

Sophia Press

Newton Center, Massachusetts





@TITLE PG JUST = Copyright <179> 1992 by Sophia Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

re<->cording, taping, and any retrieval system, without the written

permission of Sophia Press, PO Box 248, Newton Cenete, MA 02459. Printed

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@TITLE PG JUST = In preparing this translation, we gratefully acknowledge

the French works of Fr. Deacon Denis Guillaume, which were extensively

consulted, and Byzantine Daily Worship, from which several

Troparia and Stichera are taken, with permission. All texts from Byzantine

Daily Worship are used with permission of the publisher.






Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Catholic Church.


(Service Books of the Byzantine Churches; 1-)

Contents: v. 1 September v. 2 October v. 3

November v. 4 December v. 7 March.

1. Divine office - Texts. 2. Catholic Church - Byzantine

Rite, Melkite - Liturgy - Texts. I. II. Series: Service Books of the

Byzantine Churches; 3, etc.

BX4711.365.M56 1984 264'.015 83-26559


















@DATE = November 1

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs, the Wonderworkers

and Physicians, Cosmas and Damian

@FEAST TITLE = (4th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

6.Having placed all their hope in heaven, these holy ones have

gathered for themselves an unfailing treasure; freely have they received,

and freely do they give healing to those who are suffering. In keeping

with the Gospel, they possessed neither silver nor gold, but they

bestowed their benefits upon men and beasts. Since they submitted

themselves to Christ in all things, they intercede with boldness before

Him on behalf of our souls.

5.Having placed all their hope... (Repeat)

4.Disdaining corrupt matters, living like the angels in the flesh

here below, these two holy companions became citizens of heaven; sharing

the same sentiments, they had but one soul and shared one community

of life. Thus they grant healing to all who suffer, bestowing their

benefits freely on all in need. On their annual feast, let us sing

to them in a worthy manner, for they intercede before Christ on behalf

of our souls.

3.Disdaining corrupt... (Repeat)

2.Having become the dwelling of the Holy Trinity, these brothers

worthy of our praise, the wise Cosmas and Damian, pour forth a stream

of healing as a life-giving fountain with two outlets; and their relics

heal the wounds of those who touch them. Their names alone are enough

to drive illness from men; helpful to all who seek their aid, they

intercede with boldness before Christ on behalf of our souls.

1.Having become... (Repeat)

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BODY TXT IND = Endless is the grace these holy ones receive from

Christ; thus their relics still work miracles through the divine power;

when they are invoked, their names are enough to heal incurable diseases.

Through them, O Lover of Mankind, deliver us also from bodily and

spiritual illness.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Having slipped in the pit of my thoughts, submitted

to the seductions of the Seducer, I have recourse to your wondrous

compassion in my misery, O divine Bride, and to your fervent intercession,

O pure Virgin; snatch me from trials and temptations; save me, all-pure

one, from the attacks of the devil, that with love I may sing to you,

glorify you and bow down before you, magnifying you, O Lady, who are

blessed at all times.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = As Simeon said, O all-holy Lady, a sword pierced your

heart when you saw Him who had radiantly risen from your womb by an

ineffable word now lifted on the Cross by the impious, given vinegar

and gall to drink, pierced in His side, and nailed through His hands

and feet. As a mother, you lamented and wept as you said, <169>What

is this wondrous mystery, O my beloved Son?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

1.The healing fountain cured only one man each year. Now the Temple

of the moneyless wonderworkers heals a multitude of sufferers, for

the treasury of the holy ones is abundant and is never exhausted.

By their intercession, O Christ, have pity on us.

v.God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2.Having lived in the love of God and the desire for future goods,

and practicing good deeds, you ran along the ways of salvation. Faultlessly

keeping your souls in complete purity, you kept away from accumulating

material possessions. Made brilliant as gold by the Holy Spirit, you

granted healing to the sick without seeking gold, O holy unmercenary

wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian, resplendent companions, divine and

enlightened brothers, our protectors in suffering and affliction,

who freely heal our souls of all disease.

v.God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in His land:

all His good pleasure is upon them.

3.O wondrous saints, providers of great gifts, you lived your lives

on earth in great humility: in every place through which you passed,

freely healing the sufferings of the sick, you seemed to be companions

of the angels. O brothers full of delights, Cosmas and Damian, by

your prayers also heal all of us of our pains.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Since Christ has not ceased to work in you, O holy

unmercenaries, you continue to work miracles here below, healing all

weakness and disease. Your care is like an inexhaustible fountain:

the more one drinks, the more it overflows in streams; drained daily,

it gushes forth even more abundantly, always providing and never depleted;

those who drink are refreshed with healing, but it remains full forever.

What then shall we call you? You are Physicians of our souls and bodies,

treating incurable pains, healing the whole world freely by the charisms

received from Christ the Savior, who grants us great mercy.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with

the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede

together with the unmercenary wonderworkers and all the saints that

we may obtain mercy for our souls

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing a lawless people unjustly nail You to the Cross,

the pure Virgin, Your Mother, O Savior, was wounded in her heart as

Simeon had once foretold.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy moneyless ones and wonderworkers, Cosmas and

Damian, heal us of our diseases. Freely you have received: freely


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Resurrectional Theotokion

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Good One, You were born of the Virgin and suffered

crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by Your death, and as God

You made manifest the resurrection. Turn not away from those You have

made by Your hands: O Merciful One, show Your love to men, and accept

as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to You; O our

Savior, save a desperate people!



@RUBRIC = Use Festal Format, for Fourth Class Feasts.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns from the Parakletike

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O glorious Physicians and Wonderworkers who have

received the power of healing, extend it upon those in need. In your

kindness to us, hold down our enemies' pride and heal the world through

your miracles.


@AFTR IKOS = The diagnosis of these skilled physicians surpasses all

wisdom; they restore strength to all without even seeing them, for

they have received this power from the Most High. I owe them the grace

of singing to them as divine benefactors who grant a multitude of

healing, for they deliver us from all pain and heal the world through

their miracles.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 1, we commemorate the holy unmercenary wonderworkers,

Cosmas and Damian.

@SYNAX INDENT = Although both the unmercenaries have left the earth,

under the title of grace, the earth is still visited by these two

wonderworkers, as though they were still alive.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, have

pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having received from God the power of healing, O blessed

unmercenaries, you take care of the sick and heal all the faithful

who draw near to your sacred temple. Thus, we rightly call your memory

blessed as we sing together with one voice.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Spotless Virgin, you gave birth to the One begotten

by God: the divine Word who brought salvation to the world and most

wisely worked out our redemption. Thus we all sing to you as the woman

who intercedes before Him to deliver us from all peril and disease.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

4.Having received from God the power of healing, without payment

you care for the passions of souls and bodies, O unmercenaries, healers

of all. Christ, who grants health to the faithful through you, has

made you unerring stars to enlighten the whole inhabited earth: Pray

to Him to save our souls!

3.Having drawn an ocean of remedies from Providence on high, O

holy unmercenaries, you pour out healing upon believers like a spring.

By your secret workings in a holy manner, you care for the pains of

the sick as you prescribe the saving medicines flowing from the treasures

of the Spirit. Since you have become the temple of the life-giving

Trinity, who has manifestly come to dwell in you, pray to the Trinity

to save our souls.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

2.The assembly of holy ones rejoices in heaven forever, for they

have inherited the kingdom. The earth, having received their bodies,

is filled with a sweet fragrance. The servants of Christ have their

dwelling in eternal life.

1.Physicians of the sick, treasuries of cures, saviors of the faithful,

glorious unmercenaries: heal those who call upon you in anguish and

in pain, entreating the good God to deliver us from the nets of the


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR PRAISES = Possessing the springs of all healing, O holy unmercenaries,

heal all those who implore a cure from you, for the Savior, the unfailing

Spring, has filled you with sublime gifts. The Lord has said to you,

as imitators of the Apostles in their divine zeal, <169>Behold, I

have given you power over the unclean spirits, power to dispel them

and heal every illness and infirmity!<170> Thus, in keeping with His

will, as you have received, so freely give, healing the sufferings

of our souls and bodies!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Hail, refuge and fortress of Christians! Hail, ladder

leading to heaven! Hail, treasury of virginity, ark of the divine

glory, Mother of God, support of the world and pride of all: you restored

fallen mankind to Paradise, O tabernacle of holiness, radiant with

light and beauty!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing Christ, the Lover of Mankind, crucified and

pierced through His side by the soldier's lance, the all-pure one

cried out in tears, <169>What is this, my Son? What have the ungrateful

people rendered to You for all the good You have done them? I am in

wonder at Your voluntary crucifixion, O God of compassion!<170>

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology. Troparion. Litanies and Dismissal.


@DATE = November 2

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Akindinos, Pegasios,

Aphtonios, Elpidephor, and Anempodisios

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.Let us sing of the assembly of the five martyrs, those valiant

athletes, those fervent defenders, who each obtains gifts for the

faithful in keeping with his name: Anempodisios brings freedom from

the passions; Elpidephor, hope for future goods; Aphtonios, an abundance

of heavenly treasures; Pegasios, a fountain which never runs dry;

and Akindinos, the removal of all danger.

2.Neither danger nor hunger, neither life nor death, neither fire

nor the boiling water of the cauldrons, neither the jaws of beasts

nor yawning pits, could separate your generous constancy from the

love of Christ. Ceaselessly lifting up your eyes to Him, and desiring

nothing else but Him, you put the enemy to flight.

1.In the delights which you enjoy and the light with which you

are filled as heirs of eternal life, grant help to the faithful who

take refuge in you. Deliver them from bondage, from captivity, from

all evils and from all danger, through the boldness which you have

before God; show the compassion which you have in true imitation of


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Today the radiant choir of five martyrs comes together

as resplendent stars to enlighten believers and invites them to rejoice.

They are servants of the mystic Sun, by which the erroneous beliefs

of the Persians were abolished; for they guided to the Faith those

who had venerated the visible sun and had bowed down before fire.

As athletes and martyrs, they filled their cup to the very brim and

made an oblation of their blood, poured out for Christ. They exhort

us who love the Faith. They say, <169>Come to the celebration of our

triumph! Behold the crowns with which we are honored; for Christ,

the Truth, has declared that he who perseveres to the end will be

saved! Thus, wear a crown with us, and we shall intercede for you

before the Lord!<170>

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Lady, whose womb has contained the Infinite, snatch

me from the belly of the monster of sin; save me from the strong storms

of temptations; rescue me from the winds of transgressions; dry up

the sea of my iniquities. By your divine covenant, stop the attacks

which the demons launch against me, that I may ceaselessly be able

to glorify you as ever-blessed, O spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = The spotless Ewe, the blameless Lady, seeing her Lamb

lifted up on the Cross, cried out with maternal grief and wonder:

<169>What is this strange spectacle and wondrous sight, O sweetest

of children? How can an ungrateful people hand You over to the tribunal

of Pilate to have You condemned to death, O You who are the Life of

all? I sing, O Word, of Your ineffable condescension!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, O feast-lovers,

on this day on which we celebrate the memorial of the martyrs! Come,

let us sing their praises, acclaiming them as we say, <169>Hail, Akindinos

and Pegasios, Anempodisios, Elpidephor, and Aphtonios, who eclipsed

into the abyss the error of idolatry and clearly proclaimed Christ

as Lord in the arena. O blessed athletes and martyrs of multiple sufferings,

ceaselessly intercede before Him on behalf of our souls!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos: keep me under

the wings of your protection.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Lord, seeing You stretched out on the wood of the

Cross, the Virgin Mother broke out in tears and cried aloud, <169>O

Jesus, most sweet Child, unapproachable Light of the Father who has

no beginning, why did You abandon me and leave me alone? Make haste

to be glorified, that those who glorify Your divine Passion may inherit

Your glory!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O victorious witnesses of the Lord, blessed is the

earth that received your blood, and holy are the heavenly places that

opened to your souls. You have vanquished the enemy in battle and

proclaimed Christ with courage. We beg You to intercede with Him who

is all good, that He may save our souls.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Reflecting in their five-fold splendor the radiant

beauty of the Holy Trinity, the divine company of martyrs blunted

the terrible arrows of the tyrants. They endlessly pour forth that

grace which knows no obstacle and protects from all danger those who,

through them, divinely approach with faith and love the Creator of

all, Christ our God.


@AFTR IKOS = Wipe away the stains from my soul in the streams of Your

mercy, O compassionate Lord; enlighten me with Your unfading Light

that I may sing of the five-fold choir of martyrs: Akindinos and the

divine Pegasios, the noble Anempodisios with Elpidephor and Aphtonios.

These victorious athletes have valiantly triumphed over the assaults

of their torments, O Word; and in love for You, they offered themselves

as a spiritual sacrifice to You, the Creator of all, Christ our God.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 2, we commemorate the passion of the holy

martyrs Akindinos, Pegasios, Aphtonios, Elpide<->phor, and Anempodisios.

@SYNAX INDENT = On the second, Akindinos and two companions perished

in the flames; as a victorious athlete, the martyr Aphtonios bent

his neck under the sword, along with Elpidephor. O Master, save us!

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, have pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O holy martyrs, your spring abundantly pours forth

the grace of healing, delivering from all peril the faithful who celebrate

your sacred memory with hope. Pour out your remedies today upon those

who lovingly venerate your five-fold choir, O illustrious martyrs.

@AFTR EXAPOST = You have renewed the corrupt nature of the first father

by conceiving, then bearing in a virginal and wondrous manner the

Creator of all, who granted strength to the choir of martyrs. As they

struggled, they sang of you, O Mother of God, as the prelude and first-fruits

of salvation.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Having dyed your body with purple in the streams

of your own blood, you ran the course of martyrdom without danger,

O martyr Akindinos. In the divine power which covered you, you destroyed

the snares of the enemy. You always intercede for us before Christ

our God for the salvation of our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Like an axe laid to a grown tree, as David sings,

so the light of the five-fold fire of the martyrs strikes down the

error of the enemy. For having confessed Christ in the presence of

rulers, they ceaselessly intercede for our souls forever.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I call you blessed, all-pure one, who snatch mortals

from the pit of despair, from the abyss of evil. I sing of you, divine

Bride, blessed in all times, and I glorify your divine maternity;

for you have brought forth a Savior for the world, holy Virgin, and

have delivered mankind from the ancestral sentence.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You nailed to the Cross, O Lord, Your Virgin

Mother was struck with wonder. She said, <169>What do I see, O my

beloved Son? Is this the return you receive from an ungrateful people

whom You have filled with so many benefits? They have turned away

from the Law rather than singing, 'Glory to Your ineffable condescension,

O Lord!'<170>


@DATE = November 3

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Acepsimas, Joseph,

and Aeithalas; Dedication of the Church of the Great-Martyr George

in Lydda, where his Relics are Enshrined

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to you I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

6.Hail, O trio of the Holy Trinity, pure dwelling-places of the

virtues, chalices pouring out for us the wine of Faith in order to

bring joy to our souls, nourishing us with milk of healing, stars

shining with the light of truth, suns enlightening the ends of the

earth, scattering the darkness of error and shedding the light of

knowledge upon all! O far-famed martyrs, entreat Christ our God to

grant great mercy to our souls!

5.Hail, O Acepsimas, Joseph, and Aeithalas, wondrous martyrs! With

the fire of the knowledge of God, you have extinguished the error

of the impious who worshipped all types of fire. Through you, those

who rendered a foolish adoration to the sun and stars have lost their

light, and the myths of the Magi have ceased to direct them. O venerable

martyrs and defenders of the divine Trinity, for those who were sitting

in the shadows of ignorance, you have shone like the light of the

true and supreme Shepherd, the sacrificed Christ, who grants great

mercy to the world.

4.With courage, you withstood all evils unleashed against you.

The maddened persecutors fell upon you, O wise witnesses, and submitted

you to even further trials. Beaten by clubs, torn by crude iron instruments,

with<->out flinching or denying your God, you carried off the crown

of conquerors, being numbered in the assembly of the martyrs; with

them, you ask the Lord to grant great mercy to our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = For George

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

3.With courage, you marched joyfully toward sufferings like your

own Master; your constancy filled all hearts with amazement. You trampled

down the foolish audacity of tyrants as you passed on to the radiant

life of the angels; now you rejoice with them forever. By your presence,

O blessed George, you always save the faithful who glorify you. Moved

to compassion by the cries of the distressed, O holy martyr, you intercede

before Christ who grants great mercy to the world.

2.Come to the aid of those who acclaim you! Bring us help in affliction;

lighten our pain in the midst of trials and temptations; lift the

burden from our shoulders! Protect us, save us, defend us, O holy

George! Lead us toward God by Faith on the ship of the commandments

of the Creator; so that at the end of a life received from His goodness,

we may receive the divine rewards in heaven, celebrating Christ who

grants great mercy to the world.

1.Truly wondrous and sublime was the glory of the ineffable witness

you bore: your fame spreads from mouth to mouth, O illustrious martyr!

As a brilliant defender, O wondrous George, you hasten throughout

the world, adorned with countless miracles, supporting those who suffer,

healing the ill by your prayers. Thus we acknowledge you to be our

fervent intercessor, the benefactor of all, and a redeemer of captives!

Entreat Christ, O blessed one, to grant great mercy to our souls!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = O blessed George, soldier of Christ, your life was

worthy of your name: taking up your cross, you cultivated the land

made barren by the errors of the devil. Uprooting the weeds of pagan

worship, you planted the vine of the Orthodox Faith. Thus you pour

forth healing for all the faithful throughout the world, and were

seen to be a good gardener for the Holy Trinity. We entreat you to

intercede for the peace of the world and great mercy for our souls!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with

the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede

together with the martyrs and all the saints that we may obtain mercy

for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Christ, when she saw You crucified, Your Mother cried

out, <169>O my Son, what amazing wonder greets my eyes? How can You,

the Giver of Life, die in the flesh, suspended on a Cross?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.O victorious athlete, companion of angels and martyrs, daily

refuge for the oppressed: be a harbor of repose also for me, since

my life has been shipwrecked. I entreat you to guide my life, so that

in the surety of the Faith, I may magnify your superhuman combats.

v.God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

2.O blessed George, protect me as I sail the sea, as I go on my

way, as I sleep at night. Grant me a watchful spirit; grant that I

may do the will of the Lord, that on the day of judgment, I may find

absolution for the acts of my life, for I take refuge under your holy


v.God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in His land:

all His good pleasure is upon them.

3.Having as your protection the armor of Faith, the buckler of

grace and the lance of the Cross, O holy George, you escaped the attacks

of the enemy. Having put to flight the hordes of demons, you exult

as a captain with the angels as you sanctify the believers whom you

help and save when they call upon you.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = The three young men who were once kept unharmed from

the fire in the Persian furnace were the prelude and image foretelling

the unanimity of your sentiments and the witness you bore in Christ

to the Most High Unity of the eternal Trinity, O martyrs radiant with

a triple light! As they entered the fire without denying the true

God, so you did not refuse death, nor did you surrender, for love

of Christ. Just as a fourth Person appeared in the flames to refresh

them with dew, so were you welcomed into a place of refreshment by

Christ our God, one of the Trinity. O divinely-inspired martyrs, Acepsimas,

Joseph, and Aeithalas, intercede before Him for our souls!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin Mother of God, we know that the Word took

flesh from your womb: entreat Him to grant mercy to our souls!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You suspended on the Cross, the all-holy Mother

of God cried out to You in tears: <169>O my Son and my God, O my beloved

Child! How can You suffer this unjust Passion?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs Acepsimas, Joseph,

and Aeithalas have deserved the crown of immortality on account of

their good fight. Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their

persecutors and crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications,

O Christ God, save our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of George

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O great among the Saints and glorious martyr George:

since you are a deliverer of captives and a defender of the poor,

a physician for the sick and a noble attendant to kings, intercede

with Christ God, that He may save our souls!



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Acepsimas

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Acepsimas, you served the Holy Mysteries faithfully

and became an acceptable oblation while partaking of the Cup of Christ

together with your companions: do not cease to intercede for us all.


@AFTR IKOS = My heart has become sterile through a multitude of sins;

O Jesus all-powerful, with the rain of Your grace, make it produce

the fruits of the virtues: grant my spirit the light of wisdom, that

I may joyfully sing of the hieromartyr Acepsimas, as well as the blessed

Joseph and the noble Aeithalas, who found in You the courage to face

countless torments. Having received that grace, they grant healing

to the sick and ceaselessly intercede for us all.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of George

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = We, the faithful, who take refuge under your ready

and powerful protection, implore you, victorious martyr of Christ,

to deliver from all dangers and evils all those who honor you, so

that we may cry out to you, <169>Joy to you, Great-martyr George!

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 3, we commemorate the holy martyrs Acepsimas,

Joseph, and Aeithalas.

@SYNAX INDENT = Acepsimas perished under the blows of the club. His

two friends underwent a hail of stones; and thus, on the third, supernatural

joy was granted to them. O Lord, have mercy on us!

@SYNAX LEFT = On this same day we celebrate the dedication of the

Church of the holy Great-martyr George in Lydda, where his relics

are enshrined.

@SYNAX INDENT = As it exults on this day, O holy martyr, the world

immortalizes the dedication of your Church; and with rejoicing, the

creation celebrates the deposition of your holy relics.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = The illustrious bishop Acepsimas, the valiant Joseph,

and the all-wise Aeithalas struggled with the strength of Christ,

and the error of the Persians was brought down. They entreat the Holy

Trinity on behalf of us all. As we glorify their sacred martyrdom

with faith, we celebrate their wondrous memory in the joy of our hearts.

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O blessed George, in the streams of your own blood,

you extinguished the flame of error, and you made the boldness of

tyrants completely disappear as you glorified Christ, O victorious

martyr. Thus you received the immortal crown of incorruptible life

from the hands of the Most High.

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Behold, I am deprived of all salvation, for I have

fallen into the pit of sin. The fate of the goats on the left hand

of Christ and the threat of terrible punishment await me; but before

I am condemned, take pity on me, Virgin Mother of God, who assure

us of your fervent protection.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.Let us acclaim holy George, the herald of truth, as the field

of Christ, the ever-vibrant branch on the vine of life, which produces

the ripe cluster of grapes from which flows the wine of faith to refresh

the faithful who celebrate his sacred memory each year.

3.Let us acclaim holy George... (Repeat)

2.O holy George, we acknowledge you to be a brightly-burning star,

a sun giving light to the firmament. As a pearl of great price, a

brilliant jewel, a son of the day, a noble martyr and victorious defender

of the faithful in peril, we acclaim you and celebrate your memory.

1.O blessed George, protect me as I sail the sea, as I go on my

way, as I sleep at night. Grant me a watchful spirit; grant that I

may do the will of the Lord, that on the day of judgement I may find

absolution for the acts of my life, for I take refuge under your holy


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR PRAISES = O brethren, let us acclaim in spirit that strong spiritual

steel, holy George, the renowned martyr. In the fire of his love for

Christ, perils forged him and torments sharpened him. Various tortures

destroyed his body, which was destined to perish. Love triumphed over

nature, persuading the lover to march through death to his Beloved,

Christ our God, the Savior of our souls.

@AFTR PRAISES = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = The terrifying shadows of death assail my soul, O

holy Bride of God; the attacks of demons make me tremble with fright.

Deliver me from their dominion. In your goodness, O unwedded Virgin,

lead me to the harbor of salvation and the unsetting Light in the

company of all the saints.

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.



@DATE = November 4

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Holy Father Joannicios the Great,

the Hermit of Mount Olympos; of the Holy Hieromartyr Nicander, Bishop

of Myra, and of Hermeos, a Priest

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Joannicios

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.Abstinence was the javelin by which you wounded the enemy and

destroyed the hordes of demons; from Christ who gave you strength,

O blessed Father, you received your reward as a conqueror. Pray to

Him to remove all danger and peril from the faithful who celebrate

your awe-inspiring memory.

5.Having reached the heights of contemplation, O blessed one, you

renounced all passing things here below, although you lived bodily,

and lived a bodiless life on earth under the guidance of the Spirit.

Thus you became a leader, rule, and wondrous model in the Faith for


4.Enlightened by the radiance of the holy graces of the Spirit,

O Joannicios, divinely inspired, you became a lamp for the ends of

the earth. By your prayers, you have scattered the darkness of the

passions, suffering, and evil, for you save from all peril and ill

the faithful who celebrate your blessed memory.

@BOLD TITLE = For Nicander

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

3.Having received from divine Providence a fitting name, O blessed

Father, you confirmed and ratified it by your works. For you valiantly

won the victory over the pack of tyrants and horde of enemies. Carrying

off the prize, you cried out: <169>Glory to Your invincible power,

O Lord, our Beloved!<170>

2.On this day of your sacred memorial, you pour forth the sweet

fragrance of healing upon us, O Nicander. You drive away the stench

of adversity and bodily passions. You grant abundant grace to those

who cry aloud to Christ, <169>O Lord, You Yourself are the inexhaustible

Perfume which sweetens those who sing to Your name!<170>

1.By the boldness which you possess before Christ, who alone is

wonderful among His Saints, O venerable Nicander, entreat Him for

those who wholeheartedly celebrate your sacred memory and glorify

your deeds. By your prayers, may we too experience the ineffable goods

and glory of God!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BODY TXT IND = Having valiantly run the race to the end in the arena

of asceticism, you hastened to complete the course of the virtues.

You put to death the passions which encircled you like wild beasts,

and faultlessly preserved the image of God within you. Having become

the treasury of the Spirit, you foresaw the future as present and

were a worker of miracles, O God-bearing Father Joannicios. Forever

before the throne of God, you constantly intercede for the salvation

of our souls!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = As a sure refuge, fortress and tower, an unbreachable

rampart, we have no one but you, O all-pure Virgin. We seek refuge

in you as we cry out, <169>Come to our aid, O our Lady, lest we perish!

Manifest to all of us your grace, the glory of your power, and the

greatness of your mercy toward us!<170>

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When they put your Son and God upon the Cross, O holy

Virgin, what pain you felt, weeping, grieving, and crying bitterly,

<169>Alas, O beloved Child! What unjust suffering for You who willed

to save the earthly sons of Adam!<170> Thus we entreat you with faith,

O Virgin, to obtain for us the favor of your Son.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Wounded by love for Christ, O Joannicios, you mounted

to the heights and you received the power to heal the ills of those

who wholeheartedly sing of your passing, O venerable father.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin, in the purity of his spirit, the prophet

Isaiah saw from afar that you would give birth to the Author of all

creation; for you alone, O all-pure one, were shown as spotless from

all ages. Thus I entreat you to purify the stains of my heart and

make me share the divine splendor of your Son, and to be placed at

His right hand when He is seated to judge the whole world, as it is


@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stravrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = <169>O my Son, the judges of Israel decided to condemn

You to death, making You appear as a criminal before the judgment

seat, O Savior, who judge the living and the dead. The impious submitted

You to the judgement of Pilate, but they had already condemned You

before the sentence. Seeing this, I am wounded and share Your condemnation,

O Lord, for I prefer death rather than a life filled with mourning,<170>

said the Mother of God, who alone had compassion.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Joannicios

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your abundant tears made the wilderness sprout and

bloom, and your deep sighing made your labor fruitful a hundredfold.

You became a star shining over the world with miracles, holy father

Joannicios. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Nicander

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy hieromartyr Nicander, you lent yourself to

the Apostles' way of life and succeeded them on their throne. Inspired

by God, you found the way to contemplation through the practice of

virtue; wherefore, you became a perfect teacher of truth, fighting

for the faith unto the shedding of your blood. Intercede with Christ

God, that He may save our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@RUBRIC = Theotokion of the day in Tone 4.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Joannicios

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You became a brilliant star over the earth, giving

light to those who lay in the shadow of the passions, as an effective

physician for those afflicted with ills. You received the grace of

healing: grant this grace to those entreating you, that we may cry

aloud, <169>Hail, O holy Father Joannicios!<170>


@AFTR IKOS = O blessed Father, your holy life has shone upon the world,

giving light by the splendor of your deeds, in order to drive away

all dark passions from our souls and pour out immaterial light upon

the faithful who cry out with their whole heart: Hail, O delight and

pride of monks! Hail, O torch of the world and its light! Hail, O

prompt succor for the sick! Hail, firm support for the healthy! Hail,

O you who renounced the earthly army for your King! Hail, O you who

exchanged that which is passing for heaven! Hail, O holy treasury

of true virtues! Hail, O worker of ineffable miracles! Hail, O you

who put to flight the passions! Hail, O our fervent protector! Hail,

O ever-ready deliverer! Hail, O our refuge and our shelter! Hail,

O holy father Joannicios!"

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 4, we commemorate our venerable father Joannicios

the Great, the hermit of Mount Olympos.

@SYNAX INDENT = Leaving this earthly emptiness, Joannicios is received

by Him who fixed the earth over the abyss by His word. On the fourth,

a grave was prepared in his honor.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr

Nicander, bishop of Myra, and the martyred priest Hermeos, who were

ordained by the holy apostle Titus.

@SYNAX INDENT = Two martyrs gave proof of their ardent love when they

were buried alive for the sake of Christ, the living God.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take

pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O father Joannicios, you wisely subjected the appetites

of the flesh to the sovereignty of the spirit. Thus you have obtained

the object of your desire and found the glory of God, O blessed one.

Never cease to intercede on our behalf.

@AFTR EXAPOST = By the blessed apostle Titus you were planted, O venerable

Nicander, and by him you were consecrated as a holy hierarch for the

city of Myra; in it, you rendered the witness of martyrdom for Christ,

together with Hermeos, who now reigns with you in heaven.

@AFTR EXAPOST = With a holy kiss, I honor your divine and all-pure

image, O spotless Virgin. Before it I prostrate with love, faith and

reverence, for it pours forth healing for body and soul upon the faithful

who celebrate your divine maternity.

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.


@DATE = November 5

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Galaction and His

Wife Episteme

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

3.Nourished by the milk of asceticism, O Galaction, you attained

growth to full stature in Christ through pains and afflictions, and

you became a sacrifice acceptable to Him, a perfect victim, O blessed

one, immolated by your own desire. What sublime perseverance! What

constancy in Faith! By it, you stand before Christ, fully divinized.

