calm harbor and protection for all!


For the martyrs

Tone 1

4. As is just, let us acclaim the generous athlete, the herald of the faith, together with his divinely-minded mother; for in their patience as martyrs, they have both overcome the hostile prince of evil by the power of the Cross. Thus they have been crowned by the Judge of all combats. With boldness before God, they entreat salvation for the faithful who celebrate their holy suffering.

3. As is just... (Repeat)

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

2. Come together, O faithful, and let us crown with hymns of praise the two martyrs who honored the Trinity; for they trampled underfoot the error of idolatry and the schemes of the tyrants. Let us acclaim them, O faithful, as we say, "Hail, venerable Julitta, who triumphed bravely in your strength as a woman! Hail, blessed Cyricus, who overcame the cunning enemy while you were only three years old! Hail, glory and pride of the faithful who celebrate your holy passion! We entreat you to intercede ceaselessly before the Lord of all, that He grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls!"

1. You were filled with grace from the cradle and possessed the wisdom of an elder. Since you were a victor in combat and a sublime confessor of the Trinity, O martyr Cyricus, implore Christ our God in company with your mother, that He may grant peace to the world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR TONE IND = You appear as an infant in the assembly of the martyrs; but without speaking, you manifest the maturity of your spirit. T hus, you received the eternal Word and did not fear the fire of the impious. Together with your mother, entreat the Creator of all, that He grant great mercy to our souls as our Savior.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos; keep me under the wings of your protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When the spotless Ewe saw her Lamb willingly led as a man to the slaughter, she cried aloud in tears: "O Christ, will You deprive me, Your Mother, of her Child? Why do You do this, O Redeemer of all? O Lover of Mankind, I sing and glorify Your ineffable and supreme goodness!"

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O city of Iconium, exult and dance for joy! From you has come forth an illustrious fruit: Julitta, the victorious martyr all worthy of our praise; and from her has sprung a venerable child, the well-named Cyricus. They bravely trampled underfoot all the cunning of Belial the tyrant, and they have received the merited crowns as victors, for they proclaimed the worship and adoration of the Trinity. With confidence, we too cry out to Christ our God, who glorified them, "Grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Save your servants from all danger, O Mother of God and blessed Virgin, that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure Virgin, your heart was pierced by a sword, as long ago foretold by Simeon: your heart and soul were torn by it as you saw your Son hanging on the Cross. You cried out to Him, "Do not forget me, O my Child; but make haste to arise according to Your word, O long-suffering Lord!"

July 15

Commemoration of the Holy Equal-of-the-Apostles Vladimir, the Great Prince, baptized under the name of Basil

(4th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

Tone 4

6. You were like a second Constantine in your words and deeds. He was born in a Christian age, yet lived for many years among the pagan Greeks, while you were born from heavens, but later loved Christ who loved you. You have gone to Him in rejoicing; continually pray to Him for those who honor your memory.

5. You were like a second Constantine... (Repeat)

4. Mount Sinai is radiant with brightness and rejoices forever, since it was sanctified by the law of Moses and has seen the Unseen. O Vladimir, your city of Kiev also is brightly radiant and rejoices, not in darkness, but because through the Spirit, it has seen the Son glorified in you with the Father. Pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

3. Mount Sinai is radiant... (Repeat)

2. O Vladimir, for the Russian people, you have been a spiritual father, a king, a true preacher, an apostle of Christ announcing the redeeming Baptism. Having brightly enlightened your people by it, you have sanctified them throughout all the lands of your kingdom, O blessed saint.

1. O Vladimir, you have been a root of the true Faith, watered by the Holy Spirit. You made divinely-planted flowers grow for us, flowers putting forth a fragrance in your holy sons Boris the wonderful and Gleb the zealous. You three bring forth miracles for the faithful. Standing with them before Christ, you pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = Come, let us hasten to celebrate the memory of Vladimir, the forefather and guide of Russia. For he was born from pagans and came to love Christ who loved him. He went to Him rejoicing, with his grandmother Olga. He taught all people to believe and worship one God in Trinity. Destroying the idols, he brought forth for us a precious posterity: Boris and Gleb. Therefore, we keep their feast with love, honoring their memory. May they pray to the Lord God on our behalf to exalt all Orthodox Christians, granting peace to the world and salvation to our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Out of His love for mankind, the King of Heaven appeared on earth and dealt with men, for He assumed a human body from the pure Virgin and was seen in the flesh He received from her. He is the One and only Son, having two natures but not two persons. Wherefore we profess and declare the truth: that Christ our God is perfect God and perfect man. O Mother who knew not carnal union, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.

When readings are used: 1) I Kings 8:22-23, 27-30; 2) Isaiah 61:10-11, 62:1-5; 3) Isaiah 61:10-11, 62: 1-5.


Tone 8

1. O strange and glorious wonder! A resplendent soul has perished today. All the hosts of the wicked weep at beholding Vladimir the Great, our faithful ruler, the branch that was completely wild, divinely-planted by the hand of God, and glorified and radiantly crowned by Him.

v. I have exalted one chosen from among the people.

2. O wonderful depth of wonders! Those who had been hard-hearted in their understanding and who wandered in idolatry are today rejoicing in the Holy Church because of Vladimir. Christ our God reigns, having found Vladimir as a second Paul in former times. He set him as a faithful prince over Russia, and he enlightened his people by Holy Baptism.

v. With my holy oil, I have anointed him.

3. Hail, pride of Russia! Hail, guide for the faithful, our ruler, Vladimir the divine! Hail, defender of the Faith! Hail, miracle of wondrous signs and calm harbor for those who run to you! Hail root of the Faith and intercessor for those who sing your praises and faithfully magnify you!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O people of Russia, assemble and praise Vladimir the Great, originator of holiness, preacher of the Faith and Grand Prince of Kiev. Crown him as equal to the Apostles, praising him in song and saying, "Hail, O brave soldier of Christ, for you tired and defeated the enemy, delivering us from his wiles. You led us to Christ our King and our God. But, O blessed and praiseworthy price, and pray for Orthodox Christians to be granted peace and health, a stable government, victory over error, and great mercy for our souls!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Lady, accept the prayers of your servants, and deliver us from every necessity and sorrow!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Vladimir

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You were like a merchant seeking a fine pearl, as you sat enthroned in the Mother of Cities, the God-redeemed Kiev. O Vladimir, sending envoys to the Capital in your search for the Faith, you discovered the priceless pearl: Christ, who chose you in turn as a second Paul. You submitted to the rite of Baptism, and the scales of spiritual blindness fell from your eyes; and now your people have come to celebrate your falling asleep. Pray for the salvation of our souls!


Sessional Hymns

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = As the establisher and root of the Faith, as destroyer of idols, O blessed Prince Vladimir, equal to the apostles, we cry out to you: "Pray to Christ God to give remission of sins to those who keep your holy memory with love!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = Taught by the high and ineffable wisdom of God, you attained a rich understanding of faith in Him and you hastened to run to His goodness. You cleared the eyes of your mind and lifted yourself up to the comprehension of the holiness of faith. On your feast we say to you: "Blessed be God who enlightened your heart with the light of understanding, O Vladimir, shining candlestick. Pray to Christ God to give remission of sins to those who keep your holy memory with love!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TONE IND = You quickly and firmly acquired zeal for the true Christian Faith, O Vladimir. Having found the spiritual fount of divine wisdom, you ran to it with love. Having cleansed the filth of sin, you sanctified the people; pray to Christ that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of Vladimir

Tone 8

@AFTR TONE IND = O glorious saint Vladimir, you were like the great apostle Paul. Late in life you gave up the foolish philosophy of idols, and became a perfect man through the water of Baptism. Now you stand in Christ's court with joy, and we ask you to pray for the salvation of our souls.



@ODE TEXT = When Israel walked upon the deep sea as upon dry land, they saw Pharaoh, their pursuer, drowning, and they exclaimed: Let us sing to God, for He is gloriously triumphant.

O Word of God who have no beginning, in days of old You were the Creator of the four elements with which You have made the whole world. Free my soul from passions that I may rejoice and sing the praises of Prince Vladimir.

Come, O faithful, and let us sing spiritual songs, glorifying Christ who has sent His radiant light upon the holy Vladimir, the mighty Prince.
O Giver of all good things, You give seed to the sower. Give me the word, O Savior, and set my tongue free that I may always sing due praise, glorifying You in Your saints.

You call all men to Yourself, not by force but by their own will, as You once called Moses and Isaiah. Your call also sounded in the heart of the faithful and praiseworthy Prince Vladimir.

@ODE TEXT = Adorned with the beauty of holiness, O pure Theotokos, you conceived the true God who has enlightened us with virtues.


@ODE TEXT = There is none as holy as You, O Lord my God! For You have exalted the power of Your faithful, O Gracious One, and confirmed us on the rock, the profession of faith in You!

O blessed Saint Vladimir, your voice rang out like a mighty spiritual trumpet, proclaiming baptism in the Orthodox Faith to the ends of the world. Enlightened by that baptism, you illuminated the whole world.

O Vladimir, today your memorial shines upon us; and the orthodox of the Slavic world whom you led to the light of understanding keep feast, as they praise you, their ancestor.

Lord, You once enlightened Paul and made him one of Your chosen vessels. In Your compassion, You also snatched Vladimir, the Father of Russia, from a sickness of the eyes by Your baptism.

O Vladimir, you are like Constantine. Having received Christ and His commandments into your heart, you taught the whole land of the Russias like an apostle.

Strengthened by divine grace, you broke down the temple of the false god Peroun. Binding the idol behind a horse, you had your soldiers beat it as they professed the true faith and renounced paganism.

@ODE TEXT = Vladimir the great prince, chosen vessel of God, imitator of the apostle Paul, found the Virgin Mary to be a holy dwelling-place; and thus he built his first church in her name.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymn

Tone 2

@AFTR SESSIONL = Ever vigilant in prayer, filled with joy in your heart, O Vladimir, you drew the spirit of wisdom from the Source of all Wisdom, Who came down from above. Thus you shone with faith like the sun, and you continually intercede with Christ. Ask Him, as the compassionate One, to make haste and save the world from sin.


@ODE TEXT = The venerable Church, properly rejoicing in the Lord, gives worthy praise as she sings: Christ is my strength, my God and my Lord!

You were radiant and beautiful, like a cloud in which the heavenly sun is contained; you are like a glad and joyful spring after the winter of afflictions. O Vladimir, by baptism you became like a shining sun for us after the cloudy darkness of idolatry.

On his way to Damascus, Saul, the Pharisee, was struck blind by the small flash of a great light, and then was given light and sight by baptism. You were like him, O glorious Vladimir. Coming to the river for baptism, you have driven darkness out of our vision.

Christ the Master works an awesome, glorious wonder beyond telling: for by baptism, He restores the whole land of Russia and enlightens prince Vladimir.

O children of Russia, come into the light and call out to our father Vladimir, as is right, as we joyfully keep his memorial.

You chased away the uncleanness of our fathers and came to love the orthodox faith of your saintly grandmother Olga. O prince Vladimir the great, you are equal to the apostles of Christ.

@ODE TEXT = Like a door leading to the divine entrance of Paradise full of light, like a spiritual temple of sanctification, like the Beauty of Jacob, so do we hail the Virgin as blessed.


@ODE TEXT = I entreat You, O Gracious Lord, to illumine with Your divine light the souls of those who offer You the morning prayer with love. May they know You, O Divine Word, as the true God who called us from the darkness of sin.

Rejoice and be glad, O great prince Vladimir, for you have offered Christ chosen and divinely planted branches, your own sons, your fruit chosen by God, the glorious Boris and the holy Gleb; standing before Christ with them, you pray for us all.

Isaiah foretold marvels for Jerusalem: that she would be the mountain of the Lord and the house of God on top of the mountains. O saint Vladimir, we know that the grace of the Spirit was upon you, for you have built the house of the Master on the tops of the mountains of Russia.

Today the angels of God, filled with light, rejoice in heaven on your memorial, O Vladimir, for you have saved us form evil; you delivered many people and the whole land of Russia that had formerly worshipped idols.

The multitude of dark devils wept when they saw trampled on the ground all the idols which they had helped men to set up to lead them into darkness; you, O Vladimir, broke them into pieces at the divine command.

Rejoice and be glad, O servant of Christ, who intercede for our souls. By your prayers, we are delivered from the devil's wiles. Thus we cry aloud to you with rejoicing.

@ODE TEXT = O Lady, shining from afar with purity, you are the place of divine preparation; all sing to you and say: You alone are the Mother of God and have carried Him in your arms.


@ODE TEXT = Beholding the sea of life surging with the storm of temptations, I flee to Your calm harbor, and I call to You: O most Merciful One, spare my life from corruption!

You, O Vladimir, were like the holy Emperor Constantine, who enlightened the Greek and Hellenic people by baptism; you have restored your people to light by the bath of the Spirit.

Having made your soul pleasing by love of Christ and the gift of understanding, you flew through the darkness of idolatry and drove away the gloom of false belief; you have gone to dwell in the chambers of the Savior, the God of all, O blessed Vladimir.

By the strength of God, Satan, the destroyer of souls, is trampled underfoot, and his victims are freed; for Christ has given us Vladimir, the faithful prince, as a champion for us to break the devil, destroy him and cast him under our feet.

By the arm of Moses, the Lord formerly saved Israel from bondage; and now He delivers us from the error of idolatry by the arm of Vladimir, the faithful prince.

We call upon you as is meet, and we say: Hail, holy and blessed Vladimir, for God has given you to us as our deliverer. Do not turn away from your servants, but always preserve us.

@ODE TEXT = Most pure and praised Virgin, we find salvation in you. Our God, whom the angels desire to see, is seen as a Child in your arms.


Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = O glorious Saint Vladimir, you were like the great apostle Paul. Late in life you gave up the foolish philosophy of idols, and became a perfect man through the waters of baptism. Now you stand in Christ's court with joy, and we ask you to pray for the salvation of our souls.


@AFTR IKOS = Christ our God, who enlightened Israel of old by the law of Moses, You gave light to the world through Your incarnation, sending Your apostles to preach the announce to the different nations Your birth without seed from the Virgin. You told them to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Seeing the land of Russia growing old in sin, You sent Your spirit into the strong soul of the glorious Vladimir, drawing him to know You, O Christ our God, as One of the Trinity. You called him to enlighten a people by baptism, teaching them to sing with faith: Deliver the land of Russia and all its people!


@ODE TEXT = The angel made the fiery furnace emit dew upon the righteous youths; but it consumed the Chaldaeans by God's command and impelled the tormentor to cry out: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!

The enemy, destroyer of souls, stripped me of the garment divinely woven for me by the forefathers. Jesus, who is without beginning, appeared in the flesh and cleansed me with water of the Spirit and returned the garment to me. When glorious Vladimir recognized Him, he rejoiced and said: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!

Daniel was given a vision because he was faithful to the law of Moses. When you, O Vladimir, trampled down the ancient idols, with your understanding you gloriously saw Christ with the Father and the Spirit. Enlightened by baptism, you cried out to Him with rejoicing: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!

O Vladimir, you are the grandson of the blessed Olga, who was like a new Helen; and you became a new Constantine in your love for God, as you cried out: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.

Satan, the wicked deceiver, at first moved you to make war on Christians; but the mighty Lord illumined you in the river when He granted you baptism; He gave you the kingdom of heaven.

As a follower of Christ, you drove out the wiles of the devil and restored your people; you enlightened us all so that we may cry out: Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.

@ODE TEXT = The pre-eternal God chose you from all generations before the ages; taking flesh from you in later times, He appeared a perfect God and perfect man, O ever-Virgin.


@ODE TEXT = You sent forth dew from the flame on the righteous and consumed the sacrifice of the just man with water. For You, O Christ, do all things merely by Your wish. Therefore we exalt You forever.

Blessed Vladimir, David declared in the psalms that the descendents of the just would be blessed. This was fulfilled in you, for you offered to Christ a saintly and chosen seed of unconquerable martyrs; and with them you enlightened the land of Russia. Praising you and your sons, we exalt Christ forever.

Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, was glorified in Kiev by your grandmother and you. It has become the mother of all the cities of your kingdom. There, in the Church of our Lady, your body radiantly lies, while we, your people, praise Christ and exalt Him forever.

You delivered us from ungodly idols and led us to Christ our God, O Vladimir, father of faithful princes, teacher of your flock, and we sing the praise of Christ forever.
Blessed Vladimir, you have been known through all the Russias as a new Constantine; for in the name of Christ, you have taught about God whom we praise above all forever.
You stand now before the eternal King and have been crowned at His right hand; pray to Him for your unworthy servants, that we may praise and exalt Him forever.

@ODE TEXT = Praised by all people, you are the cloud of the Word and the lampstand for the Sun, O precious chariot, high place of David, rich mountain flowing with milk and honey; yet you remain the all-pure Virgin who was called by the Lord.


@ODE TEXT = It is impossible for man to see God, upon Whom the angelic choirs dare not gaze; but through you, O most pure Virgin, the incarnate Word revealed Himself to men. Therefore, exalting Him together with the heavenly hosts, we call you blessed!

In former times, David was found to be a valiant king for Israel; and he saved the people by laying low the gods of other nations and preaching the Son of God in the Spirit through prophecy. You, O blessed Vladimir, are like him; you acknowledged God in the Trinity, and we magnify Him.

Let the chosen people of God joyfully keep your feast in the Church of the Mother of God; in that church in Kiev which you adorned as an earthly heaven. You rest in it, awaiting the awesome trumpets of the archangels; thus we magnify you.

Sprung forth high and sweet like a fig tree and bearing fruitful branches like an olive, you have been a rod of the vine, offering two ripe bunches, your sons, saints Boris and Gleb.

The choirs of noble princes are now present, offering their holiness which they received from you and praising you with the faithful peoples; O Vladimir, guide and swift helper, remember us all that we may find peace in our lives.

O people of Russia, come to the church of Saint Vladimir, who was called Basil in baptism, that great and blessed prince, that glorious saint of Christ. Let us receive life and salvation, grace and great mercy through his intercessions.

Virgin, you have given birth to God on earth. The union of flesh with that which is not of the flesh took place in one divine Person having two natures. He did this to save all of us who confess you as being truly the Mother of God.


@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@AFTR EXAPOST = Crowned by God, O Vladimir, you and your grandmother Olga the glorious have indeed appeared as beacons enlightening the whole world with holiness and faith; we glorify Christ who loved you, and Whom we admire in His Saints.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Mother of God and spotless Virgin, you have given birth to God, having two wills and two natures. In His desire for our sake, He became poor and has given us divine riches.

Tone 4

4. Lord, You have given a mighty weapon to our prince Vladimir: Your precious Cross. He lived its mystery in holiness on earth, radiant in his goodness. By Your compassion, he attained the heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, we glorify Your loving plan of salvation, all-powerful Jesus, the Savior of our souls!

3. Lord, You have given... (Repeat)

2. O Lover of Mankind, Your servant Vladimir was pleasing to You. You have him the wisdom of Solomon, the gentleness of David and the apostolic gift of rightly worshipping You as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Therefore, we glorify Your loving plan of salvation, all powerful Jesus, the Savior of our souls.

1. O ever-remembered Prince Vladimir, you were the first to submit your people by their own will to Christ, by their acknowledgement of Him as their God and King, the Benefactor of all, who gives victory to rulers and justice to the oppressed. Therefore, Jesus, the Lover of Mankind and Savior of our souls, has guided your Kingdom, for you loved and followed Him.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = You did not receive your calling from men, but were called like the glorious Paul, by God. O Vladimir, you received the wondrous title of an apostle from Christ our God. You protected yourself with the sign of the Cross after the Lord had caught you, and thus gained victory over visible and invisible enemies. Thus we honor your memory, praying to you as our intercessor, to ask enlightenment, cleansing and great mercy for us all.
v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O wondrous event exceeding every miracle that ever happened! Who ever heard that a mother could conceive without a man, and that she would hold in her arms the One who contains the whole Universe? This was the will of the One who was born of you. O Woman most pure, never cease to intercede for us who honor you, together with the One you carried in your arms as a child. You have the power of a mother: therefore, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on us and save our souls.