2.You wisely sought the Source of all good, the Object of your

desire, your soul and heart enlightened by His radiance. By your constant

resistance, O blessed one, you were victorious over the many snares

of the ancient serpent, O Episteme, divine beauty, adornment of consecrated

virgins, martyr of many struggles.

1.Thanks to the spiritual Dawn, two brilliant stars have risen

to give light to the whole creation in faith by the radiant splendor

of their struggles and the divine brilliance of their healings. We

who celebrate their splendid festival wish to glorify Christ who sanctifies

all creation through them.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Come, my soul, weep and lament, pour forth streams

of tears from the depths of your heart, and cry out to the Mother

of God: <169>O pure Virgin, in your immense compassion, deliver me,

I pray, from frightening and terrible punishment, and grant that I

may rest in a place of repose, to rejoice there in eternal happiness.<170>

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = <169>O strange wonder! Wondrous and new mystery!<170>

said the Virgin as she saw hanging on the Cross between two thieves

the One she had borne without pain. Weeping, she cried as she said,

<169>Alas, O my beloved Son! How have a cruel and thankless people

nailed You to a Cross?<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs Galaction and Episteme

have deserved the crown of immortality on account of their good fight.

Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their persecutors and

crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O Christ

God, save our souls!



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You were numbered among the martyrs of Christ because

you fought the good fight in many encounters, O Galaction and your

faithful wife and battle-companion Episteme. Before God, One and Undivided,

both of you are interceding for the sake of us all.


@AFTR IKOS = With hymns and chants, let us celebrate the generous

martyr Galaction as well as his far-famed wife, the well-named Episteme.

They humbled the pride of the enemy, denouncing the impious worship

of the idols and proclaiming their faith in Christ. Thus they radiantly

received from Him their immortal crowns in heaven, and they ceaselessly

are interceding for the sake of us all.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 5, we commemorate the holy martyrs Galaction

and Episteme.

@SYNAX INDENT = The sword, cutting down that virginal couple, united

by one soul and by holy baptism, led to a blessed end the martyr Galaction

and the young Episteme on the fifth of November.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take

pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O martyr Galaction, nourished by the milk of Faith,

in company with the venerable Episteme, you struggled to the end.

By your holy prayers, may we be saved from eternal damnation.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Glorifying you with thanksgiving, O Virgin, we say

to you together with the Angel: <169>Hail, O Mother of God! Hail,

O Virgin Mother of the King of Glory!<170>


@DATE = November 6

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Father among the Saints Paul,

Archbishop of Constantinople, the Confessor

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.In you, O blessed one, the divine Paul has found an imitator

bearing the same name, adorned with the same virtues of purity, spiritual

courage, constancy in the midst of perils; for you were enflamed with

zeal for the true Faith, a defender of Orthodoxy. Together with him,

you too are now glorified in the dwellings of heaven.

2.By the garrote of your solid teachings, you choked off and brought

an end to Arius, who denied the divinity of Christ, and the impious

Macedonius, O blessed hierarch; and the correctness of your doctrine

strengthened Orthodoxy. Thus, accepting your brilliant confession,

the Lover of Mankind made you a sharer in His Kingdom in heaven.

1.O blessed father, well-named confessor, protector of those who

acclaim you with fervor, O holy Paul: save us from all sin, all dangers,

all the storms of the passions and from tyranny. As an acceptable

hierarch, as an invincible witness, you can plead freely before Christ

our God.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@BODY TXT IND = O venerable father, having been clothed as a bishop,

you imitated the zeal of your namesake, the apostle Paul, enduring

the same persecutions and dangers as he. You took pains to put an

end to the blasphemy of Arius. Suffering for the sake of the eternal

and consubstantial Trinity, you overcame the impious Macedonius, the

adversary of the Spirit. Then, having explained the true Faith to

all, you went to share the dwelling of the bodiless angels; forever

with them, now intercede for the salvation of our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Happiness of the angels in heaven, protectress of

mankind on earth, O pure Virgin, save us who seek refuge in you, for<197>after

God<197>our hope rests in you.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Mother of God, your Son willingly suffered for us

in order to restore impassibility to mankind by His Passion; pray

to Him now to rescue me from the passions of soul and body, O Virgin

all-worthy of our praise!

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Having crossed the sea of asceticism, driven by the

breeze of abstinence, you escaped the storm of the passions. O venerable

father, namesake of holy Paul, you endured persecutions, dangers,

and mistreatment by heretical babblers; but you overthrew the doctrine

of Arius and put to flight the heresy of Nestorius in your zeal for

the Church of Christ. Intercede before Him, O blessed hierarch, for

the salvation of our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I have recourse to your holy protection as to a harbor

of salvation, O spotless Virgin Mary, and I ask you to take pity:

do not reject your servant, but save him from present affliction,

O you who have compassion by nature. O Mother of the Most High God,

by your constant prayer, save your faithful servants from adversity.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When you saw hanging on the Cross the ripe cluster

of grapes which you had produced without labor, O Virgin, you cried

out, mourning and weeping: <169>My Son, pour forth the sweet nectar

that takes away the drunkenness of the passions. For my sake, who

gave birth to You, O Benefactor, manifest Your mercy, O Lord!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your confession of the divine Faith established you

in the Church as another Paul, full of zeal, among the hierarchs.

Your innocent blood cries out to the Lord with that of Abel and Zechariah.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Having made the light of heaven shine on earth like

a star, you now enlighten the whole Church. For her sake, you struggled,

O blessed Paul, and gave up your life. Like the blood of Abel and

Zechariah, your blood cries out to the Lord from the earth.


@AFTR IKOS = Pillar of confessors, namesake of Paul, that light of

the world, imitator of his life, you fought the same fight and bore

in your body the wounds of Jesus, making them your delight and your

glory. Ceaselessly appearing before heretical emperors without fear,

but rather strengthened, your blood cries out to the Lord from the


@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 6, we commemorate our father among the saints,

Paul, the Archbishop of Constantinople, the Confessor.

@SYNAX INDENT = Wearing his omophorion around his neck like a noose,

holy Paul, the Confessor and hierarch, instantly doubled his glory

by strangulation. On the sixth, we celebrate his festive memory.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Imitating holy Paul, the preacher of the Faith, you

spread abroad the teachings of the supreme wisdom from on high, cutting

short all heresy, O splendor of hierarchs and blessed confessor. You

have appeared as a pillar supporting Orthodoxy.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O divine Bride, all-pure Virgin Mary, entreat the

God whom you bore in the flesh for us who sing to you with love, venerating

your image and that of your Son, that He deliver from punishment and

eternal pain the faithful who pray to you with fervor.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 7)

@AFTR APOSTICA = You have sounded the depths of the Spirit, leading

your life on earth like a bodiless angel. Having drawn from the treasures

of the knowledge of God, you poured forth Orthodoxy for the faithful

by your teachings, O venerable father.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Queen who gave birth in the flesh to our Master

and Lord, deliver me from the captivity and power of the enemy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Lord, seeing You crucified by Your own will, the

all-pure one celebrated Your supreme majesty in a mournful hymn.


@DATE = November 7

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Thirty-three Holy Martyrs of Melitene,

and of our Holy Father Lazaros the Wonderworker, Hermit of Mount Gelasios

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For the martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.O flock brought together by God to form a sacred troop, divine

assembly, holy people, inspired host of martyrs, unbreakable line

of shields, all-comely army: thus have you appeared, O wondrous soldiers!

Because of your merits as citizens of the City on high, we have the

duty to call you blessed!

5.United on the day of their memorial, let us all venerate Nicander,

Athanasios, Hesychios, Mammas and the divine Barachios, Callinicos,

Theagenes and Longinos, Theodocios, Valerios, Ostrychios, Callimacos,

Theodore and Nikon, Eugene, Theodulos and Xanthias.

4.With harmonious voices, let us sing in faith of the true witnesses:

the noble Hieron, the wondrous Epiphanios, Maximian, Theophilos, Dulcitos

and Anicetos, Theodotos, Gigantos the divine, Eutychios, Dorotheos,

Castricos, Themelios and Claudian.

@BOLD TITLE = For Lazaros

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

3.Having completely renounced the irrational passions and submitted

the flesh to the spirit, you became a model of virtue, the joy of

ascetics, a support for monks, the adornment of the holy fathers.

Now that you reflect the ineffable splendor of the Creator, you taste

the beauties of heaven in your spirit. Thus, in our hymns and chants,

we all celebrate your holy and sacred memory.

2.Having cast off all material burdens together with the pleasures

of the flesh and all desire for earthly possessions, you set out on

the road to the City on high. You rose effortlessly in your ascent

to the heights of virtue, where you won the battle in a material body

over the bodiless enemy. Thus, O father Lazaros, you have joined the

choirs of bodiless angels where you intercede for our souls.

1.Having left the world and renounced the flesh, O venerable father

Lazaros, and banishing the very idea of satisfying the passions, you

became a faithful observer of the precepts of the Lord, which you

kept in a wondrous way. Thus, He took up His dwelling in you, together

with the Father and the Spirit; and he granted you an abundance of

heavenly charisms, making you the author of amazing miracles and the

fervent protector of all the afflicted.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@BODY TXT IND = O venerable father, you gave no sleep to your eyes

nor any repose to your eyelids until you had freed your soul and body

of all passions, to the point that you were prepared as a tabernacle

for the Holy Spirit. For Christ came to dwell in you together with

the Father. Having become the servant of the consubstantial Trinity,

which you preached with a loud voice, O Lazaros, you now intercede

before God for us.

@BODY TXT IND = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = I am plunged into the darkness of disaster. Send your

radiance upon me, O Virgin Mary, who have conceived in the flesh and

given birth to the divine Light. Draw me up quickly from the pit of

despair; set my feet firmly on the rock of the true Faith. Bring to

justice the demons who constantly make war upon me. Make haste to

calm the pain in my heart, O hope of all the ends of the earth, who

bring great mercy to the world.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Standing by Your Cross, Lord Jesus, Your Mother cried

out, mourning and weeping: <169>I cannot bear to see You nailed on

that Tree, O my Son, whom I brought into the world without a mother's

pain, as an unwedded Virgin. How then can I, Your spotless Mother,

now experience pain, with my heart torn in grief? Behold, the saying

of Simeon is fulfilled: `A sword of sorrow shall pierce your heart.'

O my Son, arise now and save those who sing to You, O Lord!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with

the fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense

of your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have

been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Lady, I lift up the eyes of my heart to you; do

not despise the poverty of my sighs; but at the hour when the world

will be judged by your Son, be a refuge, help and shelter for me.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = <169>In My humanity, they have nailed Me to the Cross,

put Me to death and buried Me lifeless in the tomb. In My divinity,

I shall arise from the dead and glorify you, O Mother, by My Resurrection!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your thirty-three holy martyrs have

deserved the crown of immortality on account of their good fight.

Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their persecutors and

crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O Christ

God, save our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Lazaros

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = In your night-long prayers, you wept streams of tears

upon your pillar, and your deep sighing made your labors fruitful

a hundredfold. You became a shepherd, granting pardon to all who draw

near to you, holy father Lazaros. Pray to Christ God that He may save

our souls.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Bearing brilliant radiance, the choir of martyrs

comes among us today and shines the rays of their wonders over the

Church. Celebrating their holy memory, O Savior, we ask You to save

us, by their prayers, from all danger, in Your divine mercy and Your

love for mankind.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Lazaros

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your labors surpassing nature and your hardships

caused amazement among the angels as they beheld them. Thus you received

a crown given by God. By the boldness which you possess before the

Lord, save us from all peril, that we may sing, <169>Hail, all-wise

father and Shepherd!<170>


@AFTR IKOS = O God-bearing father, you were an angel among men as

you hastened to ascend from earth to heaven. Thus, seeing you rival

the bodiless choirs, I am filled with fear and wonder as I do my duty

and sing to you: <169>Hail, rule for monks, exempt from error! Hail,

nourisher of souls, meadow of the virtues! Hail, our unfailing intercessor!

Hail, companion and delight of the angels! Hail, O you who increased

the choir of the mystic sheep! Hail, O you who lead them safe and

sound to heaven! Hail, you who, with God, give them their daily bread!

Hail, you who reprove the insolence of demons! Hail, fountain flowing

with miracles without being exhausted! Hail, O pledge of joys to come!

Hail, light of all Asia! Hail, guide and lamp for monks! Hail, all-wise

father and Shepherd!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 7, we commemorate the thirty-three martyrs

of Melitene: Hieron and his companions.

@SYNAX INDENT = In his manly courage, Hieron showed neither cowardice

nor fear in the presence of the sword. The iron pierced thirty-three

martyrs: the impious cut down their heads, but their souls were lifted

up. On the seventh, the executioners took off the head of Hieron,

but he was crowned with eternal glory.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father

Lazaros the Wonderworker, the Hermit of Mount Gelasios.

@SYNAX INDENT = O Patriarch Abraham, open wide your bosom: another

saint, imitating Lazaros, is drawing near.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = You saints surrounding the throne of the compassionate

Christ, you thirty-three towers protecting the Church by your intercession:

protect the whole world and the faithful who glorify you, O victorious

martyrs, as we celebrate your light-bearing memory.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = The Creator sanctified you from your mother's womb

and made you a tabernacle of the Spirit; thus you became a light for

monks, O Lazaros, guiding them from dark falls toward the light of

the divine precepts and leading them toward Christ. By your prayers,

O holy father, entreat Him to save the faithful who sing to you.

@AFTR EXAPOST = In you, O holy Virgin, the prophet once saw a mountain

from which a stone was quarried without the hand of man, to destroy

the altars of the false gods and the monuments consecrated to the

demons. O divine Bride, entreat your Son to shatter the idols binding

my spirit; in a mystic manner, may He restore His image in the depth

of my heart.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.Having borne in his body the death of the Lord, exhaling the

perfume of life, that other Lazaros, the friend of Christ, in his

tunic stained with the perspiration he had shed in his labors, is

present with us now to receive our praises and make us rejoice as

in an inexhaustible banquet. O multitude of monks, come together with

feast-lovers in one choir: let us venerate him as a faithful steward

and loyal servant of our Lord and our God.

3.Having borne in his body... (Repeat)

2.You dwelt upon the pillar as though in a palace filled with light.

All around it, like well-armed squires, you have stationed your works

in order to repulse the assaults of the passions. Then you ascended

to the bridal chamber, O blessed one, in order to draw near with confidence

to your Bridegroom, our God, whose beauty now delights you. Intercede

with Him: entreat Him to save and enlighten our souls.

1.The venerable Lazaros, sanctified from his mother's womb, who

became both the pure victim and priest for Christ, calls us all together

to rejoice in the feast in his memory today, and to fill us in the

Spirit with his perfume. Come, let us hasten and share in the divine

blessing granted us by his venerated relics. Let us give glory to

Christ our God, who is truly wonderful among His saints, and who rests

in their midst.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with the

fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense

of your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have

been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Comfort of the weak, consolation of the afflicted,

Virgin Mother of God, save the Christian fold, for you are peace for

the oppressed, rest for the shipwrecked, and the only protection for


@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = The all holy Mother of God saw You hanging on the Cross

and cried out to You in tears: <169>O my Son and my God, my beloved

Child, how can You suffer this unjust Passion?<170>


@DATE = November 8

@FEAST TITLE = Synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and of

All the Heavenly Powers

@FEAST TITLE = (3rd Class)


@FIRST KATHIS = First Kathisma: Blessed the man...

@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.O Archangel Michael, standing in radiance before God, the three-fold

Light, you cry out in rejoicing with all the Powers on high: <169>Holy

Father, Holy coeternal Son, Holy Spirit: You are one glory, one Kingdom,

one Essence, one God, and one Power!<170>

5.O Michael, Captain of the Archangels, your appearance is that

of a blazing fire, and your holiness is awesome. In your bodiless

nature, you can pass rapidly all over the world, carrying out the

commands of the Creator. You are mighty in power, and you are a source

of healing power within the Church.

4.Lord, as the Scriptures say, You have made spirits Your messengers

and flaming fires Your attendants. O Word, You have made Michael,

the Chief Captain, the leader of the Archangels; he carries out Your

commands and cries aloud the thrice-holy hymn to Your glory, with

fear and reverence.

3.God, the ever-existing One, has made you as a reflection of His

light, O Gabriel. You radiate that light which you share to all the

ends of the earth. It was you who announced to us the great mystery

which was hidden from eternity: that the bodiless God would take flesh

from a Virgin's womb and come as Man to save all mankind.

2.As you stand by the throne of God, the three-fold Light, O Gabriel,

you radiate the divine illumination which ceaselessly flows forth

from the Godhead. Deliver us on earth from the darkness of the passions

as we joyfully praise you; enlighten us, O leader of the angelic hosts,

and intercede for our salvation.

1.O Gabriel, prince of the heavenly powers, stop the divisions

of heresy within the Church; heal the attacks of heretics; still the

storm of our many temptations; deliver from all danger those who honor

you with love and seek your protection, O intercessor for our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Rejoice with us today, all you leaders of the angelic

hosts! The great Archangel Michael, your Captain and our guardian,

is present in the Church today and watches over us, sanctifying this

place. Let us therefore sing his praises and cry out to him: <169>Keep

us safe under the shelter of your wings, O great Archangel Michael!<170>

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Rejoice with us today, all you choirs of virgins,

for our Advocate and Mediator, our protectress and great refuge, the

Mother of God, watches over us and sanctifies this place. Let us therefore

sing her praises and cry out to her: <169>Keep us safe under the shelter

of your wings, O spotless Lady and Theotokos!<170>

@RUBRIC = Entrance. Readings: 1) Joshua 5:13-15 2) Judges 6:2,7,11-24

3) Daniel 10:1-21.


@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR LETE = O Chief Captains of the spiritual Powers, standing forever

before the throne of the Master, intercede with the Lord that He grant

peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

@AFTR LETE = Michael, the Chief Commander of the Powers on high, the

Captain of the hosts of God, has called us today to a solemn feast,

and he is always at our side to preserve us from every adversity coming

from the devil. Come, then, all you who love Christ and the feasts:

with pure minds let us gather a garland of virtues; with peaceful

hearts, let us celebrate the general feast of the Archangel! For he

always stands before God, singing the thrice-holy hymn and interceding

for the salvation of our souls!

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR LETE = O Chief Commanders of the bodiless spirits and intelligent

powers: you give light to the whole inhabited world by reflecting

the radiance of the threefold Sun of Glory; you sing the thrice-holy

hymn with never-silent voices. Therefore, intercede for the salvation

of our souls!

@AFTR LETE = With bodiless lips and spiritual mouths, the hosts of

angels offer an unceasing hymn to Your unapproachable Divinity, O

Lord. The pure intelligences and ministers of Your glory praise You,

O Master. With them, the bodiless Michael is first in rank among the

powers on high. Today, the Chief Commander of the Angels invites us

to sing to Your unapproachable glory the hymn of the incorporeal Powers,

O Lover of Mankind, that he may ceaselessly intercede for our souls.

@AFTR LETE = Hovering around the spiritual throne, O intelligent beings,

divine bodiless angels, you sing the thrice-holy hymn to God the Lord

with flaming lips: <169>Holy is God the Father, the unbegotten! Holy

Mighty One, the Lord, who has no beginning! Holy Immortal One, the

Spirit, one in Essence and glorified with the Father and the Son!<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Chief Commanders of the Angels, flashing with rays

from the divine Light, you illumine the ranks of bodiless powers!

Radiant as light, you shine from above the Fire of the unapproachable

Divinity upon the world. Therefore, with your flaming lips you ceaselessly

sing, <169>Holy, holy, holy are You. O our God, glory to You!<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Christ, Your Angels stand with reverence before

the throne of glory, constantly illumined by the outpouring of Your

Light: they are Your choir, singing in the heights, and the ministers

of Your will, sent out by Your command to enlighten our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Cherubim sing Your praises with fiery lips, O

Christ our God; and with never-silent, bodiless mouths, the choir

of Archangels glorifies You! Michael, the Chief Commander of the Powers

on high, ceaselessly offers a triumphal hymn to Your glory. For today

he shines upon us in a solemn feast, radiant with joy; although our

lips of clay are unworthy to take up the thrice-holy hymn, he invites

all things to be filled with your praise. Through him, grant Your

great mercy to the world.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led into the Temple of the Lord; and Zechariah receives her. Today

the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choirs of Angels mystically

keep festival. With them, let us also celebrate the feast today, and

let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace! The Lord

is with you, and He has great mercy!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

1.Come, all you who celebrate the Angels in this world! Let us

raise our voices in praise to God, sitting on the throne of glory:

<169>Holy are You, O heavenly Father and King! Holy are You, O coeternal

Word! Holy are You, O Most Holy Spirit!<170>

v.You make spirits Your messengers and flaming fires Your attendants.

2.Acting with great boldness as the leader of the heavenly hosts,

and standing in glory before the awesome throne, O Archangel Michael,

you see mysteries beyond all understanding. We ask you to save us

in all danger, need, and temptation, by your intercession.

v.Bless the Lord, O my soul!

3.Since you are clearly the foremost of the bodiless Powers, O

Michael, prince of the angelic hosts, minister of the divine Light,

witness and sharer in it, we ask you to save us who honor you each

year with true Faith, faithfully singing the praises of the Trinity,

O Chief Commander of the armies of heaven!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = As Captain of the hosts, champion and leader of Angels,

O Michael, deliver from all oppression, sorrow, sickness, and sin

those who sing your praises and entreat you. Since you are bodiless,

you behold God, who transcends all essence; and you are radiant with

the unapproachable Light of the Master's glory. In His love for man,

He took flesh for our sake from the Virgin, when He willed to save


@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Captains and Leaders of the armies of heaven, unworthy

as we are, we beseech you without cease to surround us with your intercessions

and cover us beneath the shelter of the glory of your ethereal wings.

We bend our knee and cry out with perseverance: <169>Deliver us from

danger, O Princes of the Powers on High!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Resurrectional Theotokion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The mystery which was hidden from eternity and unknown

to the angels has been revealed through you, O Theotokos, to those

on earth; for God took flesh in a union without commixture, and willingly

took up the Cross by which He elevated the first man and saved our

souls from death.



@RUBRIC = Use the Festal Format for Third Class Feasts.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O prince of the hosts of bodiless angels, standing

before God and gleaming with the light of heaven, delight and sanctification

of those who praise you with faith, deliver us from every persecution

of the enemy, and grant peace to all rulers and all lands.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Theotokos, we your servants shall never be silent

in singing the heartfelt praises of your mercy, O Lady, crying aloud

and saying, <169>O most holy Virgin, make haste to deliver us from

visible and invisible enemies and from every threat, for you always

save us from all danger.<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O most merciful Christ, the cherubim and the many-eyed

seraphim, the host of ministering archangels, with the virtues, thrones,

dominations, angels, powers, and principalities implore You, our Creator,

God, and Master, not to turn away from the prayers of a sinful people.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Hasten to stop the enemies by whom we were once taken

into bondage and who blaspheme against You as they threaten us, O

Christ our God. By Your Cross, confound those who fight against us,

that by the intercession of the Theotokos, they may come to know the

power of Orthodox Faith, O only Lover of Mankind!

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR SESSIONL = You two leaders of the heavenly angels, foremost

in awe, exalted on thrones of glory, Michael and Gabriel, princes

of the hosts and ministers of the Master, intercede along with all

the bodiless powers for the remission of our sins, so that we may

find mercy and grace on the day of judgement.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O full of grace, pure and blessed one, join the Powers

on high, the Archangels and all the bodiless hosts; ceaselessly implore

Him who was born from you, in His tender mercy, to grant us forgiveness

before the end, cleansing of our sins, and amendment of life, that

we may find mercy.

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@PROKIM LEFT = You make spirits Your messengers, and flaming fires

Your attendants.

v.Bless the Lord, O my soul! You are very great, O Lord, my God!

@RUBRIC = Gospel. Psalm 50.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@PROKIM INDEN = Through the intercession of the bodiless powers, O

Merciful One, wipe out the multitude of our sins.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@PROKIM INDEN = Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful

One, wipe out the multitude of our sins.

v.O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love, in the

abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = Hovering around the spiritual throne, O intelligent

beings, divine and bodiless angels, with flaming lips you sing the

thrice-holy hymn to God the Lord: <169>Holy is God the Father, the

unbegotten! Holy Mighty One, the Lord, who has no beginning! Holy

Immortal One, the Spirit, one in Essence and glorified with the Father

and the Son!<170>

@RUBRIC = Canons: We use three Canons, all in Tone 8: the first, the

Canon of Thanksgiving to the Theotokos; the second, to the Angels;

and the third, by Clement, also to the Angels.

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 1

@ODE TEXT = Let us sing to God, who brought His people across the

Red Sea, for He is gloriously triumphant.

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

We sing your praises, most pure Virgin, who gave birth in ways past

nature to the everlasting and divine Word in the flesh.

The Virgin gave birth to You, O Christ, the life-bearing Vine who

flow with the wine of universal salvation.

O Theotokos, led up by you toward a blessedness that transcends our

understanding, the sons of Adam glorify you as is fitting and right.

@ODE 2 TEXT = O people, let us sing a song of victory to the Lord,

for He has sunk Pharaoh in the Red Sea, and He is gloriously triumphant!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = O faithful, let us all sing the praises of the uncreated

Trinity, who governs all the bodiless commanders of the choirs on

high, crying aloud, <169>Holy, holy, holy are You, O Mighty God!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = In the beginning, you created bodiless natures, O

Maker of the Angels, and they hover about Your throne, crying aloud

to You: <169>Holy, holy, holy are You, O Mighty God!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = Hail, O Gabriel, announcer of the Incarnation of

God! Hail, Michael, chief Captain of the bodiless hierarchies, who

cry aloud, <169>Holy, holy, holy are You, O Mighty God!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = Our first mother, Eve, subjected mankind to the curse

by the fall of man in former times; but you, O Virgin, Bride of God,

by bearing the Creator, have changed this curse into a blessing.

@ODE 3 TEXT = Long ago, the rod of Moses struck the sea and marked

it with a Cross, drowning Pharaoh and his army, while the children

of Israel crossed over on foot, singing a song to their saving God.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Forming a single choir, come, let us praise in song

the spiritual choirs of the bodiless powers who pray without ceasing

for our salvation and rejoice together at our repentance.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Today the commanders and chosen leaders of the angels,

the shining Chief Captains of the bodiless intelligences, come to

keep the feast of their own radiant memorial; and mankind, rejoicing

with them, offers up a hymn to the Trinity.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = With joy, let men spiritually celebrate with the

angels: for Gabriel now once more announces the good news of the unity

of the Church and the overcoming of every heresy by the coming of

the memorial of the archangels.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = All-pure one, beyond nature you have brought forth,

by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the Father, who came

to dwell in you, having two natures and two wills, yet in a form unchangeably


@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = I shall open my mouth, and it shall be filled with

the Spirit, and I shall sing a hymn of praise to the Mother and Queen;

with great joy, I shall celebrate and sing of her entrance into the


@ODE X TITLE = Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = You are the strength of those who run to You, O Lord;

You are the Light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings Your praises!

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

O all-pure Virgin, by Your prayers give us help to push back the attacks

of adverse circumstances.

O Theotokos, who have given birth to Christ, the Giver of Life for

the world, you have repaired the fall of Eve.

Gird me with strength, O all-pure Virgin who have born God in the

flesh, the Power in person of the Father.

@ODE 2 TEXT = O Lord, Maker of the firmament of heaven and Builder

of the Church, establish me firmly in Your love. For You are the summit

of all our desires, the ground of the faithful, and the only Lover

of Mankind!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = Immortal One, You have established mighty Powers

to carry out Your holy will, and they always stand before You in the


@CANON 2 INDNT = O Christ, hear the prayers of the messengers of Your

Incarnation and Your Resurrection, those commanders of the angels,

who make intercession for us.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Since You are compassionate, You have appointed angels

as guardians to mankind, and You have shown them to be ministers of

the salvation of Your servants, O Christ.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Bride of God, you have ineffably conceived the

Lord and Savior who delivers from danger all those who call upon you

in truth.

@ODE 3 TEXT = You are the strength of those who run to You, O Lord;

You are the Light of those in darkness, and my spirit sings Your praises!

@CANON 3 INDNT = As we praise you with faith, you appear to us as

the first among the angels and the reflected light of the Holy Trinity,

O Michael, the Commander.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Gabriel faithfully filled the whole world with the

radiance of the grace of God by proclaiming the descent of God in

the flesh.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and the

Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O illustrious pair, chief leaders of the bodiless

powers, radiant as light, illumine with the light of God those who

faithfully celebrate your memorial.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Isaiah sang of your conceiving which surpasses understanding,

O pure Virgin, and I also sing that I may be cleansed by it.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = O Mother of God, living and overflowing fountain,

strengthen those who sing your praise and who gather now to honor

you; and on this occasion of your solemn entrance into the Temple,

deem them worthy of the glorious crown of heaven.

@RUBRIC = Little Litany.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let us on earth imitate, insofar as possible, the

holiness of the choirs of the bodiless angels appointed to sing praises,

mortifying all our fleshly cares, and asking them, since they are

champions and guardians of us who praise them, to be delivered from

every error of the invisible enemy that we may find mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O pure Theotokos, we always thank and venerate you,

singing the praises of your maternity, O full of grace, and we cry

out without ceasing: <169>Since you are good, O Virgin, full of mercy,

save us and snatch us from the accusations of the devils at the hour

of judgement. Let not your servants be confounded!<170>

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 4

@ODE TEXT = O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation;

I have perceived Your works, and I glorify Your divinity!

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

O Theotokos, untilled field who have produced the life-giving sheaf

of wheat that has given life to the world, save us who sing to you.

O pure one, we who have been enlightened all acknowledge you as Theotokos,

for you have given birth to the sun of Justice, O ever-Virgin.

As the only sinless One, O God, grant forgiveness of our sins of ignorance,

and give peace to the world through the prayers of her who bore You.

@ODE 2 TEXT = You came mounted upon Your Apostles, as upon horseback,

O Lord, and You took their reins in Your hands; Your passing became

salvation for those who sing, <169>Glory to Your power, O Lord!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Lover of Mankind, You mounted upon the angels as

though they were horses, and You took their reins in Your hands; Your

passing became salvation for those who sing, <169>Glory to Your power,

O Lord!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Lover of Mankind, Your glory covers the angels,

and the ends of the earth are filled with Your wondrous and divine

praise, O You who have no beginning. With them, let us cry aloud,

<169>Glory to Your power, O Lord!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = Filled with pity, O Christ, You go forth for the

salvation of Your people. You invite Your companions, the bodiless

Powers, and Your coming has become gladness for those who sing, <169>Glory

to Your power, O Lord!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = All-pure one, you are both Virgin and Mother, since

you bore Christ, who is both God and Man, to whom the ranks of the

angels cry out with reverence, <169>Glory to Your power, O Lord!<170>

@ODE 3 TEXT = Without leaving Your Father, You came to visit our poverty,

O Lord, my power and my strength, my God and my exceeding joy! With

Habakkuk the Prophet, I therefore cry out to You: <169>Glory to Your

power, O You who love mankind!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = In Jericho in days of old, Michael, the chief captain

of the hosts and great leader of the bodiless angels, appeared to

Joshua, son of Nun, as he was fighting. He helped him gain the victory,

fighting by his side; taking strength from him, the servant of the

Lord took the fort captured by the spear.

@CANON 3 INDNT = In former times, the captain of the bodiless powers

appeared to Zechariah, the priest, bringing him the good news of a

child. He was in truth Gabriel, the great and divine archangel. Therefore,

at the sound of the word, John was born, giving speech back to his


@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Today, all the ends of the earth rejoice greatly

, keeping the wondrous feast of the memorial of Your angels, Michael

the divine and Gabriel the godly-minded. As the whole host of angels

rejoices, the world is saved by their protection.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = You are the only woman to remain pure after giving

birth. You are the only woman who nursed a child without the instrumentality

of man. You fed the Word of the Father, who through the Holy Spirit

took the form of a servant like ourselves, O Virgin Theotokos. Honoring

the divine likeness of His Form, we venerate it.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = He who sits in glory upon the throne of God, surrounded

with an ethereal cloud, Jesus, the supremely divine, came down, and

with His mighty hand, redeemed those who cried out to Him, <169>Glory

to Your power, O Christ!<170>

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = Rising early in the morning, we call out to You, O Lord:

<169>Save us, for You are our God, and we know no other!<170>

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

Calm the restless waves of my passions, O you who brought forth God,

our Pilot and our Lord.

The ranks of angels and the whole assembly of mankind worship your

Son, O pure Mother of God.

Mary, unwedded Mother of God, bring to nought the expectations of

our enemies and gladden the hearts of those who sing your praises.

@ODE 2 TEXT = Going ever astray in the darkness of sin, we call out

to You to enlighten us with the light of Your commandments, O Lord.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = Ever carried upward by an unwavering longing for

You, O Christ, object of all desires, the hosts of angels glorify

You without ceasing.

@CANON 2 INDNT = By Your grace, You have established intelligent and

incorruptible angels as singers of Your majesty, having created them

according to Your image, O You who cannot be comprehended!

@CANON 2 INDNT = You do not incline toward that which is lower; You

have preserved Your ministers by their closeness to You, O Christ:

for, being a Fount of goodness, You do good to those who serve You


@CANON 2 INDNT = Only unwedded pure one, Virgin after childbirth,

O Mary, bring us to safe anchor in your harbor, directing us away

from dangers towards eternal salvation.

@ODE 3 TEXT = If You turn me away, the darkness will surely overcome

me in my wretchedness, O Light that never fades. Bring me back to

the path of Your commandments, O Lord, there to rejoice in their brilliant


@CANON 3 INDNT = In days of old, the angels appeared at the crossways

to Balaam the sorcerer, who was not convinced by the ineffable and

divine miracles of God. He rebuked him severely; having shown him

an animal who was a reasonable being, he changed what he knew of nature.

@CANON 3 INDNT = An angel appeared to Peter, arrested in the hands

of Herod and waiting in prison; and he delivered him from bondage

and death. Therefore, let us all come and honor the wise archangels,

those divine guardians of souls.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O angels and archangels, divine hosts of God, by

your perpetual intercessions before Him, destroy the dissensions of

strife and the heresies of the Church and every stumbling block, and

keep us in peace.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = We know You, the God of creation, One in two natures

unconfused, with two operations and two wills, as being the Son of

God who took flesh from a woman whose image in icons we venerate.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = The whole universe is rapt in amazement at the sight

of your solemn entrance, for you went into the interior of the Temple

as an all-pure temple, establishing with safety all those who praise


@ODE X TITLE = Ode 6

@ODE TEXT = Give me a robe of light, You who clothe Yourself with

light as with a garment, O most merciful Christ our God!

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

O Theotokos, we the faithful proclaim you as the Temple and Tabernacle

of God, the living bridal chamber and the gate of heaven.

O Mary, Bride of God, the One who became your child is God, and He

destroyed the heathen idols; He is worshipped with the Father and

the Spirit.

O Theotokos, the Word of God manifested you to be a living ladder,

set up from earth to heaven, for through you, He came down to us.

@ODE 2 TEXT = O Lord, the prophet Jonah praying solitary in the whale

prefigured Your three days in the tomb, as he cried out, <169>Deliver

my life from the pit, O Jesus, Lord of Powers and my King!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = As was truly fitting, Lord, by Your word, You brought

into being from nothingness the true nature of the heavenly immortal

armies, making them like flaming fires.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O bodiless angels, you have been the venerated messengers

of the praise of God, citizens of heaven and divine tabernacles, worthily

serving the Master in truth.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The intelligent ranks of the bodiless powers praise

and glorify You without ceasing as Maker and Creator of all things,

O Son of God without beginning.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O undefiled Virgin, to whom it has been granted to

hold in your arms Him who sits eternally with the Father in the heights:

grant that He give mercy to your servants.

@ODE 3 TEXT = From my many transgressions, I entreat You to cleanse

me, O Lord. Lead me up from the depth of sin, for to You do I call

from the anguish of my soul: <169>Hear me, O God of my salvation!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = Like fire, flame, and light are the bodiless angels,

who make the mind fly upward, away from the corruption of matter.

Let us, with our bodily lips, honor in reverent song these immaterial


@CANON 3 INDNT = O archangels, mortify the storm of the passions;

O commanders of the angels, who in fiery forms look upon the Trinity,

calm all turmoil concerning the Faith.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O archangels of God, leaders of the bodiless powers,

by your boldness, save us from all heresy, O Chief Captains Michael

and Gabriel!

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = You willingly appeared from the womb, made flesh

of a woman who knew not man. Without flesh, as God, You appeared bearing

flesh as man, O Christ, the likeness of whose appearance we honor

with faith.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Come, all you people whose mind is upon God: come,

let us clap our hands and celebrate this divine and glorious feast

of the Mother of God! Let us send up glory to God who was born of


@RUBRIC = Little Litany.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Princes of the leaders of God's armies, servants

of the divine glory, instructors of men and commanders of angels,

ask whatever is good for us, and bountiful mercy, O Princes of the

leaders of the angels.


@AFTR IKOS = O Lover of Mankind, in the Scriptures You say that there

is joy in heaven over one man who repents. Therefore, lying in sin,

we make bold at all times to entreat You, the only sinless One, who

knows the hearts of men: take pity on us, unworthy as we are. You

are compassionate; send down Your compassion upon us, granting us

forgiveness, O Master. For we have as intercessors the Princes of

the leaders of the angels.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 8, we celebrate the Synaxis of the Angelic

Captains Michael and Gabriel and of all the heavenly, bodiless Powers.

@SYNAX INDENT = O Michael, I had wished to worthily sing a bodiless

hymn to praise you. It is on the eighth that we unreservedly glorify

the leaders of the heavenly hosts.

@SYNAX LEFT = For the Synaxis of the Nine Choirs, composed of Seraphim,

Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels,

and Angels:

@SYNAX INDENT = Would even nine months be enough to sing the praises

of the glory of the nine choirs of angels?

@SYNAX LEFT = Through the protection of Your holy Angels, O Christ

our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 7

@ODE TEXT = The Children who came from Judea to Babylon long ago,

by faith in the Trinity trampled down the flames of the furnace beneath

their feet, singing, <169>Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

Made flesh in a virginal womb, You appeared for our salvation. Seeing

that Your Mother is truly Theotokos, we the Orthodox cry out, <169>Blessed

are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

O all-blameless Virgin, from the root of Jesse you have made a shoot

appear that blossomed as the fruit of salvation for those who cry

out to your Son with faith, <169>Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

O Wisdom of the Most High in person, through the Theotokos grant wisdom

and divine power to those who sing to You in faith, <169>Blessed are

You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

@ODE 2 TEXT = The Hebrew youths in the furnace walked upon the flames

as though they were dew as they sang out, <169>Blessed are You, O

God, forever!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = O compassionate One, You manifested the immaterial

essence of Your angels to be lights filled with a light past speech;

and they cry out to You unceasingly, <169>Blessed are You, O God,


@CANON 2 INDNT = Thousands of ministering angels stand without ceasing

before Him, unable to endure the sight of His face, and they raise

their cry, <169>Blessed are You, O God, forever!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = By the Word in person, You have created the multitude

of angels; sanctifying them by the Holy Spirit, You, O God, have taught

them to sing of the Holy Trinity forever!

@CANON 2 INDNT = We glorify an uncircumscribed Essence in three Persons:

the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, as we cry aloud, <169>Blessed

are You, O God, forever!<170>

@ODE 3 TEXT = The children who came from Judea to Babylon long ago,

by faith in the Trinity trampled down the flames of the furnace beneath

their feet, singing, <169>Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = Come, let us clap our hands with the bodiless angels

and the race of men on this divinely appointed day, commemorating

the wise archangels of Christ, and crying aloud, <169>Blessed are

You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = Since they were hospitable in former times, Abraham,

who saw God, and Lot welcomed angels and found an inheritance with

them, crying, <169>Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Angels appeared to the brave Manoah and to the wise

Tobit, giving them worthy rewards for the struggles of life; and an

angel once quenched the flames of the fiery furnace for the young


@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = We proclaim You, Jesus, in two natures, but one Person,

who have taken from the Virgin the whole of nature, except sin. Representing

Your form, we venerate it.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = The three young men, divinely inspired, refused to

offer worship to creatures instead of to the Creator: they had the

courage to overcome the threatening fire, and sang out joyfully, <169>You

are worthy of all praise, O Lord, God of our Fathers: Blessed are


@ODE X TITLE = Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = The King of heaven, acclaimed in song by the hosts of

angels: bless Him and highly exalt Him throughout all the ages!

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

Quench the burning, flamelike arrows of the adversary that assault

us, that we may sing your praises, O pure Virgin, throughout all the


O Virgin, beyond nature, you have born God the Word, the Creator and

Savior, and we sing your praises throughout all the ages.

The unapproachable Light made His dwelling in you, O Virgin, and showed

you to be a gold-gleaming lamp, shining throughout all the ages.

@ODE 2 TEXT = To the Lord who was glorified on the holy mountain <197>to

the Lord who revealed the virgin birth to Moses in a burning bush<197>sing

praise and glory forever.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us imitate the life of the angels and let us

make our minds soar in the heights; and let us sing with them in the

air, praising the Lord and exalting Him above all forever.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The angels of the heavenly choir, exceedingly joyful,

who stand before the throne of glory beholding God at all times, praise

and exalt Him above all forever.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Trinity, You have made into a flame of immaterial

fire those who sing Your praises without ceasing in the heights; You

have made spirits Your messengers; we sing praise and glory to You


@CANON 2 INDNT = O Theotokos, you have been counted worthy to carry

in your arms Him before whom thousands of angels and archangels stand

with reverence in the firmament of heaven. Intercede with Him for

those who glorify you, that they may be saved.

@ODE 3 TEXT = In his wrath against the servants of God, the tyrant

had his furnace fire stoked seven times. But when he saw a better

power saving them, he cried out: <169>Bless your Maker and Redeemer,

young men! Praise Him, priests! Exalt Him, O people, throughout all

the ages!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = Michael the Archangel appeared as chief of the angels;

but with him, the radiant messenger of grace and the holy pledger

of the Virgin's troth, Gabriel, immaterial Captain of the bodiless

hosts is also praised, he who worthily foreannounced joy to those

who cry aloud, <169>O people, exalt Christ throughout all the ages!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = Beholding in diverse forms the ranks of the angels,

Ezekiel cried aloud, <169>Among them stand present the six-winged

seraphim and the cherubim with many eyes, forming a circle.<170> With

them, he beheld the archangels, shining like amber, and exalting Christ

throughout all the ages.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.We bless the Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Revealing Your awesome second coming, Daniel foretold,

<169>When the thrones are set up, and the Ancient of Days takes His

seat, He shall lead in thousands of angels, present in awe and crying

with never-silent voices to the Trinity throughout all the ages!<170>

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = Of one Essence with the Father and the Spirit, the

Word appeared of His own will to us and took from the Virgin the same

form as ours, not confusing the one with the other in this awesome

union; for He himself was shown to be one and the same, in two natures

and one person. And we now venerate the image of His likeness.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = The Maternity of the Mother of God, prefigured by

the three young men in the furnace, saved them against the power of

the fire; but now that this maternity has come to pass, it brings

the whole universe together and makes it sing: <169>Praise the Lord,

all you His works, and exalt Him forever!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Canticle of Mary

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 9

@ODE TEXT = Pure Virgin, we who have been saved through you confess

you to be truly the Mother of God; and with the angelic hosts, we

magnify you.

v.O most holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

How full of joy, how full of gladness and of healing is the thought

of you to those who come to you for help, reverently declaring you

to be the Mother of God.

O full of grace, we sing to you our hymns of praise, and we bring

you our never-silent <169>Hail,<170> for from you all joy and exultation


O Mother of God, how beautiful is your ripened Fruit, which gives

not corruption but life to those who partake of it and magnify you

with faith.

@ODE 2 TEXT = You have gone above nature in conceiving the Cre<->ator

and Lord. You became a door of salvation for the world. We praise

you endlessly for this, O Theotokos.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O holy Angels, intercede for us! (Between

the tro<->paria)

@CANON 2 INDNT = We magnify You, O Christ, who have ineffably united

the things of earth to those in heaven, and have made one Church of

angels and men.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O angels and archangels, thrones, dominions, principalities,

virtues and powers, O seraphim and cherubim: pray with the Theotokos

for the salvation of the world.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Michael, with Gabriel you are the advocate for all

mankind: visit those who honor with love the common feast of your

memorial, and save from all kinds of adverse circumstance those who

faithfully sing your praise.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Virgin, you bore the Word without beginning, and

have received Him made flesh in His wish to restore my nature. Therefore,

we magnify Him without ceasing.

@ODE 3 TEXT = The ends of the earth were astounded, while heaven was

awed, that God would come physically to mankind, and that your womb

became more spacious than the heavens. And so all ranks of angels

and men praise you, O Mother of God.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O Michael and Gabriel, chiefs of the bodiless angels,

you are champions for the salvation of those in sickness, those sailing

the seas, or those in need.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O Gabriel, rejoicing with the choirs of powers and

thrones, intercede for us with the Savior, as Chief Captain of the

angels and friend of God.

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 3 INDNT = As guardians of the world and the Church, O captains

of the hosts on high, pray to the Savior for us all!

@CANON 3 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 3 INDNT = O Theotokos, we glorify you with one accord, that

we may be delivered from our passions and danger, and that our prayers

for good may be fulfilled.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Let every human being take up a torch, and let him

dance with joy in his spirit! Let the whole immaterial creation celebrate

the entrance of the Theotokos and cry out, <169>Hail, glorious Mother

of God, ever-pure and ever-virgin!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Archangel Michael, God the Creator has shown you

to be a champion and guide for mankind, a noble guardian. He has honored

you with glory in an ineffable manner, so that you may ceaselessly

chant to Him the triumphant thrice-holy hymn.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Radiantly reflecting the illuminations of the great

brightness of the Trinity, O Archangel, you pass like lightning across

the whole creation, fulfilling the divine commands, and guarding,

preserving, and protecting those who joyfully sing your praises.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

4.As you are the captain of the heavenly hosts, a strong defender,

a preserver and keeper of mankind on earth, we praise you in faith,

O Archangel Michael, and beg you to deliver us from every destructive


3.As you are the captain... (Repeat)

2.Today the Captain of the Angelic Hosts calls the hosts of men

to come together and celebrate in their divine gathering a feast of

delight, singing together to God the thrice-holy praise.

1.As we in faith seek refuge under the shadow of your wings, O

Michael, preserve us and shelter us our whole life long, at the hour

of death be present with us, and in your compassion help us all.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR PRAISES = Wherever your grace casts its shadow, O Michael, Captain

of the Angels, the power of Satan is driven out; for Lucifer, the

fallen morning star, cannot bear to dwell in your light. Therefore,

we ask you to extinguish the fiery darts he casts against us and to

deliver us from his stumbling blocks.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = O Virgin Theotokos, it is fitting for us believers

to bless you and glorify you as an unshakeable rampart, an impregnable

wall, the secure advocate and the refuge of our souls.

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology. Troparion of the Feast. Litanies and Dismissal.


@DATE = November 9

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Onesiphoros and Porphyrios,

and of our Venerable Mother Matrona

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

6.O blessed Athlete, you confessed Christ our God, O martyr Onesiphoros,

as you fought with all your might in the tribunal of the wicked. Covered

with wounds from the blows, you endured burning by fire over your

whole body. Thus the Prince of Life has granted you the crown of victory

with His life-giving hand.

5.O Athlete Porphyrios, holy martyr, by the grace and power of

the Spirit, in the purple of your own blood you dyed the robe which

you bore to reign in the radiance of your splendor with our God, who

alone reigns throughout the ages. Ceaselessly entreat Him; implore

Him with fervor for our salvation.

4.O praiseworthy martyrs, who suffered your death in a holy way

for the sake of the Life of All: when you were stretched out over

the burning coals, then dragged by horses, you joyfully reached a

good end before God. Thus we glorify both of you, who ceaselessly

pray for us, and we call you blessed.

@BOLD TITLE = For Matrona

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.As a friend of wisdom, you subdued the desires of your flesh

through the labors of asceticism, O Matrona, and you followed Christ.

You dwelt among pious hermits to quench the burning flames of the

passions under the rain of your tears, and to enkindle your ardent

love for the Creator.

2.You founded a sanctuary for meditation for the salvation of many,

since you were a temple of the Spirit, thanks to the purity of your

soul. And toward the hardships and works of asceticism, you led a

whole army, a saved people, whom you presented to the Lord as an offering;

with them, we glorify you in faith.

1.Young women have cherished the Lord, their Bridegroom, following

the instructions you laid down. Without regard for the weakness of

their flesh, they subdued the passions in the zeal of their spirit

in order to enter with you, O Matrona, into the heavenly chamber of

the Bridegroom to know joy at all times.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@BODY TXT IND = Your womb was able to hold the God whom no space can

contain, who for love of mankind became a man like us, taking our

human condition from you to divinize it. All-pure one, do not despise

my affliction, but make haste to receive me and save me, delivering

me from the persecution of the enemy.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@BODY TXT IND = Lord, seeing You nailed to the Cross, the Virgin,

Your Mother, was struck with wonder: <169>What do I see, O my beloved

Son? Is this Your reward from this ungrateful people whom You have

filled with Your blessings? They have turned away from Your Law, rather

than sing, `Glory to Your ineffable condescension, O Lord!'<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs Onesiphoros and

Porphyrios have deserved the crown of immortality on account of their

good fight. Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished their persecutors

and crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O

Christ God, save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Matrona

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = In you, O Mother Matrona, was restored the likeness

of God, for you carried Your cross and followed Christ. You taught

by your deeds how to spurn the body, for it passes away, and how to

value the soul for it is immortal. Wherefore your soul is forever

in happiness with the angels.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The two glorious martyrs, Onesiphoros and Porphyrios,

enlightened by the grace of the Holy Trinity, have completed their

struggle with perfect courage and destroyed their enemy's pride. Together

with the holy angels, they now intercede constantly with Christ God

for the sake of us all.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Matrona

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Venerable Matrona, you spent all your strength in

fasting and abstinence and devoted yourself to prayer. You have served

the Lord generously, and for Him you have left everything, spending

your life in devotion.


@AFTR IKOS = O Christ, in Your love, open my mouth that I may sing

of this venerable woman and speak of her struggles: the manner in

which she left her husband and her possessions for love of You alone,

her Bridegroom, considering all things here below as passing. Then,

imprinting on herself the sign of the life-giving Cross, she overthrew

the foolish arrogance of the demons and made them disappear, spending

her life in devotion.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 9, we commemorate the holy martyrs Onesiphoros

and Porphyrios.

@SYNAX INDENT = With his squire Porphyrios, Onesiphoros was dragged

by the horses and made the adversary uncomfortable in the course;

for on the ninth, in their race toward God, they reached the goal

of heaven together.

@SYNAX LEFT = On this same day, we commemorate our venerable mother


@SYNAX INDENT = By her life in this world, the illustrious Matrona

earned an immortal crown in the next.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Let us venerate the martyrs who were outstanding in

their struggles, enlightening the world by their radiant witnessing:

the illustrious Onesiphoros and Porphyrios with him. For they intercede

for us faithful who celebrate their memory with love.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having elevated your spirit beyond all earthly possessions,

O venerable mother, without turning back you followed the road of

the commandments of the Savior; thus we pray you to intercede for


@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin, in their holy words, the divine prophets

foretold that you would be the Mother of God; knowing this, we the

faithful glorify you with love.

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.

@DATE = November 10

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Apostles Olympos, Rhodion,

Sosipater, Tertios, Erastes, and Quartos, and of the Holy Martyr Orestes

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For the Apostles

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

6.Having traversed the whole world on eagles' wings, O apostles,

you drew to the pure Faith those whom the imposter held captive in

his nets. Intercede that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

5.With hymns, let us venerate Tertios, Sosipater, Olympos, and

Rhodion, as well as Erastes and Quartos with them: they glorify Christ

our God, interceding that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

4.O blessed ones, you have led to Christ our God the nations ransomed

by the blood of Him who willed to be born on earth and die on the

Cross. Intercede before Him that our souls be given peace and great


@BOLD TITLE = For the Martyr

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

3.O blessed Orestes, robed in the purple of your own blood and

crowned as a conqueror, you stand before the immortal Christ; intercede

before Him that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

2.In the crucible of your struggles, you burned away error, and

in the streams of your blood, you drown all the snares of the enemy,

but you irrigate the hearts of the faithful that they may grow in

Faith. Intercede now that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

1.You rose like the dawn, enlightening the whole world with the

brightness of your struggles, O Orestes, splendid glory of martyrs!

You drove away the night of godlessness by the light of grace. Intercede

now that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@BODY TXT IND = Hail, O pure Virgin, new wonder, holy tree planted

by God in the garden of Paradise! Hail, O you who put to flight the

dark demons! Hail, O double-edged sword who behead the enemy by your

wondrous maternity, calling us back to God from our exile, O all-holy,

spotless Virgin!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@BODY TXT IND = The Virgin Ewe, the spotless Queen, seeing her Lamb

on the Cross without form or beauty, cried out in tears: <169>Alas,

O my Son, where is Your gracious appearance, O sweet Child, and Your

radiant charm, O my beloved Son?<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Apostles

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy apostles Olympos, Rhodion, Sosipater, Tertios,

Erastes, and Quartos, intercede with God all-merciful that He may

grant us the remission of our sins.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Orestes

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyr Orestes has deserved

the crown of immortality on account of his good fight. Armed with

Your strength, he has vanquished his persecutors and crushed Satan's

dreadful might. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our




@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Apostles

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The solemn feast of the apostles is today an occasion

for all those who celebrate it to obtain forgiveness of their sins.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 10, we commemorate the holy apostles Olympos,

Rhodion, Sosipater, Tertios, Erastes, and Quartos, who were among

the Seventy Disciples.

@SYNAX INDENT = With the glory of a hymn, my words give glory to six

disciples of the Word, who by their word delivered the nations from

irrational worship. On the tenth, they found eternal blessedness.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Orestes.

@SYNAX INDENT = For your feats of martyrdom, Orestes, receive your

reward, and let glory surround you!

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Let us celebrate Olympos, Tertios, Rhodion, and Sosi<->pater,

as is right, together with Erastes and Quartos, as apostles and disciples

of Christ: for they intercede for us who celebrate their sacred memory

on this feast.

@AFTR EXAPOST = You are truly the pure golden censer, the tabernacle

of the Trinity whom no space can contain, O Virgin Mary, for in you

the Father was well-pleased; in you the Son dwelt; and the Holy Spirit

has overshadowed you, making you the Mother of God.

@DATE = November 11

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Menas, Victor, Vincent,

and Stephanida; and of our Holy Father Theodore the Studite, Confessor

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Menas

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

6.Imitating the Passion of the passionless Lord, O holy Menas,

you handed yourself over like a lamb to voluntary immolation. You

did not fear the rage of the magistrates or turn away from the torments

of the body. What endurance in your faithful struggles! By them you

brought down the pride of the enemy to the dust, O illustrious and

victorious martyr!

5.Completely covered by wounds from the lashes, then, like your

Master before you, hung on the tree and branded by heated iron all

over your body, you did not deny the name of Christ, but rather turned

the eyes of your soul toward Him; thus you courageously endured your

bodily sufferings, O blessed martyr.

4.O martyr all-worthy of our hymns, for love of Christ you renounced

the shadows of this world, the passing honors, the darkness of the

false gods, and the company of the wicked, in order to enroll in the

army of the chosen ones of the Lord. Then you truly showed yourself

invincible in your struggles for His sake, O holy martyr.

@BOLD TITLE = For Theodore

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

3.In keeping with the name you bore, O Theodore, you received gifts

from heaven surpassing all understanding, then shared them with your

friends. After multiplying the talent given you by the Lord, you heard

His divine voice calling you to the joy of the heavenly banquet. You

now share forever in glory before the throne of Christ, the King of


2.O excellent father, you led a whole multitude of monks to Christ.

In becoming the cause of their salvation, you imitated the Savior.

You shone by your teachings: in you, souls have found their protector,

and by your prophecies, you were the mouthpiece of the Lord. Forever

in His presence now, intercede before Him and be mindful of us all.

1.The grace of the Spirit was clearly poured out on your lips in

abundance, O divine preacher, and caused streams of teachings to flow

forth, O Theodore, champion of the Faith, unshakeable pillar supporting

Orthodoxy, energetic defender of the truth, exact rule for the monastic

life, O blessed father!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Once again the yearly festival of those lights of

the universe, Menas, Victor, and Vincent, has shone upon the hearts

of believers, enlightened by the struggles they waged for love of

Christ as they took up their cross. Thus we wish to praise Christ

our God who has crowned them with glory and honor.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@BODY TXT IND = You are full of divine grace, O pure Virgin and Mother

of God, for you have given birth in the flesh to One of the Holy Trinity,

Christ, the Giver of Life, for the salvation of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing a lawless people nail You to the Cross, the

pure Virgin, Your Mother, was wounded in her heart as Simeon had foretold,

O Savior.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.Pierced by countless cuts, struck with a lash and burned by fire

over your whole body, you did not deny the saving name of Christ nor

yield to the blandishments nor sacrifice to the idols. But, becoming

a pure and perfect sacrifice by your martyrdom, O Menas, you offered

yourself as a victim to the Lord.

v.God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2.A cruel judge ordered you blinded and hung on a tree, then burned

your whole body with flames, cut off your limbs and beheaded you.

But in joy, O athlete of the Savior, illustrious Victor, you were

victorious over the enemy with the aid of the Spirit.

v.God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land;

all His good pleasure is upon them.

3.O Stephanida, the Lord has crowned you with a crown of grace

as a martyr of many struggles, for you courageously handed yourself

over to torments and were torn apart, tied to two palm trees. But

you escaped and flew to God like a bird, leaving your body in the

hands of the fowler.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with

the fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense

of your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have

been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@BODY TXT IND = O Lady, lift up the eyes of my soul to you: do not

despise the poverty of my sighs, but at the hour when the world will

be judged by your Son, be a refuge, aid, and shelter for me.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@BODY TXT IND = O Christ, when Your Mother saw You crucified, she

cried out: <169>O my Son, what wondrous sight do I see? How can You,

the Giver of Life, die in the flesh, hanging on a Cross?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs, Menas, Victor,

Vincent, and Stephanida have deserved the crown of immortality on

account of their good fight. Armed with Your strength, they have vanquished

their persecutors and crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their

supplications, O Christ God, save our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Theodore

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Guide of Orthodoxy, mirror of piety and exemplary

behavior, bright star of the universe and adornment of monks: you

enlightened us all by your teachings. O wise Theodore, inspired by

God and lyre of the Holy Spirit, intercede with Christ God that He

may save our souls.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Theodore

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You surrounded yourself with every ascetic practice

in order to protect your angelic life, and with the grace of God you

conquered and became like the angels. Together with them, O Theodore,

never cease to intercede with Christ God for the sake of us all.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Leaving the earthly armed forces, O victorious athlete

Menas, you were made a companion of the heavenly armies by Christ

our God, the unfading Crown of martyrs.


@AFTR IKOS = This day, the memory of the martyrs brings us great joy,

showing us the courage with which they triumphed over the passions

and struggled with the enemy in the grace and joy of their confession.

Because of it, O feast-lovers, come, let us all rejoice in the celebration

of Menas the martyr, the better and more perfect of all joys. We find

the end of our passions as a gift given us by Christ our God, the

unfading Crown of martyrs.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 11, we commemorate the holy and great martyr


@SYNAX INDENT = When Egypt gave birth, she had many wondrous children.

Menas is the most magnanimous proof of this: delivering his head to

the sword, he ascends to heaven. On the eleventh, holy Menas experienced

joy in his heart.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Victor.

@SYNAX INDENT = In the presence of the sword, Victor was a victorious

athlete, and he banished all fear from his heart.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyred deacon


@SYNAX INDENT = Cast into prison, Vincent endured it; but leaving

the prison of the flesh, he exulted as he was lifted up.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy woman martyr


@SYNAX INDENT = Tied to two palm trees, Stephanida calmly flourished

like a palm tree in the midst of the martyrs.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father

Theodore, Hegumen of the Studion.