July 15

The Holy Equal-to-the-apostles, Great Prince Vladimir. (called Basil In Holy Baptism).*

@VES/ORTH = GREAT VESPERS (All-night Vigil)

We sing "Blessed is the man..." (1st Kathisma). At "Lord, I have called..." the following Stichera, on 6, TONE 4: Special Melody: "As one noble among martyrs..."

1. In a word and deed you became a second Constantine; he was born in a Christian age, but for many years had been found among the Greeks, while you were born of barbarians, yet loved Christ Who loved you, and to Whom you have passed over with rejoicing. Do not cease beseeching Him for those honoring your memory.(twice)

2. Mount Sinai, brightly shining, makes eternally glad, for it was sanctified by the Law of Moses and saw the Unseen; your great city, O Basil, likewise shining brightly makes glad and rejoices, for it is no longer in darkness, now seeing in the Spirit the Son glorified in you with the Father. Beseech Him to save and enlighten our souls. (twice)

3. Spiritually you became a father to the Russian people, and a king in your senses. O Basil, As a true preacher, like an apostle of Christ, you announced beforehand redeeming Baptism. And having illumined them with brightness, you consecrated your people in the far reaches of your kingdom, O Blessed One.

4. You became a root of the True Faith, O Basil, watered by the Most-holy Spirit, bringing up for us branches planted by God and blooms pouring out a sweet fragrance: wondrous Boris and Gleb, zealots of piety, who are abundantly spilling out miracles to all the faithful. Standing with them before Christ, you are beseeching Him to save and illumine our souls.



Come, let us all hasten to the honorable memorial of the Russian Father, our Guide Vladimir. For he was born of barbarians, yet came to love Christ Who loved him, and to Whom he has gone with rejoicing, together with his grandmother, Helena. For he taught all his people to believe in and worship One God in Trinity, while destroying idols and trampling them underfoot. He raised up for us his precious posterity, Roman and David. Therefore, we who are feasting in love, with resplendent hymns, are now, with faith, honoring their memorial. May they pray for us to the Lord to give our authorities victories over unclean enemies, to bring peace to the world and to save our souls.

Now and ever...

Dogmatic, SAME TONE

The King of Heaven because of His love for man, appeared on earth and abode with men. He took flesh from a pure Virgin, and after assuming it He came forth from her. The Son is one, two in nature, yet not in person. Therefore, in truth, we confess Christ our God, proclaiming Him perfect God and perfect Man. Entreat Him, O Unwedded Mother, to be merciful to our souls.

Entrance. Prokimenon of the Day, and 3 Readings: 1. 1 Kings 8: 22-23, 27-30; 2. Isaiah 61: 10-62:5; 3. Isaiah 60: 1-16.

Litya: The Stichera of the church or monastery, and the following to St. Vladimir:

Tone 2

Today the memorial of the pious Prince Vladimir shines like an outpouring of myrrh. For having loved Christ and disdaining idols, he raised up temples on earth to Him Who was crucified for our sakes, thereby receiving the Kingdom and a crown in Heaven.

Glory...TONE 6

Come, let us all, with faith, hasten to the precious memorial of the Russian Father, our Guide Basil. For being born as he was [in paganism], he came to love Christ Who loved him, and to Whom he has gone, rejoicing, together with his grandmother, Helena. Therefore, we feast in love, beseeching him to pray for us to the Lord, to bring peace to the world and to save our souls.

Now and ever...Theotokion, SAME TONE

My Maker and Redeemer, Christ the Lord, came from your loins, O Most-pure One. Having clothed Himself in my nature He freed Adam from the ancient curse. Therefore, unceasingly we cry out to you, O All-pure One, as you are, in truth, Mother of God and Virgin: Rejoice, O Celestial One! Rejoice, O Sovereign Lady! the Mediators, Protection and Salvation
of our souls!

Aposticha: TONE 8 Special Melody: "O Most-glorious Wonder..."

1. O Most-glorious Wonder! A superb mind has died today, and all the evil armies lament, beholding Great Basil, our faithful ruler, the branch, all-wild, which was planted by God, cut down by His power, yet glorified and brightly crowned by Him.

vs. I have exalted one chosen from My people.

2. O Wondrous Gulf of Wonders! Those hardhearted in reason and who vainly tottered around, make glad in the precious church because of this the day of Basil. Christ our God reigns, for He found him as He first did Paul, and He installed him who illumined his people with holy Baptism, as faithful Prince over his own land.

vs. With My holy oil I have anointed him.

3. Rejoice, Praise of Russia! Rejoice, Guide of the faithful! Rejoice, divine Vladimir our Ruler! Rejoice, Visor of the faith! Rejoice, most-glorious Miracle and calm Haven for those hastening to you! Rejoice, all-holy Rock of faith and Intercessor for those singing your praises and faithfully magnifying you!

Glory...TONE 8

Today, O Assembly of Russians who have gathered together, let us praise Great Vladimir, Originator of piety and Preacher of faith, Chief of the Princes of Russia and Equal-to-the-Apostles. With praises and spiritual hymns let us crown him, saying: Rejoice, most valiant Soldier of Christ, for wearying the enemy until the end and destroying him, you delivered us from his deceptions, and you led us to Christ our God and King! O Most-blessed and All-praised One, pray that He grant to our authorities peace, health, a firmly-established government, victories over enemies and to our souls great mercy.

Now and ever...Theotokion, SAME TONE

Accept, O Sovereign Lady, the prayers of your servants, and deliver us from all necessity and afflictions.

At the Blessing of the Loaves


You were like the merchant who sought the fine pearl, O Vladimir, distinguished in your rule and seated on the high throne of Kiev, the Mother of Cities, which has been saved by God. Sending envoys to the Royal City to investigate the Orthodox Faith and put it to the test, you found Christ the Pearl without price, Who chose you as a second Paul and Who shook off your blindness of soul and body in the holy font. Therefore, we your people are here celebrating your falling-asleep. Beseech that our authorities and God-loving people may be saved.

The Troparion is sung twice and "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos..." (once)

Kontakion, TONE 8

O All-glorious Vladimir, in old age having imitated the great Apostle Paul, you abandoned striving after idols as childish wisdom, and as a fully-grown man you adorned yourself with the purple of divine Baptism. Now standing before Christ the Savior with rejoicing, beseech Him that our authorities and God-loving people may be saved.

July 16

Commemoration of the holy hieromartyr Athenogenes and his Ten Disciples

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For the martyrs

Tone 8

3. Robed in his priestly vestments, the illustrious Athenogenes made them more sacred yet by the streams of his own blood. Thus adorned, he entered the temple of heaven, coming into the presence of the Lord who sees all things. There he serves with the bodiless choirs and shines with the light of God. Let us call him blessed.

2. The wise Athenognes led a choir of victorious athletes to Christ. They fought the good fight for the faith and ran their race to the end. Together with them, he triumphed ov... erthe evil one and was received into the choirs of martyrs, divinized before God, where they ceaselessly intercede for us who celebrate their sacred memory.

1. The ten disciples, chosen by God, had fought in the ascetic life, mastering the impulses of their passions. By the power of God, they put to death the serpent, under the direction of holy Athenogenes. Through their prayers, save us in Your love, for we place our hope in Your supreme goodness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion
@AFTR THEOTOK = All-pure one, we implore your protection; despise not the affliction of your servants, threatened by perdition; hasten to rescue us from our distress and dangers, O blessed and all-holy Theotokos, for you are our rampart and our invincible aid.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = "Lord, what do I behold? You hold all creation in Your hands, yet You are nailed to the Cross! You are the Author of all Life, and yet are put to death!" Thus spoke the all-holy Mother of God, when she saw upon the Cross the God-Man whom she had borne in a wondrous manner.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the martyrs

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of the Martyrs

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O most blessed and wise Athenogenes, the hieromartyr, you grew like a palm tree in the monastic life and towered like a cedar in your struggles. You brought to Christ a great number of martyrs through your teachings. We honor you together with them.


On July 16, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr Atheogenes, Bishop of Phylactoa.

@SYNAX INDENT = Athenogenes dies at sword-point in the fire, bu the was never at the point of worshipping the false goddess Athena. On the sixteenth, Athenogenes sang "O Joyful Light" in heaven.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = You heard the prayers of Your hieromartyr, Athenogenes, O Christ. Each year, on his memorial, You renewed the miracle of the doe leading her fawn before the icon of him who intercedes before You together with his ten disciples.
@AFTR EXAPOST = You gave God a body within your pure womb, O holy Lady and spotless Virgin. Ceaselessly entreat Him to grant great mercy to us, the faithful, who sing to you.

July 17

Commemoration of the holy and great-martyr Marina

(5th Class)

In many places, this feast is celebrated with a higher rank; proper parts are provided for those who wish to do so.


At O Lord, to You I call...

If the feast is celebrated with more solemnity, the following stichera are doubled

For Marina

Tone 8

3. O wondrous marvel! The foolish pride of the one who boasted that he could do away with the earth and the sea, was brought down by a young virgin. She confounded his schemes by the power and grace of the Cross, which gives strength to our weakness in a wondrous manner!

2. O far-famed martyr Marina, you dwell in the halls of heaven with the choirs of both virgins and martyrs, as you well deserve. By your prayers, save the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory, taking refuge under your protection. Ask the Lord for remission of their sins, deliverance and great mercy.

1. O martyr worthy of all admiration: neither the fire of torments, the seductions of the world, the allurement of power, nor the joys of youth were able to separate you from the love of Christ. you longed for the surpassing beauty of the Lord, your Bridegroom; and you have entered into supreme happiness.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = Let us sing joyful hymns to the martyr Marina, sounding forth our exultation! On earth, she cast down the error of idolatry, bravely trampling our enemy beneath her feet. She was carried up to heaven, wearing her crown and crying aloud, "I long for You, my Bridegroom! I have drunk deeply of Your love; I have handed my body over to the flames for Your sake! Thus, I shall live forever in Your house, where all the just dwell in joy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos; keep me under the wings of your protection.

@BOLD TITLE = Lete (when used)

Tone 1

@AFTR LETE = Founded on the firm rock of your confession of faith in Christ, O illustrious Marina, you cast the treacherous enemy into the abyss; for your victory, you received the merited crown.
@AFTR LETE = Renouncing the world and choosing Christ as the object of your love, O illustrious and venerable Marina, you joined the hosts above in heaven, where you intercede that we be given great mercy.

Tone 2

@AFTR LETE = As though you were an alabaster vase filled with perfume, o invincible Marina, you poured forth your blood for Christ, your Bridegroom. But you received the incorruptible crown from Him in return, O martyr all worthy of our praise. You wondrously trampled underfoot the author of evil, our enemy, as you called upon the name of Christ, our Savior. Thus, in heaven you have found the dwelling merited by your struggles as a virgin and martyr for Christ.

Tone 4

@AFTR LETE = O Christ, we glorify the great compassion and goodness which You have deigned to manifest to us: O Lover of Mankind, by the power of the Cross, woman have abolished the error of idolatry, not fearing the treacherous tyrant, but trampling him under their feet. They followed You eagerly, drawn to Your spreading perfume. Standing in Your presence forever, they intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 5

@AFTR LETE = Charmed by your virginal beauty, Christ, the King of Glory, chastely made you His spotless bride; willing to grant power to your beauty, He made you invincible against enemies and the passions. For the punishments and cruel torments you endured, He bestowed a double crown upon you, placing you at His right hand, as a queen clothed with embroidered garments. O virgin and martyr all-worthy of acclamation, Marina, entreat Him to grant life and mercy to those who sing your praises.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR LETE = All we the faithful call you blessed, O Virgin Theotokos; and, as is right, we glorify you as the unshaken city, the indestructible rampart, the fearless protectress and refuge of our souls.


Tone 2

1. Come, O friends of the martyrs! In faith, let us venerate Marina, the bride of Christ, that martyr who resolutely struggled for the King of all. She made virginity the tunic for her body, and the blood of her sacred martyrdom the jewels which adorned her as gold. Bearing a double crown, she now stands before the Judge of all combats.

v. God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2. Truly sublime were your victory and your exploits, O Marina. Though frail and fearful by temperament, you triumphed over the invisible dragon, the cunning demon, as though he were nothing, like a fledgling bird. Having trampled him underfoot, you now exult with the angels, O holy martyr, who are worthy of our admiration.

v. I have waited, waited for the Lord; and He stooped toward me and heard my cry.

3. You are chosen bride of the Word who appeared on earth, O Marina. You shine with the beauty of your holy deeds; by grace, you cut down the initiatives of the godless. Thus, we venerate your sacred memory and your relics, which bring us healing.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = At the right hand of the Savior stands the virgin martyr, victorious in her combat, clothed in embroidered garments of her virtues, adorned with virginal purity, bedecked with the blood of her struggles. Having filled her lamp with the oil of gladness, she cries out to Him: "I am drawn to You in the fragrance of Your ointment, O Christ my God; Your love has wounded me; by not far from me, O heavenly Bridegroom!" By her prayers, grant us Your great mercy, O all-powerful Savior!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Marina

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bridegroom, I long for You and I struggle in my quest for You, I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.


Kontakion of Marina

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O virgin and martyr Marina, you were adorned with the beauty of innocence and crowned with a crown of glory; you were soaked in the blood of martyrdom and made glorious by your miracles of healing; wherefore you received the prize of victory from your Creator.

@AFTR IKOS = Enkindling your heart with love for Christ, your Bridegroom, from infancy, O venerable virgin martyr, you hastened to the never-failing waters as a thirsting hind. Maintaining your virginity until your martyrdom, you attained the pure bridal chamber of the Creator as a glorified bride. Clothed in embroidered garments and Crowned with victory, radiant with your lamp enkindled in your hand, you received the prize of victory from your Creator.


On July 17, we commemorate the holy great-martyr Marina.

@SYNAX INDENT = Although the hand of the executioner beheaded Marina, she received a crown of divine grace upon her head from the all-pure hand of the Lord in heaven. On July 17, her head was removed.
By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Marina, martyr for the Lord and His bride, radiant in beauty: save your people and your city. Entreat God to spare us from all threatening disaster and from all types of danger.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Golden palace, twelve-towered city, throne of the Sun and Seat of the Great King, wonder that cannot be fathomed: how could you nourish the Lord with your own milk?

For Marina

Tone 4

4. You willingly and courageously submitted yourself to the painful tortures, and thus consumed the worship of idols. As for the hostile tyrant who boasted of placing his throne above the heavens, you totally confounded him, O wondrous Marina, martyr worthy of all praise; and you made the light of God shine upon all peoples.

3. You willingly and... (Repeat)

2. The serpent, the prince of evil, once stripped Eve as he led her to her transgression. You bound him by your sacred struggles and put him to death by the Cross of Christ, which gave you strength. O illustrious martyr, entreat Him to deliver from deadly dangers all those who celebrate your honorable memory with faith.

1. As a precious wedding gift, O illustrious martyr, you offered your Bridegroom a holy people, drawn to the faith through your miracles. You worked them wondrously, showing yourself superior to all suffering, the burning fire and the wrenching of your body, since Christ, as God, granted you the victory from heaven on high, O holy virgin.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Undertaking the path of martyrdom, O holy and venerated athlete, you did not imitate our first mother. Rather, as a wise virgin, holding your lamp enkindled, you entered into the house of your Lord. As a valiant martyr, you received the grace of healing bodily sufferings. As for us who celebrate you today, deliver our souls also from all evils by your prayers to the Lord our God.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life; wherefore, we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

If wished, the Great Doxology may be sung

July 18

Commemoration of the holy martyr Emilian

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Emilian

Tone 4

3. O Lord, You robed with Your martyr with invincible power from on high. You gave him strength you bear valiantly for Your sake the torments inflicted by the enemy, and to receive the crown merited by his martyrdom. At his intercession, send down upon us the remission of our sins, O all-powerful Lord and Savior of our souls.

2. Having put on the armor of the Cross, enkindled by zeal for You, Your martyr set fire to the temples of the false gods. Having defeated the forces of the demon, the illustrious Emilian received from You the Kingdom of heaven as the recompense for his victory. There he intercedes for our salvation.

1. For Your Church, You have made the martyr Emilian a shining star, a chosen soldier, forever illumining the whole earth by his mystic deeds, scattering the darkness caused by godlessness. Receiving the light which he brings from You, we sing to You, O all-powerful Lord and Savior of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Wash the stain form my poor heart, O Theotokos all-worthy of our praise; purify the wounds and sores caused by sin. Strengthen my wavering spirit, that in my wretchedness, I, your unworthy servant, may magnify your powerful and sovereign protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ deprived of life after being put to death by deceiver, the all-pure Virgin cried out with bitter tears to Him who had come forth from her womb. She glorified His long-suffering in amazement and said, "Do not forget Your servant, beloved Child, Lover of Mankind; make haste to console me!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Emilian

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyr O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.


Kontakion of Emilian

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = Enkindled with the fire of love for God, you were not afraid of the fire. You entered it willingly and were reduced to ashes in the flames. You went up as a whole-burnt offering before the Lord. O glorious martyr Emilian, intercede for our salvation.


On July 18, we commemorate the holy martyr Emilian.

@SYNAX INDENT = Thrown into the furnace, the martyr Emilian appears at ease, as though in a meadow. Before the thrown of Christ, on the eighteenth, Emilian rejoices together with the angels, having no earthly bonds.
By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

July 19

Commemoration of our venerable mother Macrina, sister of Basil the Great; and of our venerable father Dios

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Macrina

Tone 4

6. As a lover of wisdom, you showed the immortality of the soul and its spiritual freedom. Thus, you were careful to flee all slavery to the flesh. You kept yourself untouched by all sin, so that you could be presented holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle, before Christ, your Bridegroom, O blessed one.

5. Without stain, you kept your virginity untouched, living in purity and distributing your wealth to the poor, fulfilling precepts of Christ, whom you followed, by renouncing the earth and its possessions. Now you have inherited heaven and all its treasures as a gift from Jesus, the Lover of Mankind, the Savior of our souls.

4. Even after death, O wondrous Macrina, your face shone with radiant splendor, for Christ has glorified you as a holy virgin. Holy, serene, compassionate, speaking of God, you dwelt as an angel on earth, pleasing God by the radiance of your life.

For Dios

3. We sing to you, O blessed one, as a star rising mystically in the firmament of the Church; for your divine light ceaselessly illumines the soul and spirit of those who venerate your radiant feast each year, acclaiming you as the author of miracles, a holy priest and the jewel of monks.

2. Like another Aaron, who staff blossomed, you entered the holy priesthood; like Moses, you drew water from the rock; like Elijah, you raised a dead person by your prayers. You are glorified by incomparable miracles and crowned by the fame of holiness, O blessed and godly-minded father.

1. Having manifestly inherited the lights of the Holy Spirit, you drove out the spirits of evil and built a holy place for spiritual contemplation. There, each day, mercy is found by the multitude who venerate in faith your memory, your valiant struggles and your wondrous miracles, O glory of the fathers!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All-holy Bride of God, deliver my poor soul from the condemnation merited by my sins; by your prayers, delver me from death; grant that, on the day of judgment, I may be justified with all the saints. Purify me before the end by repentance and the streams of my tears.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure one, you are the Ewe who bore the spotless Lamb who came to heal the world of all sin by His own blood. He was sacrificed for our sake, that all might find life in Him. O Virgin, my being has been stripped of immortality; clothe me with the mantle of divine grace which was woven for us by your maternity.