@SYNAX INDENT = Renouncing this life, in which you lived well, O blessed

Theodore, you have been filled with an abundance of gifts.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = As the stars adorn the heavens, O compassionate Lord,

so Your Church is adorned by the holy martyrs Menas, Victor, Vincent,

and Stephanida: by their prayers, save us who sing to You, O God of


@AFTR EXAPOST = O venerable father, for the sake of the holy icons

you have suffered affliction, mistreatment, and the pains of exile.

Thus, for your asceticism and the witness of your faith, you have

received a double crown from the hand of the Most High.

@AFTR EXAPOST = In you, O spotless Virgin, was revealed the way of

the Lord, and His steps lead mankind to the place where the angels

exult in choir with the assembly of the saints.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land;

all His good pleasure is upon them.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Come, O friends of the holy martyrs: let us venerate

the thrice-radiant choir of martyrs, Menas, Victor, and Vincent, for

in exchange for their blood, they have acquired eternal life in heaven.

In their patient perseverance, they opposed the author of all evil.

Not preferring perishable and passing treasures<197>and more than

any soldier on earth under an ephemeral power<197> they have become

soldiers of the living King, who ceaselessly calls to believers, <169>He

who believes in Me, even if he die, shall possess eternal life!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@AFTR APOSTICA = O faithful, come together: with spiritual hymns and

praises worthy of the martyrs, let us celebrate the champion of Christ,

the wondrous Menas. Marching into combat against invisible enemies

and fighting the good fight, he was worthy to receive the reward as

a conqueror. Exulting now forever in heaven with the angels, he obtains

peace and great mercy for the world.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@BODY TXT IND = O spotless Virgin, you alone have become the tabernacle

of the Light which reflects the eternal Father. Thus I come to you

and cry out, <169>Make the light of the virtues shine on my soul darkened

by the passions. On the day of judgement, grant a place to it in your

dwellings of light.<170>

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@BODY TXT IND = O Christ, seeing Your unjust immolation the Virgin

cried out in tears, <169>Most sweet Son, how unjustly You suffer!

How can You be suspended on a tree, when You suspend the earth over

the waters? Do not leave me, Your Mother and the Handmaid of the Lord,

alone, O Benefactor of the world and infinite Compassion!<170>

@DATE = November 12

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints John the

Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria; and of our Venerable Father Nilus

the Sinaite

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For John

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.In exercising charity, you gave your bread to the poor, imitating

the mercy of the compassionate Lord, O venerable John, praiseworthy

father. Thus your memory truly remains throughout the ages, O holy

hierarch. By your prayers, save from all trial and affliction the

faithful who celebrate you.

5.Noting the purity and uprightness of your spirit, the divine

direction of your way of life, O wise father, He who sees in secret

placed you on the patriarchal throne, consecrating your perfection

with myrrh, O wondrous hierarch John, and entrusting to you the guidance

of the flock, which you led to the harbor of the divine will.

4.The Lord heard all the prayers of your heart, for you kept all

His saving laws. Indeed, O blessed father, you loved God with all

your strength and your neighbor as yourself. You came to the aid of

the needy; thus we glorify you today.

@BOLD TITLE = For Nilus

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

3.What shall we call you, holy father? A river flowing from Eden,

a channel carrying the graces of God to us, an abyss of knowledge,

a chalice of wisdom and doctrine, a diligent seeker, a skilled physician?

Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

2.What name shall we give you, O venerable father? A cultivator

of immortal plants, a blessed gardener of the spiritual Paradise,

an observer of the laws given by God, a teacher of divinely inspired

doctrine, a skilled exegete, an able instructor? Intercede for the

salvation of our souls.

1.How shall we describe you now? You left your family and paid

the price for total wisdom, as a master of monks, their instructor,

a guide in virginity, knowledgeable in both ways of life because of

your experience in both. You are divine in your asceticism; countless

are your exploits. Intercede for the salvation of our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = For the sake of the needy, a fountain of mercy has

sprung up, overflowing with compassion: it is John, the great shepherd,

the light of Alexandria, the imitator of Jesus Christ. Come, O poor

in spirit, let us be filled as we imitate his joyous charity. In the

person of the poor, he welcomed Christ under his roof, as once did

Abraham. In the tenderness of his heart, he has gained blessedness

and the power to intercede that our souls be given peace and great


v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Queen of the world, what can I offer you, wretched

as I am, if not the fountain of my tears and the confession of my

sins? Cast your compassionate gaze upon the weakness of my soul; scatter

the darkness of my passions and drive away the shadows covering your

servant, O Virgin.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Lord, seeing You stretched out on the Cross, Your

virginal Mother broke down in tears and cried out, <169>O Jesus, most

sweet Child, unapproachable Light of the Father who has no beginning,

why do You leave and abandon me? Hasten to be glorified, that those

who glorify Your divine Passion may inherit Your glory!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

1.Hail, light of the Church, pride of the world, glory of Alexandria,

and support of the true Faith; model of ascetics and fasters, harbor

for those shipwrecked in this life, deliverance of those threatened

by danger; fortress, vigilant guardian, example having the strength

of law, ocean of compassion, who give joyfully and share abundantly

your alms with those who have recourse to you with faith. Intercede

before Christ our God that He grant our souls great mercy.

v.O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful.

2.Hail, nourisher of the hungry, tireless provider for the needy,

fountain of mercy, well of compassion, help of those beaten down by

affliction, protector of widows, physician visiting and healing the

sick, robe covering the unclothed, heavenly father correcting in due

time those who have the shame of falling. With your compassionate

gaze, look down upon us from on high and entreat Christ, the Lover

of mankind and our God, to grant our souls a share in His love and

great mercy.

v.How can I repay the Lord for His goodness to me?

3.Hail, guide for the blind, teacher of youth, staff for the aged,

shepherd of the wandering, correction for sinners, fragrant meadow,

myrrh-flask of the Spirit, inexhaustible river of blessings, tabernacle

of the Holy Trinity. Be mindful of those who sing to you: save them

from affliction, malady, perils and eternal punishment. Intercede

before Christ our God that He grant the world great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with the

fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense

of your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have

been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with

the Fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede

together with the Apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy

for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Christ, seeing You crucified, Your mother cried out

in maternal tears, <169>Sweet Child, my Son and my God, how can You

suffer Your infamous Passion?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of John the Merciful

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = By your patience, you deserved your reward, O holy

father. You were assiduous in prayer, and you loved and helped the

poor. Blessed John the Merciful, intercede with Christ God that He

may save our souls.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Nilus

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your abundant tears made the wilderness sprout and

bloom, and your deep sighing made your labor fruitful a hundredfold.

You became a star shining over the world with miracles, Holy Father

Nilus. Pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Nilus

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You conquered the burning passions of your body and

calmed them through your asceticism, O blessed Nilus. Since you have

a special influence upon the Lord God, deliver us from danger that

we may cry out to you: <169>Hail, O father acclaimed by the whole



@AFTR IKOS = What mortal could describe your exploits, the immense

hardships of your life, the numerous deeds you accomplished, O blessed

Nilus, living on earth as a bodiless angel? Accept this hymn from

me: Hail, O river of the grace of God! Hail, O flood of the teachings

of Christ! Hail, O chalice of wisdom and knowledge! Hail, O garden

of immortality! Hail, O practical guide to divine revelation! Hail,

skilled interpreter of the law given by God! Hail, gardener of the

mystical Paradise! Hail, safeguard of virginity! Hail, delightful

lyre of the Holy Spirit! Hail, scythe cutting down the passions by

the roots! Hail, support of the just! Hail, protector of the faithful

here below! Hail, O father acclaimed by the whole world!

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of John

@AFTR TROP/KON = O John, most wise, by distributing all your possessions

to the poor, you gained the wealth of heaven; wherefore you were called

the Merciful One, and we honor you, celebrating the memory of your

proverbial charity.


@AFTR IKOS = Your beauty lies within your soul, O you who are endowed

with compassion and sincere charity, O holy John; you were able to

see true Mercy herself during the night, as a virgin radiantly adorned

with olive branches, who joyously spoke to you and said, <169>If you

wish to make me your companion and friend, I will lead you into the

presence of Christ our King!<170> You obeyed and did not lose your

desire. But you became a model of mercy by your proverbial charity.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 12, we commemorate our father among the

saints John the Almsgiver, Archbishop of Alexandria.

@SYNAX INDENT = Having given to the poor and distributed alms, John

is not a poor man in heaven, being close to Christ. On the twelfth,

without parsimony, God granted you an infinite reward for your alms,

O John.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father

Nilus the Sinaite.

@SYNAX INDENT = The Nile bathes Egypt, and living even after his death,

Nilus bathes Christianity with his many teachings.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Let us sing of the hierarch John, the imitator of

the compassionate God, that through him we may obtain the remission

of our debts and the forgiveness of our sins.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Watering your soul with your tears, you made it fruitful,

O holy Nilus; intercede that we, too, may wipe away all impurity from

our souls as we sing to you in the fervor of our love.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O sweetness of the Angels, joy of the distressed,

helper of Christians, O Virgin and Mother of the Lord: be my support

and save me from eternal pain.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with

the fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received the recompense

of your labors in heaven. You destroyed hordes of demons and have

been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O spotless Virgin, entreat your Son to save all mankind,

for with our lips and our hearts we confess your divine maternity,

O Virgin and Mother!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When the spotless Virgin saw You hanging on the Cross,

she cried out with motherly tears, <169>O my Son and my God, my beloved

Child, do not abandon the handmaid of the Lord!<170>

@DATE = November 13

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Father Among the Saints John Chrysostom,

Archbishop of Constantinople

@FEAST TITLE = (3rd Class)


@FIRST KATHIS = First Kathisma: Blessed the man

@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.With our chants, let us celebrate the golden trumpet, the instrument

played by the breath of God, the inexhaustible font of teachings,

the pillar on which the Church finds support, the abyss of wisdom,

the spirit reaching up to the heavens, the golden chalice pouring

out streams of doctrine sweeter than honey, which give drink to the

whole creation in their flow.

5.With our chants, let us celebrate... (Repeat)

4.As is fitting, let us honor holy John of the golden words, that

never-fading star enlightening all that lives under the sun with the

rays of his bright teachings, that preacher of repentance, that golden

sponge drying up the tears of deadly despair, that dew refreshing

the hearts parched by sin.

3.As is fitting, let us honor... (Repeat)

2.In our hymns, let us honor the earthly angel and heavenly man,

the solitary swallow with the eloquent song, the rich treasury of

virtues, the unbreakable rock, the model for every believer, the imitator

of the martyrs, the equal to the holy angels: Chrysostom, who by his

life imitated the divine Apostles.

1.In our hymns, let us magnify... (Repeat)

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = O thrice-holy and thrice-blessed Father, disciple

of Christ the High Priest and good shepherd in your own right, you

gave your own life for your flock. Now, O John Chrysostom, hierarch

of great renown, intercede constantly with Him to grant us great mercy.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing

a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or

travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten

of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner

that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He

who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided

into two persons; He is understood to have two natures without commixture

or confusion. O noble and blessed Woman, intercede with Him that He

may have mercy on our souls.

@RUBRIC = Entrance. O Joyful light. Prokimenon of the day.

@RUBRIC = Readings: 1) Proverbs 10:7,6; 3:13-16; 8:6, 34-35, 4, 12,

14, 17, 5-9; 1:23; 15:4.

@RUBRIC = 2) Wisdom: Prov. 10:31-32: 11:4,7,19; 13:2,9; 8:17; 15:2;

14:33; 22:11; Eccl. 8:1; Wis. 6:13,12,14-16; 7:30; 8:2-4,7-9,17-18,21;


@RUBRIC = 3) Wisdom: Prov. 29:2; Wis. 4:1,14; 6:11,17-18,21-23; 7:15-16,21-22,26-27,

29; 10:9-10,12; 7:30; 1:8; 2:1,10-17,19-22; 15:1; 16:13; Prov. 3:34.


@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR LETE = O golden lamp and mouth, jewel of divine virtues, holy

John, temple of the Scriptures, instructing us, you were also the

pure treasure of the Spirit: the whole Church rejoices in your saving

words. You rejoice in the heavenly inheritance. By the boldness which

you possess before God, intercede for us, O holy father.

@AFTR LETE = O venerable Father, the grace of God was poured out on

your lips; thus the Lord has consecrated you as a hierarch for His

people, to guide His flock in justice and holiness. Girding yourself

with the sword of the powerful, you cut short the babbling of the

heretics. Now, O John Chrysostom, do not cease to intercede for peace

in the world and great mercy for our souls.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR LETE = Acclaiming you, O holy Father, as an archbishop and good

shepherd, a preacher of repentance, instrument of grace, mouth of

golden words, we pray to you with our whole heart, O venerable Father.

By your prayers, obtain great mercy for our souls!

@AFTR LETE = Like a bride adorned in her jewels, the Church adorned

by your words cries out to you joyously, O John Chrysostom: <169>I

am filled by the delights of your outpourings, radiant with the gold

of your honey, and by your sweet exhortations, I have passed from

action to contemplation; I have been united to Christ, the mystic

Bridegroom, and I reign with Him.<170> Thus we all gather in memory

of you and sing, <169>Do not cease to intercede before the Lord on

our behalf for great mercy for our souls!<170>

@AFTR LETE = O Bishop, you have attained the highest philosophy, living

beyond the world above all that can be seen; you were a pure mirror

of God; constantly united to His radiance, you drew in light until

you reached your glorious end in the greatest Light. O Chrysostom,

intercede for our souls!

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR LETE = Your words, like rays of light, have bathed the whole

world, O blessed one, whose whole being was a fount of light. You

have adorned everything with the filigree of your discourses, working

your own teachings like a gold<->smith. After composing your golden

books, you took flight to heaven. Thus we cry out, <169>O Chrysostom,

river of gold, intercede before Christ our God for the salvation of

our souls!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR LETE = To the Queen of Cities belonged the glory and pride of

possessing the hierarch John as a royal adornment, a golden trumpet

sounding throughout the world to announce the doctrine of salvation.

She invites all to come together as a choir in divine hymns. In response,

then, let us say, <169>O Chrysostom, pray to Christ God to save our


v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR LETE = In you, O pure Mother of God, we possess the rampart,

fortress, and harbor of peace; thus we cry out to you from the storms

of this life, <169>Be our navigator and save us!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

1.Hail, delight of the Church, golden trumpet, instrument of the

breath of God, tongue which in love for mankind preaches repentance

to us in its many forms, radiant spirit, golden-tongued swallow, dove

whose wings, according to the psalm, are tipped with gold in the splendor

of the virtues, river sparkling with flashes of light in its waters,

holy mouth announcing the love which our God has for mankind: implore

Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

v.My mouth speaks wisdom and my heart exults with understanding.

2.Hail, true Father to orphans, prompt help of the distressed,

support of the poor, nourisher of the hungry, staff for those who

are falling, wondrous physician of souls and their skillful healer,

strict interpreter of the highest theology, clear exegete of the inspired

Scriptures, straight rule and norm for action, double peak of wisdom

at whose summit works and contemplation come together: implore Christ

to grant our souls great mercy!

v.The just man's mouth utters wisdom and his lips speak what is


3.You have become the sacred dwelling-place of the virtues; in

you they have taken up their dwelling as though in a pure and holy

temple, for, having mastered the senses of your body, you have guarded

the purity of your spirit, like an inviolate treasure chamber, against

the entrance of the passions. Thus, O blessed father, having restored

the likeness to God in yourself, you presided as a hierarch in the

Church of Christ, praying to Him to grant the world great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = O Chrysostom, you were truly the golden-mouthed trumpet,

pouring out over the hearts of the faithful the treasure of the pure,

joyous notes of your teachings. And as the prophet David said, O venerable

father, their message has gone out to the limits of the universe,

making it radiant with light.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Christ the Lord, my Maker and Savior, came out of

your pure womb in the likeness of me, O Woman without stain, and He

delivered Adam from the original curse. Therefore, O Woman all pure,

since you are the Mother of God and a true Virgin, we never tire of

calling to you with the salutation of the angel: <169>Hail, O Lady,

O our intercessor, our shield and the redemptress of our souls!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The grace that shines forth from your mouth like

a torch has enlightened the universe, bestowed treasures of generosity

upon the world, and shown us the eminence of humility. While you teach

us by your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray to the Word, Christ

our God, that He may save our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Resurrectional Theotokion

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Good One, You were born of the Virgin and suffered

crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by Your death, and as God

You made manifest the Resurrection. Turn not away from those You have

made by Your hands. O Merciful One, show Your love to men and accept

as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to You. O our

Savior, save a desperate people!



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Having learned the wisdom which comes from on high,

and having received the grace of speaking well from God, you shone

like gold in the furnace before all; you preached the unity of the

Holy Trinity, and the arrows of your words pierced the vice of avarice.

Likewise, in your zeal you reprimanded the Empress for this trait,

and you were most unjustly exiled from your flock. O blessed John

Chrysostom, intercede before Christ our God that He grant remission

of sins to those who wholeheartedly celebrate your sacred memory.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = All-pure Virgin, behold my miserable, shipwrecked

soul without rudder in the storm of life and tempest of temptations,

visibly drowning under the burden of its sins and in danger of sinking

down to the depths of Hades. Make haste, O Mother of God: save it

by your fervent intercessions, O you who provide a harbor of peace,

that I may cry out to you in good faith: <169>Intercede before Christ

our God that He grant me the remission of my sins, for you are the

hope of your unworthy servant.<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR SESSIONL = You are the sacred vessel of the Church, the inviolate

treasure of piety, O holy hierarch, whose life shone with the absence

of passions. You are the source of mercy for those in need. O venerable

father, pray to Christ our God to grant our souls great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Chrysostom is a meadow of words inspired by the Scriptures,

one who shows us the way of repentance, one who endured the most varied

of trials. Let us venerate him as is right, for we faithful have been

formed by his doctrine. He intercedes before the Lord, that He may

have mercy on our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR SESSIONL = The great mystery of your divine maternity, the ineffable

manner of your conception, O ever-Virgin Mother, are truly known to

us. Your glory amazes our spirits and overwhelms our thoughts, and

it is given to all of us, O Mother of God, for the salvation of our


@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Watered by the golden stream of your discourses,

the Church refreshes all believers with the wealth of your waters

and heals the illnesses of those who sing to you, O blessed hierarch.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O holy father, neither the unjust aversion of the

Synod nor the foolish hatred of the Empress could extinguish the flame

of your virtues, but since you were purified like gold in the furnace

of your trials, you now constantly intercede before the Holy Trinity

for which you have fought with all the fervor of your spirit.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Make haste to bring us aid and protection; manifest

your mercy to your servants, O holy Virgin. Bring peace to the storm

of our vain thoughts; O Mother of God, lift up my soul which is fallen.

O Virgin, I know that you can do whatever you wish.

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

My mouth speaks wisdom and my heart exults with understanding.

v.Give ear, O nations; hear this, all you inhabitants of the earth.

@RUBRIC = Gospel. Psalm 50.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today all the hierarchs in their choirs exult spiritually,

celebrating with us your holy memory, O torch of the Church, Chrysostom,

holy father!

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercession of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, wipe out

the multitude of our sins.

v.O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of your love; in the

abundance of your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Chrysostom, you were truly the golden-mouthed trumpet,

pouring out over the hearts of the faithful the treasure of the pure,

joyous notes of your teachings. And as the prophet David said, O venerable

father, their message has gone out to the limits of the universe,

making it radiant with light.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TROP/KON = From heaven you received divine grace, and from your

lips we all learn to worship One God in the Trinity, O blessed and

holy John Chrysostom. It is meet that we praise you, for you are indeed

a teacher revealing the things of God.


@AFTR IKOS = I bow my knees before the Creator of the world; I stretch

out my hands to the Word who preceded all time, in search of eloquence

to sing of the venerable Father who magnified Him: for He who lives

forever said to the inspired prophet, <169>I glorify the faithful

who glorify Me!<170> He who once exalted Samuel has now glorified

the hierarch. Having multiplied his talent, he returned it to the

King who had entrusted it to him. Thus the Most High has most highly

exalted him. And unworthy as I am, I ask him to grant me the grace

of the words to reverently sing of him. For the whole universe, he

is indeed a teacher revealing the things of God.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 13, we commemorate our father among the

saints, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople.

@SYNAX INDENT = Having closed his lips, holy John, the golden-mouthed,

has left us another mouth, speaking through his books. Your memory

is gilded in our hearts, O Chrysostom: on the thirteenth, we sing

of the treasures which you handed on.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of the golden-mouthed Preacher, O Christ

our God, take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Your words are golden rays, making the Church of Christ

shine with joy, and you bring joy to the souls of the faithful as

they glorify your sacred memory, O father Chrysostom. For, in preaching

repentance, you have shown mankind the way of salvation.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Holy John is the herald who loudly announces repentance,

the treasure of the needy, the mouth of the Church, the eloquent preacher

with golden words, the exegete of the Scriptures: let us all acclaim

him as the pillar of our Faith.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Lady, Virgin and spotless Queen, with the wondrous

Chrysostom, pray to your Son that those who sing to your name may

be delivered from all trial and temptation, and be judged worthy of

the eternal goods, since you can do whatever you wish.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.More brilliant than gold are the streams of your sacred teachings,

enriching needy hearts and driving away the shadows of the passions

and the cruel winter of greed. Thus we call you blessed, O John Chrysostom,

as is fitting, venerating your relics as a source of sanctification.

3.Today let us sing to blessed Chrysostom, the pillar of fire,

the river flowing with waves of divine teachings, the heavenly spirit,

the golden mouth which speaks to us of God, the preacher of repentance,

the security for sinners, the brilliant flaming torch, the man of


2.Like a sun of myriad lights, you send over the world the illumination

of your words, O holy John, radiant star, bright beacon, and lighthouse

for sailors in the storm of this life, inviting them by grace to the

harbor of salvation, O mouth of golden words, who intercede for our


1.Unjustly separated from your flock, O venerable father, you experienced

the bitterness of affliction and exile, where you merited a blessed

end as a generous athlete who had cast down the treacherous enemy.

Thus, Christ has crowned you with the laurel wreath of victory, O

John Chrysostom, who intercede for our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR PRAISES = Your holy teaching, your rich discourses, have adorned

the Church of Christ; to it, you have confided as a spiritual treasure

the words which God entrusted to you. Likewise, it offers you, on

your sacred memorial, a crown of immortal flowers which it weaves

as it sings, <169>Venerable Father, holy John, whose soul and mouth

are as precious as gold: by the boldness which you possess before

God, intercede for our souls!<170>

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = O Lady, receive the prayers of your servants; deliver

us from all danger and all affliction.

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology. Troparion of the Saint.

@DATE = November 14

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy and Illustrious Apostle Philip,

and of our Father among the Saints Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of


@FEAST TITLE = (4th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@RUBRIC = If, for some reason, Gregory Palamas is not celebrated,

we use six stichera of the Apostle Philip, doubling the three given


@BOLD TITLE = For Philip

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

6.Having made action the stairway to perfect contemplation, O blessed

one, and contemplation the object of action for love of God, you asked

Christ to show you the ineffable glory of the Father. Indeed, all

nature endowed with reason longs for the manifestation of God. O glorious

Apostle, you immediately found the object of your desire when you

accepted the Son as the Image of the Father. By the confidence you

have before Him, pray to Him for our souls.

5.Ceaselessly using divine mountains, as Moses once did, you longed

to see our God. You saw Him clearly as you received the Image resembling

Him: for to know the Son is to know the Father, whose manifestation

He is. We know that They are of the same Essence, for They have shown

Themselves to be identical in everything: Kingship, power, and glory;

and we prostrate before Them.

4.You were the instrument played by divine inspiration under the

direction of the Holy Spirit. Singing the divine Gospel of the Savior

in this world, your words of fire consumed all error like chaff and

dry wood. O holy Apostle Philip, you preached Christ as Lord and Master

of all to the whole world.

@BOLD TITLE = For Gregory Palamas

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

3.What hymns of praise shall we sing in honor of the holy bishop?

He is the trumpet of theology, the herald of the fire of grace, the

honored vessel of the Holy Spirit, the river of wisdom, the lampstand

of the light, the shining star that makes glorious the whole creation.

2.What words of song shall we weave as a garland to crown the holy

bishop? He is the champion of true devotion and the adversary of godlessness,

the fervent protector of the Faith, the great guide and teacher, the

well-tuned harp of the spirit, the golden tongue, the fountain that

flows with waters of healing for the faithful: Gregory the great and


1.With what words shall we who dwell on earth praise the holy bishop?

He is the teacher of the Church, the herald of the light of God, the

initiate of the heavenly mysteries of the Trinity, the chief adornment

of the monastic life, renowned alike in action and in contemplation,

the glory of Thessalonica. Now he dwells in heaven with the great

and glorious martyr Demetrios, whose relics flow with holy oil.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Illumined by the radiance of the great Light, O Philip,

you shone as a lamp for the world. Having sought the Father of Lights

in the Son, you have found Him, for in His Light, we see Light. He

is the true Image, showing by His likeness the true model. O holy

Apostle, entreat Him to save those who were marked by the divine seal

of His blood.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Who would not call you blessed? Who would not sing

a hymn of praise to the glory of your giving birth without pain or

travail, O Virgin most holy? The Only-begotten Son Himself, begotten

of the Father before all ages, was made flesh out of you in a manner

that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure! And for our sake, He

who is God by nature assumed the nature of man. He is not divided

in two persons; He is understood to have two natures without commixture

or confusion. O noble and blessed Woman, intercede with Him that He

may have mercy on our souls.

@RUBRIC = There is no Entrance.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

1.O strange wonder! Once a catcher of fish, the Apostle becomes

a fisher of men by divine election. With the net of his words, he

has caught the nations, pulling up the world by the hook of the Cross.

What a wondrous catch is presented to Christ by His divine servant,

whose sacred memory we celebrate today!

v.Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words

to the limits of the universe.

2.O strange wonder! Sent by God as a sheep among wolves, the Apostle

Philip has gone forth without fear. By Faith, he has made lambs of

the wild beasts. He has transformed the world by the intervention

of God. Ineffable is the power which is manifested in works through

Faith. By his prayers, save our souls, O only compassionate One.

v.The heavens proclaim the glory of God, and the firmament shows

forth the work of His hands.

3.O strange wonder! The Apostle Philip has appeared in the world

as a fountain, offering life to those who drink of his wisdom. From

him arise streams of teachings, and miracles are the waters we drink,

amazing wonders which manifest the worker whose memory we celebrate

today in faith.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Your tongue, watchful in teaching, rings in the ears

of our hearts and awakens the souls of the slothful. Your words, inspired

by God, are a ladder leading us from earth to heaven; O Gregory, wonder

of Thessalonica, pray to Christ without ceasing, that we who honor

you may be illumined with the divine light.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O Virgin who knew not carnal union, O you who ineffably

carried God in the flesh, O Mother of almighty God, O Woman without

stain: accept the prayers of your servants. O you who obtain for all

of us the cleansing of our sins: accept now our supplications and

intercede for the salvation of us all.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Philip

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy apostle Philip, intercede with God all-merciful

that He grant us the remission of our sins.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@RUBRIC = If Palamas is celebrated:

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@BODY TXT IND = O Gregory the wonderworker, light of Orthodoxy, support

and teacher of the Church, glory of monks and invincible protector

of theologians, pride of Thessalonica and preacher of grace: pray

without ceasing for the salvation of our souls!

@BODY TXT IND = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = O Good One, You were born of the Virgin and suffered

crucifixion for us. You destroyed death by Your death, and as God

You made manifest the Resurrection. Turn not away from those You have

made by Your hands. O Merciful One, show Your love to men, and accept

as our intercessor the Mother of God, who gave birth to You. O our

Savior, save a desperate people

@RUBRIC = If Palamas is not celebrated, we continue:

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = We praise you, O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our

salvation, for your Son our God, who suffered on the Cross in the

flesh which was taken from you, redeemed us from corruption, for He

is the Lover of Mankind!



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Apostle and eyewitness of Christ, blessed Philip,

you were the witness and friend of our God: by your prayers, deliver

from the grasp of sin all the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory,

and permit them to rejoice in heaven.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = We sing of you, O Virgin Mother of God, as the unconsumed

bush seen by Moses, the divine mountain and holy cloud, the table

of God and palace of the great King, the sealed Gate of the Light.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Disciple of the Word, preacher of truth, you were

sent as a ray to enlighten those who sat in the shadow of evil, and

to dispel from the earth the mist of godlessness, in order to make

all believers sons of light and of the day, O holy apostle Philip,

who have seen Christ.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O spotless Virgin, you are the protection of the

faithful who place their unfailing hope in you: deliver us from all

adversity, pray to your Son with His apostles, and save from all evil

those who sing to you.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Gregory Palamas

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Holy and divine instrument of wisdom, joyful trumpet

of theology, with one accord we sing your praises, O Gregory inspired

by God. But since you stand now in mind and spirit before the Original

Mind, guide our minds to Him, O father, that we may cry to you: <169>Hail,

preacher of grace!<170>


@AFTR IKOS = You appeared on earth as an angelic messenger, proclaiming

to mortal men the mysteries of God. Endowed with a human mind and

flesh, and yet speaking with the voice of the bodiless powers, you

have filled us with amazement, O saint inspired by God, and made us

cry aloud to you: <169>Hail, for through you the darkness is dispelled!

Hail, for through you the light has returned! Hail, messenger of the

uncreated Godhead! Hail, reprover of created folly! Hail, height impossible

to climb, that tells us of God's nature! Hail, depth hard to scan,

that speaks of His energy! Hail, for you have rightly proclaimed His

glory! Hail, for you have denounced the opinion of evildoers! Hail,

torch that shows us the Sun! Hail, cup filled with nectar! Hail, for

through you the truth has shone forth! Hail, preacher of grace!

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Philip

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord, Your disciple Philip, inspired by God, Your

beloved one and the imitator of Your Passion, has preached Your divinity

to the world. Through his intercessions and for the sake of the Mother

of God, guard Your Church and Your flock from their enemies, O most

merciful Christ our God!


@AFTR IKOS = Grant me a river of eloquence, O Lord who rule the nature

of the waters. O Master whose word sustains the earth, sustain also

my heart. You who are arrayed with light as with a cloak, give light

to my spirit, that I may speak worthily and sing fittingly of Your

disciple, O most merciful Christ our God.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 14, we commemorate the holy and illustrious

Apostle Philip, a member of the first choir of the twelve.

@SYNAX INDENT = Hung by his feet which You had washed, O God our Savior,

the disciple Philip rejoices. The Apostle shares in the sufferings

of Christ on the fourteenth and leaves this world with his feet above

his head.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our holy father Gregory,

Archbishop of Thessalonica, who is known as Palamas.

@SYNAX INDENT = Truly the great preacher of the wondrous and brilliant

Light has been led now by the Source of Light into the unsetting Light.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O our God, take pity

on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Turned upside down on the Cross by your feet which

had announced the good news, you joyfully ascended the road to heaven.

Forever in the presence of the Holy Trinity, you see the Son and the

Holy Spirit in the Father. Thus we celebrate your sacred memory with

love on this feast, O Philip.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Holy Apostle who have received the radiance of the

Holy Spirit and who have enlightened the whole world through the message

of your words, intercede now that the Savior may save us!

@RUBRIC = If Palamas is celebrated:

@AFTR EXAPOST = Hail, glory of the fathers, voice of the theologians,

tabernacle of inward stillness, dwelling-place of wisdom, greatest

of teachers, deep ocean of the Word! Hail, O you who practiced the

virtues of the active life and ascended to the height of contemplation!

Hail, healer of man's sickness! Hail, shrine of the Spirit! Hail,

father who though dead are still alive!

@AFTR EXAPOST = Addressing your prayer on our behalf to your Son in

company with Philip, the divine preacher, O all-holy Virgin, save

your faithful servants from all grief.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

4.The echo of your divine message resounded over the whole earth,

O blessed Apostle, to fill it with heavenly teachings. Instructed

by it, we glorify the Son as God, of one Essence with the Father and

the Spirit.

3.The echo of your... (Repeat)

2.In you, the choir of the Apostles of Christ has its morning star,

and the holy Church its radiant lamp, O illustrious and thrice-blessed

Philip. Rejoicing in your light, our souls are enlightened; and by

your prayers, we are delivered from all danger.

1.Having fought the good fight as a martyr through a cross, you

deserved to wear the crown of victory, O holy Philip. Entering with

it into the Kingdom on high, you are seated as an Apostle with Christ,

and you intercede for our salvation.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PRAISES = O holy apostle Philip, in this world your lips were

like a chalice of myrrh, offering the faithful a life-giving refreshment.

Having made action the stairway to divine contemplation, you became

a companion of Christ. In Him, you have multiplied the children of

the barren Church of the Gentiles, which you adorned with your teachings.

Intercede now that it may be delivered from the constraint of misfortune,

for you can do it in God, since you are so close to Him.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos; keep me under

the wings of your protection.

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology.



@DATE = November 15

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Gourias, Samonas,

and Habib; Beginning of the Christmas Fast

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.The holy martyr Habib, the wondrous Samonas, and the illustrious

Gourias now form a choir with all believers and exult with us who

share their common joy. For God grants the souls of His witnesses

the power to see what occurs here below.

3.Having suffered the pains of intolerable punishments, and having

fought valiantly, O three martyrs, equal in number to the divine Trinity,

Samonas, Gourias, and Habib, you now enjoy the fruit of your labors:

the joy and eternal blessedness which Christ has given you. Entreat

Him to save our souls.

2.Having confessed the tripersonal Unity, O holy martyrs, you put

an end to the polytheism of the pagans and their foolish wisdom, by

the power of the Cross, which passed for folly in their eyes. Strengthened

by it, you courageously endured the cruel blows of your punishments.

1.O victorious martyrs, having found the harbor not battered by

waves, the tranquil life, the harbor of peace, you have acquired the

impassible dwelling, its eternal changelessness, as you received from

our God the reward merited by your pains, O blessed Athletes, and

the prize for your exploits.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = Edessa rejoices in possessing as a treasure the relics

of the martyrs Gourias, Samonas, and Habib. Calling together the people

who love Christ, it says, <169>Come, O friends of the martyrs: shine

with joy on their memorial! Come, O feast lovers, shine: come and

see these heavenly luminaries beaming on earth! Come, hear what death

these noble diamonds have suffered for that life which has no end.<170>

These sincere holy ones saved a young girl who was cast alive into

a grave, and handed over to perdition as a pitiless murderer the sordid

man who violated his promises to them. They ceaselessly implore the

All-Holy Trinity that the faithful who celebrate their sacred memory

be delivered from mortal trials and all danger.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Queen of the world, what can I offer you, wretched

as I am, if not the fount of my tears and the confession of my sins?

Cast your compassionate regard on the weakness of my soul, scatter

the cloud of my passions, drive away the shadows covering me, I pray

you, O Virgin, for I am your servant.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Lord, seeing You stretched out on the wood of the

Cross, the Virgin Mother broke out in tears and cried, <169>Jesus,

sweet Child, unapproachable light of the Father who had no beginning,

why do You leave and abandon me? Hasten to be glorified, that those

who glorify Your divine Passion may share in Your glory.<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos, or the following:

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

1.O martyrs of the lord, of all the miracles which you have accomplished,

one is revealed to the world as most worthy of admiration: from the

West, you have brought back the young girl unjustly buried, and you

placed her in her mother's arms, safe and sound again.

v.God is wonderful among His saints, the God of Israel.

2.In your struggles as martyrs, you wholeheartedly accepted as

a rich grace the blows given by the enemy, O blessed confessors. Having

renounced the satisfaction of earthly pleasures, preferring the enjoyment

of heavenly delights, you did not turn away in the face of cruel torments.

v.God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land:

all His good pleasure is upon them.

3.O faithful, today let us all acclaim in hymns the thrice-noble

and sublime Gourias in company with the illustrious Samonas and the

holy deacon Habib, for all the afflicted have them as fervent defenders.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Come, O friends of the martyrs; with hymns, let us

venerate Gourias, Habib, and Samonas: for these champions of Christ

work wondrous miracles. By virtue of a vow, they did not refuse to

return a young girl to her homeland, but hearing her request, they

saved her from the unjust Goth whom they had protected. By their prayers,

O Christ our God, in Your goodness and love for mankind, save our


v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = All-holy Bride of God, you alone have carried in your

womb, without its being too confined, the God whom no space can contain,

when He was made man in His goodness. Thus I entreat you to drive

away the evils that surround me on all sides, that following the straight

and narrow, I may find the way that leads to life.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = All-pure one, when you saw the Creator of all suffer

countless insults and sent to the Cross, you wept and said, <169>O

Lord, all-worthy of our hymns, O my Son and my God, how can You suffer

dishonor in Your flesh in Your desire to honor Your creation? O Lover

of Mankind, I glorify Your infinite condescension and mercy!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You granted us the miracles of Your holy martyrs

Gourias, Samonas, and Habib as a stronghold and protection. Through

their prayers, strengthen our country in every good deed, O Christ

God, for You alone are merciful and the Lover of Mankind.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = After receiving special grace from on high, you became

the protectors of those threatened with danger, O wise Gourias and

Samonas, worthy of all praise. You saved a maiden from cruel death,

O holy ones: you are indeed the glory of Edessa and the joy of the



@AFTR IKOS = O Jesus, Source of Life, snatch me from slavery to the

enemy; I have recourse as a suppliant to the prayers of your victorious

Athletes, that freed from the passions of my soul and body, I may

sing of the promptness of their help. Their aid could save from death

the one who called out from the interior of the tomb, the young girl

whom her mother had entrusted to their protection as she cried out,

<169>O illustrious martyrs, you are indeed the glory of Edessa and

the joy of the world!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 15, we commemorate the holy martyrs and

confessors, Gourias, Samonas, and Habib.

@SYNAX INDENT = Samonas and Gourias bowed their heads to the sword;

Habib was offered to the Lord as a holocaust. Enduring in joy both

the fire and the iron, the three friends confessed the triune God

on the fifteenth.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = As you once saved from a frightening death the young

girl enclosed in a tomb, and delivered the unjust Goth to death, deliver

me also from my rebellious passions, that I may celebrate your light-bearing

memory with joy, O holy martyrs.

@AFTR EXAPOST = In His love, the uncircumscribed God who fills the

universe with His divinity was ineffably incarnate in you, O Virgin,

to correct the ancient fall as He became the new Adam; as He is your

Son, pray to him for us, O divine Mother.






@DATE = November 16

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy and Illustrious Apostle Matthew

the Evangelist

@FEAST TITLE = (4th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to you I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

6.He who knows the heart of man, in His divine foreknowledge, saw

your sentiments toward Him, O holy Apostle, and separated you from

the world, delivering you from iniquity, O Matthew. Then He made you

a lamp to enlighten the ends of the earth, and at His command, you

shone forth. Thus, you were worthy to write His divine Gospel. Pray

to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

5.He who knows... (Repeat)

4.The Word who had no beginning called you from the ranks of publicans

to be His disciple, O Matthew, and urged you to follow Him in order

to share in the kingdom He promised. Then, O blessed one, you left

all things, renouncing trouble and confusion, and you followed Him

with a sure step. Now, O eyewitness of our God, you are filled with

the ineffable vision of Him. Pray to Him to save and enlighten our


3.The penetrating gaze of a prophet once saw you as a holy stone,

rolling over the earth to crush the ways of the wicked. O blessed

one, the Incarnate Word has made you a light for the world, a herald

of justice and truth, radiant with the splendor flowing from the triple

Sun. Pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

2.When the Unapproachable Light willed to come in the flesh to

scatter the darkness of ignorance and error, at His call, His life-giving

command, you followed Him as a servant of the divine Wisdom. You kept

the law of God and were an ineffable light, a dwelling-place of Christ,

for the Church, O Matthew. Pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

1.With your words of fire, you consumed all error, O Apostle worthy

of all praise, all-wise Matthew, who received the visit of the Paraclete

when He illumined Your whole being. Thus you filled with wonder the

spirits of those who heard you speak when you announced to the people

the magnificence of the Almighty One. Your message, inspired by God,

has gone out through all the world. Pray to Him to save and enlighten

our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BODY TXT IND = Christ called you to the school of heaven, and by

divine inspiration, you followed Him with your whole heart, instantly

leaving all earthly occupations. Taking by obedience the dispositions

in keeping with the Kingdom on high, you renounced all the vainglory

and greed of a publican, O Matthew, and became an evangelist, a light

for darkened hearts. You lead erring sheep to salvation as an always

fervent intercessor for the world before God, and a saving protector

of the faithful who glorify you.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = O blessed one, the Creator of all dwelt bodily in

your womb in order to refashion mankind, fallen and misled by the

serpent. You have ineffably given birth to God the Word, and by your

childbearing, you have delivered human nature, grown old, from corruption.

Thus we celebrate your grace, O pure, unwedded Virgin. By it, protect

and save the faithful who glorify you.

@RUBRIC = There is no Entrance.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.The trumpet-call of your words has gathered all mankind together

to know God. You have banished from the earth the assemblies of evil,

O disciple all-worthy of our praise, and have directed the hearts

of the faithful toward unity. You intercede forever that the believers

who celebrate your venerable memory may be delivered from deadly danger.

v.Their voice has gone forth over the whole world, and their words

to the limits of the universe.

2.O holy Apostle, you have been made a powerful warrior against

error by Him who armed you with the tongue of fire of the Spirit,

Christ our God, from whom you received grace as a radiant prize. Intercede

before Him that the believers who celebrate your venerable memory

may be delivered from deadly danger.

v.The heavens proclaim the glory of God, and the firmament shows

forth the work of His hands.

3.Immersing yourself in the depths of the Spirit, O holy Apostle,

you have known the inexhaustible treasures, from which you draw the

abundant grace which you distribute to all through your Gospel. Now

you intercede that the believers who celebrate your venerable memory

may be delivered from deadly danger.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Soaring like an eagle on high, you have wondrously

ascended from the depths of infamy to the heights of the virtues,

O illustrious Apostle Matthew. You have followed in the footsteps

of Him who covered the heavens with His praise, and who covered the

earth with His knowledge, Christ. In all things you showed yourself

to be His imitator, announcing the Gospel of peace, life, and salvation

to the faithful open to His divine precepts. Guide us along the way

that we may be acceptable to the Creator and call you blessed.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Christ the Lord, my Maker and Savior, came out of

your pure womb in the likeness of me, O Woman without stain, and He

delivered Adam from the original curse. Therefore, O Woman all pure,

since you are the Mother of God and a true Virgin, we never tire of

calling to you with the salutation of the angel: <169>Hail, O Lady,

O our intercessor, our shield and the redemptress of our souls!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostle Matthew the Evangelist, intercede

with God all-merciful that He may grant us the remission of our sins.

@BOLD TITLE = or Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You arose from the tax collector's booth and followed

Christ in all earnestness. He made you a blessing for men, a chosen

Apostle and Evangelist for the world. We honor your sacred memory

for all of this, and we ask you to entreat God for the remission of

our sins.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR TROP/KON = We praise you, O Virgin Theotokos, mediatrix of our

salvation, for your Son our God, who suffered on the Cross in the

flesh which was taken from you, redeemed us from corruption, for He

is the Lover of Mankind!



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = The first to redact the Gospel of Christ, thus enlightening

all creation, Matthew, the all-wise disciple, the excellent initiate,

now honored by sacred hymns, obtains the remission of sins for the

faithful who wholeheartedly venerate him.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = All of us know that you are the Theotokos, who remained

a virgin after giving birth. We confess this as we seek refuge in

your goodness, for we sinners have you as an advocate. In temptations,

we have you for salvation, O only pure and sinless one.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Radiant in the works of true Faith, you have eclipsed

all error. Without being vanquished, you preached the Gospel of Christ

to all. You have wondrously adorned the Church. O holy Apostle Matthew,

pray to Christ our God to grant our souls great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = He was never separated from the divine nature as

He took flesh in your womb. But becoming man, He remained God, the

Lord who preserved your spotless virginity after as well as before

childbirth, O Mother. Pray to Him ceaselessly to grant us great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = When you renounced the instruments of a tax-collector

to choose those of justice, you became an excellent merchant, rich

in divine wisdom. You preached the word of truth, and you exhorted

us to be always ready by your vivid description of the Last Judgement.


@AFTR IKOS = The enemy tyrannizes me without respite; he snatches

the good grain from my soul. But since you have given me the seed

of your prayers, O holy Matthew, friend of Christ, take me into your

service and make me sing of you, weak as I am, as the narrator of

your countless and sublime exploits, your love for Christ, the fervor

with which you have left all things to follow Him who called you,

O you who were the first evangelist for this world and who gave a

vivid description of the Last Judgement.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 16, we commemorate the holy Apostle and

Evangelist Matthew.

@SYNAX INDENT = Enduring his martyrdom in the fiery furnace, Matthew

cried out, <169>You save the publicans, O my God! I thank you, O Jesus!<170>

The tireless Apostle was burned on the sixteenth.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having shaken off your yoke as a publican, you wisely

followed Christ, O holy Matthew. Having wondrously followed in His

footsteps, you became an initiate in His divine Mysteries, inheriting

His glory and sharing His Kingdom in the heavens.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin Mother of God, lift up in prayer for us your

all-pure hands which carried the Creator, entreating Him to save us

from all trials of demons, and to grant us the goods of the Age to

Come, O all-spotless Virgin.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.You shone with the radiance of the Spirit, O holy Apostle, like

a sun all resplendent with light. You shined the light of the knowledge

of God over the whole world, O blessed one, to dispel the darkness

and shadows of the many idols by your divine preaching. Thus today

we celebrate your wondrous and radiant festival as a source of sanctification.

3.You shone with the radiance... (Repeat)

2.Arriving at the summit of the knowledge of God, you received

the light of the Spirit who appeared to you in the form of fire. With

your words of fire, you consumed the wood of the many idols. Thus

we glorify you as a divine Apostle, celebrating your sacred memory.

1.Throughout the whole world you made resound in a holy manner

the thunder of your saving teachings. You purified the whole creation

of idolatry. You poured out the light of the Gospel of Christ upon

all peoples. Having destroyed the temples constructed for idols, in

grace you built up Churches for the praise of God, O blessed one.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR PRAISES = O faithful, clap your hands today, singing hymns in

memory of the holy apostle and evangelist Matthew; for he has cast

off the yoke, renouncing the wealth of a publican, to follow Christ

and preach the divine Gospel. Thus his message has gone forth over

the whole world, as the prophet said, and he always intercedes that

our souls may be saved.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PRAISES = O Lady, receive the prayers of your servants: deliver

us from all danger and all affliction.

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology.


@DATE = November 17

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Father among the Saints, Gregory

the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neo-Caesarea

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

3.O Gregory, how shall I speak of you? Active, since you wisely

submitted your passions to the power of the spirit? Contemplative,

since you harvested wisdom as the fruit of prayer? An initiate in

the heavenly teachings and a sublime visionary? A thrice-holy hierarch,

a marvelous wonderworker? Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

2.O holy father, what shall I name you? A guide for those who are

straying? A physician for the sick? A generous provider of things

needed by those who seek? A powerful expeller of demons? One who sets

the pace for Christians in the struggles of martyrdom? O wondrous

father, resplendent with prophetic charisms, intercede for the salvation

of our souls!

1.O Gregory, what shall I call you? The determined destroyer of

impiety? The definer of the Faith and teacher of the nations? The

invincible champion of peace and unperturbed arbiter of conflicts?

A hermit who, from the mountains where you dwelt, saw what occurred

in the cities. Intercede for the salvation of our souls!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Wisely plunged into the depths of contemplation, O

holy hierarch of Christ, you were initiated into the divine manifestation

of the Trinity. Gazing steadfastly in spirit upon Christ our God,

you poured out a sea of miracles over us: you changed the liquid nature

of water to stone; you turned the temple guardian away from the darkness

of error; you persuaded persecutors to believe in the truth and appeared

to them as a pillar of virtues. Correctly were you called <169>wonderworker.<170>

Thus we entreat you to ceaselessly intercede on our behalf before

the Savior for the salvation of our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Having slipped in the depths of my thoughts, submitted

to the seductions of the Deceiver, in my misery I have recourse to

your marvelous compassion and fervent intercession, O divine Bride,

pure Virgin! Snatch me from trials and temptations; save me from the

attacks of the demon, all-holy one, that I may sing to you with love,

glorify you, and prostrate myself before you, magnifying you as blessed

through all generations, O Lady!

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You hanging on the Cross between two thieves,

the Virgin Mother who bore You without corruption or pain, O Lord,

was pierced in her heart by the terrible sword of sorrow, weeping

bitterly. Her heart broken, her face was torn with anguish; she poured

forth warm tears and grieved, asking You, O Savior: <169>Alas, sweet

Treasure of my heart, how can You suffer this unjust passion?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = You were given divine insights, like Daniel; just

as a dream came to him, in the same way, the mystery of the Faith

was revealed to you, O venerable father. Thus we entreat you to intercede

for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = When you received the word of the Archangel, you became

a cherubic throne, O Theotokos, and you carried in your arms the Hope

of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = O Christ, when Your Mother saw You crucified, she cried

aloud: <169>O my Son, what strange sight do I see? How can You, the

Giver of Life, die in the flesh, hanging on a Cross?<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You became worthy of your name through your way of

life, through assiduous prayers and constant works of mercy. Wherefore,

holy father Gregory, intercede with Christ God that He may enlighten

our minds, lest we go to sleep in sin, which leads to death.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You received the power of performing miracles and

frightened the devils through your wonderworking and by healing the

sick. Wherefore, Gregory most wise, by your deeds, you were entitled

to be called the <169>Wonderworker.<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Where shall I begin to sing your praises, considering

the exceedingly great multitude of your wondrous works? Alas, I am

incapable of undertaking the praise of the life of the venerable father,

which surpasses all understanding. I hesitate to start with his miracles,

since they are more numerous than the grains of sand in the sea; thus,

he was entitled to be called the <169>Wonderworker.<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 17, we commemorate our father among the

saints, Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neo-Caesarea.

@SYNAX INDENT = Gregory worked miracles from his dwelling on earth.

He obtained permission to work even more from the Master who welcomed

him into His divine tabernacles. He finished out his days on the seventeenth

of November.

@SYNAX LEFT = By his holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O feast-lovers, with divine hymns let us celebrate

Gregory, the hierarch renowned throughout the whole world for his

countless miracles, that through his prayers we may obtain the remission

of our sins.

@AFTR EXAPOST = He who once was jealous of my divine life and bliss

in Paradise, the cunning and cruel enemy who caused me to be exiled

from Eden, has been put to death through your maternity, O Virgin.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

4.Hail, O you who give light by your holy theology, pillar of the

Church, its firm teacher, wondrous instrument of the Paraclete, heavenly

spirit, lyre of the Spirit, sublime shepherd and yet gentle lamb,

sheep cherished by the supreme Shepherd, fountain flowing with teachings

and streams of healing. O hierarch Gregory, pray to Christ to grant

our souls great mercy.

3.Hail, O you who give light... (Repeat)

2.Hail, splendor of holy hierarchs, brilliant tabernacle of the

virtues, support of the Church and model of priestly decorum, river

overflowing with divine streams that refresh the whole world by giving

abundant spiritual fruits of salvation and by wiping away the mire

of heresy, earthly angel, heavenly man, mouth meditating the Law of

God, O Gregory, worthy heir of Him who grants the world great mercy.

1.Under the rain of your sacred prayers, you dried up a pool that

was a source of conflict between brothers. With a stick changed into

a tree, by divine grace you stopped the course of a flooding river,

O Gregory, and destroyed the altars of the demons. By the warmth of

your prayers to God, you brought an end to the cold of impiety. By

your miracles, you strengthen our souls to lead them to the Benefactor

of All, from whom you received the merited reward. Entreat Him to

grant our souls great mercy.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR PRAISES = In reverence for the Bishop so famous for his miracles,

even inanimate things underwent wondrous transformations. A pool was

dried up so that peace might flow between two brothers. A stick became

a tree in order to divert a flood. By his word, a stone was moved,

and those who beheld were moved from unbelief to the knowledge of

God. Through it, the Lord wished to grant our souls great mercy.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin Mother of God, your protection is a spiritual

remedy for us that assures our souls of deliverance from ills.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When she saw the Word and Lamb of God, Emmanuel, hanging

in the flesh upon the cross, the unique Ewe, the only sinless Virgin,

broke into tears, consumed with anguish.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Octoechos, with:

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Chosen as a priest by God and adorned in the divine

garment received from on high, you have changed sons of unbelief into

children of the light, heirs of our God, for the grace of wisdom was

poured forth on your lips, and you were the author of amazing miracles.

On your feast, O blessed Gregory, entreat Christ our God on behalf

of our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God and blessed Virgin, save your servants

from all danger that we may glorify you as the hope of our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing the Master of creation crucified, the spotless

Queen cried out in tears: <169>Alas, O divine Son, how can You, the

impassible God, suffer these pains?<170> And the Angels trembled with

awe when they beheld the mystery of Your ineffable crucifixion, O

all-powerful Jesus, the Savior of our souls!


@DATE = November 18

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Plato and Romanos

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Plato

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

6.Filled with noble sentiments, O Plato, you courageously suffered

the dislocation of your limbs, cruel mutilations, the unbearable fire,

hunger and death, seeking that glory which will not pass away. It

had been prepared for you from before all ages, and you contemplated

that eternal bliss in advance.

5.Overcoming the weakness of the senses and lifting up your spirit

to the life on high with a generous heart and godly thoughts, you

renounced the baseness and low value of visible things. Thus you endured

cutting and the searing flame with courage for the sake of Christ.

4.Having blocked by grace every uprising of the enemy and the persecutions

surrounding you, you were crowned as a victor, gaining unending happiness

and the ineffable splendor of God: entreat Him to grant remission

of sins to those who sing to you.

@BOLD TITLE = For Romanos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.Tempered by asceticism, sharpened by struggles, polished by many

sufferings, you were a double-edged sword which tore into the hordes

of demons, O divine glory of the holy Church, illustrious Romanos,

wondrous adornment of the athletes who poured out their blood.

2.Bound and lacerated by blows, thrown into prison, your tongue

cut out and your jaw broken, O victorious martyr, you attained your

blessed end by violent strangulation, O Romanos. But you remained

firm with the aid of the Holy Spirit: thus we acclaim you in faith.

1.The young man began to speak and filled the foolish with amazement.

Resplendent for his sacred perseverance and radiant in his death,

he acquired the glory of the holy martyrs, since he was filled with

zeal for God. In company with him entreat the remission of sins for

us, O holy Romanos, wondrous and stoic martyr.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = O Lord, wondrous and glorious is the victory of your

martyr. Imitating the boldness of the Galilean fishermen, and weaving

tents with his theology, by his words and deeds he has burst asunder

the myths of Plato and the babbling of the stoics. Flayed alive and

beheaded, he drowned the enemy in the streams of his blood. O glory

of martyrs who courageously preached the sublime name of Christ, wonderworking

and blessed Plato, entreat Him to grant great mercy to our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Mother of God, you are the true vine laden with

the fruit of Life: wherefore we implore you, O Lady, to intercede

together with the Apostles and all the saints that we may obtain mercy

for our souls.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing a lawless people unjustly nail You to the Cross,

O Savior, the pure Virgin, Your Mother, was pierced in her heart,

as Simeon had once foretold.

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Martyrs

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyrs Plato and Romanos

have deserved the crown of immortality on account of their good fight.

Armed with Your strength they have vanquished their persecutors and

crushed Satan's dreadful might. Through their supplications, O Christ

God, save our souls.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Romanos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Church deserved to have you as a major star,

O Romanos worthy of all praise; she is enlightened by your struggles,

wherefore she glorifies your splendid memory.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Plato

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Your holy memory delights the universe and brings

us together in your venerable temple. Since we are now gathered together

in our joy, we praise your great deeds with hymns, O Plato, and cry

out to you with faith: <169>O holy one, save your city from its enemies!<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Rejecting the vanities of the pagans, the wise Plato

cherished the precious teachings of the Disciples of Christ. Thus

he won the respect of all, and he was an anchor of faith for his beloved

homeland, the well-named Ancyra. Having given birth to him, it finds

in him a firm protector and fervent defender; daily it cries out,

<169>O holy one, save your city from its enemies!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 18, we commemorate the holy and great martyr


@SYNAX INDENT = What greater faithful constancy has ever been seen?

Plato was stretched out on a bed of coals, but he did not sleep except

by means of a sword. On the eighteenth, his soul was lifted up to


@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Romanos.

@SYNAX INDENT = Let us admire the superhuman struggle of the martyr:

holy Romanos allowed himself to be strangled, yet he rejoiced.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Seeing your invincible character, the tyrant went

as far as the torments of trial by fire. But scorning it, O illustrious

and great martyr, you struggled for Christ even to the point of death,

with the help of grace. Bearing your crown forever, you reign with

your own Creator.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin Mary, you are truly the pure golden censer,

the tabernacle of the Trinity whom no space can contain; for in you

the Father was pleased, in you the Son has dwelt, and the Holy Spirit

has overshadowed you, making you the Mother of God.


@DATE = November 19

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Prophet Obadiah and of the

Holy Martyr Barlaam

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Obadiah

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

6.Having become the radiant vessel of the Spirit, illumined by

Him, O Obadiah, you led the life of a divine prophet, acquiring the

foreknowledge of the future and an awareness of the truth. Intercede

continually that our souls be given peace and great mercy.

5.By grace and intimate communion, the illustrious and sacred prophets

have acquired a knowledge of the second order of the principle traits,

the essential characteristic marks of the one God, because of their

position; for the Lord enlightens His own servants with His light.

4.Filled with inaccessible light and contemplating the glory of

God who surpasses all intelligence and understanding, O blessed Obadiah,

you stand as a divine prophet in the presence of the Master of All.

Entreat Him to give our souls peace and great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE = For Barlaam

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.You were more unyielding than a statue, more rigid than bronze

and stronger than iron. Under the heat of the fire, any of these melts,

burns, is quickly overcome and turned to liquid. But your extended

and tireless right hand wondrously withstood the burning coals, O

holy martyr.

2.Serving as a priest before God and drawing near to Him, O blessed

one, you did not carry in the blood of another, but your own. As a

martyr, with your right hand you offered an acceptable incense<197>not

to the false gods of the demons<197>but to the King of the Ages, Christ,

our Master and Savior.

1.O wondrous martyr, we joyfully render you double honor: sacrificing

as a priest, and sacrificed as a lamb. You were both, and you were

offered as a holocaust in the fire of torments to our God as a pure

victim. Entreat Him to save the faithful who venerate your illustrious


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O radiant tabernacle of the Lord, filled with the

grace of God, cloud bearing the Light which rose from your womb to

enlighten our souls and sentiments and cleanse away the snares of

the evil one, O pure one. Strengthen our minds by your prayers, O

spotless Virgin.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = When Your Virgin Mother saw You sent to the Cross,

O Lord, she was filled with amazement and cried out: <169>Behold what

You are given in return by a people who have been filled with Your

benefits! Do not leave me alone in the world, I pray, but arise, so

that our first parents may rise with You!<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Obadiah

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = We celebrate today the memory of Your prophet Obadiah.

We implore You, O Lord, to save our souls through his intercession.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Barlaam

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyr Barlaam has deserved

the crown of immortality on account of his good fight. Armed with

Your strength, he has vanquished his persecutors and crushed Satan's

dreadful might. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our




@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Barlaam

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Radiant with power in your holocaust, O holy martyr,

you offered yourself to Christ our God as an acceptable incense offering.

You received a crown of glory, O Barlaam: intercede constantly for


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Obadiah

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Receiving clarity of mind from divine illumination,

the great Obadiah saw the future through the Holy Spirit. We piously

and wisely keep his memory today, and venerate him to find light for

our hearts.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 19, we commemorate the holy prophet Obadiah.

@SYNAX INDENT = Obadiah was indeed able to make other prophecies,

but his life was cut short. Death united him to his fathers on the


@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyr Barlaam.

@SYNAX INDENT = Holding the coals and incense in his bare hand, Barlaam

made the incense offering to the one, true, and mighty God.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.