Aposticha of the Octoechos

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Macrina

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = In you O Mother Macrina was restored the likeness of God, for you carried your cross and followed Christ, you taught by your deeds how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to value the soul for it is immortal. Wherefore, your soul is forever in happiness with the angels.
@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Dios

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = You appeared as a citizen of the wilderness, an angel in the flesh and a wonderworker, our God inspired Father Dios. By fasting, vigils and prayer, you received heavenly gifts; You cure the sick and the souls of those who run to you in faith. Glory to Him who gave you this power; Glory to Him who crowned you; Glory to Him who through you performs healings for all.


by Theophane

Tone 4


@ODE TEXT = I shall open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit; and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her wonders.

v. Holy Mother Macrina, intercede for us!

O Macrina, with your whole heart, you loved Christ, the holy Bridegroom, who loves the beauty of our souls. You cherished and desired Him; entreat Him to pour out His light upon those who sing to you.

O Christ, sea of ineffable goodness, You have glorified Your spotless bride whom Your love had pierced, the virgin Macrina, all-worthy of our praise.

O illustrious Macrina, you fervently kept your virginity intact, subjecting the flesh to the spirit by your ascetic life.
@ODE TEXT = In the hearts of the faithful who venerate your divine maternity, O Bride of God, Christ, the Giver of Light, has dawned; just as He dawned as a light from your pure womb.


@ODE TEXT = We do not glory in our wisdom, nor in the power found in treasures, but in the incarnate Wisdom of the Father, for no one is holy but You, O Jesus Christ.

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

The beauty given by God and His grace made you radiant; as an illustrious descendant of a family of martyrs, you imitated their holy lives.

Fulfilling the precept of God, you renounced the troubles of life; you fled from its confusion, dedicating yourself wholeheartedly to fasting and prayer.

Loving holiness from your tenderest youth, and protected by your holy mother, O Macrina, you kept your innocence intact.

All-holy Virgin, we recognize you as the untilled land which produced the Bread of Life without seed; strengthened by it, we call you blessed.

Little Litany

Kontakion of Dios

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = O our father Dios, the wonderworker, by a special inspiration of God, you armed yourself with purity of soul; your life of constant prayer served you as a spear to cast away the devils. Do not cease to pray for the salvation of us all.


@AFTR IKOS = How, O venerable father, wretched as I am, can I praise your struggles or describe the ocean of your tears? Remarkable was your life, and you experienced the condition of the angels since your mortified the passions by your temperance. Mastering the flesh, you submitted it to the spirit. Using prayer as a sword, you overthrew the prince of darkness; and you do not cease to pray for the salvation of us all.


@ODE TEXT = He who sits in glory upon the throne of divinity: Jesus the supreme God, came down on an ethereal cloud; and with His pure hand redeemed those who cry out to Him: "Glory to Your power, O Christ!"

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

Dead to the world and its work, O venerable Macrina, you desired to live for God alone; for love of your divine Bridegroom, you kept your innocence and most pure beauty.

In order to imitate Thecla, the first woman to bear witness in martyrdom, you sought to copy her holy life and faith; and by divine inspiration, you received from on high her name as a symbol.

As a teacher of women, you led virgin brides to the virgin Word who rose like the Sun form the Virgin, O Macrina; and you clearly taught them that our abstinence from passions adapts us to the Impassible One.

@ODE TEXT = The stream of holy charisms, the flow of healings, the distribution of divine treasures - all are made available through the life-giving hand of the Son born from your womb, O divine Bride filled with the grace of God.


@ODE TEXT = The impious did not see Your glory, O Christ, but we who keep watch at dawn before You, O only Son and divine Image of the Father's splendor, celebrate You as the Lover of Mankind.

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

As a wise virgin, you wished never to stain the divine aspect and beauty of your soul by the passions, for you recognized the ineffable splendor of your Bridegroom.

You found your unshakeable power and sure consolation in Christ; with it, you calmed the stormy passions and kept watch throughout the night to glorify Christ.

You held firm to the faith in Christ; you were betrothed to Him from birth, consecrating to Him your soul and body, living a life of penance from your earliest youth.

@ODE TEXT = You gave birth to Christ, the Creator of all, who wished to renew our nature which had fallen into corruption; He raised it to ineffable glory, O Mother of God.


@ODE TEXT = The merciful streams of blood that flowed from Your side, O Lord, purified Your Church of the blood offered to demons. Now she cries aloud to You: "I will offer You the sacrifice of praise, O Lord!"

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

The love of Christ, blossoming in your heart, implanted every type of virtue in you, and filled you with the teachings of God in faith.

Singing to God in your unceasing prayers, you drew His powerful aid upon yourself; and from Him, you received the grace of holy purity.

With a garland of graces, Christ has crowned you as a pure virgin and as a teacher of a whole choir of virgins; then He led you into the heavenly bridal chamber, O divinely-minded Mother.

@ODE TEXT = That which was once separated has found its unity; O pure Virgin, you have ineffably given birth to the Word made flesh in two natures, united to each other.

Little Litany

Kontakion of Macrina

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You loved the God of all goodness with your whole heart, O Macrina. You took up your Cross and followed Him sincerely. You found the total remission of sins in Him.


On July 19, we commemorate our venerable mother Macrina, the sister of Saint Basil the Great.

@SYNAX INDENT = As a sister who shared the thoughts of your brothers, you now share their dwelling in heaven, O Macrina. Here below, on the nineteenth, O glory of the hermits, the angels carried you up to the vision of God.

On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father Dios, the wonderworker.

@SYNAX INDENT = O blessed Dios, you also tasted death. You were wondrous in your name; more wondrous yet in your works.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = You saved the sons of Abraham from the furnace and brought an end to the Chaldaeans by the very fire which they had prepared: O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

Desiring Christ alone and wounded by the most perfect love for Him, you cried aloud: "I hurry to follow in Your footsteps, O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

Rejecting the storm of the passions, you robed yourself with the bright mantle of dispassion as you cried aloud, "O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

Striking down bestial pride, which is stirred up by the hostile prince of evil, you receive the prize of your victory, O wondrous saint, as you sang, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

@ODE TEXT = Break the bonds of our sins by your maternal intercession: O Virgin, in faith we sing to your Son, "O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"


@ODE TEXT = The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured; but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing: "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

O wondrous saint, who shone by your pure and consecrated life, you appear to us as a sanctified offering, a hidden beauty and a divine splendor, as you cry aloud, "Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever!"

Clothed in the habit of repentance, you passed to divine immortality; as a friend of wisdom, you taught the freedom and immortality of the spirit; you now rejoice in it as you cry aloud, "Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Illumined in your face and spirit by the splendor of the Threefold Light, O blessed one, you fell asleep, joyfully contemplating Him whom you loved, as you cried aloud, "Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever!"

@ODE TEXT = You are the ark of holiness, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, O Theotokos who gave birth to the Word, existing from all eternity and assuming flesh in our humanity in His ineffable compassion. We praise you and exalt you forever.
@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = By her fault and transgression, Eve brought about the curse; but you, O Virgin, Mother of God, have made the blessing sprout forth for the world through the Fruit of your womb; and we all magnify you.

v. Holy mother Macrina, intercede for us!

Imitating the great love of God, O wondrous saint, you exercised charity, caring for those afflicted by poverty; thus, the God of compassion has glorified you because of your mercy.

You now stand before God, for by your life and teachings you were resplendent, radiant with light, adorned with all the virtues, illustrious in your noble family and wondrous in your prayer.

Holy Macrina, you dwell now in the radiant chamber, the mansions of heaven; there, standing as a virgin in company with your brothers who are hierarchs, you confidently entreat God to save the faithful who sing to you.

@ODE TEXT = The Fruit of your womb shines more brightly than all in His supreme beauty: for you have given birth to God made flesh, who came to save mankind. For this, O Mother of God, we the faithful magnify you.

Exapostilaria and aposticha from the Octoechos

July 20

Commemoration of the holy prophet Elijah the Thesbite

(3rd Class)


First Kathisma: Blessed the man...

At O Lord, to You I call...

For Elijah

Tone 1

6. O Word all-compassionate who carried Elijah the Thesbite away from the earth in a fiery chariot: through his intercession, save us who fervently sing to You a hymn of glory and who celebrate his honorable memory with joy.

5. Blessed Elijah, it is not in an earthquake, but in the coolness of a gentle breeze that you encountered God who brought you light. O God-inspired one, you went up to heaven in a wondrous way, on a chariot drawn by four horses: thus did you become a marvel to us all.

4. Elijah, all-wise, in your burning zeal for God you slaughtered the priests of confusion with your sword; with the word of your mouth, you dried up the clouds so that it would not rain, and when you left your mantle to Elisha, you filled him with all the graces of heaven.

@BOLD TITLE = Also for Elijah

Tone 2

3. Two radiant stars, Elijah and Elisha, have shone upon the world. The first, by his word alone, closed the heavens and held back rain, rebuked the king and queen of their conduct, then went up to heaven in a chariot of fire. The second healed the abortive waters; and having received a two-fold grace, crossed dryshod across the Jordan river. Now, rejoicing together with the angels, they intercede for the salvation of our souls.

2. The solemnity of the prophets has dawned upon us today, calling together all feast-lovers in a mystic way. The never-fading morning star, Elijah, who went up to heaven in a chariot, and the wondrous Elisha, have divided the waters of a new Jordan, and they clearly are symbols of the mystery of the Faith. They renew in a double image the glory of both the Old and New Testaments, doubling also the blessing upon the faithful who celebrate their memory with festive solemnity.

1. O light of the Churches which shall never set, O prophet Elijah: consumed by zeal for God, you closed up the rains in the heavens and were fed by a raven. You rebuked the king and queen and put the priests of Baal to death. You brought down fire from heaven, twice consuming fifty men. You nourished the widow of Sarepta with a little oil and scanty flour; and by your prayer, you raised her son from death. You enkindled fire on the water-soaked altar. You crossed the streams of the Jordan on foot, then were taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot; you bestowed a two-fold grace on Elisha. Pray to God unceasingly that our souls may be saved!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Come, let us assemble, all you people of God, in this holy place where we are to honor the two God-inspired prophets; let us sing a special hymn of praise to the glory of Christ God who chose them; let us cry out in joy and gleefully say: "Rejoice, O earthly angel and heavenly man, Elijah the Great! Rejoice, you two prophets, the strong supports, the champions and physicians of our souls and bodies, for we love Christ! Deliver, then, from all trouble, trials and sadness those who celebrate your memory with joy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed Woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls!

Entrance. O Joyful Light. Prokimenon of the day.

Readings: 1) I Kings 17:1-23; 2) I Kings 18:1, 17-41, 44, 42, 45-46; 19:1-9, 11-13, 15-16; 3) I Kings 19:19-21, II Kings 2: 1, 6-14.


Tone 1

@AFTR LETE = Zealous for the Lord of hosts, and overcoming his passions, Elijah is seen today rising up into the sky, thus becoming a sign of the salvation of all. The crown of the prophets receives great glory as he ascends into the heavens. By the life he led, he was an earthly angel, an angelic man. Praising him, we say, "Come to our aid on the day of judgment!"

@AFTR LETE = Like David, O faithful, let us honor with hymns today the prophet of the Lord, Elijah the Thesbite, and his consuming zeal. Closing the heavens by his word, he made the fruitful earth barren. O great wonder! A man of clay forbids the heavens to drop down rain! A corruptible man is clothed with immortality and is taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot. By his mantle, he obtains a two-fold grace for Elisha. He reproves the king and queen, and brings a faithless people to their knees by means of a famine. He shames the priests of iniquity; and, by a word, he raises up the son of the widow. By his prayers, O Christ our God, preserve Your faithful servants in peace, granting them victory over the enemy.

@AFTR LETE = With spiritual hymns, let us celebrate the prophets of Christ: for Elijah the Thesbite is being carried up into heaven, and his mantle obtains a two-fold grace from God for Elisha. They are both revealed as stars shining over the whole world, ceaselessly interceding for our souls.

Tone 2

@AFTR LETE = The fiery chariot carrying you up as in a whirlwind to heaven, O Elijah the Thesbite, granted you the power to work miracles in its fiery breath, and it rendered you immortal. Thus, you will never taste death until you proclaim the fulfillment of all things. Be present with us now, granting that we may imitate your holy virtues.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 4

@AFTR LETE = Seated in a fiery chariot, you were taken up to the land of light, O Elijah the Thesbite, after you had denounced the priests of iniquity. With a word, you bound the heavens; by your prayers to the Lord, loosen the bounds of our sins and save our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR LETE = Save your servants from all danger, O Mother of God and ever-blessed Virgin, that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls.


Tone 4

1. He who was sanctified before he was conceived, of angelic body and flaming intelligence, the heavenly man, the herald of the second coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah, the Pillar of the Prophets and their leader, has called us all to the spiritual celebration of this joyful feast. Through his intercession, O Christ God, guard Your people in safety of body and soul.

v. Do not touch those I have anointed; do no harm to any of My prophets.

2. When Elijah, in his brilliant intelligence, had seen that all the people of Israel had left the Lord God and were being led to worship idols, he was so strongly moved by zeal for God that prayed for a drought and said: "No drop of water shall fall upon this land, except by my prayer." And the earth became dry and as burnt out. This is the prophet we celebrate today: who bestows riches upon those who preserve his memory with fervor.

v. You are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.

3. O Elijah, witness of great mysteries, you stopped the flow of the Jordan River; by the lightning of your word, you turned the deceits of the idols to ashes; you rebuked the king of Israel when he disobeyed God's law; you killed the priests of iniquity and brought down a fire from heaven to consume your sacrifice. Wherefore, through your intercession, put out now the fire of our passions and the burning melancholy of our sorrow.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Prophet who foretold the coming of Christ, you are forever in the presence of God's glory, always watching over all the sick. Since you are serving God's majesty, always blessing and always glorified, obtain for us the forgiveness of our sins.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Elijah

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = The glorious Elijah, the Angel in body, the Pillar of the prophets and second Forerunner of Christ's advent, by sending grace form on high upon Elisha, dispels diseases, purifies lepers, and overflows with healings for those who honor him.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = The mystery which was hidden from eternity, and unknown to the angels, has been revealed through you O Theotokos to those on earth, for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the cross by which He elevated the first man, and save our souls from death.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading form the Psalter

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = As one choir, we sing to you as a shining star, the driver of the fiery chariot, an angel in the flesh, consumed by zeal for God, rebuking the evil king and queen and driving away impiety. O Pillar of prophets, blessed one who saw God, preserve us under your protection, O holy Elijah.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Mary, holy Temple of the Lord, help those of us who have fallen. We have tumbled into the pit of evil despair, into sins and sorrow. You bring salvation to sinners. You are a powerful advocate and help to us, and you save your servants.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = You were united to your God by your profound virtue, leading on earth a life worthy of heaven. Filled with grace, you raised a child from the dead by your breath. You live on stronger than death, O Elijah, inspired prophet.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = All of us know that you are the Theotokos, who remained a virgin after giving birth. We confess this as we seek refuge in your goodness, for we sinner have you for an advocate. In temptations, we have you for salvation, O only pure and sinless one!
@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = Fountain of miracles, adornment of the prophets, Elijah the Thesbite: we the faithful direct our hymns of praise to you. Remaining immortal already in your body, as a mortal you confirm the resurrection of the body. As you stand confidently before God, you obtain healing for the faithful who invoke you. You ceaselessly entreat Christ to grant remission of sins to those who celebrate your memory with fervor.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Fallen into an entanglement of trials and temptations brought about by enemies seen and unseen, I am caught in the storm of my great transgressions. But, seeking the fervor with which you protect and help, I have recourse to refuge in the safe harbor of your goodness. All-holy one, entreat the One who was incarnate of you without seed, on behalf of all your servants who ceaselessly sing to you. May He grant remission of sins to the faithful who bow before your virginal maternity.

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

Tone 4

@PROKIM LEFT = Do not touch those I have anointed; do no harm to any of My prophets.
@PROKIM INDEN = v. Give thanks to the Lord, invoke His name; make known among the nations His deeds.

Gospel. Psalm 50.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercession of holy Elijah, O Merciful One, wipe out the multitude...

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercession of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, wipe out the multitude...

v. O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TONE IND = Seated in a fiery chariot, you were taken up to the land of light, O Elijah the Thesbite, after you had denounced the priests of antiquity. With a word, you bound the heavens; by your prayers to the Lord, loosen the bonds of our sins and save our souls.

Canon of the Mother of God, then the two Canons of the Saint: the first (Tone 2) is the work of the monk John, with the acrostic, "Rejoicing, I sing of the miracles of Elijah"; the second (Tone *) with the acrostic, "Grant me the grace of God, O blessed Elijah Joseph."



@ODE TEXT = Let us sing a hymn of victory to the Lord who once led His people through the Red Sea, sinking all the hosts of Pharaoh, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

Since we intend to sing of Elijah, his miracles and his fire-filled power, as is right, let us call upon the strength of the divine Spirit and His fiery tongues.

Be propitious to us, O God-bearing Elijah: by the power of the Spirit which resides in you, free our awkward tongues from perplexity and grant us harmony, enlightening us that we may celebrate your great accomplishments.

O Word, You grant your heavenly gifts to those who follow Your divine commandments. You even subject the flood-gates of the rains to them, granting power to their words through Your Spirit to control them.

Only blessed one, pure and divine treasury of virginity: purify me heart from the stain of the passions, entreating for me the remission of my sins.

Long ago, the rod of Moses struck the sea and marked it with a Cross, drowning Pharaoh and his army, while the children of Israel crossed over on foot, singing a song to their saving God.

As you did for the child of the widow, O blessed Prophet, restore life also to my soul which has been brought down to death. Make it shine with the divine virtues and lead me toward life. Grant me a share in the eternal delights, for I wish to enjoy your fortune.

At your birth, a great miracle was revealed to your father: for he saw you nourished by a flame, surrounded by tongues of fire. By your prayers, deliver me from eternal fire.

Glorified as you were by your inclination to the Lord, you always burned with true zeal for God. Strengthen me, O blessed one, filling me with that same zeal, that I may do the will of God. Being saved, I may thus glorify you.

@ODE TEXT = The Most High God was incarnate through you; all-pure one, and was seen as a man like us. O Virgin, ceaselessly entreat Him to deliver me from all punishment, for I have sinned more than anyone. At your prayers, may He grant me salvation.


@ODE TEXT = You have established me on the rock of Faith; You made me triumph over my enemies, and my spirit exults with joy as I sing, "No one is as holy as You, O our God; no one is as just as You, O Lord!"

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

How good is the heavenly Provider, who fed you by means of a raven. Indeed, He gives food to all flesh in His goodness. Let us all sing to Him, "You are our God, O Lord, and no one is as holy as You!"

May thanks be given to the watchful Benefactor, who in His ineffable Providence provided that the Prophet and the widow mutually nourish one another. Let us sing to Him, "You are our God, O Lord, and no one is as holy as You!"

You sealed closed the clouds bearing rain, and rained an unsealed supply of nourishment upon the widow of Sarepta. For this miracle you sang, "You are our God, O Lord, and no one is as holy as You!"

You alone among the descendants of Adam gained the gift surpassing nature: He whom the whole creation could not contain, was carried in your womb, taking flesh from you. Thus, in faith, we venerate your divine maternity.

O Lord, Maker of the firmament of heaven and Builder of the Church, establish me firmly in Your love. For You are the summit of all our desires, the ground of the faithful, and the only Lover of Mankind.

Glorious Prophet, burning with zeal for God, you brought an end to the priests of iniquity, those enemies. Thus I entreat you to snatch me from the works of iniquity and the eternal fire.

O blessed one, I choose you as my intercessor before the Most High God, that you may deliver me from all misfortune. Incline to my humble prayer and do not forsake my fervent supplication.

Almighty God once glorified you, bringing you nourishment by means of a bird, O glorious prophet Elijah. Entreat Him to grant me a share in the eternal delights and light that are to come.

@ODE TEXT = O sealed gate that leads to God, O Virgin, I entreat you to open to me the gates of repentance. Wash away the stains of my sins, O full of grace, in the streams of your love.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns
Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = You were a prophet of our God, the true Light, as you cast down the prophets of falsehood. You confounded Aha in his dark impiety, glorious Elijah, teaching him not to bow down to Baal,
and bringing down rain from heaven at your prayer. The you went up to the Lord, carried through the sky in a fiery chariot. We cry aloud to you: "Entreat Christ our God to grant remission of sins to those who wholeheartedly celebrate your sacred memory."

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = All human generations call you blessed, as a Virgin and the only woman to have given birth to God in the flesh without seed. The Fire of the Divinity dwelt in you, and you nourished the Lord and Creator of all. As is right, together with the angels, all mankind glorifies your most pure maternity. We join our voices to cry aloud to you: "All-pure one, intercede before your Son and God that He grant remission of sins to the faithful who bow before your virginal childbearing."


@ODE TEXT = I have heard of your plan of salvation, O Lord, Lover of Mankind; I glorify Your wondrous power!

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

O Prophet, you cut back evil at is very root and implanted virtue; thus we call you blessed.

The widow who nourished you complained of approaching death, but she received the resurrection of her child.

By a triple breathing forth, you manifested the glory of the Trinity as you restored a son fully alive to his mother.

By the zeal burning within you from the fire of God, you confounded the king and queen, guilty of iniquity.

Like a fruitful vine, O Virgin, you bore the ripe Cluster of Grapes that pours forth the wine of salvation for all.

Without leaving Your Father, You came to visit our poverty, O Lord, my power and my strength, my God and my exceeding joy! With Habakkuk the prophet, I therefore cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O You who love mankind!"

God directed your enkindled zeal, O prophet Elijah, and sent you to the home of a widow to be nourished when you had to flee from a woman threatening murder. I entreat you to obtain the grace of God to nourish my famished soul.

The dark clouds of sin overshadow me; the sea of life swells about me, and the storm of evil dashes violently against my soul. O prophet of God, take over the helm of my life and pilot me to the harbor of salvation.

Obtain strength of soul and body for me, O blessed Elijah, as you entreat the Lord of glory who heals the ills of all mankind. Direct my course that I may pass safely through the obstacles of this life, for in you I have chosen an excellent advocate.

@ODE TEXT = In company with the heavenly powers, all the prophets and martyrs, the Apostles and holy monks and nuns, O sovereign Lady, intercede that I may find salvation despite my sins, and that I may escape eternal punishment.


@ODE TEXT = You are the Source of Light and Creator of the ages, O Lord; direct us in the light of Your commandments, for we know no other God but You.

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

O Elijah, the law of the fathers shows you to a true intercessor, working miracles and transforming the nature of the elements; for your just holocaust was burnt up by water.

Venerable one, as a witness to Truth, you beautifully and completely confounded the prophets of iniquity. O blessed Elijah, you clearly manifested the power of the Trinity.

Clothed in your zeal for God as a vestment, O Prophet Elijah, you immolated the priests of abominations with your own hands, sacrificing them to the Word of grace.

O pure Virgin who gave birth to Christ, the Creator of all, we cry aloud to you: "Hail, O Woman who made the divine Light shine upon us as you became the dwelling-place of the infinite God!"

If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome me in my wretchedness, O Light that never fades. Bring me back to the path of Your commandments, O Lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant Light!

Enkindled by zeal for the faith, you drove away the clouds bearing rain; by your holy prayers, O prophet Elijah, pour out divine rain upon my soul, parched by the burning passions, and save me.

As a priest, O blessed one, you sacrificed with your innocent hands the priests of abominations who worked iniquity. Now, O holy Prophet, I entreat you to keep me safe from all evil sin.

You stirred up wonder, O Prophet Elijah, as the sacrifice to God was consumed by fire at your divine prayers. I entreat you to enkindle in my heart a sacred love that will burn up the stubble of my passions.

@ODE TEXT = The Word of God descended upon you like dew, O Virgin. Entreat Him to pour out on me the pure streams that can wash away all the stain of my immense sins.


@ODE TEXT = The bottomless abyss of my sins swallows me up; but, O Lord, as You did for the prophet Jonah, snatch my life out from the pit!

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

You are the model of faith, service of God and integrity, the sower of chastity, the imitator of the angels, O God-bearer and inspired prophet.

The threatening rage of the murderess of prophets caused you to flee, O glorious Elijah, although you had received the power to open and close the flood-gates of heaven.

Kneeling and looking upward in spirit, by your sacred prayers you opened the heavens and refreshed the furrows of the earth with rain.

O divine unwedded Mother, the ever-Virgin Mother, O Mary: you were prefigured by the bush on Sinai which was united with Fire without being consumed.

From my many transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

Despite the number of my senseless faults, pardon me, O Savior, and deliver me from the punishment which awaits in the Age to Come; for I have as my intercessor the great Elijah and Your spotless Mother.

Sower of chastity, keep my soul pure, O prophet Elijah. Fill my spirit with your zeal for God, that I may resist the attacks of evil, O holy Elijah.

Having only one meal, you journeyed for forty days fasting to obey the will of God; I entreat you to grant me strength to fast from all transgression.

@ODE TEXT = Open to my poor soul the entrance way to God, O Gate of God, that I may enter, giving thanks, and find an end to my suffering, O divine Mother!

Kontakion of Elijah

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = O glorious prophet Elijah who foresaw the glories of God, by your command you withheld the rains from heaven: intercede with the only One who loves mankind for the sake of us all.


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the great transgressions of the human race and the great love of God for them all, Elijah the prophet was filled with zeal; he became enraged, to the point of speaking unmerciful words to the God of mercy: "O God of justice, arise against those who break Your law!" But in His great compassion, God does not punish those who have offended Him. According to His custom, He seeks the repentance of us all.


On July 20, we commemorate the fiery ascent to heaven of the glorious prophet Elijah the Thesbite.

@SYNAX INDENT = He made both rain and a triple fire come down from heaven. After dividing the waters, Elijah is seen ascending into heaven. On the twentieth, a fiery chariot comes down to earth to take him up.

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = The bush burning without being consumed and the fiery flame shedding dew prefigured your mystery, O Bride of God; for your womb was not burnt by the divine Fire which it received. Thus, we sing to the Fruit of your womb: "Blessed are You, Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

Girding yourself with the unexpected power provided by a miracle of God, O glorious Elijah, you completed a long journey of forty days with only one meal. On Horeb you exulted as you sang, "Blessed are You, Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

O Prophet Elijah, a light and gentle breezed manifested the Lord to you who had been a whirlwind of zeal for the Most High - and He was not in the violent wind, the quaking earth nor the threatening fire. Thus, with humble and gentle hearts we sing, "Blessed are You, Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

Like the great Moses, O glorious Elijah, you were granted the vision of God and the gift of prophecy. In the Spirit, you consecrated prophets and kings. Seeing the glory of Christ on Tabor, you cried aloud, "Blessed are You, Lord, the God of our Fathers!"

In His goodness, the Word of the Father dwelt in your womb, O pure Virgin. Wondrously has He recreated us, to restore us to life in Eden once more. Bowing before your divine maternity, we sing, "Blessed are You, Lord!"

Long ago, God shamed the scorching heat of Babylon. Wherefore, the young men in the furnace danced with joy, as though in a flowery meadow, and they sang, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

Taking pity on a lost people in your zeal for the faith, by your divine invocations you made fire descend to consume the just sacrifice, O glorious Elijah. I entreat you to deliver me from eternal fire and to save me.
You were permitted to gaze upon the face of God on Tabor; O Prophet, entreat Him to turn His gaze away from my sins, that on the day of judgment, I may gaze upon His face without being condemned.

Walking on the road of this life, I have stumbled many times. But, my advocate, direct me under your excellent protection; strengthen my wavering spirit, for my soul is inclined to carnal pleasures.

@ODE TEXT = I sing and magnify your virginal maternity, O full of grace, all-worthy of our praise. Come to my aid in the storm of life and grant compunction to my wretched and stained soul that it may be purified.


@ODE TEXT = Ceaselessly stoked, the seven-fold flame fell down in trembling before the noble young men whose bodies reflected the purity of their hearts; and the raging flame subsided before the singing of the eternal hymn, "Sing to the Lord, all you His works; exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

Aha expiated his murderous hatred toward the Prophet who reproved him by the total extinction of his line; and in the fire of his zeal, the Thesbite intoned a hymn to the God of the living: "Sing to the Lord, all you His works; exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

You brought down fire from heaven to consume your two-fold fifty persecutors, O Elijah, sublime servant of God; and you sang a hymn to the eternal Living One: "Sing to the Lord, all you His works; exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

Christ, the Most High God, brought forth by a Virgin, made you a "knower" of His divine incarnation, O sower of chastity. In His flesh, He revealed to you the unapproachable Light of His Divinity, and you cried aloud, "Sing to the Lord, all you His works; exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

Blessed is the womb of the Theotokos in whom the Word was united to the flesh and took the form of mankind; she has become the City of God in which the Most High, the Lord God, was pleased to dwell; let us then say, "Sing to the Lord, all you His works; exalt Him throughout all the ages!"

In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

In you, O prophet Elijah, we recognize a vessel of the Holy Spirit, an angel breathing forth the fire of zeal for God upon earth, driving away impiety, reproaching kings, consecrating prophets and putting to sword the priests of iniquity. Thus we cry aloud to you: "Deliver us from shame in the Age to Come!"

A fiery chariot lifted you up from the earth, O Elijah, divinely inspired prophet who burned with zeal for God. Thus I entreat you: in the chariot of your virtues, lift up my spirit from all earthly evils. Entreat the divine King of All that I may attain the haven of Paradise.

By your living word, you closed the flood-gates of heaven. By your mystic word, now open to me the gates of repentance, I pray, raining streams of compunction upon my soul. Save your servant who cries aloud, "Praise Christ, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Worshipping the Three Persons of equal power and equal dignity, consubstantial, sharing the same throne in heaven, we glorify as the One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the royal majesty, the unfading Light; and we sing together, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt God, O people, throughout all the ages!"

@ODE TEXT = All-holy Lady, Emmanuel was born of you and has appeared, strengthening faith and preaching repentance: entreat Him now to open to me the gates of justice and to save me who cry aloud, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = The divine Star which rose before the daystar from your virginal womb and dwelt bodily among us, you ineffably provided with a body: O blessed Virgin and Mother of God, we magnify you.

v. Holy prophet Elijah, intercede for us!

Finishing the venerable course of man's life on earth, the Thesbite stopped the course of the Jordan with his mantle; rising into the sky, by the Spirit, he began his wondrous course into the heavens.

Consumed by zeal for the faith, the Thesbite is carried up in a fiery chariot; taking up his mantle, Elisha receives a double portion of the divine grace which he had held before.

Granted the vision of God together with Moses, the Thesbite saw what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what has not even entered into the heart of man on earth: on Tabor, he beholds the all-powerful Lord in the flesh.

You took away the ancient curse, healing the fault of the Mother of all the living, reconciling mankind with God, as a bridge linking the creature to the Creator; O Mother of God, we magnify you!

The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was awed: that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb became more spacious than the heavens. And so, all ranks of angels and men praise you, O Mother of God!

In a light breeze, you were allowed to see God insofar as He can be seen, O glorious Prophet, after having lightened your body by an ascetic life. By your prayers, lighten also the heaviness of my spirit, and grant light to it by the divine radiance of repentance.

You once crossed the Jordan, striking it with your mantle, O blessed Prophet; likewise, stop the flow of my sins, obtaining for my soul each day a flood of tears so that my inheritance may be the Torrent of Delights.

Glorious Prophet, by your prayers, keep far from me all affliction caused by unjust enemies, the multiple scandals of this life, sickness of body and spirit and condemnation to the eternal fire: this I ask of you, my excellent intercessor.

You were carried up to heaven, O prophet Elijah, leaving Elisha a double portion of your spirit; together with him on high, ceaselessly entreat the Master that remission of sins be granted those who have you as an advocate before Him.

@ODE TEXT = In your goodness, all-pure Lady, reject not the prayers of your servants, but ceaselessly entreat the Creator of All to grant us salvation of soul and body, and the splendor of the divine Kingdom, O holy Virgin.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = The divine fire which made you a passenger in a fiery chariot going up to heaven, O prophet Elijah, did not consume you at all. Your earthly words had the power to bring down fire from heaven and to dry up the rains.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin who gave birth to the divine Fire: by your prayers, entreat your Son to take pity on me and to save me from eternal darkness; for I trust in your divine protection, O Theotokos.


Tone 8

4. United to God by virtue and the purity of your life, O wondrous prophet, you were given power over creation by Him: for by your will, you closed the floodgates of the rain, and you made fire come down from heaven to consume the impious. Intercede for salvation of our souls.

3. United to God... (Repeat)

2. Consumed by zeal for the Lord, you firmly reproved the sinful king and queen, slaughtered the priests of iniquity with fervor, and miraculously brought down fire in the midst of water. You provided nourishment without labor, and divided the streams of the Jordan by your mantle. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

1. Living a truly heavenly life on earth, O wondrous prophet, you possessed within yourself the treasure of life itself. By your breath, you raised up a dead child, then won the victory over death as you rose up to heaven as a passenger in the fiery chariot. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR TONE IND = O faithful, let us honor with hymns the chief prophets, the two stars shining over the world, Elijah and Elisha. With joy, let us cry aloud to Christ: O compassionate Lord, by the prayers of Your two wondrous prophets, grant Your people remission of sins and great mercy!

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Receive the prayers of your servants, O Lady: deliver us form all tribulation and sorrow.

Great Doxology. Troparion of Elijah. Litanies and Dismissal.

July 21

Commemoration of our venerable fathers Simeon Salos, the Fool for the sake of Christ, and his companion, John

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

@BOLD TITLE IN = For Simeon and John

Tone 4

3. Living in fraternal harmony in the wilderness, O blessed ones, you wisely halted the movements of the flesh by your prayers, and light-filled contemplation. Your hearts became shining vessels filled with the radiance of the Spirit, O firm foundation for monks, venerable Simeon and John.

2. Feigning folly, you exposed the foolishness of those who accept evil as wisdom, O blessed father. You drive away demons, accomplish wondrous miracles and illumine those who lie in the darkness of sin. In the midst of tumult, you maintained the pure calm of your spirit, O Simeon, who received the gift of dispassion from God.

1. Moderate in spirit, loving God, compassionate, humble and meek, filled with charity, you lived and died like an angel on earth. Thus, O blessed Simeon, the Father, together with the Son and the Spirit, dwelt in the purity of your heart.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, O woman who are clothed with the sun, and who were the chosen chariot for the Sun of Justice. From you arose the unapproachable Light. Hail, O woman whose heart is radiant with divine splendor, shining light who illumines the whole earth, dove with golden wings, all-beautiful and spotless one. You made the never-setting Light shine upon believers.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified, His heart pierced by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one cried out in tears: "Is this what You receive in return for all Your blessings form a thankless people? Will You leave me childless? O beloved God of all compassion, I am struck with wonder at Your voluntary crucifixion!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Simeon and John

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according to your compassion, Do not remove your mercy from us, but through their intercession direct our lives in peace.


Kontakion of Simeon and John

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us praise with fervor and love this man who lived in the flesh as if he were an angel, adorning his soul with the most radiant virtues: Simeon, the Equal of the Apostles and the bearer of God. Together with him, let us honor his companion John, worthy of all praise; for both stand at all times before God, interceding for us all.


@AFTR IKOS = Branches of that Vine which is the Lord, from infancy you were gifted with heavenly wisdom. Joined together by it, you renounced the earth in order to rise toward the heights. Your sanctified heads were adorned with crowns woven from immaterial flowers. Ask the Lord to grant wisdom to my words, that I may worthily sing of your life, which Christ our God has glorified, O blessed fathers, who intercede for us all.


On July 21, we commemorate our holy fathers John and Simeon, the Fool for the sake of Christ.

@SYNAX INDENT = As a fool for the sake of Christ, your wisdom was cleverly hidden so that the serpent would not discern it until the end. John, you dwelt in the sterile wilderness in order to sterilize the passions of the flesh. The wise Simeon, feigning folly, stumbled to the end of his life on the twenty-first.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Being on one mind in two bodies, you had but one goal in two different ways of life, O venerable John and Simeon. Thus, you both merit our acclamation.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O sweetness of the angels, joy of the distressed, helper of Christians, O Virgin and Mother of the Lord: be my support and save me from eternal pain!

July 22

Commemoration of the myrrh-bearing woman Mary Magdalene, the Equal of the Apostles

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Mary

Tone 1

3. You brought myrrh to Christ, laid in the tomb, who poured out the sweet odor of the Resurrection on all the dead. As you wept, you beheld Him, and were the first to worship Him, O God-bearing Mary. Therefore pray that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

2. O Magdalene, beholding Christ nailed to the Cross, you lamented and cried, "What is this sight? How can Life die, while the creation trembles at the sight and the lights grow dark?" Therefore, pray that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

1. O glorious Mary, you have been filled with the plenitude of true wisdom and knowledge by the One who creates all things in wisdom. O worthy of all fame, you announced His Passion and condescension to the people. Therefore pray that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = O Mary Magdalene, you were the first to witness the divine Resurrection of the First Cause of all good things, who has compassionately deified our nature; and you were the first to be the herald of the good news to the Apostles, crying out to them, "Lay aside your sadness! Receive great hope instead! Come and see the risen Christ who grants the world great mercy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O pure Virgin Theotokos, no one who has recourse to you ever leaves you put to shame. But whoever asks for grace, receives the answer to his prayer insofar as it is good.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When Your ever-Virgin Mother beheld You lifted on the Cross, a sword of sorrow pierced her heart and soul; and she wept in tears as a mother. By her intercession, have mercy on us, O Lord of mercy.


Tone 8

1. Having followed in the footsteps of the incarnate Christ and having served Him faithfully, O venerable myrrh-bearer, you did not abandon Him in His death. Having promised Him myrrh, you offered it to Him, mingled with your tears, O praiseworthy holy one. Therefore, we solemnly keep your holy memory.

v. Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words to the limits of the universe.

2. O Mary, full of radiant light, you lovingly looked upon the Life of all, lying dead in the tomb. At dawn, after passing the night, you heard the angels, and one of them clearly said, "Christ is risen! Lay aside your sadness and hasten to His disciples. Tell them that, instead of lamenting, you have received ineffable joy, O honored woman!"

v. God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

3. Rejoicing today in your memory, O myrrh-bearing woman, we glorify the all-good God who now glorifies you. O holy one, ceaselessly entreat Him that we may obtain everlasting glory and light, since you have boldness before Him with all the saints forever.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Mary Magdalene served as a faithful disciple of Christ our God, who willingly shared our poverty in His infinite compassion. She saw Him dying on the Cross and buried in the tomb. She cried aloud in tears, "What is this wondrous sight? How is He who grants life to the dead now counted among the dead? How is it that I bring funeral myrrh to the One who delivered me from the foul stench of the demons? What tears shall I shed for Him who has put a new garment on my weeping first mother?" Appearing as a Gardener, the Lord of the whole world quenched the flame with the dew of His words and said to her, "Go to My brethren and announce the good news of the Resurrection! I go to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God, that I may grant the world great mercy!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = The heavens sing your praises, O Mother full of grace who know not carnal union. And we glorify your ineffable childbearing. O Theotokos, intercede for the salvation of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You nailed upon the Cross and voluntarily suffering Your Passion, O Christ, Your Mother, the Virgin, cried aloud, "Alas, O Master, my sweet Child! How can You, the Physician who has healed the infirmities of mankind suffer such an unjust wounding? In Your mercy, You have delivered us all from the darkness!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Mary Magdalene

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = Honorable Mary Magdalene, you followed Christ, born of us a Virgin, and kept the commandments of His will: wherefore we celebrate today your holy memory. Obtain for us the remission of our sins.