@DATE = November 20

@FEAST TITLE = Forefeast of the Entrance of the Most Holy Mother of

God into the Temple;

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Fathers among the Saints, Gregory

the Decapolitan and Proclos,

@FEAST TITLE = Archbishop of Constantinople

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@BOLD TITLE = For the Forefeast

6.The virgins bearing torches, who with their light accompany the

ever-Virgin, truly prophesy the future in the Spirit. For the Temple

of God, the Theotokos, with virginal glory enters as a little child

into the Temple.

5.The Theotokos, glorious fruit of a sacred promise, is truly revealed

to the world as higher than all creation. Piously led into the House

of God, she fulfills the vow of her parents, and she is preserved

by the Holy Spirit.

4.O Virgin, fed in faith by heavenly bread in the Temple of the

Lord, you brought forth for the world the Bread of Life that is the

Word. As His chosen Temple without spot, you were betrothed mystically

through the Spirit to be the Bride of God the Father.

@BOLD TITLE = For the Fathers

3.You dwell with joy in the tabernacles of heaven in company with

the angels, O holy father. At your ease before the throne of the Lord,

intercede with Him that He absolve the sins and deliver from passions

the faithful who celebrate your holy memory.

2.O father Gregory, using your prayers as a scythe, you mowed down

the thorns of the passions and worked your soul with temperance, as

land under a plow. In it, you sowed the seeds of faith, which produced

fruits of healing for us.

1.Pillar of chastity, vessel of the virtues, lover of silence,

O holy father, broken by night-long vigils, inviolable dwelling of

prayer, treasury of miracles, intercessor for the faithful who venerate

you: thus do we wish to call you, O Gregory.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@BODY TXT IND = Today, the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led into the Temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her. Today,

the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choir of angels mystically

keeps feast. With them, let us also celebrate this festival today,

and let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace! The

Lord is with you, and He has given you great mercy!<170>

@RUBRIC = On Friday evening, instead of Glory...Now..., <169>Today

the Theotokos...<170>, we chant Glory..., <169>Today the Theotokos...<170>,

Now..., Dogmatikon of the Tone of the week from the Octoechos.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.The radiance of your teachings and the splendor of your life

have adorned the episcopacy, O holy Proclos. You were truly a pillar

of the Church, enlightening the whole world by your words. Thus we

call you blessed and celebrate your holy and sacred memory with psalms

and canticles.

v.O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful.

2.Brilliantly did you teach and wisely did you preach the divine

Motherhood of the spotless Virgin who gave birth to the Lord of all

ages, the Creator, the Son and Word of the Father, who willed to become

man for us in these latter days, without His nature being changed.

You shamed the foolish impiety of Nestorius.

v.Your priests shall be clothed with holiness; Your faithful shall

ring out their joy.

3.You drew golden streams from the wise and divine golden-mouthed

preacher. On his throne, you were the successor of his piety, strengthening

the flock of Christ by your Orthodox teaching. O holy father, you

returned his venerable relics, as a pleasing jewel, to his Church.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Come, O people, let us praise her who is undefiled;

she who was foretold by the prophets and offered in the Temple, the

Mother preordained before all ages, who in this last time has been

shown forth as the Theotokos. O Lord, at her intercession, grant us

Your peace and great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Fathers

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our Fathers, who always deal with us according

to Your everlasting compassion, take not Your mercy away from us,

but through the prayers of our fathers Gregory and Proclos guide our

lives along the way of peace.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Forefeast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Anne is now preparing a great joy for us all, for

she has given birth to the only ever-virginal one, who is a joy that

dispels all sadness. Today Anne fulfills her vow with gladness, presenting

to the Temple of the Lord the one who is the true Temple of God's

Word and His pure Mother.



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O virgins, praise the pure Mother of God; mothers,

chant of her; people, glorify her; and you priests, bless her. Only

an infant, she is presented to the Temple of the Law as the all-holy

Temple of the Lord. For this reason, celebrating this spiritual feast,

let us sing, <169>Hail, O Virgin, glory of the human race!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O virgins, praise...

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O David, go into the Temple of God and receive our

Queen with joy as you say to her, <169>O Lady, you enter into the

Temple of the King; all your glory is from within, for from you will

flow milk and honey, the Light of Christ!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.


@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Proclos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today the most honorable city in the world celebrates

worthily the transfer of your venerable remains, O Proclos, our Father

wise and most blessed!

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Gregory

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Church sees in you a brilliant sun enlightening

us all with the splendor of your virtues. Wherefore it celebrates

your holy memory and honors your efforts, O Gregory, our father wise

and most blessed.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Forefeast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Filled with joy today because of the happy feast

of the Mother of God, the universe cries out, <169>This is the Holy



@AFTR IKOS = The Lord and Maker of the whole creation, in the ineffable

tenderness of His heart and the unique love which He has for mankind,

saw the work of His hands now fallen. Overcome by pity, He was well

pleased to lift it up by lowering Himself in order to divinize His

creation, for He is good and compassionate by nature. Thus, He chose

the pure Virgin Mary as the mediatrix of that mystery in which He

assumed from her the nature of mankind which cries out, <169>This

is the Holy Tabernacle!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 20, we commemorate our venerable Father

Gregory the Decapolitan.

@SYNAX INDENT = The glory of God surrounded you like an opulent vine

at the end of your life, O Gregory. On the twentieth of November,

Gregory was invited to the source of living water of the divine Word.

@SYNAX LEFT = On this same day, we commemorate our father among the

Saints, Proclos, Archbishop of Constantinople, the disciple and successor

of blessed John Chrysostom.

@SYNAX INDENT = With joy, O Proclos, your master Chrysostom welcomed

you into the heavenly dwellings in the presence of God made man.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, have pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = You submitted your flesh to your spirit and courageously

lived in asceticism. The heights which you attained made you a mirror,

reflecting the radiance of God, to the point that you sang in heaven

with the angels to the Savior of all, O Gregory.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having the same virtues as Chrysostom, your wise master,

O blessed Proclos, you succeeded him on his throne, O illustrious

hierarch and divine preacher. You overthrew the heresy of Nestorius

and preached that the spotless Virgin is truly called the Mother of

God. With her, entreat Christ for the sheep of your fold.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Zechariah, prepare the entrance of the Temple and

the Holy of Holies to receive the pure Mother of God, that temple

of divine wisdom which surpasses the cherubic throne. Sing a canticle

with us on the forefeast to the Virgin from whom Christ our God, the

Lord and Savior of the world, will be incarnate.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

1.Come, O faithful, and with hymns let us venerate the divine Bride,

the Mother of the Creator, who was born of a barren mother wondrously.

With the virgins holding their lamps enkindled, let us go to encounter

her in the Temple where she will make her entrance.

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.Having gathered from spiritual meadows a bouquet of various flowers

which are words inspired by the Spirit, let us joyfully weave a crown

of praises for the Virgin. Thus, as is fitting, let us prepare a gift

for her on the forefeast.

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.O gates of the temple, prepare yourselves! Open up to receive

with happiness and joy the dwelling-place of the Glory of God, the

unique Woman who is ineffably higher than the heavens. Sing to Christ,

the Savior!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = Today let heaven above greatly rejoice and let the

clouds pour down gladness at the mighty acts, exceedingly marvelous,

of our God. For behold, the gate that looks toward the East, born

according to the promise from a fruitless and barren womb, and dedicated

to God as His dwelling, is led today into the Temple as an offering

without blemish. Let David rejoice greatly, striking his harp. He

said, <169>The virgins in her train shall be brought to You!<170>

Within the tabernacle of God, within the place of His mercy seat,

she shall be brought up, to become the dwelling-place of Him who was

begotten of the Father without change before all ages, for the salvation

of our souls!


@DATE = November 21

@FEAST TITLE = Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple

@FEAST TITLE = (2nd Class)


@FIRST KATHIS = First Kathisma: Blessed the man

@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

8.O faithful, let us exchange glad tidings today, singing psalms

to the Lord and hymns of praise in honor of Mary, His Mother, His

holy Tabernacle, the Ark that contained the Word whom nothing can

contain. She is offered to God as a child in a marvelous way, and

Zechariah, the high priest, receives her with great joy, for she is

the dwelling-place of the Most High.

7.O faithful, let us exchange... (Repeat)

6.Today, the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our God,

Mary, the pure and blessed one, is presented to the Temple of Moses

to live in its holy precincts. Joachim and Anne rejoice with her in

the Spirit, and all the virgins sing hymns of praise to the Lord in

honor of His Mother.

5.Today, the living Temple... (Repeat)

4.O Virgin Mother of God, you are the subject of the preaching

of the prophets and the glory of the apostles. You are the pride of

the martyrs and the cause of renewal for the whole human race; for

through you, we have been reconciled to God. Wherefore, we honor your

entrance into the Temple of the Lord, repeating to you the salutation

of the angel, for we are saved through your intercession, O most honorable


@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.The holy one, the all-blameless one, moved by the Holy Spirit,

enters the Holy of Holies to be fed by an angel. She will become a

most holy Temple to our Most Holy God, who by dwelling in her sanctified

the whole creation and made our fallen nature godly.

2.Today the young maidens come forth in great joy, carrying flaming

torches before Mary, the holy and spiritual Torch, and they bring

her with great honor to the Holy of Holies, foretelling that from

her will shine forth the splendid Light that will enlighten those

who sit in the darkness of ignorance.

1.The most praiseworthy Anne cries out in great joy to Zechariah,

the high priest: <169>Come, receive joyfully the one whom the Prophets

of God announced by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Introduce her

into the Temple that she may be brought up in purity, to become the

Throne of God, a palace, a place of delight to the Lord of us all!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@BODY TXT IND = O Lady, Bride of God, you entered the temple of God

in your infancy to be brought up in the Holy of Holies, for you are

holy. There the Archangel Gabriel was sent to serve you and bring

you food. All the heavenly Powers were amazed at the sight of the

Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Wherefore, O pure Mother of God, all

blameless, glorified in heaven and on earth, save our race!

@RUBRIC = Readings: 1) Exodus 40:1-5, 9-10, 16, 34-35 2) I Kings

7:51; 8:1, 3-7, 9-11 3) Ezekiel 43:27-44:4


@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR LETE = Today let heaven above greatly rejoice and let the clouds

pour down gladness at the mighty acts, exceedingly marvelous, of our

God. For behold, the gate that looks toward the East, born according

to the promise from a fruitless and barren womb, and dedicated to

God as His dwelling, is led today into the Temple as an offering without

blemish. Let David rejoice greatly, striking his harp. He said, <169>The

virgins in her train shall be brought to You!<170> Within the tabernacle

of God, within the place of His mercy seat, she shall be brought up,

to become the dwelling-place of Him who was begotten of the Father

without change before all ages, for the salvation of our souls!

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR LETE = Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led into the Temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her. Today

the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choir of angels mystically

keeps feast. With them, let us also celebrate the festival today,

and let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace: the

Lord is with you, and He has given you great mercy!<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR LETE = Come, O people, and let us praise her who is undefiled,

she who was foretold by the prophets and offered in the Temple, the

Mother preordained before all ages, who in this last time has been

shown forth as the Theotokos. O Lord, at her intercession, grant us

Your peace and great mercy!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR LETE = Behold the day of joy and the most venerable season are

here! For the one who was a virgin before giving birth remained a

perfect virgin, even after she gave birth. She is presented today

to the Holy Temple, to the great admiration of the high priest Zechariah,

father of the Forerunner, who cries out with joy: <169>Behold, the

hope of the afflicted is coming near! She is holy, and she is vowed

to be the dwelling-place of the King of all! Let Joachim rejoice and

Anne dance with glee, for they have presented to God the Lady spotless

and all-blameless, when she was only three years old. O mothers, rejoice!

You virgins, be merry! Barren ones, share your happiness! The Queen

of all, the one whom God prepared from all eternity, has opened to

us the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, O nations of the world, and be


@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

1.Heaven and earth rejoice together today at the sight of the mystical

heaven, the Virgin spotless and pure, coming to the Holy Temple to

be brought up in honor. Zechariah had this to say to her: <169>O Door

of the Lord, to you I open the doors of the Temple. Enter with joy,

for I know and I believe that the salvation of Israel will come now,

and from you will be born the Word of God, who grants great mercy

to the world!<170>

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.When Anne, which means grace, was graced with the pure and ever-virgin

Mary, she presented her to the Temple of God and called her little

companions to carry flaming torches and walk before her. And she said,

<169>Go, my child, to the One who sent you to me. For you are promised

to Him by vow; you are an incense of delicate fragrance. Enter into

the veiled places and learn the mysteries of God. Prepare yourself

to be a delightful dwelling-place for Jesus, who grants great mercy

to the world."

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.Mary, the temple who contained the Godhead, the Mother of God,

the Virgin most holy, is placed today within the Temple of God. Little

girls walk before her in procession, carrying flaming torches. Let

her parents, the devoted couple, Joachim and Anne, be filled with

joy, for they have given birth to the one who gave birth in the flesh

to the Creator. She is the spotless one who is all happiness in the

heavenly mansions of the Temple. An angel will feed her because she

is to become the Mother of Christ, who grants great mercy to us all.

v.Glory be to the father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Let us celebrate this day, O assembly of the faithful,

as a spiritual feast. With great love, let us honor the maiden of

God, the Virgin and Mother of God, as she is presented to the Temple

of the Lord, for she has been chosen from among all the generations

to be the dwelling-place of Christ, the King of us all. Behold! You

virgins, come forth and enter, holding your flaming torches in honor

of the entrance of the ever-virgin. You mothers, cast away sadness

and regret and follow the one who became the Mother of God and the

cause of joy to the whole world, and glorify her. Let us then all

together cry out in joy with the angel our salutation to the Woman

full of grace, who is always interceding for our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God, and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail! O fulfillment of the

Creator's Plan.<170>



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne is brought

as an offering to God in the holy sanctuary; it is she who sustains

our life, and she is a young child in the flesh. She receives the

blessing of Zechariah the priest. Let all of us in faith call her

blessed, for she is the Mother of the Lord.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Before your conception, O pure Virgin, you were consecrated

to God. And now, after your birth, you are offered as a gift to Him,

in fulfillment of your parents' promise. To the divine Temple you

are brought, yourself a Temple truly divine, innocent from the time

you were a baby. You have appeared in the sanctuary accompanied by

brightly burning lamps, and you are the receiver of the Divine Light

that no man can approach. Magnificent in truth is your entry, O only

Bride of God and ever-Virgin.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Before your conception... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let David the Psalmist rejoice greatly; let Joachim

and Anne be glad, for a holy child has come forth from them: Mary,

the Lamp that bears the Divine Light. And she rejoices as she enters

the Temple. The son of Barachiah, beholding her, gave her his blessing,

and cried out in joy: <169>Hail, O wonder of the world!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let David the Psalmist rejoice greatly... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

Listen, daughter, and behold and lend your ear.

v.My heart has uttered a good word.

@RUBRIC = Gospel. Psalm 50.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PROKIM = Today the living Temple of the Great King enters the

Temple to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for Him. O people,

rejoice exceedingly.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR PROKIM = Today the living ... (Repeat)

v.O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the

abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR PROKIM = Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led to into the Temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her.

Today the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choir of angels

mystically keeps feast. With them, let us also celebrate the festival

today, and let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace:

the Lord is with you, and He has given you great mercy!<170>

@RUBRIC = Canons: the first by George of Nicomedia in Tone 4; the

second by Basil the Monk in Tone 1. The Katavasias are of the Nativity

of Christ.



@ODE X TITLE = Ode 1

@ODE TEXT = I shall open my mouth, and it shall be filled with the

Spirit; and I shall sing a hymn to the Queen and Mother; and I shall

celebrate with splendor and sing with joy of her entry.

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = We know that you are the pure treasury of wisdom and

a never-failing fountain of flowing grace. O Lady, pour out on us

the streams of knowledge, that we may sing your praises forever!

@CANON INDENT = You are honored, O most holy Lady, far above all the

heavens, for you are both a temple and a palace; you are dedicated

in the Temple of God, to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for

His coming.

@CANON INDENT = She who made the light of grace shine forth, the Theotokos,

has illumined all mankind and brought it together to adorn with songs

her most radiant triumph. O come, let us join them and hasten to her.

@CANON INDENT = Having opened the gates of the Temple of God, the

Glorious Gate through which human thoughts cannot pass now urges us

to enter with her and to delight in her divine marvels!

@ODE 2 TEXT = Let us sing a hymn to God who has done wondrous things

with His arm and has saved Israel, for He is gloriously triumphant.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Today let us hasten together to the Theotokos, honoring

her in songs, and let us keep spiritual feast. For she is offered

in the Temple as a gift to God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us praise in songs the glorious advance of the

Theotokos. For today as a gift she is prophetically offered in the

Temple, while she herself is a Temple of God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Anne without reproach greatly rejoiced, offering

her child to the Temple as a precious gift to God, while Joachim,

bright with joy, kept feast with her.

@CANON 2 INDNT = David the Forefather praised you of old in hymns,

O Virgin Bride of God, calling you Daughter of Christ the King. You

have given birth to Him as a Mother and you have fed Him as your child.

@CANON 2 INDNT = When she was three years old according to the flesh,

the Theotokos was led to the Lord. Zechariah, the priest of God, received

her in the Temple with great rejoicing and established her there.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O virgins carrying torches, rejoice today and take

up the song. O mothers, join them in praises to the Queen and Mother,

as she enters the Temple of Christ the King.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Trinity, one in essence, Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit: we the faithful glorify You as Creator of all, and we cry

aloud: <169>Save us, O God!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The King and God comes forth wearing the purple dyed

from your blood, O all-pure one. He has renewed mankind in His compassion.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Christ is born: give Him glory! Christ has come down

from heaven: receive Him! Christ is now on earth: exalt Him! O you

earth, sing to the Lord! O you nations, praise Him in joy, for He

is gloriously triumphant!

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 3

@ODE TEXT = O Theotokos, living and overflowing fountain, strengthen

those who applaud you in this spiritual gathering, and in your holy

entry, make them worthy of crowns of glory!

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = Today the temple has become a wedding ornament and

a fair chamber for the Virgin, as it receives the living Bridal Chamber

of God, pure and without spot: she who shines more brightly than all


@CANON INDENT = David, leading the dance, leaps in gladness and rejoices

with us. And, O undefiled and all-pure Virgin, he calls you the Queen,

clothed in an embroidered mantle of gold, standing in the Temple before

the King and God.

@CANON INDENT = From Eve of old the transgression came upon mankind;

and now from Eve's stock has flowered forth our restoration and incorruption,

the Theotokos, who is brought today into the house of God.

@CANON INDENT = The hosts of angels and all mankind dance today before

your face, O all-pure Lady. Carrying torches, they go before you,

proclaiming your greatness in the house of God.

@ODE 2 TEXT = Let my heart be strengthened in Your will, O Christ

our God, as You strengthened the second heaven above the waters, and

established the world on a firm foundation, O all-powerful Lord!

@CANON 2 INDNT = O you who love the feasts, celebrate and be glad

in spirit, exulting today in the holy feast of the Daughter of the

King and the Mother of God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Be glad today, O Joachim, and rejoice exceedingly

in spirit, O Anne, who now present your daughter to the Lord, as a

three-year-old victim of sacrifice, holy and spotless.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Dwelling place of God, the holy Theotokos, Mary,

three years old according to the flesh, is offered in the holy Temple.

The virgins, her companions, go before her, carrying torches.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The unspotted ewe-lamb of God, the unblemished dove,

the tabernacle that is to hold God, the sanctuary of glory, has chosen

to dwell in the holy Temple.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Three years old in the flesh and many years old in

spirit, more spacious than the heavens and higher than the powers

above, let the Bride of God be praised in song.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Celebrating the coming of the Theotokos into the

sanctuary, let us, too, carry torches today in spirit, go in joy with

the virgins into the Temple.

@CANON 2 INDNT = You priests of God, clothe yourselves by grace in

righteousness, going in joy to meet the Daughter of the King and God

as she enters the Holy Place.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The Father is Light, His Son is Light, and the Spirit,

the Comforter, is Light: shining forth from one sun, the Trinity divinely

illumines and preserves our souls!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The prophets proclaimed you in ages past, speaking

of you as the Ark of holiness, the golden censer, the candlestick

and the table, and we sing your praises as the Tabernacle that held


@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = To the Son, born of the Father before all ages and

without any change, to Christ our God who in these times was pleased

to be incarnated of the Virgin Mary, let us lift up our voices and

say: <169>Holy are You, O Lord. You have lifted us up from our fallen


@RUBRIC = Little Litany.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymn

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = What is this present feast? Tell us, O David! Is

it for her of whom you have sung in the Book of Psalms, calling her

<169>Daughter, Child of God, and Virgin,<170> as you said, <169>The

virgins in her train shall be brought mystically to the King?<170>

Make this feast honored throughout the world by those who cry aloud,

<169>The Theotokos has come among us, the prelude of salvation!<170>

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 4

@ODE TEXT = Perceiving the ineffable, divine design of the Most High,

the Incarnation from the Virgin, the prophet Habakkuk cried out, <169>Glory

to Your power, O Lord!<170>

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = Today the House of God receives the Gate through which

none may pass; so it has brought an end to the worship commanded by

the shadow of the Law, and it cries aloud: <169>Indeed, the truth

has appeared to those on earth!<170>

@CANON INDENT = The overshadowed mountain foreseen by Habakkuk and

announced prophetically in days of old has come to dwell within the

sanctuary of the Temple. There she has put forth flowers of virtue,

and with her shadow covers the ends of the earth.

@CANON INDENT = Let us, with all the earth, look upon these marvelous,

strange, and wonderful events: how the Virgin, receiving food from

an angel, offers us an image of the divine dispensation.

@CANON INDENT = Appearing as a Temple and a Palace and living Heaven,

you are dedicated today in the Temple of the Law, to be kept therein,

O undefiled Bride of God.

@ODE 2 TEXT = O prophet Habakkuk, in spirit you foresaw the incarnation

of the Word, and you announced it, saying, <169>In the course of the

years, You will make it known; in the course of the years, You will

be revealed. Glory to Your power, O Lord!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = O prophet Isaiah, prophesy to us: who is the Virgin

that shall conceive? <169>It is she who has come forth from the root

of Judah and who was born of David the King, glorious fruit of a holy


@CANON 2 INDNT = O virgins, begin your songs! With torches in hand,

praise the advance of the pure Theotokos, who now enters the Temple

of the Lord, and keep festival with us.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Be glad, O Joachim and Anne, who now present to the

Lord in the Temple, as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice, your

daughter who shall be the pure Mother of Christ our God, the King

of all!

@CANON 2 INDNT = O venerable Holy of Holies, you love to dwell in

the holy Temple! And you live in contact with the angels, O Virgin,

receiving bread most marvelously from heaven, O you who sustain our


@CANON 2 INDNT = When all hope was gone, Joachim and Anne gave birth

to the undefiled Virgin, and in piety they promised her as an offering

to God. Today they fulfill their promise, giving their child as a

sacrifice in the house of God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The rod of Aaron that once budded prefigured your

divine childbirth, O undefiled Virgin. For without seed, you conceive

and suffer no corruption. And after bearing a Child, you remain a

virgin, nourishing a baby who is the God of all.

@CANON 2 INDNT = You virgins, hasten to the Virgin with piety! You,

O mothers, hasten to the Mother! Together let us honor the Child born

to Joachim and Anne as a blameless sanctuary, and the Mother who bore

Christ as a holy tree bringing forth fruit for God. Let us all joyfully

keep the feast!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us glorify the true God, One in Essence and Three

in Persons, the Master of Creation whose praises the hosts of angels

and archangels sing. Let us the faithful worship Him forever!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O pure and undefiled Virgin, pray without ceasing

to your Son and God, whom you conceived in the flesh, that He may

deliver all your servants from the manifold snares of the devil and

from every temptation that assails us.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Christ our God, worthy of all praise, a stem has come

forth from Jesse and sprouted a flower out of a fertile and well-shaded

mountain; You became incarnate of a Virgin all-pure. Glory to Your

power, O Lord!

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 5

@ODE TEXT = The universe was amazed at your holy entry, O Virgin who

knew not wedlock, for you are a most pure Temple, yet you have gone

within the Temple of God, to grant peace to those who praise you.

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = Glorious sanctuary and holy offering, today the most

pure Virgin is dedicated in the Temple of God, and in ways which He

alone understands, she is kept as a dwelling-place for our God, the

King of all.

@CANON INDENT = Seeing the beauty of your soul, O undefiled Virgin,

Zechariah cried aloud with faith: <169>You are our deliverance, you

are the joy of all. You are our restoration, through whom the Incomprehensible

appears comprehensible to me!<170>

@CANON INDENT = O virgin all-undefiled, your wonders surpass all understanding!

Strange is the manner of your birth! Strange is the manner of your

growing! Strange and most marvelous are all things concerning you,

O Bride of God, and they are beyond the telling of mortal man.

@CANON INDENT = A candlestick with many lights, O Bride of God, you

have shone forth today in the house of God, and you give us light

through the holy gifts of grace from your wonders, O pure and far-famed


@ODE 2 TEXT = Bring about the day of Your never-ending Light for those

who keep watch, ceaselessly meditating on Your precepts and just judgements,

O Master full of love, O Christ our God!

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us, the Orthodox, all hasten together with our

torches and glorify the Mother of God, for today she is offered to

the Lord as an acceptable sacrifice.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let the forefathers rejoice exceedingly today, O

Lady, and let her who bore you celebrate with your father: for their

fruit is led to the Lord!

@CANON 2 INDNT = Keeping feast in faith, let us all sing the praises

of the undefiled Maiden, most glorious and of many names, for she

conceived in the flesh the divine Victim and sacrificial Offering.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The contract of your betrothal, the divine tokens

of your Motherhood past understanding are written today by the Holy

Spirit in the house of God, O pure Virgin.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let the forecourt of the glory of our God be opened

and let it receive, as a sacrificial victim three years old and without

blemish, the Mother of God who was never to know wedlock.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us sing the praises of that greatly venerated

and overshadowed mountain, the ever-Virgin who became the Mother of

God. For she has made light shine to the ends of the earth.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us glorify and worship the one Godhead in three

Persons, undivided by nature and equal in glory, that was before the

beginning and ever shall be.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = We have your intercessions, O Mother of God, as a

fair haven and as an unassailable rampart in times of trouble, and

we are always delivered from danger and affliction.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Since You are the God of Peace and the Father all-merciful,

O Lover of Mankind, You sent us the great Messenger of Your knowledge

and granted us Your peace. Led to the light of Your divine knowledge,

we come out of the darkness to sing to You a hymn of glory.

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 6

@ODE TEXT = Come, divinely-inspired, let us clap our hands and cele<->brate

this holy and most honorable feast of the Mother of God and glorify

God who was born of her.

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = He who upholds all things by His word, in His mercy

has heard the prayer of righteous Joachim and Anne. He has loosed

them from the disease of barrenness and given them the daughter that

is the cause of our joy.

@CANON INDENT = The Lord, wishing to make known to the Gentiles His

salvation, has now chosen from among mankind the woman who knew not

wedlock, to be a sign of reconciliation and renewal.

@CANON INDENT = O undefiled one, you yourself are a house of grace,

in which are stored up all the treasures of the ineffable dispensation

of God. Thus, you partake of boundless joy in the Temple.

@CANON INDENT = Having received you as a royal diadem, O Bride of

God, the Temple shone with beauty and gave way to better things, seeing

in you the fulfillment of the prophecies.

@ODE 2 TEXT = With Jonah, I cry out to You, O Master: <169>Snatch

my life up from the pit! O Savior of the world, save me as I sing,

`Glory to You!'<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = O faithful, let us feast in spirit the Mother of

God, singing her praises with piety. For she is indeed more holy than

the heavenly powers.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O faithful, let us praise in spiritual songs the

Mother of the Light, for today she has been manifested to us as she

enters the Temple of God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The ewe-lamb without blemish, the pure dove, is brought

as an offering to dwell in the house of God: the undefiled Virgin

who was to become the Mother of God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The Temple of God, the heavenly Tabernacle, accomp<->lished

her entry into the Temple of the Law, and from her the Light has shone

on us in darkness.

@CANON 2 INDNT = A child in the flesh, but perfect in soul, the holy

Ark enters into the house of God, there to feed upon divine grace.

@CANON 2 INDNT = By your intercessions set us free from every temptation

and danger of soul, for we run to you, O far-famed Mother of Christ

our God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Father, Son, and Spirit of truth, Unity in three

Persons and undivided Trinity: have mercy upon those who worship Your

divine power.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = He whom nothing can contain was contained in your

womb, O undefiled Mother of God, and from you He has come forth in

two natures, God and man.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = As the whale received Jonah in its belly and safely

ejected him, as a mother receives the child and gives it birth, so

did the Word of God come into the Virgin's womb, taking flesh and

being born of her, yet leaving her virginity untouched. He became

man, and yet remained what He was, protecting His Mother against any


@RUBRIC = Little Litany.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The most pure Temple of our Holy Savior, and the

most precious and bright Bridal Chamber, the Virgin, sacred treasury

of the glory of God, openly appears today in the Temple of the Lord,

bringing with her the grace of the Most Holy Spirit. Wherefore the

angels of God are singing: This is the heavenly Tabernacle.


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made

manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice. And I know

not how to understand the strange and secret manner whereby the pure

one has been revealed as alone chosen above all creation, visible

and spiritual. Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb

with amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to proclaim

and magnify her: This is the heavenly Tabernacle!

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 21, we commemorate the Entrance of the Mother

of God into the Temple.

@SYNAX INDENT = By an angel, the Virgin is nourished in the Temple.

He will soon return with a salutation, bringing her the joy of the

annunciation. On the twenty-first, Mary makes her entrance into the


@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of the Mother of God, O Lord, take pity

on us and save us. Amen.

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 7

@ODE TEXT = The three young men, divinely inspired, refused to worship

creatures instead of the Creator. But with courage, they trampled

down the threatening fire and sang joyfully: <169>Blessed are You,

O all-praised Lord, the God of our fathers!<170>

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = Behold, a glad springtime has now shone to the ends

of the earth, making our souls and understanding and minds bright

through grace: for today is the feast of the Theotokos. Let us rejoice


@CANON INDENT = Today all things, heaven and earth, the ranks of angels,

and the multitude of mortal men, attend the Queen and Mother. Let

them cry aloud: <169>Joy and deliverance is led into the Temple!<170>

@CANON INDENT = The written Law has passed away and vanished as a

shadow, and the rays of grace have shone forth at your entrance into

the Temple of God, O undefiled Virgin Mother, who are forever blessed.