Sessional Hymns from the Parakletike

@CANONS = Canon

Tone 8


@ODE TEXT = Passing through the water on foot as though on dry land, Israel escaped villainous Egypt and cried out: "Let us sing to our Redeemer and God!"

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

O Mary, adorned with divine virtues and illumined by the outpouring of the light of God, enlighten my darkened heart through your intercessions.

The Word of the Father sanctified you, delivering you from the evil spirits in the sight of all. Having been His disciple you were filled with the gifts of grace of the Spirit.

You have been filled with the life-giving waters of the abundant Fountain; and through the merciful appearance of the Lord on earth, you dried up the murky waters of sin.

@ODE TEXT = We sing your praises, O Lady, Mother by nature of the Creator, who has reconciled to God the wounded nature of man, O Mother of God and spotless Lady.


@ODE TEXT = O Lord, Maker of the firmament of heaven and builder of the Church: establish me firmly in Your love. For You are the summit of all our desires, the ground of the faithful, and the only Lover of Mankind.

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

Having loved the First Cause of all good things, who compassionately made our nature godlike, you, O Mary, have zealously followed Him, obeying His divine ordinances.

Coming to the tomb of the Redeemer in tears, you were the first to see the divine Resurrection, O holy one. Therefore you became the herald of the good news, crying aloud, "Christ is risen! Clap your hands!"

@ODE TEXT = All-pure Virgin, the Word who was incarnate through your pure blood saves me by the wealth of His goodness, destroying the sentence of the ancient condemnation. Ask Him ceaselessly to save your flock.

Little Litany

Sessional Hymns

Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = The Word became poor in His infinite compassion, O Mary Magdalene, and you sincerely served Him as a disciple. Seeing Him hanging upon the Cross and laid in a tomb, you wept and lamented. Therefore we honor you, O myrrh-bearer worthy of all praise, and we celebrate your triumph. Intercede with Christ our God that remission of sins be granted to those who keep with love the feast of your memorial.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = As a Virgin and the only woman to have born God incarnate without seed, all generations call you blessed. For the Fire of the Godhead went to dwell in you, and you nourished the Creator and Lord. Therefore the ranks of angels and men rightly glorify your holy childbearing, and we cry to you with one accord: "Intercede with Christ our God for remission of sins to be granted to those who worthily celebrate your pure childbearing.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Beholding You upon the Cross, O Jesus, Your Virgin Mother cried aloud in tears with sorrow: "Alas! Most sweet Child, how have the ungrateful children of the Hebrews unjustly suspended You upon the wood? Nevertheless, compassionate One, You suffer this, my Child, most patient God, most merciful Lord, consenting to this in Your flesh in order that Your awesome blood might ransom us from the slavery of the Evil One. Therefore I sing of Your greatness and Your self-emptying, O Word!"


@ODE TEXT = O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation; I have perceived Your works, and I glorify Your divinity.

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

Having an understanding unconfused by the great vanity of the world, you served Him who came to save the whole world from error.

Having come to the tomb of life in tears, O Mary, you saw an angel who announced the Resurrection of Christ.

Your stainless heart meditated on the precepts of Christ, O you who are worthy of admiration, and you longed for Him alone, radiant in His beauty.

@ODE TEXT = O Lady, the sleep of sin holds me fast in the slumber of laziness. By your vigilant prayer, rouse me up to repentance.


@ODE TEXT = If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome me in my wretchedness. O Light that never fades, bring me back to the path of Your commandments, O Lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant light!

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

The First Mother saw him who by his words in times past had deceived her and banished her from Paradise, now trampled underfoot through the manful spirit of the holy women. She rejoices with them eternally.

O venerable Mary Magdalene, rapt by love of Him, you brought myrrh to Him when He had been slain and was lying in the tomb, breathing out life for all. You poured out the sweet-smelling ointment with tears.
After the divine Passion, after the awesome Resurrection of the Savior, as a glorious disciple of the Word you set forth announcing the good news in all places, and drawing into your net many who had been deceived by ignorance.

@ODE TEXT = Let Him who in infinite mercy was pleased to be born of you, set me straight, for I have fallen into the tangled pit of sin, O all-holy Virgin. Entreat Him who deigned to be born of you in mercy, on behalf of those who sing your praises, that they may be delivered form all harm.


@ODE TEXT = From my transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin: for to You do I call from the anguish of my soul: "Hear me, O God of my salvation!"

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

With the dew of your words, you took away the burning grief of the disciples as you cried aloud, "Christ is risen! Life has appeared! The radiant Sun has shone forth!"

Behold, the radiant Light of your feast has dawned, O Mary, giving light to those who faithfully sing your praise, and driving out the dankness of the temptations of the evil demons, O Mary worthy of our admiration.

As the Holy of Holies, the Mercy Seat that none can touch, the shining Lampstand and the Bride leading to God, have you appeared to those who sing hymns to you, most pure one, O Mother of God.

Little Litany

Kontakion of Mary Magdalene

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us all sing a hymn of praise and a special canticle to the disciple of Christ, Mary Magdalene, the first ointment-bearing woman: for she was a messenger of joy to the disciples. Let us praise the God of all who lavished upon us and upon the world such a fountain of wonders and miracles.


@AFTR IKOS = The Master, Christ, King of creation, without leaving the heavens chose to descend and deigned to voluntarily accept corruptible flesh. Seeing Him nailed to the Cross, His spotless Mother stood before it, weeping with the honorable virgins and Mary Magdalene. Showing her warm faith and always following Christ, she gazed at the tomb with expectation and cried aloud, "Let us praise the God of all who lavished upon us and upon the world such a fountain of wonders and miracles!"


On July 22, we commemorate the holy myrrh-bearer, Mary Magdalene, the Equal of the Apostles.

@SYNAX INDENT = She who heard You say, "Do not touch Me!", now rejoices in Your bodiless embrace, O Lord. On the twenty-second, Mary Magdalene passes to You.

By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = In the furnace, the young men trampled upon the flames with fervor, and they changed the fire into a refreshing dew as they cried out, "O Lord our God, blessed are You throughout the ages!"

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

The Word worked with you, and you drove out various diseases, O myrrh-bearing woman, who now stand before Him and cry aloud, "O God of our Fathers, blessed are You throughout the ages!"

You alone, before all others, beheld the risen Christ, our Life. Believing Him to be the gardener, you cried aloud, "O God of our Fathers, blessed are You throughout the ages.

@ODE TEXT = Having conceived and given birth to the Immortal God, O pure one, you stopped the advance of death. To Him, let us all sing, "O Lord our God, blessed are You throughout the ages!"


@ODE TEXT = In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better power saving them, he cried out: "Bless your Maker and Redeemer, young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people throughout all the ages!"

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

O Magdalene, your life is radiant, shining like the dawn with your virtuous acts, the announcement of the divine good news at God's command, and with the brightness of your divine love for the Maker, about whom you now sing with the angels: "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

You stood by the Cross, completely overcome in lamentation and tears, beholding the unjust slaughter of Him who poured Himself out in His ineffable mercy, O glorious saint. "What is this strange wonder?" you cried aloud, O Mary! "How is the One who put death to death, now slain and dying, He who by nature is Life?"

@ODE TEXT = We all glorify you with one mind as Mother of God, O highest of all creation, O most pure one: for in you, the condemnation that came through Adam is destroyed, and the rebellious nature of man itself sings, "Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all the ages!"

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was awed: that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb became more spacious than the heavens. And so, all ranks of angels and men praise you, O Mother of God!

v. Holy Mary Magdalene, pray to God for us!

You have now been translated to divine joy, to the wide spaces of Paradise, to the spiritual mansions above the world, where dwell the ranks of holy monks and nuns, and where is heard the pure sound of those who joyfully keep feast, O God-bearing Mary. Therefore, we all bless you.

You have preferred nothing on earth to the love of Christ our God: but rapt in wonder by His excellences alone and by the flashes of light sent down on you directly, O honored saint, you have followed in His footsteps, crying aloud, "I magnify You, O Lord of many mercies!"

Made God-like by God, and delighting in a stream of grace, by divine command you have received the reward of your labors and been counted in the rank of the Apostles, O Magdalene, disciple of the Word. Guard by your prayers those who honor you with love.

@ODE TEXT = As the Mother of the One who suffered for us, preserve me from soul-corrupting passions. Loosen the bonds of my offenses, since you are good; restore my soul, afflicted with the temptation of demons, O Virgin Theotokos, that I may praise you who are entirely spotless.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilarion

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = You are truly called "Mary": as a disciple of Christ, pray to the crucified Lord with the rest of the myrrh-bearing women and with the Virgin Mary, the Mother of god, on behalf of us who honor you with love, O you who offered myrrh.

Aposticha from the Parakletike

July 23

Transfer of the remains of the holy hieromartyr Phocas; commemoration of the holy prophet Ezechiel

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Ezechiel

Tone 4

6. O Ezechiel, prophet of God, you saw the sealed gate of the Word's entrance through the gift of the Spirit. Beg Him to open the gates of His mercy to us, and save the souls of those who venerate your sacred memory.

5. O Immortal One, You have shown Your prophet Ezechiel to be like a living cloud which pours out the water of eternal life. In sending him, You have richly endowed him with the All-holy Spirit, who is of one essence with You, the Father almighty, and with Your Son who has shone forth from Your essence. Through the Spirit, O prophet, you foretold the coming of Christ our God and our salvation. Pray to Him to enlighten and save our souls.

4. With a pure mind, you received the brilliant, God-sent light. You were the herald of divine words, a seer and a prophet. You were shown to be a truly inspired messenger of God; and you foresaw that which was revealed to you by Him, and you announced to all nations the promised salvation, and the coming of the Kingdom of Christ. O honorable Ezechiel, pray to God to save and enlighten our souls.

For Phocas

Tone 1

3. O Phocas, witness to Jesus Christ, with your blood in martyrdom, you filled a chalice for the faithful, pouring out healing and cleansing all suffering. All are called together by the sublime announcement of your witnessing. All you who thirst: come and drink the waters of grace in faith!

2. By your divine perseverance, you overcame the straying of the godless; and by the calm power of the Holy Trinity, you stilled the storm of the multiple false gods. Faced by the point of the sword, the burning of the fire and a hail of torments, you withstood them, as though they were harmless blows from a child.

1. Having become the herald of god, the Giver of Life, you overcame the tyrants as an athlete and won the prize of victory in your struggles. Commending your spirit to the Immortal One, O blessed Phocas, you rose up to the never-setting Sun.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TONE IND = From childhood, you loved the Lord, O blessed Phocas, witness for Christ; taking on your shoulders the armor of the Cross, you unswervingly set out on the way of salvation; thus you became the companion of the holy angels, the adversary to demons, and a powerful intercessor for the world.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God and blessed Virgin, save your servants from all dangers that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When Your virgin Mother saw You on the Cross, O Lord, she was struck with amazement and cried aloud, "Behold what You receive in return from those who enjoyed Your blessings! Do not leave me alone in this world, I entreat You: but rise quickly, and raise up our first parents with You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparia of Phocas

@TONE # = (Tone ??)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Sharer in the Apostle's way of life and successor on their thrones, inspired by God, you found ascetical effort as the means to contemplation. And so, dispensing rightly the word of truth, you fought for the faith unto the shedding of your blood, O Hieromartyr Phocas, Intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparia of Ezekiel

@TONE # = (Tone ??)

@AFTR TROP/KON = We celebrate the memory of your prophet Ezekiel and through him we implore You, O Lord: Save our souls.


Kontakion of Ezechiel

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = You were a prophet of God, O wondrous Ezechiel! You foretold the coming of the Lord in the flesh; and the Creator has come as a Lamb; the Son of God has been revealed to the ages.

Kontakion of Phocas

Tone 6

@AFTR TROP/KON = As a hierarch who offered sacrifice, O holy father, you ended your life by offering yourself as a living sacrifice, bearing witness to Christ our God. Strengthened by the angels, you willingly submitted to death. You dwell now among those who sing to you, "Come and remain with us forever, O Phocas, for no one has power against us!"


On July 23, we commemorate the holy hierormartyr Phocas.

@SYNAX INDENT = The light of Christ, burning in your heart, O Phocas, made you a welcoming hearth of light. On the twenty-third, although your body returned to the dust, your soul sings to God in the heavenly choirs.

On the same day, we commemorate the holy prophet of God, Ezechiel.

@SYNAX INDENT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Exapostilaria and Aposticha of the Octoechos

July 24

Commemoration of the holy great-martyr Christina

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Christina

Tone 4

3. Enlightening your pure heart with His divine knowledge, O blessed martyr Christina, the Lord delivered you from the deep darkness of error, for He is the radiant Sun of Justice. Thus, you shattered the false, evil idols as you bravely imitated the sufferings of Christ in your body.

2. Patiently enduring sufferings in the flesh, O Christina, you passed to that blessedness where there is no pain nor sorrow. There, in splendid beauty, as a chosen bride of the heavenly King, O illustrious saint, remember all those who celebrate your memory with faith, that we may find mercy and the remission of all evils.

1. As a bride, adorned with the carving of your very flesh, you were robed in the brilliant purple of your own blood. Clothed in that splendid wedding garment, O martyr Christina, you exult before Christ, your Bridegroom, rejoicing in deification with all the virgins and martyrs.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = As though you were an alabaster vase filled with perfume, O invincible Christina, you poured forth your blood for Christ, your Bridegroom. But you received the incorruptible crown from Him in return, o martyr all-worthy of our praise. By calling upon the Holy Spirit, and by your word, you restored life to the one who had been bitten by venomous serpents. Thus, in the heavenly mansions, you have been welcomed by the Lover of Mankind, Jesus, the Savior of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR TONE IND = Save your servants from all danger, O Mother of God; for in you, after God, we have our shelter, our refuge, our unshakeable protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = What pain you felt as you saw your Son and God placed on the Cross, O pure Virgin! Weeping and crying, you cried aloud bitterly, "Alas, my beloved Child! How You suffer unjustly to save the earthly sons of Adam!" Thus, O holy Virgin, we entreat you with faith: obtain for us the favor of your Son.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = By your deeds, you truly conformed yourself to the name of Christ, which you bore. Becoming His bride in virginal purity, by the good will of the Father and with the help of the Holy Spirit, you shone more brightly than the sun in your perseverance as you struggled in martyrdom. Thus, you were offered at the heavenly altar as a pure and spotless victim, exulting throughout the ages in the choir of virgins and martyrs. Together with them, O Christina, entreat the Lord, whose name you bear, to grant peace and great mercy to those who honor you.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, O you who were once foreseen by the prophet as a sealed gate which could only be opened by the Creator of all! Hail, O good news and new wonder, golden vessel contain the heavenly Manna! Hail, only hope and refuge for Christians, powerful helper for your humble servants!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When you saw hanging on the Cross the ripe Cluster of grapes which you had produced without labor, O Virgin, you cried aloud, weeping and mourning: "My Son, pour forth the sweet wine which will take away the drunkenness of the passions! For the sake of me, who have borne You, manifest Your mercy, O Lord!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Christina

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bridegroom, I long for You and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.


Kontakion of Christina

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O venerable Christina, you appeared as a bright dove with a pair of golden wings alighting in the heights of heaven; wherefore, we celebrate your glorious feast, and bow before the place that contains your remains and from which there springs forth grace and healing for body and soul.


On July 24, we commemorate the holy great-martyr Christina.

@SYNAX INDENT = Christina is united to Christ, her Bridegroom, by the blood of martyrdom which she pours forth in streams. The spotless bride, who never denied God, is pierced by sharp arrows on the twenty-fourth.

By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Let us fittingly honor Christina, that honorable vessel of the Lord: she is truly the glory of virgins and martyrs. By the grace of God, she obtains abundant healing for newborn babies.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The choirs of bodiless angels celebrate your wondrous maternity: you alone have filled the world with joy and gladness. Thus, we the faithful glorify you and sing your praises, O spotless Virgin: for you have made the morning star dawn as a light upon our darkness.


For Christina

Tone 4

4. O Christ, we glorify the great compassion and goodness which You have deigned to manifest to us: O Lover of Mankind, by the power of the Cross, women have abolished the error of idolatry, not fearing the treacherous tyrant, but trampling him under their feet. They followed You eagerly, drawn to Your spreading perfume. Standing in Your presence forever, they intercede for our souls.

3. Renouncing her father's wealth for love of Christ, Christina has found the wealth and glory of heaven. Grace overshadowed her, and she trampled the tyrant by means of the holy Cross; thus the angels proclaim and admire her exploits. Overcome by a woman, the enemy is cast down, and the martyr won the crown of the victorious. Christ reigns throughout the ages as God, granting great mercy to the world.

2. The power of Your Cross has worked wonders, O Lord: the martyr Christina has fought the good fight as an athlete through it; rejecting the weakness of nature, she courageously stood up to the tyrants. Thus, she rightly won the prize of victory in heaven, where she intercedes for our souls before Christ.

1. Martyr Christina, armed with the Cross, wearing the buckler of hope, the bow of charity and the shield of faith, you bravely withstood the pains of the torturers and confounded the sunning the dark demons. Beheaded, you went to rejoice before Christ, with whom you ceaselessly intercede for our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TONE IND = Charmed by your virginal purity, Christ, the King of Glory, chastely made you His spotless bride; willing to grant power to your beauty, He made you invincible against enemies and the passions. For the punishments and cruel torments you endured, He bestowed a double crown upon you, placing you at His right hand as a queen clothed with embroidered garments. O virgin and martyr who bear the name of Christ, entreat Him to grant life and mercy to those who sing your praises.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All we the faithful call you blessed, O Virgin Theotokos; and, as is right, we glorify you as the unshaken city, the indestructible rampart, the fearless protectress and refuge of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = You have paid the ransom for us; You deigned to rescue us at the price of Your precious and most pure blood, O Christ, the only sinless One, who willed to save us all. Thus, seeing You nailed to the Cross, Your Mother's face was torn with grief as she said, "My Child, You are the spotless Lamb who desires to save the world at the price of Your blood! How can I see You set, O never-setting Sun, who grant illumination, peace and great mercy to all?"

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Renouncing the world and choosing Christ as the object of your love, O illustrious and venerable Christina, you joined the hosts above in heaven, where you intercede that we be given great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = You accept the prayers of sinners and do not despise the sights of the afflicted, O spotless Virgin. Intercede before Him who willed to be born from your pure womb, that He grant us great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = As the Virgin saw Christ hanging upon the Cross, she said, "As Simeon the elder foretold, a sword has pierced my heart; arise, O Immortal Lord, I entreat You; and glorify Your Mother and handmaid with Yourself!"

July 24




We sing "Blessed is the man..." At "Lord, I have called...," the following Stichera, on 8, TONE 8: Special Melody: "O Most-glorious Wonder..."

1. O Most-glorious Wonder! The divine and precious Pair, the truly-praised Brothers, shine to us this day, summoning the new people to praise the noble Martyrs-Roman, who suffered with zeal, and David, who were sacrificed together to the Pure Lord Who was immolated for our sakes-the Savior of our souls!

2. O first All-praised Ones! Acknowledging yourselves guilty before the purple of the Kingdom of Christ, and knowing Him to be the true God and King of All, you turned away from the vain gods of your forefathers. Therefore Christ enriched you with the gift of miracles and granted to you eternal things instead of those that are corrupt-the Savior of our souls Who is glorified in the saints.

3. The blessed homeland and city in which you were reared receives the precious temple of your bodies. O well-received Protectors, which terrifies enemies, driving them far away from your homeland, O glorious Roman and truly-wondrous David. Pray that our souls may be saved.

Other Stichera, TONE 2: Special Melody: "With whose praise..."