@CANON INDENT = O undefiled Lady, heaven and earth and the things

beneath the earth have been brought into subjection to your Son as

Maker and God, and all mortals confess that the Lord has appeared,

the Savior of our souls.

@ODE 2 TEXT = The furnace was sprinkled with dew, O Savior, and the

young men danced for joy as they sang: <169>Blessed are You, O God

of our Fathers!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us exult today in the joy of the feast! Let us

honor, as is right, Joachim and Ann, and let us sing the praises of

the undefiled Virgin.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let David prophesy, who said in the Spirit: <169>The

virgins in your train shall be brought into the Temple of the Queen

and Mother!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = The ranks of angels rejoiced exceedingly and the

spirits of the just were glad, when the Mother of God was led into

the sanctuary.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Mary all-pure rejoiced in body and spirit, dwelling

as a sacred vessel in the Temple of the Lord.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Receiving heavenly food, she who was to become the

Mother of Christ the Savior according to the flesh increased in wisdom

and grace.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The wise parents led you to the innermost parts of

the temple, O undefiled Virgin, there to be brought up in wondrous

fashion and prepared as a dwelling-place for Christ our God.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to

the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us glorify the undivided Trinity; let us sing

the praises of the one Godhead: the Father, the Word, and the Most

Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Pray to the Lord whom you bore, for He is compassionate

by nature, to save the souls of those who sing your praises, O Mother

of God!

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Because the three holy youths grew up in the true

Faith, they despised the pagans' commands and spurned their threats.

As they stood in the midst of the burning furnace, they sang a hymn

and said, <169>Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers!<170>

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 8

@ODE TEXT = Listen, daughter, O spotless Virgin: let Gabriel tell

you the plan of the most High that is ancient and true. Prepare yourself

to receive God: for through you, the Incomprehensible comes to dwell

with mortal men. Therefore I cry out with rejoicing, <169>O all you

works of the Lord, bless the Lord!<170>

v.O Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Between the troparia)

@CANON INDENT = As Anne led the undefiled Temple into the house of

God, she cried aloud and said with faith to the priest: <169>Take

the child given to me by God, and lead her into the Temple of your

Creator, and sing to Him with joy, `O all you works of the Lord, bless

the Lord!'<170>

@CANON INDENT = When he saw Anne, Zechariah said to her in spirit,

<169>You lead here the true Mother of Life, whom the prophets of God

heralded from afar as the Theotokos. How shall the Temple contain

her? Therefore, in wonder I cry out, <170>O all you works of the Lord,

bless the Lord!"

@CANON INDENT = <169>I stand here as the suppliant of God,<170> answered

Anne to him, <169>calling upon Him with faith and prayer to receive

the fruit of my travail. For I promised that after childbirth, I would

present my child to Him who gave her to me. Therefore, leaping with

joy, I cry out: `O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!'<170>

@CANON INDENT = The priest said to her, <169>Truly this act is in

keeping with the Law. I perceive that this is a wholly strange thing:

for I see led into the house of God the one who wondrously surpasses

the sanctuary in grace. Therefore I cry out in joy, `O all you works

of the Lord, bless the Lord!'<170>

@CANON INDENT = Anne said to him, <169>Hearing your words, I am filled

with new strength. For you understand these things by the Spirit of

God, and have clearly announced what shall come to pass in the Virgin.

Take, then, the all-blameless one into the Temple of your Creator,

and sing to Him with joy, `O all you works of the Lord, bless the


@CANON INDENT = The priest cried out, <169>A Lamp that gives light

has been kindled for us and has made great joy shine in the Temple.

Let the souls of the prophets rejoice with me, as they see strange

wonders accomplished in the house of God, and let them now cry out,

`O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!'<170>

@ODE 2 TEXT = The angels in heaven serve the Lord and Creator with

reverence and awe. O priests, sing to Him; young men, glorify Him;

O people, bless and exalt Him throughout all the ages!

@CANON 2 INDNT = Bright with joy today, Joachim celebrates. And Anne,

without reproach, offers unto the Lord God the sacrifice given to

her according to the promise: her holy daughter.

@CANON 2 INDNT = The saints David and Jesse exult today and Judah

is filled with pride. For from their root a branch has sprung, the

pure Virgin from whom the pre-eternal God is to be born.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Today Mary, the undefiled and living Temple, is offered

up in the house of God, and Zechariah receives her in his hands as

a holy treasure of the Lord.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us the faithful honor the true Virgin and Mother

of God, as a Gate of salvation and a spiritual mountain, as a living

Ladder, blessed by the hands of the priests.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Prophets, apostles, and martyrs of Christ, ranks

of angels and all the dwellers upon earth, let us honor with hymns

the pure Virgin, for she is the blessed Mother of the Most High.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O undefiled and pure one, the couple who bore you

in holiness offered you in the Temple as a spotless sacrifice; and

in a strange fashion, you lodged in the sanctuary of God, there to

be prepared as a dwelling-place for the Word.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.We bless the Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

@CANON 2 INDNT = In choir, let us sing the thrice-holy hymn to the

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, indivisible Unity, one Godhead, who

holds all creation in the hollow of His hand throughout all the ages.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@CANON 2 INDNT = He who is without beginning, begins; from a Virgin

Maid, the Word is born in the flesh according to His good pleasure,

God and mortal man; and in His extreme compassion, He refashions us

who had fallen.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = The dewy furnace was a symbol of a supernatural wonder:

as it left unharmed the youths that were thrown in its midst, so also

the fire of the Godhead descended upon the Virgin's womb, leaving

it unscathed. Wherefore, let us sing a hymn of praise and say, <169>Let

the whole creation bless the Lord and exalt His holy name forever!<170>

@RUBRIC = The Canticle of Mary is not sung today.

@ODE X TITLE = Ode 9

@BOLD TITLE = Hirmos

(4th Tone)

@ODE TEXT = The angels were stunned as they saw the Virgin coming

in. How has she entered in glory into the Holy of Holies? O Mother

of God, you are the living Ark of God. No profane hand may touch you,

but the lips of the faithful will never cease to sing your praise,

repeating with joy the angel's words: <169>O Pure Virgin, you are

indeed raised above all creatures!<170>

v.The angels were stunned as they saw the Virgin coming in. How

has she entered in glory into the Holy of Holies? (Between the


@CANON INDENT = O pure Theotokos, you have a clean and shining beauty

of soul, and you are filled from heaven with the grace of God. You

always enlighten with eternal light those who cry aloud in gladness:

<169>O pure Virgin, you are indeed raised above all creatures!<170>

@CANON INDENT = O pure Theotokos, your wonders surpass the power of

words. For in you, I see something beyond speech: a body that was

never subject to the taint of sin. Therefore, in thanksgiving, I cry

out: <169>O pure virgin, you are indeed raised above all creatures!<170>

@CANON INDENT = The ancient Law prefigured you most wondrously as

tabernacle, vessel of manna, ark of the covenant, veil of the Temple,

rod of Aaron, Temple never to be destroyed, and gate of God, and so

it teaches us to cry to you: <169>O pure Virgin, you are indeed raised

above all creatures!<170>

@CANON INDENT = David sang of you in his hymns, calling you the daughter

of the King, for he saw you in the beauty of your virtues, clothed

in embroidered garments of gold, at the right hand of God; therefore

in prophecy he cried aloud: <169>O pure Virgin, you are indeed raised

above all creatures!<170>

@CANON INDENT = Foreseeing how you were to receive God, Solomon spoke

of you in dark sayings as the Gate of the King and the sealed fountain,

from which came forth untroubled waters for us who cry aloud with

faith: <169>O pure Virgin, you are indeed raised above all creatures!<170>

@CANON INDENT = Grant to my soul, O Theotokos, the calm peace that

comes from your gifts of grace. You are a fountain of life for those

who honor you as is right. You surround, protect, and preserve us

that we may cry aloud to you: <169>O pure Virgin, you are indeed raised

above all creatures!<170>

@ODE 2 TEXT = O faithful, let us magnify the radiant cloud in which

the Master of All descended from heaven like dew upon the fleece and

was incarnate for us. The infinite God was made a man like us in her,

the holy Mother of our God!

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O my soul, magnify her who was led into the

temple of the Lord and blessed by the hands of priests. (Between

the troparia)

@CANON 2 INDNT = From the righteous Joachim and Anne a fruit came

forth according to the promise: Mary, the Child of God. A young girl

according to the flesh, as acceptable incense she is offered in the

holy Temple, that she who is herself holy may dwell in the Holy Place!

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us praise in hymns the child by nature who was

shown forth as Mother beyond nature. For today she is offered to the

Lord in the Temple of the Law as a sweet-smelling savor, the spiritual

fruit of her righteous parents.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O faithful, let us offer to the Theotokos the salutation

of the angel, and raise our cry: <169>Hail, O Bride most beautiful!

Hail, bright cloud, from whom the Lord shone forth upon us as we sat

in the darkness of ignorance! Hail, hope of all!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = All creation joins the angel Gabriel, crying out

to the Theotokos in fitting song: <169>Hail, undefiled Mother of God!

Through you we have been delivered from the ancient curse and have

become partakers of incorruption!<170>

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Holy of Holies and pure Mother of God, Mary, by

you intercessions, set us free from every heresy and affliction, from

the snares of the enemy, for we venerate with faith the icon of your

holy form.

@CANON 2 INDNT = Far greater than the cherubim, higher than the seraphim,

and more spacious than the heavens are you, O Virgin, for you have

contained in your womb our God whom nothing can contain and have given

birth to Him in an ineffable manner. Pray to Him earnestly on our


@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O my soul, magnify the power of the indivisible

Godhead in three Persons!

@CANON 2 INDNT = Let us glorify the one Nature in three Persons, the

one indivisible glory, the undivided Trinity in one Godhead who is

praised without ceasing in heaven and on earth. With reverence, let

us worship the Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

@CANON 2 INDNT = v.O my soul, magnify the Theotokos, more venerable

and glorious than all the powers of heaven.

@CANON 2 INDNT = O Virgin Theotokos, intercede for those who faithfully

seek refuge in your compassion, and who reverently worship your Son

as God and Lord of the world, that they be delivered from corruption

and danger and manifold temptations.

@BOLD TITLE = Katavasia

@AFTR KATAVAS = Behold a mystery, a strange and wonderful mystery:

the cave has become heaven, the Virgin a throne of the Cherubim, and

the manger a noble place where Christ our God reposes. Wherefore,

let us praise and exalt Him!

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilarion

@AFTR EXAPOST = In faith let us praise Mary, the child of God, whom

long ago the assembly of prophets foretold, speaking of her as the

vessel of manna and Aaron's rod, tablet of the Law and uncut mountain.

For she is led today into the Holy of Holies, there to be brought

up for the Lord. (Three times)

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

4.The virgins bearing torches, who with light accompany the ever-Virgin,

truly prophesy the future in the Spirit. For the Temple of God, the

Theotokos, with virginal glory enters as a little child into the Temple.

3.The Theotokos, glorious fruit of a sacred promise, is truly revealed

to the world as higher than all creation. Piously led into the house

of God, she fulfills the vow of her parents and she is preserved by

the Holy Spirit.

2.O Virgin, fed in faith by heavenly bread in the Temple of the

Lord, you brought forth for the world the Bread of Life that is the

Word. As His chosen Temple without spot, you were betrothed mystically

through the Spirit to be the Bride of God the Father.

1.Let the gate of the temple in which God dwells be opened: for

Joachim brings within today in glory the Temple and Throne of the

King of All. He consecrates as an offering to God her whom the Lord

has chosen to be His Mother.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PRAISES = Today the spotless Virgin is led to the Temple, to

become the dwelling-place of God, the King of All, who sustains our

life. Today, as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice, the most pure

Sanctuary is led into the Holy of Holies. To her let us cry out with

the angel: <169>Hail, you who alone are blessed among women!<170>

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology. Litanies and Dismissal.







@DATE = November 22

@FEAST TITLE = Second day of the Entrance; Commemoration of the Holy

Apostles Philemon, Apphias, Archippos, and Onesimos; and of the Holy

Martyrs Cecilia, Valerian, and Tiburtios

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

6.O new wonder! The ineffable Mystery to come is shown beforehand

by visible signs today. For she who brings the divine Light into the

world is led as a Bride into the Temple of God. Let us acclaim her

as the holy Temple of our God, the holy dwelling-place of Christ,

the Giver of Light.

5.Joachim and Anne present the Virgin Mary, the handmaid of God,

as a truly acceptable first-fruit to the One who had allowed them

to bear this divine fruit. Through her, the sad debt is wiped away.

Let us sing to her with joy, O faithful, for she brought joy to the

whole world.

4.Come, let us hasten in spirit to enkindle our lamps with faith.

Let us escort the Virgin, accompanying her at her entrance. For she

enters into the Temple of God in glory to become the Bride of the

Spirit. With joy, let us celebrate together the feast of her entrance.

@BOLD TITLE = For the Saints

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

3.As a branch on the life-giving Vine, O illustrious Philemon,

you pour forth the wine of the knowledge of God upon afflicted souls,

and you bring joy to hearts saddened by the darkness of error and

the shadows of idolatry. Thus we celebrate your light-bearing memory

with joy.

2.You are venerated by the city of Gaza, which saw the light of

knowledge through you, O blessed one. You are venerated by the city

of the Colossians, which possesses your body as a divine treasure

and daily receives healing and grace flowing from it. Saved from all

danger by your prayers, they celebrate your memory, O illustrious


1.With Apphias, venerable in faith, let us acclaim Archippos, the

holy hierarch, and sing of Onesimos and Philemon, the divine heralds

and sacred teachers. By their words, they uprooted the error of polytheism

and planted the knowledge of truth in all. Let their memorial be a

feast for us.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Come, let us sing together of those who saw the Word

with their own eyes and were initiates of His wonders: Philemon, Onesimos,

Apphias, and Archippos, the Apostles of Christ! Let us hail them as

lights of the universe: <169>Rejoice, ramparts of the Colossians,

companions of the Angels, who fought courageously against the error

of idolatry and preached Christ as Savior! Before the throne of the

Holy Trinity, intercede for the salvation of our souls!<170>

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 1)

@BODY TXT IND = Today let heaven above greatly rejoice and let the

clouds pour down gladness at the mighty acts, exceedingly marvelous,

of our God. For behold, the gate that looks toward the East, born

according to the promise from a fruitless and barren womb, and dedicated

to God as His dwelling, is led today into the Temple as an offering

without blemish. Let David rejoice greatly, striking his harp. He

said, <169>The virgins in her train shall be brought to You!<170>

Within the tabernacle of God, within the place of His mercy-seat,

she shall be brought up, to become the dwelling-place of Him who was

begotten of the Father without change before all ages, for the salvation

of our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

1.Today, in fulfillment of the Psalm, the virgins in choir hold

their lamps enkindled and radiantly accompany the only all-spotless


v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.O Prophet, receive the spiritual Mountain, the Table of God,

the Vessel containing the Manna, the saving Bridge, the only all-spotless


v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.O Prophet Zechariah, open the gates of the holy Temple in order

to receive the holy Gate of God, the only Mother who remains a virgin


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BODY TXT IND = Today the spotless Virgin is led to the Temple, to

become the dwelling-place of God, the King of all, who sustains our

life. Today, as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice, the most pure

Sanctuary is led into the Holy of Holies. To her, let us cry out with

the angel: <169>Hail, you alone who are blessed among women!<170>

@RUBRIC = When it is wished, the Aposticha of Cecilia may be used

instead of those of the Feast:

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.You kept your body and mind sheltered from all impure desires,

and you offered yourself to the Creator as a spotless bride, adorned

in a holy manner in the brocade with which your martyrdom clothed

you, O blessed one. Thus Christ welcomed you into His radiant and

immaculate bridal chamber, O illustrious Cecilia!

v.God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

2.The Lord made you exude a sweet fragrance like roses, and by

your mediation, He captivated two brothers who had been touched by

the good odor of your continual intercessions. Thus, abandoning the

foul stench of idolatry, they were made worthy of the heavenly Perfume

born from the Virgin and poured out over us in His ineffable goodness.

v.In festive gatherings, bless the Lord God, O you children of


3.You disdained riches here below and cherished the heavenly treasures.

Without heed to your earthly betrothed, you took your place in the

choir of the wise virgins and were presented to the heavenly Bridegroom.

You waged a resolute struggle for Him and triumphed over the pride

of the enemy, O Cecilia, venerable splendor of the martyrs.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = Today the spotless Virgin is led to the Temple, to

become the dwelling-place of God, the King of all, who sustains our

life. Today, as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice, the most pure

Sanctuary is led into the Holy of Holies. To her, let us cry out with

the angel: <169>Hail, you alone who are blessed among women!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Apostles

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Apostles, intercede with God all-merciful

that He may save our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Cecilia

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O assembly of the faithful, let us praise with great

honor Cecilia, who adorned her heart with virtue and willingly became

the bride of Christ. She put to shame the daring Almakios and became

as a sparkling diamond among those who sought her hand. For us who

remain on earth, she is now a fortress to strengthen our faith.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Entrance of the Theotokos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude fo the benevolence of God, and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God, the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail! O fulfillment of the

Creator's Plan.<170>



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O virgins, praise the pure Mother of God; mothers,

chant of her; people, glorify her; and you priests, bless her! Only

an infant, she is presented to the Temple of the Law as the all-holy

Temple of the Lord. For this reason, celebrating this spiritual feast,

let us sing, <169>Hail, O Virgin, glory of the human race!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O Virgins, praise...

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = O David, go into the Temple of God and receive our

Queen with joy as you say to her, <169>O Lady, you enter into the

Temple of the King; all your glory is from within, for from you will

flow milk and honey, the Light of Christ!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = O David, go into...

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Apostles

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = We praise those stars who bathe the world in light,

those apostles: Philemon, Archippos, Onesimos, and Apphias. We cry

out and say, <169>Pray without ceasing for us all!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Entrance of the Theotokos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The most pure Temple of our Holy Savior, and the

most precious and bright Bridal Chamber, the Virgin, sacred treasury

of the glory of God, openly appears today in the Temple of the Lord,

bringing with her the grace of the Most Holy Spirit. Wherefore the

angels of God are singing: <169>This is the heavenly Tabernacle.<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made

manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice. And I know

not how to understand the strange and secret manner whereby the pure

one has been revealed as alone chosen above all creation, visible

and spiritual. Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb

with amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to proclaim

and magnify her: This is the heavenly Tabernacle.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 22, we commemorate the holy apostles Philemon,

Archippos, Apphias, and Onesimos, who were among the Seventy and were

disciples of the Apostle Paul.

@SYNAX INDENT = The Apostles of Christ ran the wondrous course to

glory at the call of their Master. On the twenty-second, Philemon

died in pain, but he found the source of that life where there is

no pain.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy martyrs Cecilia,

Valerian, and Tiburtios.

@SYNAX INDENT = After having suffered burns in the bath house, Cecilia

was bathed in the streams of her own blood. Without protest, Tiburtios

and Valerian endured the blow of the sword for the sake of the Almighty.

@SYNAX LEFT = Through the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God,

have pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Apostles who saw the Word with your own eyes, Philemon,

Archippos, and Apphias, in company with the martyr Cecilia, entreat

the Creator for the faithful who celebrate your sacred memory, that

He may grant us the remission of our sins: for you are charged with

interceding for us before the Master.

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = Today, the lamb without blemish, the spotless Virgin,

makes her wondrous entrance into the Temple. The army of Angels, the

hosts of bodiless powers, form an escort for her together with her

maiden companions. Full of joy, the holy Priest receives her in his


@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

4.The Sun of Glory, Jesus our God, has sent you, O Apostle Philemon,

as a radiant beam upon the inhabited world in order to drive away

the shadows of evil and to enlighten the hearts darkened by ignorance

and the onslaught of the passions.

3.The Sun of Glory... (Repeat)

2.You were the pure abode of the Holy Trinity, radiant with the

brilliance of the virtues and the light of a Faith more resplendent

than the sun, O Apphias, all-worthy of our hymns, for the whole divine

mystery was revealed to you; thus you exult with the angels in heaven.

1.With the divine Philemon, let us acclaim the hierarchs wise in

God, Archippos and Onesimos, the great martyrs, the Apostles above

sharing the heavenly splendor before the throne of God's glory, as

they ask remission of sins for us all.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR PRAISES = Today, the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led into the Temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her. Today,

the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choir of Angels mystically

keeps feast. With them, let us also celebrate this festival today,

and let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace! The

Lord is with you, and He has given you great mercy!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

1.O Zechariah, receive into the interior of the Temple, into the

very Holy of Holies, the Holy One who dwells among the Holy: the Mother

of God.

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.You have come forth from the root of David, O all-pure Virgin.

Addressing you with a greeting, Gabriel cries out, <169>It is God

Himself whom you will bear!<170>

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.Blessed are you, O divine and sacred couple, Joachim and Anne:

from you has been born the spotless one who is now offered to the


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = The three-lamped Light, who enkindles you as a lamp

in the Temple of His glory, O Mother of God, sends you food from heaven

and magnifies you.

@RUBRIC = The rest of Orthros as usual. After the Trisagion prayers,

the Troparion of the Entrance only.

@DATE = November 23

@FEAST TITLE = Third day of the Entrance; Commemoration of our Fathers

among the Saints Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum, and Amphilochios,

Bishop of Iconium

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Gregory

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

6.O father Gregory, holy hierarch, you were consecrated from birth

to the Creator of all, to whom you were united by a constant inclination.

In His light, you surmounted the night of the passions and were radiant

with the light of healing and the power of miracles, driving away

all types of illness and the spirits of error.

5.O Gregory, father worthy of admiration, having received the divine

light in all its purity in your spirit, you brought peace to the troubled

sea of the passions. Lifted up on the wings of the condition of impassibility,

you were joined to the ineffable and prodigious beauty of Him whom

you entreat at all times for us the faithful who ceaselessly acclaim


4.O excellent father, you have been a rule for priests, a model

of chastity, a support for monks, a light of charity, a pillar for

the Church, the throne of the Faith, a source of miracles, a tongue

of fire, an eloquent mouth, an instrument of the Holy Spirit, a spiritual

Paradise, O blessed Gregory!

@BOLD TITLE = For Amphilochios

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.Having received as your inheritance freedom in judgement and

mastery of your spirit over your passions, O blessed father, you wisely

used the scale of equity to grant dominion to the higher things over

the lower. Thus, you were able to see and comprehend God, O inspired


2.By the orthodoxy of your teachings and the precision of your

theology, you broke the nets and destroyed the snares of heresies.

You rejected the doctrines sustaining division and contraction, O

venerable father, and you remained within the limits of the Faith,

preaching the Trinity in the divine Unity.

1.Wishing to teach wisdom simply to the emperor who reigned on

earth, you would not greet his own son. Thus you made him understand

that in refusing worship to the Son, the Father is gravely offended,

insulting Him who in a wondrous fashion had begotten and known Him

as the bodiless and impassible Son from before all ages.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@BODY TXT IND = Come, O faithful, let us praise her who is undefiled;

she who was foretold by the prophets and offered in the Temple, the

Mother preordained before all ages, who in this last time has been

shown forth as the Theotokos. O Lord, at her intercession, grant us

Your peace and great mercy.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

1.The virgins in your train, holding their lamps enkindled, shall

be brought into the Temple of the Lord, O pure Virgin, as foretold

by the prophet David, the ancestor of God. They escort you, as the

holy Ark of God, into the Holy of Holies.

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.Having gathered from spiritual meadows a bouquet of various flowers

which are words inspired by the Spirit, let us joyfully weave a crown

of praises for the Virgin. Thus, as is fitting, let us prepare a gift

for her on these days of the feast.

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.O gate of the holy Temple, open up to usher in the Gate of Heaven,

and let the human race keep feast. Let the angels exult with us, celebrating

the Entrance of the Mother of God!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 5)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Behold! The day of joy and the most venerable season

are here! For the one who was a Virgin before giving birth remained

a perfect Virgin, even after she gave birth. She is presented today

to the holy Temple, to the great admiration of the high priest Zechariah,

the father of the Forerunner, who cries out with joy: <169>Behold,

the hope of the afflicted is coming near! She is holy, and she is

vowed to be the dwelling-place of the King of all! Let Joachim rejoice

and Anne dance with glee, for they have presented to God the Lady

spotless and all-blameless, when she was only three years old. O mothers,

rejoice! You virgins, be merry! Barren ones, share your happiness!

The Queen of all, the one whom God prepared from all eternity, has

opened to us the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, O nations of the world,

and be glad!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Fathers

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our fathers, who always deal with us according

to Your everlasting compassion: do not withdraw Your mercy from us,

but through the prayers of our Fathers Gregory and Amphilochios, guide

our lives along the ways of peace.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God, the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail! O fulfillment of the

Creator's Plan.<170>



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne is brought

as an offering to God in the holy sanctuary; it is she who sustains

our life, and she is a young child in the flesh. She receives the

blessing of Zechariah the priest. Let all of us in faith call her

blessed, for she is the Mother of the Lord.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Before your conception, O pure Virgin, you were consecrated

to God. And now, after your birth, you are offered as a gift to Him,

in fulfillment of your parents' promise. To the divine Temple you

are brought, yourself a Temple truly divine, innocent from the time

you were a baby. You have appeared in the sanctuary accompanied by

brightly burning lamps, and you are the receiver of the Divine Light

that no man can approach. Magnificent in truth is your entry, O only

Bride of God and ever-Virgin.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Before your conception... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Entrance

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The most pure Temple of our Holy Savior, and the

most precious and bright Bridal Chamber, the Virgin, sacred treasury

of the glory of God, openly appears today in the Temple of the Lord,

bringing with her the grace of the Most Holy Spirit. Wherefore the

angels of God are singing: <169>This is the heavenly Tabernacle.<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made

manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice. And I know

not how to understand the strange and secret manner whereby the pure

one has been revealed as alone chosen above all creation, visible

and spiritual. Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb

with amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to proclaim

and magnify her: This is the heavenly Tabernacle!

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Gregory

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Church shines with the splendor of the Holy Spirit

upon those who celebrate your joyful passage into eternal life, O

most blessed father Gregory.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Amphilochios

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Since you are highly placed among the elect, God

has chosen you by special grace to be an admirable shepherd for the

salvation of many. Indeed, Amphilochios, you proved yourself an outstanding

pontiff and a leader of Christians, who dispelled heresies through

your piety and devotion.


@AFTR IKOS = Divine thunder, trumpet of the Spirit, planter of the

Faith, known as a fighter of heresies, O Amphilochios, blessed hierarch,

sublime servant of the Holy Trinity: as you live with the Angels forever,

do not cease to intercede for us all through your piety and devotion.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 23, we commemorate our father among the

Saints, Amphilochios, Bishop of Iconium.

@SYNAX INDENT = Although he left his humble effects behind on earth,

Amphilochios lives on after death. By his work, he unravels the webs

spun by the enemy. The Saint fell asleep in peace on the twenty-third.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our father among the

Saints, Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum.

@SYNAX INDENT = For the divine Word who rules all things, Agrigentum

is bid farewell by Gregory, its pastor.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take

pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O venerable hierarchs, God-bearing shepherds, true

sheep of the Shepherd and Lamb, blessed Amphilochios and Gregory:

intercede for us who celebrate your sacred memory, that we may escape

all dangers of body and soul.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The interior of the sanctuary received you from the

hands of the high priest, O Virgin Theotokos. From the age of three

years, until you were twelve, you dwelt there, fed by the hand of

a divine angel, as the holy Ark of the Creator of all.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

1.The wall of separation has been torn down by the Entrance of

the venerable Mother of God, and we below are now united to those


v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.In the midst of enkindled lamps, the choirs of maidens sang a

divine canticle as they escorted toward the Temple of God the only

all-spotless Virgin.

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.O Zechariah, receive into the interior of the Temple, into the

very Holy of Holies, the Holy One who dwells among the Holy: the Mother

of God.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Let us celebrate this day, O assembly of the faithful,

as a spiritual feast. With great love, let us honor the maiden of

God, the Virgin and Mother of God, as she is presented to the Temple

of the Lord, for she has been chosen from among all the generations

to be the dwelling place of Christ, the King of us all. Behold! You

virgins, come forth and enter, holding your flaming torches in honor

of the entrance of the ever-Virgin. You mothers, cast away sadness

and regret and follow the one who became the Mother of God and the

cause of joy to the whole world, and glorify her. Then let us all

together cry out in joy, with the angel, our salutation to the Woman

full of grace, who is always interceding for our souls.

@RUBRIC = After the Trisagion Prayers, only the Troparion of the Feast.


@DATE = November 24

@FEAST TITLE = Fourth Day of the Entrance; Commemoration of our Fathers

among the Saints, the Hieromartyrs Clement, Pope of Rome, and Peter,

Bishop of Alexandria

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Clement

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

6.Branch on the life-giving Vine, O father and hierarch, in spirit

you bore the wondrous grapes of your teachings from which continually

flows the saving wine of the knowledge of God that brings joy to the

hearts of all those who sincerely venerate you, O blessed and God-bearing

father Clement.

5.Disciple of Peter the Key-bearer, you built yourself upon that

rock as a precious gemstone, illustrious father. Using your words

as a lever, you cast down all the shrines of the idols, then built

up divine temples in honor of the Holy Trinity for whom you struggled.

O blessed father, you received the crown of martyrdom as your reward.

4.You rose from the West like a radiant sun, O thrice-blessed father,

and the earth was brightly illumined by your wondrous teachings as

well as by your wounds. Having reached the regions of the East, you

set in death. Then you dawned again, O blessed Clement, forever close

to Christ in a divine communion, enlightened by the splendor which

shines in the Age to Come.

@BOLD TITLE = For Peter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

3.Defending the consubstantial Unity of the Most High, uncreated

Trinity, O blessed one, you overthrew Arianism as you showed us that

the Son underwent no division, since He shares the same Divinity with

the Father and the Spirit.

2.The murderous intent of the persecutors ended, the bloodbath

ceased, both sealed by your sacred martyrdom, just as the massacre

at the time of the infant Moses was once stopped by the decision of


1.Having shone as a shepherd, O hierarch and witness of Christ,

you courageously waged your struggle as a martyr, and thus you received

a double crown, adorned at the same time for both your priesthood

and your struggles as an athlete. Intercede then for our salvation.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Having turned your spirit away from the tyranny of

the passions, you were gifted with the knowledge of beings, O holy

hierarch Clement. Thus, He who is the Being of all beings has led

you, through Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, who initiated you

into the knowledge of God and left you as his worthy successor. After

wisely guiding the church after him, by your martyrdom you went back

reverently to him, united in all purity to the divine Being. We entreat

you to intercede ceaselessly before Him, that we too may be divinized,

O apostolic hierarch and martyr.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@BODY TXT IND = O Lady, Bride of God, you entered the Temple of God

in your infancy to be brought up in the Holy of Holies, for you are

holy. There the Archangel Gabriel was sent to serve you and bring

you food. All the heavenly Powers were amazed at the sight of the

Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Wherefore, O pure Mother of God, all-blameless,

glorified in heaven and on earth, save our race!

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

1.Come, O feast-lovers: with hymns let us honor the only Mother

of God. O maidens, with your lamps enkindled, joyfully acclaim the

only spotless Virgin, who enters into the Temple of the Creator.

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.Open wide, O gates of the Temple! Let the maidens bearing lamps

with faith receive the pure Mother of her God at her entrance, for

she is the joy of all. Let them cry out, <169>Divine, ever-virgin

Mother, you are blessed among women!<170>

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.The Theotokos, glorious fruit of a sacred promise, is truly revealed

to the world as higher than all creation. Piously led into the House

of God, she fulfills the vow of her parents, and she is preserved

by the Holy Spirit.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR APOSTICA = Consecrated a hierarch by the hand of God, named

after the Key-Bearer and imitator of his deeds, you pastured the mystical

sheep in the meadows of the Gospel as a true and good shepherd. As

a worthy successor to holy Mark, in your martyr's blood you followed

the course of the Faith to a good end, as you were sacrificed for

the people, in the image of Christ. Intercede for our souls before


v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@AFTR APOSTICA = David prophesied about you, O spotless one, foretelling

your entrance into the Temple and your dedication. Keeping this feast

today, the ends of the earth glorify you, O woman worthy of our praise.

Zechariah rejoices as he receives you at your entry today into the

Temple, O Mother of the Word of Life, who were a virgin before childbirth

and remained a virgin after childbirth. The Holy of Holies exults

as it welcomes you who sustain our life. Therefore, we too cry out

to you in song: <169>Entreat your Son and God on our behalf, that

we may be granted great mercy!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Fathers

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according

to Your everlasting compassion, do not withdraw your mercy from us,

but through the prayers of our fathers, Clement and Peter, guide our

lives along the ways of peace.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God, and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God, the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail! O fulfillment of the

Creator's Plan.<170>



@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Today the universe is filled with joy on the august

festivity of the Mother of God, and it sings, <169>Behold the heavenly


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = Today the universe is filled with joy... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = In a wondrous manner, the sheep without blemish,

the spotless bride, the Mother of God, is led with joy into the Temple

of the Lord; the Angels of God radiantly accompany her, and the faithful

call her blessed through all generations. With thanksgiving, they

ceaselessly sing aloud to her, <169>O Spotless Virgin, you are our

salvation and our glory!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = In a wondrous manner... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Peter

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You brightened the Church through your orthodox teaching

and defended it by refuting the heresy of Arius, O blessed Peter.

Wherefore, we celebrate your holy memory and cry out: <169>Joy to

you, Peter, rock of the Faith!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Fathers

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Clement and Peter worthy of all praise, holy and

unassailable stronghold of the Church and inspired models of piety

and devotion: guard us all through your intercession.


@AFTR IKOS = Those who shine over the world by the ineffable splendor

of their holy, unchanging, and firm confession today exult with joy.

It is the splendid vine-branch of Christ, Clement, who nourishes the

world with the grapes of the knowledge of God. It is Peter, the unshakeable

rock, the foundation of the teachings of the Savior. They are both

servants of divine grace, initiates in ineffable wisdom, fervent defenders

of the holy Church. They bring relief to those afflicted with all

types of evils and save the faithful who sing, <169>Guard us through

your intercession!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The most pure Temple of our Holy Savior, and the

most precious and bright Bridal Chamber, the Virgin, sacred treasury

of the glory of God, openly appears today in the Temple of the Lord,

bringing with her the grace of the Most Holy Spirit. Wherefore the

angels of God are singing: <169>This is the heavenly Tabernacle.<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made

manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice. And I know

not how to understand the strange and secret manner whereby the pure

one has been revealed as alone chosen above all creation, visible

and spiritual. Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb

with amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to proclaim

and magnify her: This is the heavenly Tabernacle.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 24, we commemorate our Father among the

Saints, Clement, Bishop of Rome.

@SYNAX INDENT = An anchor tied around his neck, then thrown into the

depths, after the harsh exile which his faith had earned, Clement

is united to Christ, our anchor of salvation. On the twenty-fourth,

he set out on his last voyage.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the holy hieromartyr

Peter, Bishop of Alexandria.

@SYNAX INDENT = He had seen the tunic of Christ rent asunder; under

the blow of the sword, his faith remained intact.

@SYNAX LEFT = By their holy prayers, O our God, take pity on us and

save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = The august day has dawned which brings us the illustrious

successors of the divine Apostles: Peter and Clement, those heralds

of the Faith, those invincible martyrs. O faithful, let us celebrate

their annual memorial.

@AFTR EXAPOST = In faith let us praise Mary, the child of God, whom

long ago the assembly of prophets foretold, speaking of her as the

vessel of manna and Aaron's rod, tablet of the Law and uncut mountain.

For she is led today into the Holy of Holies, there to be brought

up for the Lord.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

4.Hail, O delightful and radiant abode of the Holy Spirit, blessed

Clement, whom mystical showers have made a fertile vine-branch, bearing

fruit that is distilled sweetly in the doctrine of salvation, a wine

that refreshes and brings joy to the hearts of the faithful each day.

O martyr unconquered in combat, pillar upholding the Church, heavenly

man, refuge of believers: entreat Christ to grant great mercy to our


3.Hail, teacher of Sacred Scripture, interpreter and knower of

ineffable secrets and fountain of doctrine, base and pillar upon which

the Church is firmly supported without fear of being shaken, exact

rule and all-wise writer, learned tongue which is sharpened to cut

down heresies like a two-edged sword, heavenly spirit, melodious instrument,

solid pride of hieromartyrs, holy Clement: entreat Christ to grant

great mercy to our souls.

2.O blessed Peter, you established the absolute sovereignty of

your spirit and your faith over the passions. Unshakeable, you endured

a bitter end and death by a sword. Through it, you found blessedness

in the presence of God and deserved to taste the delights and sweet

communion with the Savior. O rock of the Faith, jewel of hierarchs

and glory of martyrs: entreat Christ to grant great mercy to our souls.

1.Under the brilliance of the priestly vestments, adorned with

your crown of martyrdom, you stand in the presence of Christ our God,

who is Himself the great High Priest and first of martyrs. You received

a double reward from His hands, O blessed one. You acknowledged Him

to be of the same Essence and eternity as His Father, sharing the

same royal throne with Him, In this, you cut off the infamous Arius

from the assembly of the faithful: entreat Christ to grant great mercy

to our souls.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 4)

@AFTR PRAISES = Today, the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,

is led into the Temple of the Lord, and Zechariah receives her. Today,

the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly, and the choir of angels mystically

keeps feast. With them, let us also celebrate this festival today,

and let us cry aloud with Gabriel: <169>Hail, O full of grace! The

Lord is with you, and He has given you great mercy!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

1.The three-lamped Light, who enkindles you as a lamp in the Temple

of His glory, O Mother of God, sends you food from heaven and magnifies


v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.You have come forth from the root of David, O all-pure Virgin.

Addressing you with a greeting, Gabriel cries out, <169>It is God

Himself whom you will bear!<170>

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.Blessed are you, O divine and sacred couple, Joachim and Anne:

from you has been born the spotless one who is now offered to the


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR APOSTICA = O heavenly gates, receive the Virgin Mary, the Mother

of God, who will make room for the redemption of mankind without knowing


@RUBRIC = After the Trisagion Prayers, only the Troparion of the Entrance.


@DATE = November 25

@FEAST TITLE = Leave-taking of the Entrance; Commemoration of the

Holy Great-martyr of Christ and Most Wise Catherine of Alexandria,

and of the Holy Great-martyr Mercury

@FEAST TITLE = (3rd Class)


@FIRST KATHIS = First Kathisma: Blessed the man

@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@BOLD TITLE = For the Feast

6.O faithful, let us exchange glad tidings today, singing psalms

to the Lord and hymns of praise in honor of Mary, His Mother, His

holy Tabernacle, the Ark that contained the Word whom nothing can

contain. She is offered to God as a child in a marvelous way, and

Zechariah, the high priest, receives her with great joy, for she is

the dwelling-place of the Most High.

5.Today, the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our God,

Mary, the pure and blessed one, is presented to the Temple of Moses

to live in its holy precincts. Joachim and Anne rejoice with her in

the Spirit, and all the virgins sing hymns of praise to the Lord in

honor of His Mother.

4.O Virgin Mother of God, you are the subject of the preaching

of the prophets and the glory of the Apostles. You are the pride of

the martyrs and the cause of renewal for the whole human race, for

through you, we have been reconciled to God. Wherefore we honor your

entrance into the Temple of the Lord, repeating to you the salutation

of the angel, for we are saved through your intercession, O most honorable


@BOLD TITLE = For Catherine

3.Today the city of Alexandria rejoices, for it was your cradle

from birth and possesses your divine temple; thus, O Catherine, we

celebrate your sacred memory with faith. Intercede for the faithful

who venerate you.

2.O faithful, let us celebrate the memory of Catherine today; by

her words and her deeds, she was able to destroy the power of the

enemy and confound the arguments of the orators. By her prayers, O

our God, deliver us from heresies.

1.Hail, O Catherine, wondrous and venerated martyr, for Christ

had your body transported to Mount Sinai, where Moses beheld the unconsumed

bush. There He preserves you until the time of His second coming.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = On the feast of Catherine, wise in God, O friends

of the martyrs, let us hasten in joy to crown her with our praises

as with flowers. Let us say to her, <169>Hail, for you refuted the

insolent babbling of the orators and led them from ignorance to faith

in God! Hail, for through love for your Creator you handed over your

body to countless torments, resisting like an anvil without being

burned! Hail, for by your pains you attained the dwellings above,

where you rejoice in eternal glory, the object of our desires! May

the hopes of those who sing to you never be disappointed!<170>

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 8)

@BODY TXT IND = O Lady, Bride of God, you entered the Temple of God

in your infancy to be brought up in the Holy of Holies, for you are

holy. There the Archangel Gabriel was sent to serve you and bring

you food. All the heavenly Powers were amazed at the sight of the

Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Wherefore, O pure Mother of God, all

blameless, glorified in heaven and on earth, save our race!

@RUBRIC = Entrance. <169>O Joyful Light!<170> Prokimenon of the Day.

At the discretion of the Ecclesiarch, three prophecies may be read:

1) Isaiah 43:9-14 2) Wisdom 3:1-9 3) Wisdom 5:15-6:3.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of the Feast

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

1.Heaven and earth rejoice together today at the sight of the mystical

heaven, the Virgin spotless and pure, coming to the holy Temple to

be brought up in honor. Zechariah had this to say to her: <169>O Door

of the Lord, to you I open the doors of the Temple! Enter with joy,

for I know and believe that the salvation of Israel will come now,

and from you will be born the Word of God, who grants great mercy

to the world!<170>

v.She is led to the King with her maiden companions.

2.When Anne, which means grace, was graced with the pure and ever-virgin

Mary, she presented her to the Temple of God and called her little

companions to carry flaming torches and walk before her. And she said,

<169>Go, my child, to the One who sent you to me, for you are promised

to Him by vow; you are an incense of delicate fragrance. Enter into

the veiled places and learn the mysteries of God. Prepare yourself

to be a delightful dwelling-place for Jesus, who grants great mercy

to the world.<170>

v.They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the

Temple of the King.

3.Mary, the Temple who contained the Godhead, the Mother of God,

the Virgin most holy, is placed today within the Temple of God. Little

girls walk before her in procession, carrying flaming torches. Let

her parents, the devoted couple, Joachim and Anne, be filled with

joy, for they have given birth to the one who gave birth in the flesh

to the Creator. She is the spotless one who is all happiness in the

heavenly mansions of the Temple. An Angel will feed her because she

is to become the Mother of Christ who grants great mercy to us all.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@BODY TXT IND = Bodiless was the life you led; thus, before the tribunal

of the godless, O Catherine, you triumphed. You bore the splendor

of our God as a radiant garment. Robed in the strength of God, you

laughed at the command of the tyrant and brought an end to the babbling

of the orators.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@BODY TXT IND = Let us celebrate this day, O assembly of the faithful,

as a spiritual feast. With great love, let us honor the maiden of

God, the Virgin and Mother of God, as she is presented to the Temple

of the Lord, for she has been chosen from among all the generations

to be the dwelling-place of Christ, the King of us all. Behold! You

virgins, come forth and enter, holding your flaming torches in honor

of the entrance of the ever-virgin. You mothers, cast away sadness

and regret and follow the one who became the Mother of God and cause

of joy to the whole world, and glorify her. Let us then all together

cry out in joy with the angel our salutation to the Woman full of

grace, who is always interceding for our souls!


@RUBRIC = At the discretion of the Ecclesiarch, the Aposticha of Mercury

may be used, rather than those of the Feast, above.

@BOLD TITLE = Aposticha of Mercury

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

1.Having triumphed over the enemy with the help of the Spirit,

O Mercury, as an unconquerable soldier you dismembered the myriads

of demons with the weapons of our Faith. Having waged your combat

according to the rules, you received your crown with all the Athletes,

O blessed martyr.

v.The just will flourish like the palm tree and grow like a Lebanon


2.From heaven, an angel was sent to you by order of the Holy Spirit

to heal your wounds, O wondrous martyr. Strengthened by him, you endured

piercing by burning hot spikes and hanging, weighted down with a stone,

until your blood poured forth profusely from your body.

v.God has displayed wonders in the saints who dwell in His land:

all His good pleasure is upon them.

3.O blessed Mercury, when you served in the army of the earthly

king who ordered you to sacrifice to demons, you endured the torments

of a violent death. Wearing your crown, you went up to Christ, to

be united to the multitude of martyrs, with whom you intercede for


v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

Bodiless was the life you led... (For Catherine, above)

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

Let us celebrate this day, O assembly... (For the Entrance, above)

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Entrance of the Theotokos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God, and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God, the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry out to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail, O fulfillment of

the Creator's plan!<170>

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Catherine

@TONE # = (Tone 5)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let us sing of the illustrious bride of Christ, holy

Catherine, the protectress of Sinai, who is our refuge and our help.

With the sword of the Spirit, she brilliantly silenced the sophistry

of the impious; as a crowned martyr, she forever entreats great mercy

for us all.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Mercury

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O Lord our God, Your holy martyr Mercury has deserved

the crown of immortality on account of his good fight. Armed with

Your strength, he has vanquished his persecutors and crushed Satan's

dreadful might. Through his supplications, O Christ God, save our


v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of the Entrance of the Theotokos

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Today is the prelude of the benevolence of God, and

the announcement of the salvation of men. In the Temple of God, the

Virgin is seen openly, foretelling to all the coming of Christ. Wherefore

let us cry to her in a loud voice: <169>Hail! O fulfillment of the

Creator's Plan!<170>






@RUBRIC = Use the Festal Format.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the First Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR SESSIONL = The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne is brought

as an offering to God in the holy sanctuary; it is she who sustains

our life, and she is a young child in the flesh. She receives the

blessing of Zechariah the priest. Let all of us in faith call her

blessed, for she is the Mother of the Lord.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@AFTR SESSIONL = The fruit of the righteous Joachim and Anne... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Second Reading from the Psalter

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Before your conception, O pure Virgin, you were consecrated

to God. And now, after your birth, you are offered as a gift to Him,

in fulfillment of your parents' promise. To the divine Temple you

are brought, yourself a Temple truly divine, innocent from the time

you were a baby. You have appeared in the sanctuary accompanied by

brightly burning lamps, and you are the receiver of the Divine Light

that no man can approach. Magnificent in the truth is your entry,

O only bride of God and ever-virgin!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Before your conception... (Repeat)

@RUBRIC = The Polyeleos and Gospel must be sung in churches of which

St. Catherine is the titular. They may also be sung in other churches

at the discretion of the Ecclesiarch.

@BOLD TITLE = Sessional Hymns after the Polyeleos

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR SESSIONL = Let David the psalmist rejoice greatly; let Joachim

and Anne be glad, for a holy child has come forth from them: Mary,

the Lamp that bears the divine Light. And she rejoices as she enters

the Temple. The son of Barachiah, beholding her, gave her his blessing,

and cried out in joy: <169>Hail, O wonder of the world!<170>

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Let David the psalmist rejoice... (Repeat)

@BOLD TITLE = Prokimenon

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

God is wonderful among His Saints, the God of Israel.

v.God has displayed wonders in the Saints who dwell in His land:

all His good pleasure is upon them.

@RUBRIC = Gospel for Catherine. Psalm 50.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the intercession of Your holy martyr, O merciful One, wipe

out the multitude of our sins.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Through the intercession of the Theotokos, O merciful One, wipe out

the multitude of our sins.

v.O God, have mercy on me in the greatness of Your love; in the

abundance of Your tender mercies, wipe out my offense.

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PROKIM = Bodiless was the life you led; thus, before the tribunal

of the godless, O Catherine, you triumphed. You bore the splendor

of our God as a radiant garment. Robed in the strength of God, you

laughed at the command of the tyrant and brought an end to the babbling

of the orators.

@RUBRIC = Canons: Canon II of the Feast, then the Canon of Catherine,

and that of Mercury.

@RUBRIC = After Ode 3:

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of the Entrance

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The most pure Temple of our Holy Savior, and the

most precious and bright Bridal Chamber, the Virgin, sacred treasury

of the glory of God, openly appears today in the Temple of the Lord,

bringing with her the grace of the Most Holy Spirit. Wherefore the

angels of God are singing: <169>This is the heavenly Tabernacle.<170>


@AFTR IKOS = Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made

manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice. And I know

not how to understand the strange and secret manner whereby the pure

one has been revealed as alone chosen above all creation, visible

and spiritual. Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb

with amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to proclaim

and magnify her: This is the heavenly Tabernacle!

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Mercury

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You penetrated the holy mysteries and became an agreeable

holocaust, O wise Mercury, for you drank with eagerness of the cup

of Christ. Wherefore, you now constantly intercede for us all.

@RUBRIC = After Ode 6:

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Catherine

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Let all of us who love to honor the martyrs form

a great choir and praise the most wise Catherine, for she preached

Christ and trampled the serpent, despising the art of orators.


@AFTR IKOS = Having received the wisdom of God from infancy, the martyr

was also fully formed in the wisdom of this world. Through it, she

recognized both the importance of reason in the formation and evolution

of the elements, and Him who by His word called them all into being.

Day and night, she gave thanks to Him, and she overthrew the idols

and their foolish worshippers, despising the art of orators.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 25, we commemorate the holy Great-martyr


@SYNAX INDENT = To her great wisdom, Catherine joined the glory of

martyrdom and virginity. She triumphed as she enjoyed debating in

oratory. On the twenty-fifth, she offered herself to Christ by being


@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate the passion of the holy

Great-martyr Mercury.

@SYNAX INDENT = By his death under the sword, Mercury brought about

a weakening of the enemies of Christ.

@SYNAX LEFT = By the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God, take

pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Catherine, venerable virgin, glory of martyrs, you

strengthen the courage of all women. You rejected as myths and foolishness

the thoughts of philosophers who did not know the true God, for you

had as your help the divine and all-pure Mother.

@AFTR EXAPOST = Having broken the attack of the enemy and brought

about the complete collapse of the demons' insolence, you received

a crown from your Creator's hand as a true witness, O blessed Mercury.

You save us from all snares set for us by the enemy.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The interior of the sanctuary received you from the

hands of the high priest, O Virgin Theotokos. From the age of three

years, until you were twelve, you dwelt there, fed by the hands of

a divine angel, as the holy Ark of the Creator of all.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@BOLD TITLE = For the Entrance of the Theotokos

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

6.The virgins bearing torches, who with their light accompany the

ever-Virgin, truly prophesy the future in the Spirit. For the Temple

of God, the Theotokos, with virginal glory enters as a little child

into the Temple.

5.The Theotokos, glorious fruit of a sacred promise, is truly revealed

to the world as higher than all creation. Piously led into the house

of God, she fulfills the vow of her parents and she is preserved by

the Holy Spirit.

4.O Virgin, fed in faith by heavenly bread in the Temple of the

Lord, you brought forth for the world the Bread of Life that is the

Word. As His chosen Temple without spot, you were betrothed mystically

through the Spirit to be the Bride of God the Father.

@BOLD TITLE = For Catherine

@TONE # = (Tone 4)

3.Celebrating the sacred memory of your holy passion, O illustrious

Catherine, we glorify with unceasing voices the Lord Jesus, the Lover

of Mankind and our Savior, who endowed you with patience and perseverance.

He made you triumphant by granting you an eloquence that astounded

the orators.

2.O illustrious Catherine, in the sight of all, you freely bore

witness as a martyr. You checkmated the tyrant, and by the grace of

God, you overthrew the foolish worship of many idols by the light

of the knowledge of the one true God. Thus, Christ, the Savior of

our souls, crowned you as a martyr and blameless virgin.

1.When you opened your mouth, you were filled with the grace of

the Spirit, O illustrious Catherine. He made you eager to keep your

life in purity; by your patience, you triumphed over the arrogance

of the tyrants. Then, in exchange for bodily beauty, you obtained

a splendor of soul, O pride of martyrs.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PRAISES = Bodiless was the life you led; thus, before the tribunal

of the godless, O Catherine, you triumphed. You bore the splendor

of our God as a radiant garment. Robed in the strength of God, you

laughed at the command of the tyrant and brought an end to the babbling

of the orators.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 2)

@AFTR PRAISES = Today the spotless Virgin is led to the Temple, to

become the dwelling-place of God, the King of all, who sustains our

life. Today, as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice, the most pure

Sanctuary is led into the Holy of Holies. To her let us cry out with

the angel: <169>Hail, you who alone are blessed among women!<170>

@RUBRIC = Great Doxology. Troparion of the Entrance.


@DATE = November 26

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of our Holy Fathers Alypios the Stylite

and Nikon, the Preacher of Repentance

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@BOLD TITLE = For Alypios

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

6.From infancy, your life was consecrated to Christ our God; strengthened

by Him, you submitted the lower to the higher, the bodily passions

to the spirit. O blessed Alypios, entreat the Lord, then, to grant

our souls peace and great mercy.

5.As a great luminary, you enlightened the whole world with the

splendor of your miracles and godly deeds. Thus, after your death,

you were received by the unsetting Light. Entreat Him to grant our

souls peace and great mercy.

4.Alypios, you were truly a pillar for monks as you dwelt on a

pillar, afflicted by hunger, heat, and cold. Thus you received from

the Spirit your divine charisms for healing maladies and putting passions

to flight.

@BOLD TITLE = For Nikon

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

3.Your body was glorified by your sufferings and the manner in

which you suffered. The splendor of your life, illumined by the Holy

Spirit, shone with ineffable power over the whole world. For in a

wondrous way God has magnified your relics, pouring out a stream of

healing upon the faithful. What a wonder, that the tomb could not

hinder your power, nor the sepulchre hold you away! Just as you preached

repentance to us before death, so after death you continue to turn

us to the grace of God.

2.Come, let us bow down in the house of God where the all-holy

body of the blessed one is kept as a treasure. With our lamps enkindled,

let us chant to him in hymns: <169>Make haste , O holy Nikon: take

pity on our miseries! Snatch us from calamity and from the storm of

the passions, that we may glorify your reliquary and breathe your

sweet perfume as we venerate your sacred image.<170>

1.The city of the Spartans possesses you as an inviolable treasure,

O blessed father so worthy of our admiration because of the radiance

of your splendor. Grant it peace again; fill it with victory under

the protection of your holy intercession as it struggles against the

power of the enemies assailing it. Fill with your benefits the hearts

of those who sing to you, as you pray to God for our souls!

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,

now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = O Virgin, in the purity of his heart, Isaiah saw from

afar that you would give birth to the Author of all creation, for

you alone, O spotless one, were seen to be without blemish from all

ages. Thus, I pray you to cleanse the stains of my heart and make

me share in the divine splendor of your Son. Allow me to stand at

His right hand when, as it is written, He shall take His seat to judge

the whole world.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = <169>O my Son, the judges of Israel decided to condemn

You to death, making You appear as an accused before the tribunal,

O Savior who judge the living and the dead. The impious handed You

over to Pilate for judgement, but they had already condemned You to

death before the sentence. Seeing this, I am wounded, O Lord, and

I share Your condemnation, for I prefer death rather than a life full

of grieving,<170> said the Mother of the God who is full of compassion.

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Alypios

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

@AFTR TROP/KON = O holy Alypios, you have become a perfect example

of patience, for you have emulated two great Patriarchs: Job in his

tribulations and Joseph in his trials. And even while in the flesh,

you resembled the angels of heaven. O our father Alypios, intercede

with Christ God that He may save our souls!

@BOLD TITLE = Troparion of Nikon

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR TROP/KON = Sparta rejoices because it holds your holy remains,

a source of healing and encouragement to those who have recourse to

you. Wherefore, O holy Nikon, intercede with Christ God that He may

grant us His great mercy.



@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Nikon

@TONE # = (Tone 6)

@AFTR TROP/KON = You followed the ways of angels by despising the

pleasures of this world and showed us the road of penance, O holy

and God-bearing Nikon. Wherefore, we venerate you and celebrate your

memory today: you are truly a fountain of healing.

@BOLD TITLE = Kontakion of Alypios

@TONE # = (Tone 8)

@AFTR TROP/KON = The Church glorifies and honors you today, Alypios,

perfect example of virtue and pride of the ascetics. Through your

prayers, grant release from their sins to those who eagerly venerate

your life and struggles.


@AFTR IKOS = Come, let us all admire the angelic and holy life of

the blessed Alypios and take him as our model, O hierarchs, kings

and princes, monks and all believers. By his prayers, may we be worthy

of the same destiny, O lovers of the feast: for he sings to God in

heaven, where there is no grief, as we venerate his life and struggles.

@BOLD TITLE = Synaxarion

@SYNAX LEFT = On November 26, we commemorate our venerable father

Alypios the Stylite.

@SYNAX INDENT = Since he already touched heaven from the height of

his pillar, Alypios had no need to travel far to find his immortal

crown on the twenty-sixth.

@SYNAX LEFT = On the same day, we commemorate our venerable father

Nikon, the Preacher of Repentance.

@SYNAX INDENT = The devil left Sparta in haste, for Nikon chased him

away with his miracles.

@SYNAX LEFT = Through the prayers of Your saints, O Christ our God,

take pity on us and save us. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE = Exapostilaria

@TONE # = (Tone 3)

@AFTR EXAPOST = O venerable father, you endured superhuman struggles

through the power of Christ, and you remained on your column in continuous

hardship for fifty-three years, O blessed Alypios. Now you have found

the most perfect of all goods.

@AFTR EXAPOST = The reliquary holding your illustrious body, O God-bearing

father Nikon, has become a spring flowing abundantly with healing

for all who draw near in faith.

@AFTR EXAPOST = O Virgin Mother of God Most High, all the angels and

archangels in their choirs sing your praises in heaven, and we on

earth glorify you with love.

@BOLD TITLE = Praises

@TONE # = (Tone 1)

4.You rejoice directly in the Object of your desires, O venerable

Nikon; you enlighten the spirits of those who celebrate your sacred

memory with faith as they assemble in your divine sanctuary, O God-bearing

and blessed father.

3.You rejoice directly.... (Repeat)

2.Imitating the zeal of the Forerunner, O blessed one, you called

out to all men: <169>Repent with your whole heart, for the kingdom

of Christ is drawing near!<170> Intercede ceaselessly before Him on

behalf of us, the faithful, who glorify you.

1.From east to west you crossed the world, enlightening it by your

preaching of repentance. The city of Sparta recognized you as another

Moses, for you drove back the Egypt of the passions by your teaching

of conversion.

v.Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

@TONE # INDENT = (Tone 6)

@AFTR PRAISES = Venerable father, the whole world is filled with the

fame of your holy deeds; through them, you have received in heaven

the recompense of your labors. You destroyed hordes of demons and

have been united to the choirs of angels, whose pure lives you imitated.

By your boldness with Christ our God, ask peace for our souls.

v.Now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

@BOLD TITLE IN = Theotokion

@AFTR THEOTOK = Comfort of the weak, consolation of the afflicted,

O Virgin Mother of God, save your Christian people: for you are peace

for the oppressed, rest for the shipwrecked, and the only protection

of believers.

@BOLD TITLE IN = or Stavrotheotokion

@AFTR STAVRO = Seeing You upon the Cross, the all-holy Mother of God

cried out to You in tears: <169>O my Son and my God, O my beloved

Son, how can you suffer this unjust Passion?<170>

@RUBRIC = Aposticha of the Octoechos.


@DATE = November 27

@FEAST TITLE = Commemoration of the Holy Great-Martyr James the Persian

@FEAST TITLE = (5th Class)


@AT "O LORD = At <169>O Lord, to You I call...<170>

@TONE # = (Tone 2)

3.Renouncing earthly delights, your noble birth, your wealth and

well-being, renouncing even your body, which was cut to pieces, you

followed Christ with joy, O holy James. Since you took part in His

sufferings in truth, you share His glory and Kingdom forever.

2.Enduring the intolerable pain of the torturers cutting off the

members of your body, O admirable witness of Christ, you courageously

trampled on the cruelty of the tyrants. As a conqueror, you received

the precious crown which you now wear, O blessed James, with the other

martyrs before the throne of your Master and Lord.

1.Through the boldness which you possess before Christ, illustrious

martyr, be the