4. With whose praiseworthy crowns can we crown the Hymned Ones, separated in bodies, yet joined together in spirit, Enrichment of the Russian land and Delight of the whole universe, for they destroyed, with courageous understanding, the might of demons, with the assistance of Christ Who grants to the world great mercy.

5. With whose praiseworthy comeliness can we adorn the Hymned Ones, Roman who, with courage, had power over the passions, together with David the zealot. Both stars are shining together, illumining all the godfearing with the brightness of virtues. For having been instructed in the commandments of Christ, gloriously have they been glorified, beseeching Him Who grants great mercy to all.

6. With whose spiritual words can we compose a precious feast of the truly-glorious Martyrs, who, for the sake of Christ, left corrupt earthly glory? Both received piercing in the side; both were slaughtered like lambs. Meetly they have been glorified by Christ and have received the gifts of healing, worthily entreating great mercy for all.

Glory...TONE 6

Come, let us praise the Wonderworkers and Martyrs, for having suffered under the Law, they defeated the adverse enemy. Now, brightly adorned, they stand before Christ, rejoicing. Therefore, let us joyfully praise in songs and love their memory, crying out: Rejoice, Intercessors for the Universe and Champions against enemies! Rejoice, Physicians of the sick and Expellers of demons! Rejoice, O Beloved Pair, truly-handsome brothers, glorious Roman and wondrous David, who, loving Christ, are praying for us to the Holy Trinity, to bring peace to the world and to save our souls.

Now and ever...Dogmatic, SAME TONE

Who will not call you blest, O Most-holy Virgin? Who will not sing of your most holy birthgiving? For the Only-begotten Son Who shone timelessly from the Father, came forth from you, O Pure One, and was ineffably incarnate. God by nature, yet for our sakes He became by nature a man, not in two persons being divided, but know as united in two natures. Beseech Him, O Pure and All-blessed One, to be merciful to our souls.

Entrance, Prokimenon of the Day, and 3 Readings: 1. Isaiah 43: 9-14 2. Wisdom 3: 1-9 3. Wisdom 4: 7-15

Litya: The Stichera of the church or monastery, and the following to the Martyrs, TONE 4: "Of the Tone..."

1. Since the new Cain and hater of God, out of hatred for his brothers deprived you of the earthly Kingdom, Christ has granted you a Kingdom without end that passes not away. Standing before Him with the angelic hosts, pray that He save us who with love are singing your all-honorable and greatly-festive memory.

2. The ground was sanctified by your all-precious blood and men were enriched by you, for they received disinterested healing, O Divinely-wise Saints of Christ, glorious Roman with guileless David. Pray to the Lord, Him to Whom you cleaved from youth, to save us who with faith are singing your praises.

Glory...TONE 5

With joy let us all this day feast the memory of the Greatmartyrs, glorifying Christ the Savior in songs and hymns. Let us, who on earth have been astonished by the miracles of His own saints and by the grace of various healings, say to them, exclaiming joyfully: Rejoice, for you have received grace over various passions! Rejoice, quick Hearers of those in sorrows, delivering your homeland from misfortunes, O God-received Boris, together with Gleb. Pray to the Lord, to be merciful to our souls.

Now and ever...Theotokion, SAME TONE

You are the Gate, the Temple, the Palace, and the Throne of the King, O All-precious Virgin, by whom my Deliverer, Christ God, appeared to those asleep in darkness. He is the Sun of Righteousness, desiring to enlighten that which He fashioned with His own hands according to His own Image. Therefore, O All-hymned Lady, as you possess maternal boldness before Him, pray that our souls may be saved.

Aposticha: TONE 4: Special Melody: "You gave a sign..."

1. Come, O Lovers of Chastity, and, with pure hearts and perfect souls, let us honor the precious Pair, beloved of Christ the Ruler of All, the glorious Passionbearer Roman with meek and wonderworthy David, by whose pure souls and bodies were destroyed regiments of demons.

vs. The righteous cried out and the Lord heard them.

2. As glorious and well-born brothers, you sprouted from a precious root, in truth having a beloved nobleness of character. You longed after incorrupt glory, and having chosen life and the indestructible Kingdom, you suffered according to righteousness, receiving crowns of victory, O Blessed Passionbearers and Intercessors for our souls.

vs. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all.

3. In deeds and teachings having fulfilled the commandments of Christ, as well as His ordinances, you did not bear enmity towards enemies who unjustly came for your murder. But as imitators of Stephen the first-martyr, you said, praying: "Do not impute this to them as sin, O Lover of Mankind, Jesus our God and the Savior of our souls."

Glory...TONE 8

Come, newly-baptized assembly of Russians, and see how without guilt the Martyrs received the judgment-Boris, pierced through his side by a spear, shedding his blood on account of the slander of the Devil; and Gleb, slaughtered like a lamb by his brother Sviatopolk. They were crowned, but he was lost without memory. They became glorious, but he is tormented in Gehenna. Thus they beseech Christ God for our souls.

Now and ever...Theotokion, SAME TONE

O Virgin Unwedded, who ineffably conceived God in the flesh, Mother of God Most High, accept the prayers of your servants, O All-spotless One. Grant to all cleansing of transgressions and receive our entreaties, praying that we all may be saved.
At the Blessing of the Loaves


As upright Passionbearers and true Hearers of the Gospel of Christ, O chaste Roman, together with guileless David, you did not oppose the brother who had been pulled down by the Enemy, and who killed your bodies, but was not able to touch your souls. Yet the evil lover of power weeps, for you are rejoicing with the angelic choirs, standing before the Holy Trinity, with might praying for your countrymen, that they may be Godpleasing and that the sons of Russia may be saved.

The Troparion is sung twice and "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos..."(once).

Kontakion, TONE 3: Special Melody: "Today the Virgin..."

Today your truly-glorious memorial shines, O noble Passionbearers of Christ Roman and David, summoning us to praise of Christ our God. Therefore, hastening to the shrine of your relics, we receive the gift of healing by your prayers, O Saints, for you are divine Physicians.

July 25

Feast of the Dormition of the Holy Anne, the Mother of the Mother of God


At O Lord, to You I call...

Tone 1

6. O faithful, celebrating the memory of the holy and wondrous ancestors of the Lord, Joachim and Anne, with sacred hymns we glorify the compassionate One who has made them fervent intercessors for our salvation.

5. Today, the previously barren and childless one, who gave birth to the first-fruits of our salvation, is transferred from this life to the next. She entreats the Lord to grant remission of sins to those who sing to her with faith.

4. Celebrating the memory of Your just ancestors, O Christ, we sing to You: for today You transferred Anne from this temporal life to the everlasting life in the presence of God. She is the mother who bore the divine and ever-virgin Mother who wondrously gave birth to You without seed.

3. Behold, the radiant solemnity, a feastday for the whole world, the holy and glorious dormition of Anne, the wondrous mother who gave birth to the Mother of Life, the living Ark who contained the uncontainable Word: she delivered us from suffering, bringing us never-ending joy, and grants great mercy to all the faithful.

2. O marvellous wonder! The woman who gloriously gave birth to the Virgin who alone is blessed among women, the source of our Life, passes from this temporal life to the never-ending life. Today, the glorious Anne is lifted up form earth to heaven to exult together with the choirs of angels; and today we celebrate her sacred feast.

1. Today, in the fervor of the Holy Spirit, all we the faithful celebrate the glorious feast of your holy dormition: behold, you are still with us, granting the grace of healing, consuming all evil spirits around us, and enlightening the hearts of the faithful who sing of your venerable passing, O holy Anne.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TONE IND = Joachim and Anne, the holy couple, were formerly barren, but they have brought forth the Mother of God, the holy branch from whom has blossomed Christ our God, the salvation of the world. They have passed to the heavenly courts. Together with their daughter, in company with the angels, they now rejoice and constantly intercede
for the world. Joining them in faith, we sing and cry aloud: "Through the Handmaid of God, the all-pure Mary, you are the grandparents of her Son, Jesus Christ: intercede for us!"

Entrance: "O joyful Light..." Prokimenon of the day.

If readings are used: 1) Wisdom 3:1-9; 2) Wisdom 5:15-6:3; 3) Wisdom 4:7-15.


Tone 5

1. Hail, mystical dove who announce the springtime of grace to us: you lived a chaste and blameless life and gave birth reverently to the treasure of virginity, the spotless Mother of God. O Ewe lamb, you bore the virgin lamb who, in turn, by her word gave birth to the Word, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Holy Anne, grandmother of the Lord who transferred you to Himself from earth, entreat Him to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Exult you just in the Lord; praise from the upright is fitting.

2. Hail, venerable couple, beloved of God and chosen by the Lord for the radiance of your holiness: by divine grace, you prepared the way for the fulfillment of the Law as you gave birth to her who would bring forth the Author of our Life. Holy Anne and blessed Joachim, lights who have enkindled the resplendent lamp, radiant with grace, the pure Mother of God: in company with her, entreat the Lord to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in His commands.

3. Hail, blessed land which budded forth in this world the branch from whom the Lord would blossom, you ceaselessly meditated upon His Law; and in you, grace was fulfilled. Freed from barrenness by your childbearing, you were delivered from corruption by your death, as you radiantly passed from earth to God. Blessed ancestor of Christ our God, you gave birth to His Mother, the lampstand who bore the Light. Together with her, entreat the Lord to grant our souls great mercy.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Come, all creation, and with cymbals of glory let us all praise the divinely-wise Anne, whose womb bore the holy mountain of God. Today she has departed for the spiritual mountain, the dwelling-place of Paradise. Let us sing to her: "Blessed is your womb which bore her whose womb would carry the true Light of the world! Blessed are your breasts, which nourished the Mother of the Nourisher of our life! Entreat Him to deliver us from every attack of the enemy and to save our souls from all affliction!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Anne

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O divinely wise Anne, you carried in your womb the pure Mother of God, who gave birth to the Life. Wherefore, you now have been carried up joyfully to the inheritance of heaven, to the abode of those who rejoice in glory. O blessed One, obtain the forgiveness of sins, for those who honor you with fervor.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = The mystery which was hidden from eternity, and unknown to the angels, has been revealed through you O Theotokos to those on earth, for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly took up the cross by which He elevated the first man, and save our souls from death.


Use the Festal Format, as for Fourth Class Feasts

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = Holy Anne, the illustrious ancestor worthy of praise and honor, is carried up from the passing life here below to the immortal life of the eternal ages, to exult with the angels. Together with her daughter, the pure Theotokos, she ceaselessly intercedes before God for the salvation of the faithful who call her blessed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Holy Anne, the illustrious... (Repeat)

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = Having kept the precepts of the Law in a manner pleasing to the Lord, you surpassed all mothers in Israel as you gave birth to the unique and ever-Virgin Theotokos, O holy Anne, grandmother of Christ. You passed from earth to the dwelling-place of God, where you rejoice with the Just from all ages.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Having kept the precepts... (Repeat)

After Psalm 50, we use the Canons of the Parakletike, then the following Canon to the Saint. The Hirmoi of this canon may be used as katavasias.


Tone 4


@ODE TEXT = I shall open my mouth, and it will be filled with the Spirit; and I shall sing a hymn to the Mother of the King; and I shall celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her wonders.

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

Holy Anne, I am going to sing today of your radiant memorial: pray that I may obtain deliverance from evil and the remission of my sins, amendment of life and divine enlightenment.

You wondrously gave birth to the Mother of our Life; now you have departed for eternal life to rejoice in eternal joy and the never-setting light.

She who had been named for "grace" has passed on to that divine Joy which was conceived without seed by her spotless daughter; as she stands confidently before Christ, she intercedes for our salvation.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Having lived in justice and holiness, O holy Anne, you have gone to rejoice with the Just from all ages; and with one heart, we celebrate you in faith.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = The Sun of Justice, born of you, has shone upon us, enlightening the whole world with the knowledge of God, in order to scatter the darkness of godlessness, O blessed and all-spotless Virgin.


@ODE TEXT = We do not glory in our wisdom, nor in the power found in treasures, but in the incarnate Wisdom of the Father, for no one is holy but You, O Jesus Christ!

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

You conceived her who was to conceive Him who holds the whole universe in His hand, and you gave birth to the ineffable Mother of God the Word; thus we glorify your holy dormition.

Your wondrous memory is celebrated with praises, for you have given birth for us to the one who surpasses all praise, the pure Theotokos, O holy Anne, who were well named by God.

Like the sun and moon together, Joachim and Anne have beamed forth a ray of virginity, through which the light of god has shone.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

From your womb, O blessed Anne, you have given birth to the mountain of God; and now you have ascended the spiritual mountain to the dwelling-place of Paradise.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = In you, O Mother of God, we possess our most sure protection. Placing our hope in you, we are saved; taking refuge in you, we are sheltered.

Little Litany

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymn

Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = Holy Anne, you gave birth to the Mother of the Lord and Creator, Whose commandments you ceaselessly observed. Thus, after death, you passed to immortal life and the never-setting Light. As we celebrate you holy and radiant memorial, we are constantly enlightened in our spirit, and with one voice we cry aloud: "Intercede before Christ our God that He grant remission of sins to those who wholeheartedly keep your holy memory!"


@ODE TEXT = He who sits in glory upon the throne of Divinity, Jesus the supreme God, came down on an ethereal cloud, and with His pure hand redeemed those who cry out to Him: "Glory to Your power,
O Christ!"

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

Having meditated on the Scriptures and the Law, O holy Anne, you brought them to fulfillment when you gave birth to the Mother of the Lawgiver; thus the whole creation rightly celebrates your memory with joy.

Blessed is your womb in which was formed the one whose womb would bear the true Light of the world! And blessed are your breasts, O holy Anne, which nourished the one whose milk would nourish Christ, the Nourisher of our souls!

As we keep the sacred memory of Anne and Joachim, O feast-lovers, let us rejoice in the ineffable splendor of that blessed and godly-minded couple who lived an angelic life here below.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Having lived a blameless life, you gave birth to the Virgin Theotokos who blamelessly conceived the Word of the Father; and you have gone to Him in glory, truly divinized by your communion with God.
v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = The womb of the Virgin was like a mill on the threshing floor, bearing that Wheat which she had produced without travail, from which the whole creation is nourished as it sings, "Glory to Your power, O Christ!"


@ODE TEXT = The impious did not see Your glory, O Christ, but we who keep watch at dawn before You, O only Son and divine Image of the Father's splendor, celebrate You as the Lover of Mankind!

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

You brought into the world the one who, like a heaven on earth, carried the Creator of the heavens; today He has made you pass with glory into the heavenly tabernacles, O holy Anne.

You exult in joy with the bodiless choirs, like an incorporeal spirit, filled with abundant light: remember us who celebrate your memory with faith!

You brought forth the fruitful branch, the Virgin, who would make Jesus, our divine Redeemer, blossom forth form the root of Jesse as an imperishable flower.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Shining with the radiant light of your divine virtues, you have departed today to the eternal Light of Life; thus, as is right, we call you blessed.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Only protectress of believers, in you I take refuge, in you I place all my hope for salvation; do not disappoint me, O all-holy Theotokos.


@ODE TEXT = The merciful streams of blood that flowed from Your side, O Lord, purified Your Church of the blood offered to demons. Now she cries out aloud to You: "I will offer You the sacrifice of praise, O Lord!"

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

Today, Joachim and Anne, who shine with justice, the ancestors of the Lord Jesus, our God, are justly acclaimed with hymns.

Holy Anne surpasses all praise, for she conceived the one who indeed surpasses all praise; thus she exults in the assembly of the saints.

Radiant, filled with light, shining with all graces, is your memorial, O holy Anne, for it beams rays carrying the light of salvation upon those in the world.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Holy Anne, you gave birth to the vessel which would contain the Manna from heaven, our God; dwelling with her in the heavens, you intercede for us all.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = It is from Anne that you have come forth, O Queen of all, who conceived the divine King of All; and you remained a virgin after childbirth, O all-pure one, who are higher in honor than the Cherubim.

Little Litany

Kontakion of Anne

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us celebrate the memory of the grandparents of Christ and fervently ask for their help, so that salvation may be assured for all those who cry out: "Remain always with us, O God, who glorified them according to Your will!"


@AFTR IKOS = Come, as the Prophet says, and let us sing joyfully of the holy dormition of the grandmother of Christ. She comes into the heavenly dwellings today from this passing life, opening the way; and as the mother of the Theotokos, she joyfully sings with faith: "My soul magnifies the Lord, for I have brought into the world the Mother of Him who glorifies us according to His will!"


On July 25, we commemorate the dormition of holy Anne, from whom was born the all-holy Theotokos.

@SYNAX INDENT = Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, who took away tears for women on the bed of childbirth, you now lie dead on your bed. On the twenty-fifth, at the end of her inspired life, she who gave birth although barren, the grandmother of God, lies down on her bed.

By her holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = You saved the sons of Abraham from the furnace and brought an end to the Chaldaeans by the very fire which they had prepared: O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

Having conceived the Mother of true Life with faith, O holy Anne, you departed to true life as you cried aloud, "O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

Being the grandmother of the Redeemer, O holy Anne, you rose form earth to heaven, adorned with fame; and in praise of Him, you cried aloud, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

You have set forth for the everlasting life, the magnificence of the vast Paradise, the never-setting Light, O grandmother of God, as you cried aloud, "God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Clothed in the embroidered garments of your virtues, in your splendor and beauty, you go forth to God as you cry aloud, "O Lord, all-worthy of our praise, God of our Fathers, blessed are You!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Clothed in the splendor of your virtues, all-pure one, you gave birth to the One who is more handsome than the sons of men, the Word, who clothes with radiant light all those who sing to Him.


@ODE TEXT = The maternity of the Theotokos preserved the three young men in the furnace. Then it was prefigured, but now that it is accomplished, it brings the whole world together to sing, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

The mother of the Mother of God, the barren one who became the grandmother of Christ, is stripped of life as she was once stripped of life as she was once stripped of sterility; and she cries aloud in the land of the living, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

Christ welcomed you with joy, opening to you the gates above: for you gave birth to the Gate through which He alone passed, then left sealed after His passing; thus, O wondrous and holy Anne, we venerate you forever!

Having lived a holy life, you became the mother of the holy Virgin who gave birth to the holy Word who obtained holiness and redemption for us, O wondrous and holy Anne, thus we venerate you forever!

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The one who by God's will had been named for "grace" and who was filled with the grace of God, leaves this visible world with joy in order to dwell in the Age to come, as she cries aloud, "O works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

I know that I am surrounded by perils and am in danger of shipwreck in the waves of sin; but, O sovereign Mother of God, guide me under the breeze of the Holy Spirit toward the peaceful harbor, O you who are the harbor of all Christians; we rightly sing to you forever.

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = By her fault and transgression, Eve brought about the curse; but you, O Virgin, Mother of God, have made the blessing sprout forth for the world through the Fruit of your womb; and we all magnify you.

v. Holy Anne, intercede for us!

By her fault and transgression, Eve brought about the curse, but you, O holy Anne, delivered from the curse of barrenness, have given birth to the pure Mother of God, who brought the blessing into the world; and together with her, you exult in heaven.

From the field of your womb was born that holy field which produced, without seed and without travail, the Lord, the Wheat which nourishes the whole world, O holy Anne; and He has wisely carried you up to never-ending joy.

At the end of your life, you have discovered the life without pain or change, and you partake of the Tree of Life, exulting with the assembly of the Just and the hosts of bodiless angels; thus we call you blessed.

Today your memorial shines upon us more brilliant than the sun, enlightening us with the splendor of your rich graces and banishing the darkness of the passions; watch over us as we celebrate you.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Holy Anne, glorious and wise in God, together with the blessed Joachim, that holy and radiant couple, invite us to rejoice in God on their feast, which has been illumined by the Giver of Light, the Lord of All.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@ODE TEXT = Queen of all, deliver me who am enslaved to all types of passions; for you have brought into the world the Deliverer, who has freed us from bondage to sin by His divine will.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilarion

Tone 2

@AFTR EXAPOST = Let us sing fitting hymns to Anne, who was well named for grace; for, contrary to all expectations, she gave birth to the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. She became an ancestor in the flesh to Christ, our Redeemer, who has welcomed her into heaven today, where she intercedes for us and seeks peace for the world.


Tone 1

4. As we celebrate the sacred memory of holy Anne, we sing to You, O Christ, who brought her today from this passing life to neverending glory: for from her was born the virginal Theotokos, who gave birth to You without seed, surpassing nature.

3. As we celebrate the sacred... (Repeat)

2. As we celebrate the sacred memory of Joachim and Anne, the ancestors of Christ, irreproachable in their ways, we ceaselessly glorify the Lord, the compassionate Redeemer, who made them pass from earth to imperishable and immortal life.

1. Today the spirits of holy Anne and just Joachim are led into the bodiless choirs, the dwellings of the Just, the assembly of the angels and saints, where shouts of rejoicing gloriously resound. Let us acclaim them and call them blessed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = Come, O friends of the Virgin! Come, all you who love purity! Let us celebrate the venerable dormition of holy Anne; for, surpassing nature, she gave birth to Mary, the handmaid of God and source of life, from whom was born the divine Redeemer, who sanctifies our souls and enlightens us.

Great Doxology. Troparion of Anne. Litanies and Dismissal.

July 26

Commemoration of the holy hieromartyr Hermolaos and his two companions; and of the holy woman martyr Paraskeva

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Hermolaos

Tone 8

6. Having become a priest of the all-powerful Lord, O martyred athlete Hermolaos, you led a holy life as a presbyter. With the grace of your holy words, you saved people from the darkness of impiety. Then, bathed in your own blood as a martyr, O blessed one, you departed for the heavenly mansions.

5. Once hiding for fear of the impious, O martyred athlete Hermolaos, you joyfully revealed the hidden mystery of faith and knowledge to the holy martyr Panteleimon. Once revealed, you willingly died for Christ who had chosen to suffer for you in His goodness.

4. Hermippos, Hermocratos and Hermolaos, those witnesses of the Lord who fought the good fight wondrously and put to death the cunning serpent, received a bloody bath lest they be soiled by defilement. Glorifying them, let us acclaim their holiness and celebrate with feasting their sacred memory.

For Parasceva

Tone 8

3. O wondrous marvel! As you fought the good fight, O holy Parasceva, you courageously overcame the arrogance of Antoninus. You merited the prize and crown of your heavenly calling; remember your servants who venerate you with faith, as you stand before the Lord, that He take pity on us.

2. Loving the Lord with your whole soul, O illustrious martyr of Christ, you patiently endured the punishing blows. Torn by the scourge, undergoing all torments for the sake of your Beloved, you received the merited crown. Thus we acclaim you as blessed before God.

1. Venerable and famed martyr, who could speak of your sufferings and your courageous miracles in your struggles, the patience and meekness you manifested, as though you were one of the bodiless powers? Thus, you became a companion of the angels in heaven, O Parasceva, bride of the King and holy vessel of the Spirit.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = By your prayers before God, O illustrious Parasceva, virgin and martyr victorious in combat, ask that those who worthily celebrate your passion may be delivered from trials, affliction and the judgment to come.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two persons; He is understood to have two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of Parasceva

Tone 4

1. You courageously stepped forward and submitted to the painful torments, O illustrious Parasceva, and thus reduced the pagan idols to dust. By the power of the Cross, you put to death the adversary who boasted of being enthroned above the stars of heaven. Making him a laughing-stock, you crushed him underfoot.

v. I have waited, waited for the Lord; and He stooped toward me and heard my cry.

2. By the providence of God, an angel quickly appeared and changed the heavy metal plate and burning fire into a light blanket and a refreshing dew, just as had once appeared as fourth person in the furnace with the three young men. Together with them, you cried aloud, "Great is Your mercy, O compassionate Lord! Thus, I joyfully venerate Your praiseworthy Name!"

v. He set my feet upon a crag; He made firm my steps.

3. You faultlessly maintained the purity of your body, and your spirit was always filled with light. Cherishing Christ, your Bridegroom, you were drawn to follow His spreading perfume. O holy Parasceva, entreat the Savior of all to grant remission of sins to the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = All you ends of the earth, come, let us form a choir in spirit to acclaim the virgin martyr of Christ, as we say, "Hail, venerable Parasceva, beloved of God! Hail, O woman who bore perfect witness! Hail, companion of holy nuns, who stand in the ranks of the martyrs! Intercede together with them for the salvation of our souls!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Hermolaos

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immorality from You, O our God, on account of their struggle. Armed with your strength they have vanquished their persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through their supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Parasceva

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = Having justified your name by your diligent life, you inherited as a permanent possession an ever ready faith, O blessed Parasceva, victorious in battle. As a result, you dispensed acts of healing and you make intercession for our souls.

Resurrectional Theotokion

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = When Gabriel greeted you, O Virgin, with his voice the Lord of all took flesh in you, O Holy Ark, as the just David called you. You have been revealed as more spacious than the heavens, in bearing your Creator. Glory to Him who dwelt in you, glory to Him who came from you, glory to Him who delivered us, through your Maternity.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = Cherishing the splendid beauty of Christ and making your spirit shine with purity, you approached Him as a spotless bride by means of your pains and torments. He judged you worthy of the heavenly dwellings, where you intercede before Him for those who venerate you, O far-famed Parasceva.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Despite our unworthiness, O Theotokos, we shall never cease to praise your majesty: for if you were not to intercede for us, who would deliver us form our many perils? It is you who keep us in freedom: O Lady, let us not wander far from you, for you save your servants from all danger.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = Like a pure and spotless lamb, you were mystically united to the Lord by the holiness of your life; and by your passion, you were crowned with beauty. Thus, you received the power to heal, to soothing all afflictions by the power of the Spirit.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = All of us know that you are the Theotokos, who remained a virgin after giving birth. We confess this as we seek refuge in your goodness, for we sinners have you for an advocate. In temptations, we have you for salvation, O only pure and sinless one.

Kontakion of Hermolaos

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Living as a good shepherd, you merited the crown of martyrdom. You destroyed the worship of the idols and were a father to your flock. A wise and holy one, you became a teacher of the truth for Panteleimon. Thus we venerate you, O father Hermolaos, crying out, "Deliver us from all misfortune by your prayers!"

Kontakion of Parasceva

Tone 8

@AFTR TROP/KON = Come, O faithful, let us sing with one accord a special canticle to Parasceva, triumphant in her fight, for she stands as a brilliant star over the world from which she has expelled the darkness of error. She pours down graces upon the faithful who cry out to her, "Hail, O victorious martyr!"


@AFTR IKOS = The Bridegroom, whose voice summons you as a bride, has bestowed upon you the crown of immortality, O illustrious Parasceva, wise in God. You were counted worthy to be numbered among the victorious martyrs. As you exult together with them, remember the faithful assembled in your temple to celebrate your sacred feast. We who stand among them in spirit wholeheartedly offer our hymns in your honor, O venerable Parasceva, as we chant, "Hail, O victorious martyr!"


On July 26, we commemorate the holy hieromartyrs Hermolaos, Hermippos and Hermocratos.
@SYNAX INDENT = Hermolaos, Hermippos and Hermocratos enraged those
who worshipped Hermes. On the twenty-sixth, the wicked sword took the head of Hermolaos, and then the others.

On the same day, we commemorate the holy and venerable martyr Parasceva.

@SYNAX INDENT = O Parasceva, you prepared the sacred temple of your body as a pure dwelling for God. Although the iron struck loudly at your last hour, you were able to hear the angelic choirs in heaven on the twenty-sixth.

By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Strengthened by the Cross of your Lord, you broke the boldness of the tyrants, O holy martyr, as you courageously fought the good fight. You have received the reward of victory from Christ. O wondrous Parasceva, entreat Him on behalf of the faithful who wholeheartedly honor you.

@AFTR EXAPOST = You are truly the pure golden censer, the tabernacle of the Trinity whom no space can contain, O Virgin Mary: for in you the Father was well-pleased, the Son took up His dwelling, and the Holy Spirit overshadowed you, making you the Mother of God.


Tone 1

4. O venerable martyr, exulting in the tabernacles of the Lord in company with the wise virgins, O Parasceva: you received the power to heal illnesses and drive away impure spirits from the faithful who have recourse to you.

3. O venerable martyr... (Repeat)

2. Having crushed the impious might of the tyrants and begun your flight to God, O martyr, you did not fear the lead-tipped scourges, the tearing of your flesh, the boiling cauldrons nor the fire and sword which took your life.

1. Consuming your body in asceticism and tempering your heart for combat, O splendid virgin and martyr for Christ, you appeared before all as a sword forged in heaven, as gold purified in the crucible of torments.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PRAISES = In the city of our God, on His holy mountain, stand the holy woman holding her lamp enkindled. Hear how this virgin is praised: "By virginity, she is the temple of God, the glory of martyrs, and the companion of the angels in heaven!"

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos; keep me under the wings of your protection.

July 27

Commemoration of the holy great-martyr Panteleimon, the Physician

(3rd Class)


First kathisma: Blessed the man...

At O Lord, to You I call...

For Panteleimon

Tone 4

6. O Panteleimon, you were well-named: since you show such great mercy to all as you watch over souls and care for bodies, you received your fitting name as a prize for your virtue, a recompense for your piety. You are seen to be an invincible warrior crowned by our God: entreat Him to enlighten and save our souls.

5. O Panteleimon, you were... (Repeat)

4. You received the power to heal when you chose holiness above all things. Devoting yourself to the faith practiced by your mother, you renounced the impiety of your father: then the Word of God, the Ocean of Light, poured out His divine radiance upon you, for He foresaw that you would enlighten the world by your life.

3. You received the power... (Repeat)

2. You ceaselessly draw the grace of healing from the immaterial fountains of the Savior; then you generously pour them forth, bestowing them upon those who draw near to you with faith. By the grace of God, enlighten all the faithful who celebrate your glorious, holy and radiant feast. Blessed one, your name and goodness both reflect the image of the compassionate God: entreat Him to take pity on those who sing to you.

1. You ceaselessly draw... (Repeat)

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TONE IND = Today the venerable memorial of the unmercenary wonderworker has dawned, calling all the faithful to a mystic banquet and leading all feast-lovers to festive celebration: behold, the wondrous physician who heals all diseases, the valiant martyr Panteleimon, who ceaselessly entreats the Lord for the salvation of our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing
a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided into two person; He is understood to have two natures without commixtion or confusion. O noble and blessed woman, intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.

Entrance. "O Joyful Light" Prokimenon of the day.

Readings: 1) Isaiah 43:9-12; 2) Wisdom 3:1-9; 3) Wisdom 5:16-6:3.


Tone 1

@AFTR LETE = You fought the good fight and ran the race of martyrdom to the end, O Panteleimon, as a witness to the Lord; thus you exult with the angels in heaven, having received the Kingdom on high as a prize for your sufferings. O blessed Physician, intercede that we be given great mercy.

Tone 2

@AFTR LETE = You freely grant grace to all, Illustrious martyr Panteleimon; you drive away spirits by calling upon Christ. As His faithful servant, you restored sight to the blind. O blessed Physician, intercede that we be given great mercy.

@AFTR LETE = You renounced the errors of your father, illustrious martyr; and you wisely treasured your mother's words like gold, making them fruitful, as the Lord had taught. You were seen to be a wondrous physician, illustrious martyr Panteleimon: growing in grace, you found on your path a child bitten by a serpent. Praying instantly to the Lord, you restored life to the infant and crushed the reptile. Remember all of us who keep your memory with faith, that we may find grace on the day of judgment.

Cherishing the holy Faith of your pious mother, you corrected the impiety of your father. Strengthened by the teachings of Hermaolaos, you received baptism from him, O Panteleimon, illustrious martyr of the compassionate God, who heal illnesses and drive away pain. Intercede that the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory may be delivered from all disaster.

Tone 5

@AFTR LETE = The memorial of the martyr shines as brightly as the sun upon the very limits of the earth, ceaselessly shedding the light of healing upon the faithful, dispelling diseases and soothing pains: for at all times, Panteleimon intercedes before Christ our God that He grant great mercy to our souls.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR LETE = Come, friends of the martyrs: with one heart, let us acclaim together the victorious athlete of Christ, who has fought for the faith and received the recompense of conquerors. He is a light for the world, a star forever illumining the Church. Let us sing to him, "O glorious martyr Panteleimon, be a sure refuge for us, the salvation of our souls and bodies, ceaselessly entreating the Lord on our behalf.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR LETE = All we the faithful call you blessed, O Virgin Mother of God, and we glorify you as is right, O unshakeable city, indestructible rampart, fearless protectress and refuge of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha
Tone 1

1. O friends of the martyrs, it is right to celebrate with hymns the memory of Panteleimon, that treasure of goodness. Having imitated the compassion of Him who is equalled in mercy and love, he has received the grace of God.

v. The just shall bloom like the palm tree; he shall grow like the cedar of Lebanon.
2. You wisely developed the power of your spirit, acquiring the virtues which became the foundation for true contemplation; and you became a benefactor for those afflicted by all types of disease, as you prescribed Christ as the divine remedy for them all.

v. Those who are planted in the Lord's house shall flourish in the court of our God.

3. O martyr Panteleimon, who could worthily recount the struggles which you valiantly waged? You made all the punishments to which you were subjected seem as nothing, because of your love for Christ, who glorified you in return.

v. Glory be to the Father and to Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Following the holy Faith of your mother, you corrected the impiety of your father. In order to serve the Physician of our souls, you studied the healing arts of medicine. Successful in all your undertakings by the grace of God, you made pains disappear, and you became the healer of souls. Constant in your struggles and assiduous in prayer, O witness of Christ, you intercede before Him that He save our souls.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = The heavens sing of your grace, O Virgin Mother; and we on earth glorify your ineffable childbearing: O Mother of God, intercede for the salvation of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Panteleimon

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy victorious healer Pantileimon intercede with the Merciful God that He may grant our souls the forgiveness of sins.

@AFTR TROP/KON = We praise you O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our salvation for your Son our God who suffered on the cross, in the flesh which was taken from you redeemed us from corruption, for He is the Lover of mankind.


Festive format, for Third Class Feasts

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

Tone 1

@AFTR SESSIONL = Following the faith of your mother, blessed one, you reverently corrected the impiety of your father; thus, illustrious martyr Panteleimon, you received from the all-powerful God the power to heal the illnesses of the sick who approach you in the fervor of their faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O all-holy Virgin, hope of Christians, ceaselessly intercede together with the powers on high before the god whom you ineffably have borne, that he grant to us all the remission of our sins and amendment of life to all who glorify you wholeheartedly.

Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = All we the faithful acclaim you as an invincible warrior of Jesus Christ and a generous, triumphant athlete, O jewel of the martyrs, as we celebrate with faith your sacred memory. With hymns, we glorify your deeds, O holy martyr, and we magnify Christ our Savior.
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Who could speak of the multitude of my impure thoughts, the improprieties which have abounded in my heart? Who could count the assaults of my bodiless enemies and their cunning? But you, O spotless Virgin: in your goodness, deliver me from all evil through your prayers.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

Tone 4

@AFTR SESSIONL = Today the whole world celebrates your holy struggles, O martyr Panteleimon, glorifying the living God who willed to make you a fervent protector for us, the faithful.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Stretch out your spotless hands, O Virgin Mother of God: protect those who trust in you, imploring your Son as they say, "Send Your mercy down upon us, O Lord!"

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

Tone 4

@PROKIM LEFT = The just shall bloom like the palm tree; he shall grow like the cedar of Lebanon.
@PROKIM INDEN = v. Those who are planted in the Lord's house shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Gospel. Psalm 50.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercessions of Your martyr, O Merciful One, wipe out the multitude...

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, wipe out the multitude...

v. O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = O Panteleimon, divine physician, entreat the compassionate Christ to save me from the passions and to take pity on me.

Canons: Canon of the Mother of God (Tone 2) by Theophane in an inverse alphabetical order; then the Canon of the Saint, in Tone 2, by the same Theophane, in the acrostic "I sing of the wondrous martyr, Panteleimon." Katavasia of Transfiguration.


Tone 2


@ODE TEXT = As once long ago a triumphant force laid Pharaoh's armed might prostrate in the deep, so now has the power of sin been destroyed by the Lord Himself, the very Word made flesh, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

Having sought Christ with your whole heart, and finding your ultimate perfection in Him, you once raised up a person who had been dead. The bite of sin has brought me down to death: by your prayers, restore me now to life, O blessed Panteleimon!

You rose like a star, bearing as a young man the wisdom of God and the intelligence of an elder; uniting beauty of soul to your vigor as a young man, you shone with the splendor of the glorified Word!

Dying to this world and putting on Christ in the bath of baptism, O God-bearer, you became an instrument and vessel of the energies of the Holy Spirit, consoling all and bringing healing to everyone.

Choosing wisdom as your beloved, and taking her as your life's companion, you were in turn honored by her, O blessed one, and crowned by grace, shining with the splendor of the light of God.

@ODE TEXT = Our nature was wounded by the curse brought by disobedience to the Creator; you have crowned that nature with blessings, delivering it from corruption as you brought Christ into the world. Thus, all we the faithful joyfully call you blessed.


@AFTR KATAVAS = The choirs of Israel passed dryshod through the abyss of waters in the Red Sea and saw the enemy host of Pharaoh swallowed by the flood. They chanted in joy: "Let us sing to our God, for He is gloriously triumphant!"


@ODE TEXT = The Church of the Gentiles was like a desert; but by Your coming, O Lord, it has blossomed like a flower in the field. In this, my heart finds strength!

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

Hearing the words of the Spirit and accepting the priceless seed, you bore fruit like a rich field, and have harvested salvation for our souls, O blessed one.

You put to death the thoughts raised by the bite of the ancient serpent; you brought life to your soul, revived as you were by the breath of God, in the presence of the King of All.

Disobeying the orders of the impious tyrants, you hastened to Christ. Finding the Pearl of great price, you became a wise merchant.

Following the faith of your mother, you fled from your father's impiety, the source of great trouble; as a wise man, you chose the better part.

By the will of God, O Virgin, you held in your hands the Lord who holds all creation in His hands; entreat Him to save our souls from all peril.


@AFTR KATAVAS = The bows of the mighty have grown weak, and the tottering grave girded themselves with strength; therefore my heart finds strength in the Lord.


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns
Tone 8

@AFTR SESSIONL = Having courageously born witness to Christ, converting your father to the true Faith, you drew him out from the abyss of error; without fearing the idolatry of the rulers, you confounded the powerless boldness of the demons. Thus you received from God the power to heal the ills of souls and bodies. Illustrious Panteleimon, intercede before Christ our God that He grant remission of sins to those who wholeheartedly celebrate your sacred memory!

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Theotokos, without being consumed, you conceived in your womb the Wisdom and Word of God. You brought into the world the Sustainer of the world, holding in your hands the One who holds the world in His. At your breast, you nourished the Nourisher of all. Thus, O holy Virgin, I seek pardon for my sins. At the hour when I stand before the face of my Creator, O pure Virgin and Lady, grant me your help, for you are the hope of your unworthy servant!


@ODE TEXT = It was not an angel nor an ambassador who came forth from the Virgin, but You Yourself, O Christ, made flesh and bringing me salvation. For this I cry out to You: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

Pierced by the arrows of love for God, you distributed all your possessions to the poor, stripping yourself like an athlete for the race, which you ran to a good end, as you beheld the eternal Object of all your desire.

Looking with disgust upon the worship of idols, you offered a sacrifice of praise to God; and you trampled underfoot all the arrogance of the impious.

Slandered and opposed through jealousy, O holy martyr, you met the evildoers with the invincible power of the Lord; and you triumphed over the impiety of the tyrants.

He who was once carried in the arms of the elder Simeon led you to a knowledge of Himself through the words of an elder, for the salvation and deliverance of many.

@ODE TEXT = The maidens have run in your footsteps, seeing you as the young Virgin and Mother; for you alone have combined both in yourself, O virginal Bride of God.


@AFTR KATAVAS = I have heard of Your glorious Economy, O Christ our God: how You were born of the Virgin in order to save those who cry to You: "Glory to Your power, O Lord!"


@ODE TEXT = O Light of those who find themselves in darkness, O Christ the Savior, salvation of those without hope, I keep watch for You, O Prince of Peace: enlighten me with Your radiance; I know no other God but You!

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

You joyfully entered the struggles of martyrdom, strengthened by the power of God. Enduring the suffering with firm constancy, you cried aloud with joy: "I know no other God but You!"

Excelling as a champion, fighting the good fight with the power of God, you triumphed over the tyranny of the godless and their foolish superstitions; for you had put on Christ, who is the Judge of all combats.

Having the resilience of youth together with the spirit of an elder, O blessed one, you courageously endured all your wounds, strengthened by the power of the Cross.

The discordant babbling of the impious was shattered by the heavenly wisdom of the victorious Athlete, strengthened by the power of Your Cross, O Christ; and he became a cause of eternal salvation for many.

@ODE TEXT = The sayings of the wise men, the oracles of all ages, and the message of the prophets clearly foretold that you wold be the Mother of God in these latter times, O glorified Virgin. We know no other Virgin Mother but you!


@AFTR KATAVAS = You made the light appear from the original chaos, that Your works might celebrate You in full light as their Creator, O Christ. Direct our steps in Your Light!


@ODE TEXT = From the deep abyss of sinfulness, I look to the unfathomable depth of Your tender mercy, O God, and I entreat You: "Lift me up from the pit!"

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

You rejected the idolatrous errors and cast down the falsehood which had been vaunted to the heavens, O holy martyr, as you worked miracles and cures.

A crown is perfectly fitting for you, for you passed through fire and water: stretched out on the wheel, you swept away the foolish.

You cast down the arrogance of the tyrants as, in grace, you resolutely endured the unbearable bodily tortures.

@ODE TEXT = He who encompasses the whole world as God, O Virgin, was encompassed by your arms in the limitation of His body, although He remained uncircumscribed in His divine nature!


@AFTR KATAVAS = In my affliction, I cried out to the Lord; and the God of my salvation made haste to hear me!


Kontakion of Panteleimon

Tone 5

@AFTR KATAVAS = You emulated God's mercy, and He granted you the power of healing, O Panteleimon, victorious martyr of Christ! Heal our spiritual diseases through your intercession and take away the temptations which the enemy always places before our steps, as we constantly cry out to the Lord, "Save us!"


@AFTR IKOS = O friends of Christ, with faith let us celebrate the memory of the unmercenary wonderworker, the passion of the noble martyr and the healings effected by this faithful physician, that we may find mercy from God-especially those who, like me, has stained and profaned the temple of our bodies: for this beloved martyr heals souls and bodies. O brethren, let us hasten to draw near in heart to him who delivers the faithful from error as they cry aloud, "Lord, save us!"


On July 27, we commemorate the holy and illustrious great-martyr Panteleimon, the Physician.

@SYNAX INDENT = Although Christ poured out blood and water upon you, it was blood and milk which flowed from your severed head. On the twenty-seventh, Panteleimon, the pure jewel of the martyrs, went to his death to a feast!

By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.


@ODE TEXT = Renouncing the wicked worship of the golden statue erected on the plain of Dura, the young men were covered with refreshing dew in the midst of the flames, as they sang, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

Fighting the good fight and triumphing over the enemy, you became a calm harbor for those struggling in the waves, a light for those lying in the darkness of life; and you teach them to sing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

Blessing and life be upon you, O blessed one, who have found the blessedness you sought, which is kept in store for the faithful who sing, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

The choirs of the just, the souls of all the saints and the hosts of the bodiless angels awaited you to join in their exultation; for when your head was struck by the sword, you sang, "Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!"

@ODE TEXT = The sword which formerly denied us access to the Tree of Life has now been turned aside, granting entrance to those sealed with the blood flowing from the side of your Son, O spotless Virgin. Blessed are you have given birth to God in the flesh!


@AFTR KATAVAS = In Babylon, the young men, the sons of Abraham, once trampled upon the flame of the fiery furnace, and they sang this song of praise: "Blessed are You, the God of our Fathers!"


@ODE TEXT = God descended into the furnace to come to the aid of the youths of the Hebrew people, and He changed the flame into a refreshing dew: all you, His works, sing to Him as Lord and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

The efficacy of your goodness, O blessed one, which healed your father of spiritual blindness, also restores sight to the faithful who draw near to you in faith, guiding them to Christ our Savior.

Slaughtered for the sake of Christ, you gained eternal life, O you who were called by God and honored the divine name of Christ. Thus we sing to you throughout all the ages.

v. We bless the Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Rejecting the vain discussions of sophists and orators, you stopped suffering at its root by calling on Christ, and you heal those who exalt Christ throughout all the ages.

@ODE TEXT = We know you to be the Mother of God; for us, you are the clear fountain of immortality, for you conceived the Word of the Father, immortal, heavenly and holy, He saves from death all those who exalt Him throughout all the ages.


@AFTR KATAVAS = In Babylon, the young men, burning with zeal for God, bravely trampled upon the threat of the tyrant and the fire; thrown into the midst of the flames, but refreshed with dew, they sang, "All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!"

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary


@ODE TEXT = The Son of the eternal Father, both God and Lord, has come to us in the flesh taken from the Virgin. He brings light to those in darkness and gathers together those who were scattered. O Mother of God, worthy of all praise, we magnify you!

v. Holy Panteleimon, intercede for us!

You joyfully set out toward the supreme Object of your desire, O blessed one; and in His courts, you rejoice in the merited bliss in the company of your Lord throughout all the endless ages.

You obtained the fulness of love and the fulfillment of your desire, O blessed one, although bathed in your own blood poured out for Christ; and you received from Him the crown for your deeds.

As Daniel once did, you closed the roaring mouths of wild beasts and lions; for even animal nature, although deprived of reason, knows how to render homage to the martyrs; thus we unite our voices to magnify you.

Since Christ has given you the gift of goodness, He gives us in you a treasury of healing. He grants you to all the afflicted as a calm harbor, a help and a protection, O Panteleimon!

@ODE TEXT = Receiving in your womb, as on the fleece, the dew which came down from heaven, O all-pure Virgin, you brought forth for us the One who distributes divine nourishment and immortality to those who sing to Him in faith and acknowledge you to be the Mother of God.


@AFTR KATAVAS = You gave birth without stain, for it was God incarnate in the flesh who came forth from your womb. He was seen on earth and conversed with men. Wherefore, O Mother of God, we all exalt you!

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilarion

Tone 2

@AFTR EXAPOST = Jewel of the unmercenary wonderworkers, Panteleimon, glory of the holy martyrs and of all Christians: grant victory to your people from heaven; grant peace to the world and salvation to the faithful who sing to you; for, in company with the Mother of God, you intercede for us all.


Tone 8

4. Imitating the mercy of God, O Panteleimon, you deserve your name which corresponds to the nature of your deeds: for you showed mercy to all, granting them a double healing. You calm and care for their sufferings, while you lead them to the divine and radiant knowledge of Christ.

3. Imitating the mercy of God... (Repeat)

2. Clearly, all that befell you was the work of Providence from on high: for, having learned to care for the sufferings of the body, O Panteleimon, you became a prompt physician of souls. You deliver from the darkness of error by the word of grace, as you heal those who have recourse to you.

1. O wise in God, you have developed spiritual splendor and magnificence of heart in keeping with your physical beauty. You amazed those who beheld you, O holy martyr, for you shone with wondrous miracles while possessing the intelligence of an elder, although still in the flower of your youth. In you have shown forth both grace and faith.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR PRAISES = Today has dawned the memorial of the martyr. Come, O faithful, let us rejoice in spirit, crowning him with hymns; for, by the power of the Cross, he has bravely overcome the bodiless enemy. Fearless before the many torments of the executioners, he fought the good fight and receive the prize for his divine calling. Now he exults with the angels forever. O martyr of Christ, Panteleimon, physician for the sick and calm harbor for the shipwrecked: never cease to intercede before the compassionate God for the salvation of our souls.
v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = Save your servants from all dangers, O Mother of God and blessed Virgin, that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls.

Great Doxology. Troparion of Panteleimon. Litanies and Dismissal.

July 28

Commemoration of the holy apostles and deacons Prochor, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

For the apostles

Tone 1

3. By divine election, you were chosen to minister to the needs of the saints, as men filled with wisdom, light and the grace of God; now you dwell forever in heaven, sharing the holy joy of the angels.

2. By the grace of the Spirit, you revealed to the world as radiant lamps, abundantly shining with the knowledge of God. Thus, O holy apostles, you put an end to the darkness of evil. Now you have passed over to the never-setting Light.

1. Let us acclaim Nicanor, Parmenas and Timon, together with the divine Prochor: for they fulfilled the precept of the Lord, filling the poor and needy with good things; and they have become fervent intercessors for us before God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = You were called blessed by your Son, O Virgin Theotokos: as a benevolent protectress of believers, present our prayers to the Creator. Obtain pardon for your servants, divine Bride, who have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Standing by the Cross of your Son and your God, O pure Mother, and seeing His infinite patience, you cried aloud with tears, "Alas, most sweet Child! How You suffer this injustice, O Word of God, in order to save mankind!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the apostles

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostles, intercede with the Merciful God that He may grant our souls the forgiveness of sins.


Kontakion of the apostles

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = You were most honorable in your service, for you witnessed the Word of god alive and became choice vessels of the faith, O glorious Prochor, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas; wherefore, we celebrate today your holy memory and we glorify you.

On July 28, we commemorate the holy apostles and deacons Prochor, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas.

@SYNAX INDENT = By their word, four disciples of the Word made flesh announced God, the Trinity. On the twenty-eighth, the four deacons tasted immortality in the kingdom of heaven.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Exapostilaria and Aposticha from the Octoechos

July 29

Commemoration of the holy martyr Callinicos, and of the holy woman martyr Theodota


At O Lord, to You I call...

For Callinicos

Tone 8

6. O divinely-minded Callinios, you preferred a holy death rather than life, and you were truly an image of Christ in His death; thus you found immorality and endless bliss, as you dwell in rejoicing with the choirs of angels and all the martyrs.

5. Callinicos, blessed martyr, having the invisible Lord as an invincible ally against your invisible enemies, you gained the great victory of immortality, overcoming the bodiless enemy in your body as you fought the good fight. You drowned in the streams of your own blood the one who had boasted of destroying both the earth and the sea.

4. The champion of the Faith who destroyed the enemy, the companion of the martyrs, has become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Callinicos, the wondrous support for believers, the soldier for Christ our God, is an inexhaustible treasury of healing. Today, let us celebrate him with hymns.

For Theodota

Tone 4

3. With faith, we acclaim you, O Theodota, as a virgin who bore witness, a spotless bride of Christ our God, radiant with the light of the Spirit. You cherished Christ and confounded the enemy as you fought the good fight amid various torments. Thus, we celebrate your memory, filled with light and mercy.

2. Espoused to Him in the Holy Spirit, you brought Christ your burnt body in faith, the pains of your passion, the torments and the blood you shed as your dowery. You entered into the divine bridal chamber where you crowned, interceding for the faithful who venerate you, O Thoeodota.

1. O glorious Theotodota, we acclaim you as well-tempered steel, a godly-minded martyr who put an end to the error of the evil one and crushed the cold-blooded enemy of Eve into the earth. You have gone to dwell in the vast courts of Paradise, where you share life with God.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, O Lady, radiant palace of our God, joy of the angels! Hail, O woman who rescue from the fault of Eve and restore Adam to Paradise! Hail, mystical ladder, who conduct mankind to eternal glory in heaven! Hail, royal scepter and invincible talisman!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw you led to the Cross, O Lord, Your Virgin Mother was filled with amazement and cried aloud: "Behold what You are given in return by those who enjoyed Your blessings! Do not leave me alone in this world, I entreat You: but arise quickly, that our first parents may be raised up with You!"

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Callinicos

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your martyrs O Lord, received the crown of immortality from You, O our God, on account of his struggle. Armed with your strength he has vanquished his persecutors, and crushed the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Theodota

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your ewe lamb, O Jesus, cries out to You in a loud voice: "O my Bridegroom, I long for You and I struggle in my quest for You. I am crucified with You and buried with You in your Baptism. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You; I die for You in order to live with You." Accept her as an immaculate victim, since she is immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O Merciful One, save our souls.


Kontakion of Callinicos

Tone 2

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Callinicos, rightfully do you now enjoy God's goodness in heaven, for on earth you burned with the love of Christ and went through fire for His sake. Since you now stand before Him, do not cease to intercede for us all.


On July 29, we commemorate the holy martyr Callinicos.

@SYNAX INDENT = Thrown into a fiery furnace, Callinicos found his crown as a victorious martyr. On the twenty-ninth, in his zeal for the one, true God, the martyr allowed himself to be swallowed up by the flames.

On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Theodota.

@SYNAX INDENT = "All suffering is now passed!" said Christ, as He crowned Theodota twice, wiping away all her tears.

By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = Although dead, you make your blood liquefy like a life-giving myrrh, O you who are alive in the presence of the living God. As an heir of His divine Covenant, O Theodota, you protect the faithful who sing to you with love.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Mother who are more spacious than the heavens, and who have passed to heaven, in your goodness, do not forget us here on earth below: but intercede for the world as you lift up your holy hands to the compassionate Lord.

July 30

Commemoration of the holy apostles Silas and Sylvan and their companions, who were among the Seventy


At O Lord, to You I call...

For the apostles

Tone 4

3. Illumined by the Spirit, you travelled throughout the whole world, scattering the deep darkness of error and enlightening believers, O holy apostles of the Word. Thus, sanctified by you, today we joyfully celebrate your holy and radiant memorial.

2. Like clouds, O blessed ones, you brought down heavenly rain from above upon the very limits of the universe in order to refresh the souls of believers with the waters of grace, that they might bear fruit. Thus you washed away the drunkenness caused by the impious, O holy apostles; and so we sing praises in your honor.

1. Come, O faithful, let us venerate and bless Silas, Epenetus, Crescens, and the excellent Andronicos and Sylvan. With our whole heart, let us magnify them as preachers of the faith who have poured forth healings and swept away passions by the breath of the Spirit.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All-holy Bride of God, deliver my poor soul from the condemnation merited by my sins; by your prayers, deliver me from death; grant that, on the day of judgment, I may be justified with all the saints. Purify me before the end by repentance and the streams of my tears.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure one, you are the Ewe who bore the spotless Lamb who came to heal the world of all sin by His own blood. He was sacrificed for our sake, that all might find life in Him. O Virgin, my being has been stripped of immortality; clothe me with the mantle of divine grace which was woven for us by your maternity.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Apostles

Tone 3

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostles, intercede with the Merciful God that He may grant our souls the forgiveness of sins.


Kontakion of the Apostles
Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Silas and Sylvan, you were two disciples of the Lord, two vines in the Lord's vineyard bringing forth choice clusters. You poured out the wine of salvation that fills the heart of the faithful with joy and makes them celebrate your honorable memory. Obtain for us the remission of our sins and transgressions.


On July 30, we commemorate the holy apostle Silas, Sylvan, Crescens, Epenetus and Andronicos, who were among the Seventy.

@SYNAX INDENT = Andronicos and Silas, Crescens and Sylvan, received praises from God, together with Epenetus. On the thirtieth, five apostles left this life to accept Christ's invitation to the banquet in heaven.

By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

Exapostilaria and Aposticha from the Octoechos

July 31

Commemoration of the holy and just Eudocimos; Vigil of the Feast of the Procession of the Holy and Life-giving Cross

(5th Class)


At O Lord, to You I call...

6. Today the whole human race exults with joy, celebrating the forefeast of the Cross. Its wood will be placed before the faithful as an inexhaustible source of healing to deliver us from illness, passions and all types of danger.

5. Come, O faithful, let us honor a new wonder! Behold, the wood of the Cross stops fevers and soothes pain, delivering the suffering from all their misery. Let us celebrate it in advance, that its procession may fill us with joy.

4. Let us all make ready, both the ill and the healthy: the tree of life, which brought death to Adam in Paradise, but saved mankind and brought resurrection to the dead, is now to be carried forth to grant the inexhaustible grace o God to all those who seek it with faith.

For Eudocimos
Tone 1

3. Eudocimos, you found blessedness at the end of your life, after being tried in the divine virtues, as your name signifies. You were not swayed by the seductions of this world. You shine forth more brightly than the rays of the sun, shedding light upon all believers.

2. Today let us acclaim Eudocimos, the man with the compassionate heart, that flame of charity, who came to the aid of orphans, cared for the needy, and kept a pure heart as he carried out the precepts of the Lord.

1. In the purity of your heart, O divinely-minded Eudocimos, you sought Go, renouncing all the delights of this world. Thus, you received from the Lord the recompense for your labors, as your blessed end revealed.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TONE IND = The just are remembered with praise; and so are you, O servant of Christ: for your weapon was the Cross, and your shield was your invincible faith in the consubstantial Trinity, O never-to-be-forgotten Eudocimos. Thus, you rest with the angels in heaven.

v. Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TONE IND = O three-branched Cross of Christ: you are my strong protection. Sanctify me by your might, that I may venerate and glorify you in faith and love.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Cross of Christ, hope of Christians, guide of those who have gone astray, haven of the storm-tossed, victory in warfare, firm foundation of the inhabited earth, physician of the sick and resurrection of the dead: have mercy on us!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Eudocimos

Tone 4

@AFTR TROP/KON = Holy Eudocimos, God who called you out of this world and led you to the eternal mansions will keep your body incorrupt. You lived a life of wisdom and honor, keeping your body clean. Intercede trustingly with Christ that He may save us all.

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Cross

Tone 1

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord, save Your people and bless your inheritance. Grant victory to our country over its enemies, and preserve Your community by the power of Your Cross.


Kontakion of Eudocimos

Tone 3

@AT "O LORD = Your memory brought us together today before the reliquary that contains your remains, O wise Eudocimos. All those who come and bow to you will be protected against any harm from the devil and all their diseases will be healed.


On July 31, we commemorate the holy and just Eudocimos.

@SYNAX INDENT = It seemed good to the Lord to keep in mind the one who kept a good mind as his rule of life, and who never ceased to grow in the virtues. On the thirty-first, the tomb welcomed Eudocimos.

On the same day, we celebrate the vigil of the precious and life-creating Cross, in the feast of its procession from the imperial palace throughout the city.

@SYNAX INDENT = Leaving the palace of the kings in a royal procession, the Cross of the Great King goes forth to sanctify the City.

By its power, O Christ our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

Tone 3

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Eudicimos, in your life, you gained control over all your passions; and you now remain as a clear fountain of miracles, healing the passions of our souls and the sufferings of our bodies.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Behold, the forefeast of the Cross has come, and the world is sanctified. He who was crucified on it for our sake is praised by the choirs of angels, who celebrate Him together with us. They join us in rejoicing, as we cry aloud like David, "The Lord has made His salvation known in the midst of the earth!"

@BOLD TITLE = After the Aposticha of the Octoechos

v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The sayings of the prophets foretold the holy wood, whereby Adam was set free from the ancient curse of death. And today, all creation raises its voice, asking of God abundant mercy. O Master who alone are boundless in compassion, be our atonement and save our souls!

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